The Level Of Evil In Our Society Is Off The Charts

What in the world has happened to our society?  Every day I scour dozens of news websites as I do research for my articles and upcoming books, and every day I am horrified by all of the evil that I encounter.  We are a deeply, deeply sick society, and more symptoms emerge with each passing day.  For example, what would cause an 18-year-old to walk into an elementary school and start gunning down young children?  When I was growing up, I never once imagined something like that could possibly ever happen in any of the public schools that I attended.  But now this sort of thing is becoming a regular occurrence in America, and the great tragedy that we witnessed on Tuesday quickly made headlines all over the nation(Read More...)

The Apocalyptic Global Food Crisis That We Were Told To Prepare For Has Already Started In 2022

There isn’t going to be enough food for everyone this year.  We have been waiting for the nightmarish global food crisis that so many have warned us about, but we don’t have to wait for it anymore because it is already here.  Millions upon millions of people around the globe will be desperately hungry tonight, but what we are experiencing right now is just the tip of the iceberg because things will be so much worse by the end of 2022.  If you don’t want to believe me, hopefully you will believe some of the experts that I quote in this article. (Read More...)

Monkeypox Spreads Like Wildfire All Across The Planet As The WHO Warns “There Will Be More Cases”

Is this going to be the next great global pandemic?  When I first wrote about this monkeypox outbreak exactly one week ago, there were just three cases and all of them were in the UK.  Now here we are just seven days later, and there are confirmed or suspected cases in 17 different countries.  If you are still not familiar with monkeypox, it has been described as a less deadly cousin of smallpox.  In the 20th century, smallpox killed more than 300 million people, and so we definitely do not want to see a smallpox outbreak ever again.  Thankfully, the death rate for monkeypox is much lower.  But it still has the potential to kill lots of people, and so hopefully authorities can find a way to contain this outbreak before it spirals out of control. (Read More...)

12 Nightmarish Economic Trends That We Should Expect To See During The 2nd Half Of 2022

If you thought that the economic news was crazy during the first half of 2022, just wait until we get to the second half.  So many of the problems that we are experiencing now are going to continue to intensify, and Americans are becoming more pessimistic about economic conditions with each passing day.  In fact, as you will see below, a whopping 85 percent of us believe that it is “very likely” or “somewhat likely” that the economy will go through a recession at some point during the next year.  Of course the truth is that if all we have to suffer through is a “recession”, we would be extremely fortunate.  Our leaders have lost control of the economy, and many of us are extremely concerned about what is coming next.  The following are 12 nightmarish economic trends that we should expect to see during the second half of 2022… (Read More...)

UTTER CARNAGE: The Stock Market Is Coming Apart Like A 20 Dollar Suit As Fear Sweeps Through Wall Street

This is starting to get really bad.  By now, you have probably heard that the stock market crashed again on Wednesday.  The carnage was immense, and the big names on Wall Street are deeply concerned about what will happen next.  But this wasn’t supposed to happen.  After falling for six weeks in a row, this was supposed to be the week when stock prices finally bounced back.  Needless to say, that isn’t what we are witnessing.  In fact, we just witnessed the worst day for the Dow since the early days of the COVID pandemic(Read More...)

Will The First Public UFO Hearing In Congress In 50 Years Help Set The Stage For A Great Delusion Of Epic Proportions?

Why have they suddenly decided to reveal so much?  For decades, a very thick cloak of secrecy has surrounded what the government really knows about UFOs, but now our politicians are talking openly about such things.  In fact, Congress just held their very first public hearing about UFOs in 50 years.  So what has changed?  If anything happens in Washington, it is usually because someone has an underlying agenda.  Could it be possible that we are being prepared for some sort of a huge revelation? (Read More...)

Your Standard Of Living Is Being Systematically Destroyed

Most Americans didn’t understand that the exceedingly foolish decisions of our leaders would eventually have a major impact on how they live their lives every single day.  But there are some of us that did.  Many of us literally begged our politicians to stop borrowing and spending trillions upon trillions of dollars that we did not have.  But they refused to listen.  And many of us literally begged the officials at the Federal Reserve to stop pumping trillions upon trillions of fresh dollars into the financial system.  Of course they wouldn’t listen to us either.  Now our standard of living is steadily being eviscerated, and most of the population seems quite surprised that this is happening. (Read More...)

Now We Are Being Told To Expect Food And Diesel Shortages For The Foreseeable Future

If you think that the food and diesel shortages are bad now, then you will be absolutely horrified by what the globe is experiencing by the end of the year.  All over the planet, food production is being crippled by an unprecedented confluence of factors.  The war in Ukraine, extremely bizarre weather patterns, nightmarish plagues and a historic fertilizer crisis have combined to create a “perfect storm” that isn’t going away any time soon.  As a result, the food that won’t be grown in 2022 will become an extremely severe global problem by the end of this calendar year.  Global wheat prices have already risen by more than 40 percent since the start of 2022, but this is just the beginning.  Meanwhile, we are facing unthinkable diesel fuel shortages in the United States this summer, and as you will see below there are “no plans” to increase refining capacity in this country for the foreseeable future. (Read More...)