We live in a society that is literally addicted to consuming media content. Unfortunately, control of that content is dominated by just a handful of ultra-powerful corporations. Back in 1983, the media industry was controlled by a group of about 50 large companies. Today, the media industry is controlled by just 6 gigantic corporations. They own television networks, streaming services, cable channels, movie studios, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, music labels and even many of our favorite websites. Sadly, most of us don’t ever stop to think about who is feeding us the endless hours of news, sports and entertainment that we constantly ingest. But we should. The truth is that each of us is tremendously influenced by the messages that are constantly being poured into our heads. We are addicted to the “programming”, and we just keep coming back for more. Most of us spend multiple hours each day consuming media content, and many of us actually begin to feel physically uncomfortable if we go too long without watching or listening to something. (Read More...)
Economic Black Hole: Here Are 25 Signs That The U.S. Economy Is Dying After 4 Years Of “Bidenomics”
The damage caused by 4 years of “Bidenomics” has been so immense that it is difficult to put it into words. Everywhere we look, the U.S. economy is rapidly deteriorating all around us, and it would literally take a major miracle to turn things around at this point. Needless to say, the condition of the economy was one of the biggest reasons why Donald Trump won the election, and he insists that he can get fix it. Now he will get his chance. But the economic challenges that he is facing in 2025 are far greater than anything that confronted him when his first term began many years ago. If Trump is able to get the U.S. economy moving in a positive direction after everything that has happened during the past 4 years, it will truly be a historic achievement. (Read More...)
11 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is Bad
Most Americans realize that the federal government is drowning in debt and that inflation is out of control. But very few Americans can coherently explain where money comes from or how our financial system actually works. For decades, bankers that we do not elect have controlled America’s currency, have run our economy into the ground, and have driven the U.S. government to the brink of bankruptcy. The Federal Reserve is an institution that was designed to drain wealth from U.S. taxpayers and transfer it to the global elite. Have you ever wondered why a sovereign nation such as the United States has to borrow United States dollars from anyone? Have you ever wondered why a sovereign nation such as the United States does not even issue its own currency? Have you ever wondered why we allow a group of unelected private bankers to run our economy? (Read More...)
Alert! Watch How This Develops Very Closely – “We Can Do It The Easy Way, Or The Hard Way”
We have reached such a pivotal moment in world history. During his time in the White House, Joe Biden brought us closer to nuclear war with Russia than ever before. If Kamala Harris had won the election, I am convinced that a nuclear war with Russia would have almost certainly happened during her term. But Donald Trump won the election instead, and now he has a historic opportunity. He can end the conflict in Ukraine and avoid a nuclear war with Russia. If he is able to do that, he will save countless lives. However, if he handles this situation with Russia badly and nuclear missiles start flying back and forth, it will be the end of America as we know it today. (Read More...)
Why Is Our Planet Getting Hit By Historic Natural Disaster After Historic Natural Disaster?
Have we become numb to the major natural disasters that are constantly happening all around us? Over the past couple of years we have been getting hit by historic natural disaster after historic natural disaster, and this week we are getting hit again. A “once-in-a-generation” blizzard is dumping enormous amounts of snow along the Gulf Coast, and new fires have suddenly erupted in southern California. Meanwhile, the other side of the planet continues to get hammered by unusual earthquakes. A steady stream of absolutely devastating disasters has become our “new normal”, and 2025 is certainly off to a blistering start. (Read More...)
Our 101 Trillion Dollar Problem: This Is The Number One Tool The Elite Use To Enslave Us
Right now, a tremendous awakening is happening as people all over the world become educated about the tools that the elite use to enslave us to their system. The number one tool that they use to enslave us is debt. The financial powers of the world use it to enslave individuals, corporations and governments. For thousands of years humanity has been taught the proverb that “the borrower is the servant of the lender”, and yet today billions of people around the globe have willingly made themselves servants of the money powers. You see, when you borrow money from a financial institution, you not only have to pay that money back, but you also have to pay a significant amount of interest. In fact, often the interest ends up being much more than the principal of the loan. Thus the borrower ends up devoting a great deal of his or her labor to earning money for the lender. Yes, there are times when it is necessary to borrow money. But what we have been doing over the last 30 years goes far beyond “necessary” borrowing. The fact that the U.S. government is now 36 trillion dollars in debt gets a lot of attention, but the truth is that state and local governments, corporations, and U.S. households have piled up enormous mountains of debt as well. (Read More...)
5 Historic Emergencies That Trump Will Be Confronted With Immediately As He Returns To The White House
Buckle up and hold on tight, because things are about to get really wild. Immediately after taking the oath of office, Donald Trump is going to be faced with incredibly difficult decisions which could have enormous implications for every man, woman and child in this country. There will be all sorts of people giving him all sorts of advice, and it won’t always be easy to distinguish the good advice from the bad advice. So let us pray that he makes his choices wisely. The following are 5 historic emergencies that Trump will be confronted with immediately as he enters the White House… (Read More...)
What Will You Do When You Can’t Buy Or Sell Anything On The Internet Without Your UN-Mandated Digital Identity Chip?
Imposing mandatory digital identification on every nation on the entire planet has become a primary goal for the global elite. It isn’t going to happen tomorrow, but eventually the plan is to get virtually everyone in the world into the system. If the global elite get their way, a time will come when you will not be able to buy or sell anything on the Internet without logging in with your UN-mandated digital identity chip. You won’t be able to go to school, get a job or open a bank account without your UN-mandated digital identity chip either. In essence, you will become a complete and utter outcast from society. (Read More...)