Destruction Of The Family: The U.S. Has The Highest Rate Of Children Living With A Single Parent In The Entire World

The family unit is one of the fundamental pillars of any society, and so the weaker our family units become the weaker our entire nation is going to become.  For decades, the traditional family unit has been under assault in America, and the consequences have been absolutely catastrophic.  Today, the marriage rate has dropped to levels that we have never seen before, we continue to have one of the highest divorce rates in the entire world, and more couples than ever are choosing not to get married at all.  As a result, the number of single parents has been steadily rising, and at this point the United States actually has the highest rate of children living with a single parent of any country on the entire planet.  The following comes from Pew Research(Read More...)

The Final Full Moon Of This Decade On 12/12 At Exactly 12:12 AM Is Precisely 6,666 Days From 9/11

A few days ago, hardly anyone had heard about “the 12/12 warning”, but now the Internet is buzzing with lots of speculation about what it could possibly mean.  On December 12th at exactly 12:12 AM eastern time, we witnessed the very last full moon of this entire decade.  As I detailed yesterday, there is only a 1 in 691,920 chance that the last full moon of this decade would fall on that exact minute in time.  And many have also pointed out that the individual digits of “2019” also add up to a total of 12.  You can believe that all of this is just some sort of grand coincidence if you want, but a lot of people out there are really freaking out about this. (Read More...)

Americans Are Lonely, Miserable And Depressed – The Legacy Of A Society That Has Rejected Family, Faith And Patriotism

What in the world has happened to us?  Once upon a time, America was made up of tightly-knit communities that were united by family, faith and patriotism, but now we are more isolated than ever before.  Of course one of the biggest reasons for this is the fact that we are all spending countless hours staring at screens instead of interacting with real people, and this is something that I covered in a previous article.  However, our fundamental beliefs are also significantly shaping how we behave.  For the past couple of generations, we have de-emphasized family, faith and patriotism as a nation, and instead we have become an extremely “me-centered” society that is primarily focused on doing whatever makes ourselves happy in the moment.  But this single-minded pursuit of individual happiness has resulted in much of the country being perpetually mired in loneliness, depression and/or addiction. (Read More...)

“Abuse Of Power” And “Obstructing Congress”? Is This Really The Best That The Democrats Could Come Up With?

Are you kidding me?  After weeks of hearings, endless hours of testimony and consultations with hordes of lawyers, this is all that the Democrats can come up with?  Originally, Democrats were accusing President Trump of bribery, extortion and various campaign finance violations, but the facts didn’t fit any of those crimes, and so they were abandoned.  Instead, Democrats have drafted articles of impeachment focusing on “abuse of power” and “obstructing Congress”, and if this process was not so serious there would be howls of laughter all over the nation.  I think that a bunch of five-year-old kids on a sugar high could have probably come up with something better than this.  For the Democrats, this is a failure of epic proportions, and history will not remember them kindly. (Read More...)

Only 19 Senators Are A “Firm No” Against Impeachment – And There Are Whispers Some Republicans May Turn On Trump

It has been widely assumed that the Democrats could never possibly get the votes that they need to remove Donald Trump from office in the U.S. Senate, and so therefore the outcome of this entire saga is already a foregone conclusion.  But what if that is not true?  In this article, you will see that only 19 members of the Senate are a “firm no” when it comes to impeachment, and 35 members have already publicly committed to convicting Trump.  In the end, it is going to take 67 votes to remove Trump from office, and Democrats only control 47 seats.  It was always going to be a monumental task to try to find 20 Republican members of the Senate willing to betray Trump, and it still doesn’t seem likely that we will get anywhere near that number.  But there are whispers that at least some Republicans are currently very much up in the air regarding how they will vote. (Read More...)

Is The Impeachment Effort Simply A Political Ploy To Win Votes For Democrats In 2020?

Could it be possible that Nancy Pelosi and her minions in the House of Representatives had a completely different goal than we thought this entire time?  As you will see below, the Democrats in the House plan to impeach President Trump, and it could potentially happen by the end of this month.  But there appears to be zero chance that Trump will be removed from office by the Senate, and many will consider that to be a major victory for the Republicans.  So why is Nancy Pelosi pushing ahead when she knows that this impeachment effort is going to fail?  Could it be possible that this entire drama has simply been a political ploy to win votes in November 2020? (Read More...)

24 Voices That Are Warning America About What Is Coming, And Most Of Them Are Being Censored And Persecuted

We have reached one of the most critical points in American history, and there should literally be thousands upon thousands of voices sounding the alarm about what is coming.  So where are they?  This is a question that I have been pondering quite a bit lately.  As you will see in this article, there are some wonderful people out there that have been trying to wake America up for a very long time.  Of course many of them are also being viciously attacked and systematically censored by the social media giants.  There is a price to pay for telling the truth in America today, and it is only going to get worse. (Read More...)

Hope For A U.S.-China Trade Deal Is Completely Dead, And Wall Street Is Starting To Panic

The reality of what we are now facing is starting to sink in for Wall Street investors, and they are starting to panic.  Hope that the U.S. and China would be able to agree to a trade deal had fueled a tremendous stock market rally over the last couple of months, but of course it just turned out to be a cruel mirage.  There isn’t going to be a trade deal prior to the 2020 presidential election, and at this point even President Trump is telling us not to expect one before November 2020.  Just check out what he told the press on Tuesday(Read More...)