The Price Of Plywood Is Absolutely Ridiculous – But It Is Also A Sign Of The Times…

Would you pay $100 for a sheet of plywood?  I know that sounds absolutely crazy, but we are almost there.  The price of plywood has been soaring into the stratosphere in recent weeks, and analysts are telling us that it will remain high for the foreseeable future.  Memes about plywood have started to pop up all over social media, but this is no joking matter.  These extraordinarily high prices are causing a lot of pain in the homebuilding industry, and many Americans have had to postpone construction plans indefinitely.  Unfortunately, our national leaders continue to flood the system with even more new money, and that is going to cause even more extreme inflation in the months and years to come. (Read More...)

Farmers Warn That The Megadrought In The Western U.S. Threatens To Cause Devastating Crop Failures In 2021

Throughout U.S. history, there have always been droughts in the western half of the country from time to time, but what we are dealing with now is truly alarming.  Scientists tell us that a multi-year “megadrought” has developed in the southwestern portion of the country, and this is the worst year of that “megadrought” so far by a wide margin.  If conditions do not radically improve soon, we are going to have a major agricultural disaster on our hands.  Some farmers have already decided not to plant crops at all this year, but many others have decided to plant anyway knowing that if enough rain doesn’t come their crops will certainly fail. (Read More...)

Vast Stretches Of America Have Now Descended Into A State Of Deep Economic Hopelessness

Even though the stock market has been booming and the corporate media is full of talk about “recovery”, there are many communities in the United States where a permanent atmosphere of despair seems to hang in the air.  The federal government gives us doctored numbers that show that the national unemployment rate is low, but in small towns all across the country it seems like almost everyone is either unemployed or working extremely low paying jobs.  Earlier this month, one such town was profiled by USA Today.  Even before the COVID pandemic came along, the little town of Ogdensburg, New York was deeply struggling, but now economic conditions have become extremely dire(Read More...)

U.S. Financial Markets Have Become A Giant Mirage Built On A Foundation Of Fraud

Would you pay more than 100 million dollars for a single deli in rural New Jersey that had less than $36,000 in sales during the last two years combined?  I know that sounds like a completely ridiculous question, but the stock market apparently thinks that deli is worth that much.  On Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 34,000 for the first time in history, and investors all over the country cheered.  But this financial bubble is not real.  It is a giant mirage that is built on a foundation of fraud.  Investors have lost all touch with reality, and in this sort of euphoric environment a small deli in rural New Jersey can literally be valued at more than 100 million dollars(Read More...)

“We’re #1”: Yet Another Ignominious All-Time Record High Is Established In The Late, Great United States…

Whenever it seems like this country can’t possibly sink any lower, we always seem to find a way to top ourselves.  According to a report that was just released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis in the United States reached the highest level ever recorded in 2019.  Thanks to the popularity of Internet “dating apps”, there has been a boom in casual sex in recent years, and this has resulted in a tsunami of STD cases that is absolutely unprecedented in our history.  Needless to say, this is not a sign of a healthy society. (Read More...)

Food Prices Are Rising Aggressively, And Even The Corporate Media Is Admitting That It Is Only Going To Get Worse

Food prices are outrageous now, but they are only going to go higher.  Earlier today, I came across an NBC News article entitled “Get ready for higher grocery bills for the rest of the year”. I thought that it was strange that a piece put out by the corporate media sounded like it could have come straight from my website, because I have been sounding the alarm about higher food prices for quite some time.  Surprisingly, the NBC News article was generally right on point.  Thanks to a variety of factors, food prices have been rising aggressively, and that is going to continue for the foreseeable future. (Read More...)

Could The U.S. Could Soon Be Involved In Wars In Taiwan, Ukraine And The Middle East Simultaneously?

Warmongers are now firmly in control in Washington, and they are pushing us toward war a little bit more each day.  A military conflict with Russia, China or Iran would be a nightmare scenario, but there is also a possibility that we could end up fighting all three of them simultaneously.  Such an outcome would have been unthinkable under the Trump administration, but times have changed.  Biden administration officials have been boldly declaring that “America is back”, and they have been trying to aggressively exert U.S. influence all over the globe.  Unfortunately, the rest of the world is not as intimidated by the U.S. military as it once was. (Read More...)

Russia Has Moved Missiles That Can Carry Nuclear Warheads Into The Conflict Zone With Ukraine

How close can Russia and Ukraine come to war without actually going over the precipice?  Over the weekend, more forces on both sides continued to pour into the conflict zone.  And on the line of separation in eastern Ukraine, there are regular reports of gunfire and shelling.  At this point, there are no negotiations on the horizon, and one false move could easily spark an all-out war.  In fact, a Kremlin spokesperson is warning that we could soon see “full-scale combat operations”(Read More...)