Something Really Evil Is Happening In Ukraine

How can we figure out exactly what is going on in Ukraine when literally everybody is lying?  Anyone that willingly embraces the propaganda that is being put out by either side without questioning it is simply not being rational.  At a time like this, we must think for ourselves and we must come to our own conclusions.  And we should be doing whatever we can to stop a global war from starting.  For years, I have been warning that the United States and Russia were heading toward war, and now we are almost there.  If we can’t stop it from happening, tens of millions of people could die, and so the stakes are incredibly high. (Read More...)

Is The Red Horse Getting Ready To Ride In Ukraine?

It has become exceedingly clear that there will be war in Ukraine.  In fact, some would argue that the war has already begun.  On Wednesday evening, widespread artillery bombardment of Donetsk and Luhansk started, and it hasn’t stopped since.  It is being called “the most intense artillery bombardment for years”, and it should be making front page headlines all over the globe.  According to one diplomatic source, “everyone and everything” is being targeted… (Read More...)

SOMEBODY Must Really Want A War In Ukraine, And We Should Remember That Both Previous World Wars Were Sparked In Eastern Europe

Well, that sure escalated quickly.  Early on Wednesday, it was being reported that Russia was moving forces away from the Ukrainian border and that both sides would try to give diplomatic talks another chance.  But somebody out there must not have been too pleased with that, because by Wednesday evening everything had changed.  The Ukrainian military and the separatists in eastern Ukraine started shelling one another relentlessly, and according to the latest information that I have been able to find it is still going on as I write this article.  In previous articles, I have expressed my opinion that war in Ukraine will not begin this month, but it appears that somebody out there is trying to get it going as soon as possible. (Read More...)

5 New Numbers That Prove That America’s Horrifying Inflation Crisis Is Getting Even Worse

If you are less than 40 years old, you have never seen inflation like this in the United States.  Despite all the warnings, our politicians in Washington just kept borrowing and spending trillions upon trillions of dollars that we did not have.  And despite all the warnings, the Federal Reserve just kept pumping trillions of fresh dollars into the financial system.  Now we have a giant mess on our hands, and anyone that believes that this is going to be easily fixed is simply being delusional. (Read More...)

Walmart Has Started Putting Steaks Inside “Locked Metal Cages” To Keep Shoplifters From Taking Them

Has it really come to this?  We all knew that shoplifting was getting really bad all over the nation, but does Walmart really need to start locking up the steaks?  I was stunned when I first learned that pharmacies in our core urban areas were locking up toothpaste and deodorant, but I didn’t think that we were already at a point where supermarkets would start locking up the food.  I don’t know about you, but to me this is an extremely chilling omen(Read More...)

World War 3 This Week? Now We Are Being Told That Russia Could Invade Ukraine “On Wednesday”

Are you ready for war?  After four years of peace with Russia under President Trump, it has taken Joe Biden and his all-star team of warmongers just over a year to get us to the brink of World War 3.  Americans have grown accustomed to wars that only have consequences on the other side of the world, but a war with Russia would be completely different.  Russia is not Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya.  The Russians can fight back, and they would not be afraid to fight dirty.  If the American people truly understood what was at stake, they would be flooding the streets in protest right now.  One of the things that history has taught us is that you don’t mess with the Russians, and every empire that has tried has ended up paying a very great price.  Unfortunately, the Biden administration seems absolutely determined to drag us into a conflict that won’t have any winners. (Read More...)

Is The Real Rate Of Inflation More Than Twice As High As The Number We Were Just Given?

I warned you that inflation was going to get worse.  On Thursday, we learned that the consumer price index was 7.5 percent higher in January than it was a year ago.  We are being told that this was the highest reading since February 1982, and that sounds really bad.  But it isn’t exactly honest, because the truth is that the way the inflation rate is calculated has been changed more than two dozen times since 1980.  So if we are going to compare the rate of inflation today to historical numbers, we should actually be doing an apples to apples comparison. (Read More...)

Now The Mainstream Media Is Telling Us That “More Trouble Is Ahead” For the U.S. Economy

The last couple of years have not been pleasant, and so nobody wants to hear that more trouble is ahead for the U.S. economy.  Unfortunately, that is precisely what the mainstream media is telling us right now.  A year ago, so many of the talking heads on television were assuring us that a new golden era of prosperity was right around the corner, but of course that wasn’t true at all.  The dismal performance of the economy has been mirrored by Joe Biden’s rapidly declining approval numbers, and at this point there is a tremendous amount of pessimism about the remainder of 2022. (Read More...)