Even stricter COVID lockdowns are coming, and they are going to be extremely devastating for the U.S. economy

Are you ready for another nightmare?  Earlier this year, the COVID lockdowns that were instituted all over the nation resulted in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s and forced more than 60 million Americans to file claims for unemployment benefits.  After seeing how well that first round of lockdowns worked, one of the “scientists” that will be telling Joe Biden what to do about this pandemic wants to do it again.  Yes, you read that correctly.  During an interview with Yahoo Finance, Dr. Michael Osterholm said that what we really need to do to get this pandemic under control is to lock the entire country down for four to six weeks(Read More...)

A 7 point plan to fix our elections

Whether you are a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent, everyone should be able to agree that this election has exposed some very serious flaws in the way that we are currently doing things.  Over the past 24 hours, I have been posting example after example of voting irregularities on The Most Important News, and this is probably the number one topic on social media right now.  When this election is finally over, there are going to be tens of millions of voters that feel like this election has been stolen from them and that will have completely lost faith in the system.  As much as some of the talking heads on television would like to believe that everything will be okay if they simply ignore the irregularities that are happening, the truth is that the vast majority of Americans can clearly see what is taking place.  It has never been more obvious that our system is deeply broken and desperately in need of major reform. (Read More...)

An election where (almost) everybody loses?

This election did not go the way that most people were anticipating.  For months, the mainstream media and many on the left insisted that the big national polls were right this time and that a Joe Biden landslide was coming.  Obviously, that did not happen.  On the other hand, many on the right kept telling us that a huge Trump landslide was coming, and that did not materialize either.  Instead, we got the very close race that I have been warning about for weeks.  I kept explaining to my readers that we would not know the winner on the night of the election, and that projection turned out to be right on the money.  At this hour, votes are still being counted in critical swing states all over the nation, and things could still go either way.  I know that the mainstream media is eager to crown Joe Biden the victor, but that hasn’t happened yet.  Trump’s campaign team still believes that the final results in Arizona and Nevada will go their way, and they are convinced that could potentially change everything.  We will just have to wait and see what happens. (Read More...)

If Trump wins, it will be the greatest political miracle in U.S. history

Four years ago, I went on national television just prior to the election and declared that if Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton it would be the greatest political miracle in the history of the United States, and that is precisely what we got.  Trump miraculously won the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin by a combined total of less than 100,000 votes, and he won the presidency even though Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by a margin of nearly 3 million.  Well, now here we are again.  Joe Biden’s lead in the national polls is even greater than the lead that Hillary Clinton had in 2016, and if Trump ends up winning it will be an even greater political miracle than we witnessed four years ago. (Read More...)

2 huge reasons why Joe Biden could lose that hardly anyone is talking about

Most people have been assuming that the big national polls have to be wrong in order for Joe Biden to lose this election.  But in this article I am going to explain why the big national polls could be 100 percent accurate and Joe Biden could still lose.  In this election, there could potentially be millions of votes that are cast by mail for Joe Biden that do not get counted.  Some mail-in ballots will not be counted because they are rejected for one reason or another, and others will not be counted because they were simply sent in too late.  As I will discuss in this article, combining those two factors together could be more than enough to deliver victory for President Trump. (Read More...)

Why President Trump should have a huge lead on the night of the election

Does that headline surprise you?  In this article, I am not predicting the eventual outcome of the presidential election.  Rather, I am going to discuss what is likely to happen based on which votes will be counted first.  Normally, Americans gather around their televisions on the evening of the election to watch the votes come in and the mainstream media declares a winner by the end of the night.  But it won’t be that way this time around.  More than 52 million Americans have already voted by mail in this election, and that number will keep rising with each passing day.  It is going to take extra time to count all of those mail-in ballots, and that is going to cause significant delays in getting final election results from many states. (Read More...)

Has the post-election stock market crash already begun?

Is this rush for the exits going to turn into a stampede?  Stock prices have been plummeting in recent days, and most of the talking heads on television have been blaming the declines on the COVID-19 pandemic.  Yes, it is true that the number of confirmed cases in the United States is spiking again, but I don’t think that alone is enough to account for what we have been witnessing.  Instead, I believe that the primary reason why stocks have been tumbling is because there is so much uncertainty about what is going to take place next week.  Investors hate uncertainty, and it appears that many of them would prefer to be on the sidelines rather than gamble on the outcome of this election. (Read More...)

How long will it take to count all the votes?

For months the American people have been told that we may not know the winner of the presidential election right away like we normally do.  So if we aren’t going to have a winner on November 3rd, when will we finally have a clear result?  Well, that is going to depend on how long it takes to count the votes, and that is going to be different for each state.  I know that is a frustrating answer, but every one of our 50 states has different election laws, and things have been greatly complicated in 2020 by the fact that so many people will be voting by mail.  So far, more than 46 million Americans have already voted by mail, and that number just keeps growing with each passing day.  Some states allow mail-in ballots to be counted before Election Day, but a majority of states do not(Read More...)