Into The Abyss We Go…

Why won’t our politicians ever listen?  Just two days after voters made it exceedingly clear that they hate mandates, the Biden administration has announced that the nationwide OSHA mandate will go into effect on January 4th.  Are Biden and his minions this dense, or do they just not care what the American people think?  It has been estimated that the new OSHA mandate will cover approximately 80 million Americans, and it could potentially result in millions of highly qualified workers losing their jobs in early 2022. (Read More...)

All Of The Talking Heads On Television Are Wrong About Why The Democrats Lost Virginia

The corporate media seemed absolutely shocked by what happened on Tuesday night.  But I was not shocked one bit.  In fact, anyone with any common sense at all should have seen it coming.  Sadly, none of the talking heads on television that I saw were willing to admit why the Democrats really lost Virginia.  Some of the analysts said things that were true, but none of them addressed the main issue.  For example, CNN’s Van Jones admitted that Democrats “are coming across as annoying and offensive”, and that was certainly a truthful statement.  But that isn’t why Democrats lost.  Ultimately, the real reason why they lost in a state where they usually win is incredibly simple. (Read More...)

As Global Food Prices Spiral Out Of Control, Panic Buying Of Food Will Become Increasingly Common

Even in the best of years we struggle to feed everyone in the world, and the last two years have definitely not been the best of years.  Global weather patterns have gone completely nuts, major natural disasters are happening with alarming frequency, and the COVID pandemic has played havoc with supply chains all over the world.  As a result, food prices have been absolutely soaring.  In fact, the UN is telling us that global food prices were up 40 percent in the 15 months ending in June… (Read More...)

Just In Time For The Holidays, The Biggest Mandate Of All Is About To Go Into Effect…

What a joyful time of the year this is going to be for the countless families that are about to experience a job loss.  You would think that Joe Biden’s rapidly plunging poll numbers would cause him to rethink his absurd mandates, but that hasn’t happened.  Instead, he is has chosen to stubbornly move forward, and the consequences are going to be absolutely disastrous.  Earlier today, I watched a heartbreaking video of a pandemic hero being marched out of a hospital in California because her religious exemption was denied.  She admits that she could soon lose her house as a result, but freedom is more important to her.  Sadly, similar scenes are about to be repeated over and over again all across the country, because the biggest mandate of them all is about to be implemented.  According to the senior White House correspondent for CBS News, it appears that the OSHA mandate will go into effect in just a few days(Read More...)

In 2022, “Things Aren’t Gonna Get Done” On An Absolutely Massive Scale

Are we about to witness one of the greatest self-inflicted economic wounds in history?  Vaccine mandate deadlines are starting to arrive, and large numbers of very qualified people are losing their jobs as a result.  Of course this comes at a very bad time, because we are already in the midst of the most epic worker shortage in U.S. history.  Despite the biggest hiring push that I have ever seen in my entire lifetime, businesses all over America are still desperate for workers.  The funny thing is that lots of available workers should theoretically be out there somewhere.  The number of Americans that are currently working is still about five million less than the peak that was hit just before the pandemic arrived.  So where did all of those missing workers go?  That is a question that we desperately need an answer for, because millions of workers seem to have evaporated from the system.  Now the vaccine mandates are going to make things far worse, because millions of Americans that are actually good at their jobs are going to be ruthlessly terminated, and finding replacements for them is going to be exceedingly difficult. (Read More...)

You Better Wake Up, Because The Shortages Are Getting A Lot Worse

A lot of people aren’t going to want to hear this.  There are a lot of people out there that just want to hear that the future is going to be filled with rainbows, lollipops and unicorns, but that isn’t the truth.  Months ago, I warned my readers that the global chip shortage wasn’t going to end any time soon and that it would deeply affect thousands of other industries, and that is precisely what is happening right now.  Industry after industry is deeply hurting, and a lot of executives are really starting to freak out.  Earlier this year, many among the blind optimists assured us that the chip shortage would be resolved by the end of 2021, but obviously that has not happened.  In fact, the corporate media is now telling us that it is getting even worse.  For example, the following comes from a Wall Street Journal article entitled “Global Chip Shortage ‘Is Far From Over’ as Wait Times Get Longer”(Read More...)

What Will It Mean For The Global Economy When The Price Of Oil Soars To $200 Per Barrel?

If you haven’t been paying attention, you will want to start watching the price of oil again.  Just before the financial crisis of 2008, the price of oil briefly shot up to 140 dollars a barrel, and experts agree that a very high price for oil would definitely unsettle financial markets now.  Unfortunately, it appears to be inevitable that the price of oil will go much higher.  Large financial institutions have become extremely hesitant to fund any projects that would “pollute the environment”, and governments around the world have made it extremely difficult for those that produce traditional forms of energy to expand operations.  Globally, there is a major push to bring in “the new green economy”, but “the new green economy” cannot provide the energy that we need.  Meanwhile, the demand for energy continues to grow all over the globe on a daily basis.  What this means is that all forms of traditional energy are going to become a lot more expensive. (Read More...)

The CEO Of Blackstone Is Warning That “A Real Shortage Of Energy” Will Cause Social Unrest All Over The Planet

We are facing an unprecedented global energy crunch.  Demand for energy is continually rising, and the production of energy is not keeping pace.  One of the biggest reasons for this is that large financial institutions have become extremely hesitant to fund any new energy projects that will add more carbon emissions to the environment.  Instead, they want to fund projects that will help us transition to the new “green economy”, but meanwhile we are getting to a point where we will soon see widespread shortages of traditional forms of energy.  So now we all get to suffer.  A lack of oil is pushing the price of gasoline to alarming heights, shortages of natural gas are already causing tremendous disruptions in Asia and Europe, we are being told that we are facing a propane “armageddon” this winter, and supplies of coal have dropped to dangerously low levels around the world. (Read More...)