No Jobs

Everyone knows that the United States is bleeding jobs.  According to one new study, the private sector in the United States has lost 10.5 million jobs since 2007.  The U.S. economy lost 125,000 more jobs during the month of June.  Approximately a million frustrated American workers have simply dropped out of the employment market altogether over the past two months.  But the question not enough people are asking is why so many jobs are being lost.  Yes, the large global corporations have been sending millions of jobs overseas where labor is far, far cheaper.  And yes, the U.S. government has accumulated so much debt that it is absolutely suffocating the U.S. economy.  But there is another very important factor that has been largely overlooked.  Traditionally, about 75 percent of all new jobs are created by small businesses.  But today, hundreds of thousands of small businesses are being strangled out of existence by all of the oppressive taxes, fees, rules, regulations, paperwork and demands that government keeps imposing on them.  In such a repressive environment, it is getting close to impossible for small businesses to thrive, and if our small businesses can’t succeed, then we simply are not going to see a lot of jobs being created.    (Read More...)

The Death Cross: Another Sign That We Are On The Verge Of A Recession?

The Standard & Poor’s 500 50-day moving average stands poised to cross beneath the 200-day moving average.  To those in the financial industry, this is known as a “death cross”, and it is a very powerful indicator that we could be entering a bearish period.  So is this yet another sign that we are on the verge of a recession?  Well, anyone who has spent much time trying to interpret financial charts will tell you how inexact that science can be.  Financial markets can be wildly unpredictable, and there is always a tremendous amount of manipulation going on behind the scenes.  However, when you add this impending death cross with all of the other signs that we could be entering a recession, there certainly seems to be reason for alarm.  The truth is that financial markets across the globe are full of fear and panic right now.  In fact, as noted in another article, the dominant force in world financial markets in 2010 is fear.  When fear rules, markets become very volatile and they can fall very quickly.  Anyone who has spent much time trying to squeeze profits out of world financial markets knows that they tend to fall much faster than they ever rise.  So are we now approaching one of those times of panic when financial markets across the world fall at breathtaking speed? (Read More...)

50 Random Facts That Make You Wonder What In The World Has Happened To America

Our world is changing at a pace that is so staggering these days that it can be really hard to fully grasp the significance of what we are witnessing.  Hopefully the collection of random facts below will help you to “connect the dots” just a little bit.  On one level, the facts below may not seem related.  However, what they all do have in common is that they show just how much the United States has fundamentally changed.  Do you ever just sit back and wonder what in the world has happened to America?  The truth is that the America that so many of us once loved so much has been shattered into a thousand pieces.  The “land of the free and the home of the brave” has been transformed into a socialized Big Brother nanny state that is oozing with corruption and has accumulated the biggest mountain of debt in the history of the world.  The greatest economic machine that the world has ever seen is falling apart before our very eyes, and even when our politicians actually try to do something right (which is quite rare) the end result is still a bunch of garbage.  For those who still love this land (and there are a lot of us) it is heartbreaking to watch America slowly die. (Read More...)

Mortgage Horror Stories: The U.S. Housing Industry Will Never Recover If Qualified People Can’t Get A Home Loan

Back about five or six years ago, when the housing bubble was still rising, just about anyone could get a mortgage.  Lending institutions were handing out ridiculously bloated home loans to almost anyone who breathed.  It didn’t matter if you had a rotten credit history, it didn’t matter if you didn’t have a job and in some cases it didn’t even matter if you had any income at all.  It was basically an orgy of mortgage lending.  But now the pendulum has swung 180 degrees in the other direction.  Severely burned by the subprime mortgage crash, mortgage lending institutions have been seriously tightening their lending standards.  As a result, in 2010 it is extremely difficult to get a home loan or a mortgage modification.  In their determination not to get burned again, mortgage lenders have completely overreacted and now a lot of highly qualified people can’t get a home loan. (Read More...)

25 Signs That Almost Everyone Is Expecting An Economic Collapse In 2010

At times like these, it is hardly going out on a limb to say that we are headed for hard economic times.  In fact, it seems like almost everyone in the financial world is either declaring that a recession is coming or is busy preparing for one.  The truth is that bad economic signs are everywhere.  Consumer confidence is plummeting, big banks are hoarding cash, top financial experts are issuing recession warnings and it seems like almost everyone is trying to accumulate as much gold as possible.  Now that the G20 nations have all pledged to dramatically cut government spending in an effort to get debt under control, worries about a double-dip recession have reached a fever pitch.  So will we see the full-fledged economic collapse that so many analysts are warning of before the end of 2010?  Of course it is possible, but it seems much more likely that  we will just see the beginning of another recession that could certainly deepen into a depression as we head into 2011 and 2012.  There are so many variables and so many moving parts that it is always difficult to predict exactly how things will play out.  What does seem virtually certain, however, is that we are heading into a time of extreme economic stress. (Read More...)

7 Potential Economic Effects Of A War With Iran

As each day passes, war in the Middle East seems increasingly likely.  The truth is that Israel will never allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons, and Iran is absolutely determined to continue developing a nuclear program.  So right now Israel and Iran are engaged in a really bizarre game of “nuclear chicken” and neither side is showing any sign of blinking.  In fact, even prominent world leaders are now openly stating that it is basically inevitable that Israel is going to strike Iran.  For example, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi recently made the stunning admission that the G8 nations “absolutely believe” that Israel will attack Iran.  But a conflict between Israel and Iran would not just affect the Middle East – it would have staggering implications for the rest of the globe. (Read More...)

Budget Cuts?

As violent protests erupted outside, the leaders of the world’s largest economies plotted the future course of the global economy at this weekend’s G20 summit.  So what was decided?  Well, according to various reports in the mainstream media, it was the “deficit hawks” who got their way.  Apparently the consensus of the G20 meetings was that a round of tough budget cuts is the medicine that the world economy needs.  In fact, the G20 leaders all pledged to cut their respective budget deficits in half by 2013.  Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, one of the key advocates of budget cuts, said that the G20 nations need to walk a “tightrope” between stimulating their economies and debt reduction.  But as the largest economies around the globe transition from reckless government spending to budget reductions and austerity measures, what is that really going to mean for the world economy? (Read More...)

What Do You Believe Is America’s Biggest Economic Problem?

Today there are literally dozens of major threats to the U.S. economy.  Each one of these threats alone could cause a major economic implosion.  The Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the derivatives bubble, the housing crisis, the exploding U.S. national debt and the burgeoning European debt crisis all threaten to push the struggling U.S. economy over the edge.  But which one is America’s biggest economic problem?  Below, 16 of America’s greatest economic threats are listed in no particular order.  The goal of this article is to hear what all of you readers believe is the worst crisis the U.S. economy is facing.  If you would like to vote, please choose one of the 16 economic problems listed below (or nominate one of your own) and leave a comment explaining your choice…. (Read More...)