We Are Witnessing One Of The Greatest Financial Market Crashes In History Right Now

History is starting to repeat itself.  In 2008, bond prices crashed before stock prices did.  Here in 2023, bond prices are crashing again.  In fact, we are currently witnessing one of the greatest financial crashes in U.S. history at this moment.  Of course most Americans have absolutely no idea that this is happening.  Most Americans don’t know anything about the bond crash that is causing a tremendous amount of fear in the financial community right now, and that is because the big news networks aren’t talking about it too much.  But it is serious.  Since the peak of the market, 10 year bonds are down 46 percent and 30 year bonds are down 53 percent(Read More...)

We Have Reached The Terminal Phase Of The Greatest Debt Spiral In The History Of The Human Race

If you are going to go out, you might as well do it with a bang.  At the beginning of June, our national debt was sitting at $31,467,639,287,894.39.  Today, it has risen to $33,442,148,619,617.43.  That means that we have added almost two trillion dollars to the national debt in just three months.  It is the largest single debt in the entire history of our planet, and it will never be paid off.  Our debt spiral has reached a terminal phase, and all we can do now is prolong the agony.  If we keep taking on more debt at an exponential rate, we may be able to extend our seemingly endless party for a little while longer.  As for the bright future that our children and grandchildren were supposed to have, we destroyed that a long time ago, and so it doesn’t really matter what we do now. (Read More...)

Blue Cities Are Being Terrorized By Carjackers, Pirates, Looters, Serial Shoplifters And “Transnational Gangs”

Many of our largest cities simply aren’t safe anymore.  A relentless crime wave is terrorizing citizens from coast to coast, and it has gotten to a point where many people are literally afraid to walk outside of their own homes.  Of course conditions are the worst in blue cities.  In fact, every example that I am going to share with you in this article comes from an area that is being run by liberals.  Our once great cities are being systematically destroyed, and our politicians are unwilling to do what is necessary to turn things around. (Read More...)

Is China Pre-Positioning Vast Numbers Of Soldiers, Spies and Saboteurs In U.S. Communities For The Coming War?

There has been a dramatic spike in the number of Chinese nationals that are coming across our borders.  The vast majority of them are men, and the vast majority of those men are of military age.  Most of the time, when these men are intercepted by U.S. officials they claim that they have come to apply for asylum in the United States.  Of course they know that their court dates will be set far into the future because our system is being absolutely overwhelmed by asylum seekers right now.  As they wait for their court dates, most of them are released into the United States and are permitted to go wherever they want.  So what this means is that thousands upon thousands of Chinese men of military age have been allowed into this country, and we don’t know where they are or what they are doing. (Read More...)

2 Very Ominous Events That Are Going To Happen This Week

You only practice for something if you think that there is a decent chance that it will actually happen.  This week, two “tests” will be conducted that sound rather ominous.  The first of these “tests” will happen in Russia on Tuesday.  Vladimir Putin has ordered the very first “nationwide nuclear attack exercise” in the entire history of his country, and that is making headlines all over the globe(Read More...)

Homes Are “Unaffordable” In 99 Percent Of U.S. Counties

If you are looking to buy a home right now, I feel so sorry for you.  The other day when I wrote that “life in America has never been more unaffordable than it is right now”, some people thought that I was exaggerating.  But the truth is that I was not exaggerating one bit.  The cost of living has risen to extremely painful levels, and this is particularly true when it comes to housing.  Since 2019, the median price of a home in the United States has risen by more than $100,000.  And thanks to the Federal Reserve, we are now facing dramatically higher interest rates.  As a result, housing has become extraordinarily unaffordable.  In fact, a new report that was just released determined that homes are currently “unaffordable” in 99 percent of U.S. counties(Read More...)

10 Numbers Which Prove That The U.S. Economy Has Hit A Major Pivot Point

During the summer, many of the experts repeatedly assured us that the U.S. economy would be able to avoid a recession, but now reality is setting in.  Credit conditions continue to tighten, home sales are falling, credit card losses are exploding, stores are closing all over the country, and the number of bankruptcies is rising to very alarming levels.  Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to become more and more suffocating.  If you have a gut feeling that very hard times are on the horizon, you are definitely not alone.  As you will see below, a staggering 71 percent of all Americans currently believe that America is on the wrong track, and our economy is one of the biggest reasons why they feel this way.  The following are 10 numbers which prove that the U.S. economy has hit a major pivot point… (Read More...)

Life In America Has Never Been More Unaffordable Than It Is Right Now

Our standard of living is being systematically destroyed, but for a lot of years many Americans didn’t fully understand what was taking place because it was happening so slowly.  But now we have reached a stage where the purchasing power of our money is collapsing and the cost of living has become exceedingly painful.  Thanks to our rapidly rising cost of living, the middle class is becoming “the impoverished class”, and the poor are increasingly being pushed out into the streets.  If we do not find a way to turn these trends around, it won’t be too long before we have tremendous societal turmoil on our hands. (Read More...)