Guess Which Side The Corporate Media Is Taking In The GameStop Story…

You would think that a plucky group of Internet rebels standing up to a bunch of notorious hedge funds and short sellers would be a story that even the mainstream media should be able to get right, but apparently that is not the case.  As you will see below, the corporate-controlled media is attempting to convince all of us that the hedge funds and the short sellers are actually “the good guys” and that the “Reddit army” that is taking them on is a bunch of dangerous insurrectionists that are a threat to the entire system.  Of course I suppose that it shouldn’t be a surprise that the corporate-controlled media is standing up for the establishment, because the establishment showers them with millions of advertising dollars.  But it really has been disgusting to watch them totally sell out like this.  If you listen to the mainstream media long enough, you would be tempted to believe that we now live in a “Bizarro World” in which everything that was once evil is now good and everything that was once good is now evil. (Read More...)

Is ‘The Reddit Army’ On The Verge Of Creating The Most Epic Silver Short Squeeze In U.S. History?

In all of the years that I have written about precious metals, I have never seen anything like this.  The corporate media is breathlessly reporting that “the Reddit Army” plans to do to silver what it did to GameStop, and this has caused a frenzy of buying and a severe shortage of physical silver at dealers all across the United States.  If things are this crazy already, what is going to happen when the short squeeze actually begins?  For now, “the Reddit Army” is still primarily focused on GameStop and other stocks that major hedge funds have been relentlessly short selling, and in recent days members of that army have actually been purchasing billboard ads to celebrate their success(Read More...)

Now Reddit Investors Are Talking About Targeting Silver, And That Could Change EVERYTHING

For decades, the big fish on Wall Street have been able to do virtually anything that they want, but now the small fish are fighting back and it has been a beautiful thing to watch.  Finally it is payback time, and the losses have been absolutely staggering.  In fact, Reuters is reporting that short sellers have lost more than 70 BILLION dollars so far this year.  But nobody should be crying for the short sellers.  As Charles Payne pointed out during an epic rant on Fox Business, the short sellers have ruthlessly crushed countless businesses over the years, and they did so without showing any mercy whatsoever. (Read More...)

Revenge: An Internet Mob Is Turning The Stock Market Into “A Video Game”, And The Establishment Is Freaking Out

Retail investors have banded together to turn over the tables on Wall Street, and it has created a wild frenzy that is making headlines all over the globe.  Unprecedented short squeezes have pushed the share prices of GameStop, AMC, Macy’s and BlackBerry to insane heights, and prominent voices in the financial world are complaining that trading in those stocks has become completely divorced from the fundamentals.  In fact, these young retail investors are actually being accused of turning the market into “a video game”.  Infamous investor Michael Burry, who made crazy amounts of money betting against the housing market during the last financial crisis, even had the gall to claim that recent trading in GameStop was “unnatural, insane, and dangerous”. (Read More...)

In Just A Few Days, Biden Has Brought The U.S. Much Closer To A War With China

The warmongers are back in control in Washington, but this time the wild-eyed lunatics that Joe Biden has surrounded himself with won’t just be starting wars in the Middle East.  Relations with China are already taking a turn for the worse, and the Chinese are warning that actions that the Biden administration is taking could soon push us to the brink of military conflict.  I know that this may surprise many of my readers, because a major Republican talking point has been that Joe Biden and his family have been way too friendly with the Chinese in the past.  Many had assumed that Biden would have a very cozy relationship with China now that he is in the White House, but it looks like the opposite is going to be true.  The Biden administration is taking a very aggressive posture, and the Chinese are not happy about that at all. (Read More...)

It’s Like Magic! Lockdowns Are Ending All Over America Just Days After Biden’s Inauguration…

Isn’t it amazing how all of the lockdowns can now be lifted now that Donald Trump is no longer president?  It has been less than a week since Joe Biden was inaugurated, and COVID restrictions are being ended in Michigan, Chicago, California and New York.  What an odd coincidence, eh?  Now that Democrats are running everything, it turns out that there is no longer any need for such fear-based control mechanisms.  At this point, we are being told that happy days are here again and that the next four years are going to be just great. (Read More...)

The Secret To The Stock Market: Just Buy Tech Companies That Are Losing Money And Watch Profits Rain From The Sky

For those that can’t detect sarcasm, I am not actually sharing “investment advice” in this article.  Rather, I am pointing out how absurd our financial markets have become at this point.  While the real economy is mired in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, the stock market just keeps soaring to record high after record high.  If the underlying profits that these corporations were generating actually justified the extremely high stock prices that we have been witnessing, then I wouldn’t have anything to complain about.  Sadly, the truth is that many of the companies that are seeing their stocks soar into the stratosphere are not making any money at all. (Read More...)

We Are Suffering Through The Most Painful Economic Crisis Since The Great Depression Of The 1930s

I warned that an economic collapse was coming, and an economic collapse is exactly what we got.  2020 was a “personal financial disaster” for 55 percent of all Americans, approximately 12 million U.S. renters are “at least $5,850 behind in rent and utilities payments”, the Aspen Institute is projecting that up to 40 million people could be facing eviction when the rent and mortgage moratoriums finally end, and more than 70 million new claims for unemployment benefits have been filed since the COVID pandemic began. (Read More...)