Alert! Here Is A List Of 20 Large Companies That Have Just Decided To Conduct Mass Layoffs

The layoffs are starting to come at a fast and furious pace now.  At what point will the mainstream media finally admit that we are facing a major crisis?  In recent days, I have been writing quite a bit about the alarming transition that the employment market is going through.  There is a lot more competition for any jobs that are still available, and one recent survey discovered that almost 40 percent of U.S. companies anticipate that they will be conducting layoffs in 2024.  But even though I am just reporting the facts, I have had people write to me and insist that things really aren’t that bad.  Even though the government’s own numbers show that the U.S. lost a ton of full-time jobs in December, these people apparently believe the propaganda that is being fed to them by the Biden administration. (Read More...)

12 Examples Of The Tremendous Chaos That Is Suddenly Erupting All Over The Globe

2024 is going to be such a crazy year.  So many of the extremely alarming trends that we have been watching for many years are now reaching a crescendo, and events are starting to accelerate at a very rapid pace.  Last week, I wrote about three major developments which have enormous implications for all of us.  Today, I am going to tell you about a dozen.  Instability is a word that you are going to hear a lot this year, because order is breaking down all over the planet.  The following are 12 examples of the tremendous chaos that is suddenly erupting all over the globe… (Read More...)

We Are Witnessing A Tsunami Of Economic Suffering All Over America

Many among the elite don’t really care that tens of millions of Americans on the bottom of the economic food chain are deeply suffering right now.  It is being reported that approximately 93 percent of all stock market wealth held by U.S. households is controlled by the top 10 percent, and the stock market has been performing remarkably well in recent months.  As long as their stock portfolios look good, there won’t be too much concern about the economic pain that the masses are experiencing.  But they should care, because what we are witnessing is going to deeply affect all of us. (Read More...)

3 Extremely Alarming Developments Which Could Have Enormous Global Implications

Global events are moving very rapidly now, and rumors are flying all over the place.  I am going to share some very alarming developments with you in this article, but it is important for me to note that each of these stories is still developing.  So as we get more information these stories may move in different directions.  We have already seen so much happen during the initial days of 2024, and I am entirely convinced that things will get even more chaotic as this year rolls along. (Read More...)

U.S. Consumers Are Engaging In A Historic Debt Binge, And Delinquencies Are Ominously Rising…

Americans are going into debt as if tomorrow will never come, but of course tomorrow always arrives eventually.  What we are witnessing right now is truly a historic debt binge, and to many of the experts it seems like there is no end in sight to the unrestrained spending that is going on.  But are U.S. consumers going into record levels of debt because they are feeling good about things or because they are trying to survive in an increasingly harsh economic environment?  In America today, the cost of living has become exceedingly oppressive, employers are laying off large numbers of workers, and poverty and homelessness have been absolutely exploding all over the country.  Millions of U.S. households are just barely hanging on by their fingernails, and many desperate consumers have been piling up debt in a frantic attempt to stave off the inevitable. (Read More...)

Will The Assassination Of The Brother-In-Law Of The Leader Of Hezbollah Take Us Into The Next Chapter Of World War 3?

How is this cycle of escalation going to end?  Each day, either Hezbollah or Israel is escalating matters to a dangerous new level.  A war between the two parties has already begun, and at this point I don’t see any way to avoid a full-blown regional war that will result in tremendous death and destruction.  Many had been hoping that cooler heads would prevail in 2024, but instead this new year has started with a series of very alarming escalations(Read More...)

What Is Going To Happen To Our Society As AI And Robots Take Most Of Our Jobs?

If you haven’t lost your job yet, you should be very thankful.  Artificial intelligence and robots are taking more of our jobs with each passing day, and there will be no end to this high tech invasion.  Eventually we could get to a point where AI and robots can do virtually everything far more efficiently and far more inexpensively than humans can.  So what will happen to the vast majority of the human population when their labor is no longer needed?  Will a way be found to quietly deal with “useless eaters” that are considered to be “just taking up space”?  For years we have been warned that AI and robots would revolutionize the workforce, and now that day has officially arrived. (Read More...)

Shock Number: 38 Percent Of U.S. Companies Anticipate That They Will Conduct Layoffs In 2024

We experienced a tremendous amount of economic turbulence in 2023, but at least the employment market was relatively stable.  Unfortunately, that period of relative stability appears to be ending.  The pace of layoffs really seemed to pick up steam at the end of 2023, and the outlook for the coming year is not promising at all.  In fact, a survey that was just conducted by Resume Builder discovered that a whopping 38 percent of U.S. companies anticipate that they will conduct layoffs in 2024(Read More...)