They Refuse To Believe The Truth Even When It Is Right In Front Of Their Eyes

Truth is often stranger than fiction, and some people will never accept the truth no matter how much evidence you show them.  In this article, I am going to discuss two brand new discoveries that are radically shaking up how scientists view human history.  Many of the experts are having a really tough time explaining these new discoveries, because they seem to directly contradict long established narratives that have been taught as “truth” to young students for decades.  Unfortunately, we live at a time when narratives have become more important than facts, and scientific authorities have shown that they will go to great lengths to ensure that their most important narratives are carefully preserved. (Read More...)

Do You Want To Know The Truth? Infrastructure All Over America Is Crumbling At A Frightening Pace

The great tragedy that we just witnessed in Florida has shocked the entire nation, and it should be a major wake up call for all of us.  Our nation really is literally falling apart right in front of our eyes.  Just a few short months ago, at least 151 people died during a catastrophic failure of the power grid in Texas.  Thousands of water pipes burst, and billions of dollars worth of damage was done.  But most people that don’t live in Texas soon forgot all about that, and now we have another spectacular example of the rapid deterioration of the once beautiful cities that previous generations handed down to us.  According to the latest report that I have seen, nearly 100 people are still missing, and officials say that they are hearing “sounds like banging” coming from the wreckage… (Read More...)

They Are Gaslighting Us! Nightmarish Inflation Is Already Here But The Fed Is Denying That It Even Exists

They would like us to believe that what we can see happening right in front of our eyes is not actually real.  Over the past year, our politicians in Washington have gone on the largest spending binge in U.S. history by a very wide margin, and the Federal Reserve has created the most enormous financial bubble of all time by pumping trillions upon trillions of fresh dollars into the financial markets.  Of course this was going to cause very painful inflation, and prices are rising very aggressively all around us.  But Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and other leaders in Washington are trying to convince us that even though they added all of this money to the system it has hardly affected the overall rate of inflation at all.  They are “gaslighting” us, and it is absolutely infuriating. (Read More...)

Why Are Large Numbers Of Birds Suddenly Dropping Dead In Multiple U.S. States?

As if we didn’t have enough weird things going on, now birds are suddenly dropping dead in large numbers all across the eastern half of the country.  Before they die, a lot of these birds are exhibiting very strange symptoms.  Experts are telling us that in many cases birds are developing “crusty or puffy eyes”, and often they appear to go completely blind.  In addition, quite a few of these dying birds lose their ability to stay balanced, and we are being told that some even seem to be having “seizures”.  If scientists understood what was causing this to happen, that would be one thing.  But at this point they have no idea why this is taking place, and that is quite alarming. (Read More...)

On The Mean Streets Of America, The Gun Battles Never Seem To End…

Did you know that 296 mass shootings have happened in the United States this year?  Needless to say, the vast majority of the mass shootings are taking place in our core urban areas, and at this point many of our largest cities are becoming open war zones.  We desperately need more law enforcement officers on the streets, and as I wrote about yesterday, even some of our most liberal cities are now racing to “re-fund” the police.  Crime rates spiked dramatically all over the nation in 2020, and they are skyrocketing even higher in 2021.  But if you think that things have been bad so far, just wait, because we are being warned that “a bloody summer” is on the way… (Read More...)

On The Verge Of The Unthinkable

Over the past couple of years we have become accustomed to expecting the unexpected, but soon we many have to start anticipating the unthinkable.  In this article, I am going to be discussing a couple of potential scenarios that would have been unimaginable to the vast majority of Americans just a few short years ago.  Unfortunately, our world is now changing at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking, and many things that were once “unimaginable” could soon become reality. (Read More...)

We Should Be Shocked By What Inflation Is Doing To Home Prices, Because We Have Never Seen This Before

If you are shopping for a home right now, I really do feel sorry for you.  Home prices in many areas of the country have officially crossed the line into “absurd” territory, and they just keep going higher.  Thanks to wild spending by the federal government and the economic malpractice that has been happening at the Federal Reserve, we now have way too many dollars chasing way too few goods and services.  Inflation is showing up in every sector of our economy, but it is not showing up equally in all sectors.  One area where inflation threatens to spiral completely out of control is in home prices.  Right now we are seeing the wildest bidding wars in U.S. history, and in many, many cases buyers end up paying way over listing price. (Read More...)

Many U.S. Cities Are Already Starting To Resemble Post-Apocalyptic Cesspools As America’s Collapse Accelerates

For a moment, I would like you to take an imaginary tour of a major U.S. city with me, and I would like for you to try to guess which city I am talking about.  As you stroll along the sidewalks in the heart of this city, it seems like tents have been erected everywhere.  Homelessness is completely and utterly out of control in this particular city, and even though city officials keep making more promises the crisis just continues to get worse.  As you continue your tour, you notice multiple addicts doing drugs right in front of you.  Drug needles, human waste and other trash are strewn all over the place, and you wonder why nobody from the city has cleaned up the mess.  All of this filth has created a stench that is overpowering at times, and you try not to gag.  As you travel deeper into the urban core of this city, you are shocked to see two men with guns carjack a woman a couple of blocks away.  Not wanting to get involved, you abruptly change direction.  You are startled when a couple of addicts that look like they were pulled straight out of a zombie movie start asking you for money, and you begin instinctively walking faster without even thinking about it.  Unfortunately, you have stumbled into an alley that you should never have gone down, and you now find yourself completely surrounded by curious street people.  You try to make a break for it, but it is too late. (Read More...)