Does Anyone Even Care That The U.S. National Debt Will Soon Cross The 30 Trillion Dollar Mark?

I didn’t think that this would happen.  A few years ago when the U.S. national debt crossed the 20 trillion dollar mark, I didn’t think that it would ever get to 30 trillion.  But at this moment the U.S. national debt is around 28 trillion dollars, and our politicians in Washington are about to pass a 1.9 trillion dollar “relief bill”.  We are going to have to borrow every single dollar that we spend in that bill, and that will be on top of all of the “normal” borrowing that we are already doing.  So by the end of 2021, the U.S. national debt will cross the 30 trillion dollar mark.  I am sitting here searching for words that will do justice to how foolish this is, but I can’t seem to find any.  We are literally in the process of committing national financial suicide, but fewer Americans seem to care about budget issues than ever before. (Read More...)

The Quality Of Life In The United States Is Going Down The Toilet

Is the quality of life in America getting better, or is it getting worse?  Americans certainly have a lot more “money” than they did when I was a kid, but that doesn’t mean much because the U.S. dollar has only a fraction of the value that it did back then.  And without a doubt our electronic devices have become much more advanced, but that doesn’t mean that we are happier.  In fact, everywhere I look people seem to be deeply unhappy.  It is rare to see someone actually smiling in public, but of course there is a good reason for that.  If you smile too much, someone might accuse you of being creepy.  As Americans, we are being trained to not express emotions and to keep to ourselves.  Being friendly is considered to be “suspicious”, if you tell a joke there is a very good chance that you will deeply offend someone, and if you express strong opinions you might just get “canceled”. (Read More...)

The Global Inflation Nightmare That You Have Been Warned About Is Here

If you thought that authorities all over the planet could print, borrow and spend money like there was no tomorrow without any consequences, you were being delusional.  Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, we have witnessed the greatest monetary binge in world history.  Of course that was going to cause enormous problems.  Of course that was going to cause nightmarish inflation.  Anyone with an ounce of common sense should have been able to see that.  When the value of money is tied to nothing, “more money” is always such a tempting solution for those in power.  But as history has demonstrated over and over again, going down that path almost always leads to tragedy. (Read More...)

We Are Witnessing A Last Minute Mass Exodus Before The Final Collapse Of Our Major Cities

Americans fled the big cities “in droves” in 2020, and one recent survey discovered that even more Americans are planning to move in 2021.  The corporate media is attempting to frame this mass exodus as a temporary phenomenon, but there is nothing temporary about it.  Millions upon millions of people can see that our society is literally melting down all around us, and they want to get somewhere safe while they still can.  In recent weeks, I have written articles about the specific problems that we are witnessing in Chicago and San Francisco, but the truth is that virtually all of our major cities are coming apart at the seams, and this is motivating more people than ever to seek greener pastures. (Read More...)

Eviction Moratorium Ruled Unconstitutional, Largest Tsunami Of Evictions In U.S. History Incoming…

Ever since last summer, a federal moratorium on evictions has prevented landlords from evicting millions of tenants that are behind on their rent payments.  This moratorium has caused extreme financial distress for many landlords, but it has also kept us from witnessing millions upon millions of Americans being thrown out into the cold streets.  Of course this moratorium on evictions was never actually legal, and it was just a matter of time before it was challenged in front of a federal judge that still had respect for the U.S. Constitution.  On Thursday, a federal judge in the Eastern District of Texas named John Campbell Barker ruled that the federal moratorium is completely unconstitutional(Read More...)

Has The Great Shaking Of The Financial Markets Finally Begun?

A whole host of prominent voices have been warning that volatility and chaos would be returning to Wall Street, and that is precisely what has happened.  But is this just a temporary blip, or has the great shaking of the financial markets finally begun?  Many stock market investors are very much hoping for the former, because the pain is already becoming quite severe.  The Nasdaq has fallen more than 5 percent this week, and it is headed for its second consecutive weekly loss.  But the bond market has actually been making even bigger news.  On Thursday, the yield on 10-year U.S. Treasuries actually exceeded 1.6% at one point, and that was the highest level that we have seen in quite a long time.  Some pundits are calling what just took place a “flash crash”, but it certainly appears that yields could move even higher in the days ahead. (Read More...)

Chicago Has Become A Rotting, Decaying, Crime-Ridden Hellhole – And The Rest Of America Will Soon Follow

I don’t know why anyone would want to live in Chicago at this point.  According to the latest estimate that I could find, “over 117,000 gang members” currently live in the city, and there is so much violence that it regularly makes headlines all over the globe.  Some of the wealthy areas of Chicago still look nice, but many communities have been transformed into something straight out of a war zone.  Large churches, hospitals and factories that were once so beautiful are now rotting and decaying all over the city, and a vibrant open air drug market scares customers away from local businesses.  Sadly, the truth is that the entire country is going down the exact same path that Chicago has gone. (Read More...)

The “Everything Collapse” Continues: One-Third Of All Freshwater Fish Are Facing Extinction

It isn’t just the economy that is collapsing.  We live at a time when our entire planet and all of the systems that it supports are in the process of failing.  There are many out there that believe that if we can just reduce global temperatures a bit that everything will be just fine, but that is a complete and utter fantasy.  The truth is that everything is collapsing because of our self-destructive behavior, and we won’t be altering that self-destructive behavior any time soon.  There are others that are in a state of denial about what is happening, and they continue to promote the fairytale that everything is going to be just wonderful and that a new golden era of prosperity for humanity is right around the corner.  You have to be quite delusional to believe that sort of a narrative, but there are plenty of people that do. (Read More...)