Our economy runs on credit, and our banks are the beating heart of that system. Without healthy banks, how would Americans buy homes, purchase vehicles or get credit cards? The way that our system is currently constructed, it is absolutely imperative for our banks to function properly. Unfortunately, the truth is that our banks have gotten into deep financial trouble. They are sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars in unrealized losses, and the primary reason why those losses have become so large is because we have witnessed a historic bond market crash over the past several years… (Read More...)
Americans Are Absolutely Drowning In Debt, And This Really Is The Worst Debt Crisis In All Of U.S. History
I truly wish that headline was an exaggeration. Unfortunately, for decades Americans have been extremely irresponsible with their finances. As a result, credit card debt is at an all-time high, auto loan debt is at an all-time high, mortgage debt is at an all-time high, corporate debt is at an all-time high, state and local governments all over the nation continue to get into absurd amounts of debt, and the federal government has piled up the single largest mountain of debt in the history of the world. Our whole society is absolutely drowning in debt at this stage, and the only way out is for the entire system to collapse. (Read More...)
Why Are Online Banking Services Suddenly Being Disrupted On A Massive Scale All Over The United States?
Should we be concerned about all of the problems that are suddenly erupting at our banks? U.S. banks have been shutting down hundreds of branches, they have been laying off thousands of workers, and as I discussed yesterday vast numbers of customer accounts are being unceremoniously shut down without any warning whatsoever. If all of that wasn’t bad enough, now endless “glitches” are plaguing our banking system. For example, the glitch that caused paychecks not to be deposited at many banks on Friday still has not been fully resolved… (Read More...)
It Appears That We Have A Major Problem With The Banks
In recent weeks there have been numerous high profile bank “glitches”, accounts are being shut down without warning at a staggering rate all over the nation, and more institutions continue to get into very serious financial trouble. For a while, I was ignoring some of these reports because I thought they were isolated issues. But when you step back and take a bigger picture view of things, it really does appear that we have a major problem with the banks. (Read More...)
This Is Now A Two Front War
Over the past few days, there has been a tremendous amount of speculation about whether or not the conflict in the Middle East will soon become a two front war. But the truth is that there shouldn’t be any speculation at all. As you will see below, the conflict in the Middle East has already become a two front war. The IDF and Hezbollah have already been exchanging fire day after day, and Hezbollah just conducted “19 simultaneous strikes on Israeli army positions on Thursday”… (Read More...)
The Global Explosion Of Hate Is Yet Another Sign That We Really Are Living In The End Times
What we are witnessing is truly frightening. In my entire lifetime, I have never seen as much hate as I have over the past few weeks. It is almost as if a very large chunk of the global population has suddenly gone mad. But of course all of this hate did not come out of a vacuum. It has been simmering for many years, and now the war in the Middle East has brought it to the surface. Humans were created to love and to be loved, and so if you find yourself consumed with hatred you are part of the problem. Of course we knew that this global explosion of hate would be coming. The Bible warns us repeatedly about what the condition of humanity will be like in the end times. One example of this can be found in Matthew chapter 24… (Read More...)
Living Paycheck To Paycheck Has Become “The Main Financial Lifestyle” For U.S. Consumers
Despite the fact that our politicians in Washington have been borrowing and spending trillions of dollars that we do not have in a desperate attempt to prop up the economy, living paycheck to paycheck has become a permanent lifestyle for most Americans. In other words, well over half of the country is literally living on the brink of financial disaster. When you are living paycheck to paycheck, there is no room for error. A job loss, a business failure or a medical emergency can mean complete and utter financial ruin if you don’t have a cushion to fall back on. That is why the results of a brand new survey are so alarming. According to a report that was just released by LendingClub, 62 percent of all U.S. adults were living paycheck to paycheck last month… (Read More...)
This War Will Push Rapidly Escalating Global Food Prices Into Overdrive
The only way that we can continue to have cheap food is if we have cheap energy. We use energy to grow our food, to harvest our food, to produce our food and to package our food. And transporting all of that food from the farm to the factory and then to the stores takes lots of energy. Of course it isn’t just our food supply that depends upon cheap energy. Ultimately, our entire way of life is predicated on a cheap energy paradigm. If you take cheap energy away, everything changes. (Read More...)