The Other Side Of Christmas

For some Americans this past Christmas represented the best of times. They drove their imported cars out to the big box stores where they bought cheap plastic imported goods from China to give to their family members as they huddled in the spacious family rooms of their McMansions. But for millions of other Americans this … Read more

Home Security

When the U.S. economy collapses and food and supplies are hard to find, you don’t want criminals breaking into your home and taking what you and your family have worked so hard to store up.  Having a good home security system is becoming more important then ever before….

Emergency Food

If the U.S. economy totally collapsed and you were not able to rely on Wal-Mart and your local supermarkets for food, what would you and your family do? Do you have a backup plan? Or would you and your family go without food? Hard times are coming. Now is the time to store up plenty … Read more