Business Leaders Are Begging Biden Not To Crash The Economy

Is Joe Biden about to apply the finishing blow to the U.S. economy?  If you don’t understand what I am talking about, just keep reading.  Somehow it seems appropriate that “the Grim Creeper” is in charge during the dying days of the U.S. economic system.  The U.S. dollar is being systematically destroyed, there are significant shortages all over the nation, a horrifying global energy crisis has suddenly erupted, and we are facing the most epic shortage of workers in our entire history.  As a result of the worker shortage, thousands upon thousands of very basic tasks that need to get done in order for our economy to run smoothly simply aren’t getting done.  This is one of the reasons why we are now facing the worst supply chain headaches that any of us have ever seen, and it is in this environment that Biden has chosen to deliver the coup de grâce. (Read More...)

Is It Time To Start Talking About Hyperinflation?

Our leaders have been creating, borrowing and spending dollars at a pace that is far beyond anything that we have ever seen before in U.S. history, and yet they would have us believe that the terrible inflation that they have created is just “temporary”.  They must think that we are really stupid or really gullible (or both), because anyone with even a shred of common sense can see that this is going to end badly.  I have been warning about this for years, and many others have also been sounding the alarm for a very long time.  But at this point, you don’t have to be any sort of an “expert” to see what is happening.  In fact, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey just posted a tweet on his official account warning that “hyperinflation” is coming(Read More...)

This Winter, We Could Potentially Be Facing Simultaneous Shortages Of Oil, Natural Gas, Propane And Coal

I realize that the headline that I have chosen for this article may sound a bit wild to many of you, but keep reading because what we are potentially facing is extremely serious.  Right now, we are already in the midst of an epic global energy crisis.  There have already been significant power outages all over the planet, and prices are spiking at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking.  With each passing day, it seems like supplies of oil, natural gas, propane and coal just keep getting tighter, and what is really odd is that it is happening so early in the year.  Summer just ended a few weeks ago, and the heart of winter in the northern hemisphere is still several months away.  So if things are this bad already, what are things going to look like when we get into January and February? (Read More...)

Our Epic Supply Chain Crisis Just Hit Another Level, And Biden Is Considering Calling In The National Guard To Help

It is the month of October, and right now many Americans are more scared by the state of our national supply chains than by anything else.  Some of the things that I am going to share with you in this article are truly frightening, and I would very much encourage you to take them seriously.  Our economic infrastructure is failing on a massive scale, and officials are openly admitting that things will get even worse in the months ahead.  We are in uncharted territory, because none of us has ever seen anything like this before.  If our leaders cannot get this fixed, 2022 is going to be a truly nightmarish year. (Read More...)

Now We Are Being Warned That A “Recession” Could Be Coming During The “Dark Winter” That Is Ahead

We are just coming out of “the COVID recession”, and now we are being told that another recession could be just around the corner.  Thanks to overly harsh pandemic restrictions, widespread shortages and millions of workers that appear to have disappeared from the system somehow, economic activity is slowing down once again.  We just learned that U.S. industrial production has fallen for a second month in a row, and the production of motor vehicles and parts is falling at a pace that is extremely alarming.  After adding trillions upon trillions of dollars to the national debt, all our politicians were able to buy us was a short-term economic sugar high and rampant inflation.  I hope that you enjoyed the sugar high while you could, because the months ahead are looking rather bleak indeed. (Read More...)

Goodbye Middle Class: 50 Percent Of All U.S. Workers Made $34,612.04 Or Less Last Year

If we keep going down this path, soon we won’t have much of a “middle class” at all.  When I first started writing about the economy many years ago, I often wrote about the tens of millions of “working poor” Americans that were enduring so many hardships.  But at this point most of the nation now falls into the “working poor” category.  That isn’t because wages haven’t been going up.  Little by little, wages have been incrementally rising year after year, but meanwhile the cost of living has been absolutely soaring.  Paychecks have not even come close to keeping up with inflation, and this has been eviscerating the middle class.  Today, the majority of the country is in constant “survival mode” financially, and that isn’t going to change any time soon. (Read More...)

Beef Will Now Be A “Luxury Product”, And Cheap Chicken Dinners “Are Coming To An End”

The “reset economy” is coming, and it isn’t going to be very pleasant.  Rather than viewing the economic chaos caused by the pandemic as a negative thing, many among the worldwide elite consider it to be a golden opportunity to fundamentally transform the global economy according to their values.  As they radically reshape our economic system, one of their primary goals will be to make any products that are “bad for the environment” cost a lot more.  In other words, behaviors that produce a lot of carbon emissions must be punished.  That is particularly bad news for those that love to eat a lot of meat, because the production of meat is considered to be particularly “harmful” for the environment. (Read More...)

As The Global Energy Crisis Explodes, They Are Warning That Heating Bills Will Be Extremely Painful This Winter

Whether you like it or not, a major global energy crisis is here, and it is going to hit all of us right in the wallet.  Today, markets for energy are truly global, and that means that price spikes in one part of the planet will inevitably filter elsewhere.  For example, a lot of natural gas that is produced in the United States is now heading for Europe, and that is pushing up prices here.  As energy supplies get tighter and tighter, power bills are going to go higher and higher.  In fact, the U.S. government is now warning American citizens to expect heating bills to rise more than 50 percent this winter.  Needless to say, a lot of families out there simply cannot afford that. (Read More...)