Global Food Inflation Is Leading To A Frightening Explosion In Global Hunger

We are currently facing “the worst food crisis in modern history”, and it seems to be getting worse with each passing month.  I don’t have to tell any of you that food prices are a lot higher than they once were.  The last time you went to the grocery store you could see that for yourself.  Sadly, this is happening all over the world, and the poorest countries are being hit the hardest.  Meanwhile, global food supplies just continue to get tighter and tighter.  As a result, global hunger is on the rise.  If you doubt this, I would like for you to read an excerpt that comes directly from a joint statement by the heads of the Food and Agriculture Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank Group, the World Food Program and the World Trade Organization… (Read More...)

Why Is The Mainstream Media Being So Quiet About One Of The Greatest Environmental Catastrophes In U.S. History?

The mainstream media spends an enormous amount of time lecturing us about fake environmental issues, but now that one of the greatest environmental catastrophes in U.S. history has occurred they are being strangely quiet about it.  What we are witnessing in East Palestine, Ohio is so horrifying that it is truly difficult to put it into words.  One hazardous materials specialist is claiming that authorities “basically nuked a town with chemicals so we could get a railroad open”.  Unfortunately, that is not an exaggeration at all.  When they decided to conduct a “controlled burn” of vinyl chloride from some of the wrecked rail cars, they knew that it would “send phosgene and hydrogen chloride into the air”(Read More...)

Actually, Hordes Of Highly Sophisticated Unidentified Aircraft Have Been Flying Over U.S. Territory

Things are starting to get really strange.  First, a “Chinese spy balloon” was shot down off the coast of South Carolina after it had traveled across much of the continental United States.  Then, another “unidentified object” was shot down over Alaska.  Subsequently, at the request of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a third “unidentified object” was shot down over Canada.  And now we have just learned that a fourth “unidentified object” has been shot down over Lake Huron.  In addition, a congressman from Montana is reporting that there is an “unidentified object” flying over his state.  On top of everything else, China is telling us that an “unidentified object” has been flying near the Chinese port city of Qingdao.  All of a sudden, these sightings have become the biggest news story in the entire country, and I think that it is likely that there will be even more sightings in the days ahead. (Read More...)

After The Worst January Job Cuts ‘Since The Great Recession’, Here Are 12 Major Layoffs That Have Already Been Announced In February

It appears that the tsunami of layoffs that started late last year is starting to accelerate.  January was a horrible month for job losses, and major layoff announcements are coming fast and furious here in February.  But of course the Biden administration would have us believe that everything is just fine.  Last week, the government told us that the U.S. economy “added 517,000 jobs” in January.  But as I discussed in a previous article, that wasn’t what actually happened.  The raw, unadjusted number showed that the U.S. economy actually lost 2.5 million jobs last month.  That is a terrible number, but after the bureaucrats in Washington were done with their “adjustments” it magically became a gain of 517,000 jobs.  If you want to have faith that their “adjustments” are appropriate, good for you.  But other sources also confirm that things have really taken a turn for the worse.  For example, Challenger, Gray & Christmas just issued a report that concluded that last month “was the worst January for job cuts since the Great Recession in 2009”(Read More...)

Before We End Up In Wars With Russia And China Simultaneously, Let’s Review The Nuclear Balance Of Power…

It has been said that there are no winners in a nuclear war, but the Russians and the Chinese have been feverishly preparing to fight one anyway.  When I was growing up, I was taught that nobody would ever dare start a nuclear war because both sides would fire their missiles and everyone would die.  In those days the doctrine of “mutual assured destruction” was universally accepted in the United States, and once the Cold War ended our politicians saw no more need to upgrade our missiles or to develop cutting edge anti-missile technologies.  Unfortunately, the balance of power has changed dramatically over the past decade.  Russia and China have both made enormous leaps forward, and that puts us in a very precarious position. (Read More...)

16 Signs That The U.S. Economy Is Going To Be “Just Fine”

According to Joe Biden and the pundits in the mainstream media, the U.S. economy is in great shape and much better times are just around the corner.  In fact, CNN is actually scolding those of us that are warning that economic conditions are rapidly deteriorating.  A CNN article entitled “It’s time to chill with all the recession talk” is boldly declaring that the economic optimists were correct and that what our leaders are doing is working.  Of course that is music to Joe Biden’s ears, because he is trying very hard to convince all of us that the policies of his administration have the U.S. economy moving in the right direction.  Of course you will never hear Biden share any of the numbers that I am about to share with you.  The following are 16 signs that the U.S. economy is going to be “just fine”… (Read More...)

The Giant Earthquakes That We Just Witnessed In Turkey Are Just The Beginning…

The complete and utter devastation that we are seeing in Turkey right now should break all of our hearts.  Hundreds of buildings have collapsed, and thousands upon thousands of dead and injured people are trapped under the rubble.  The magnitude 7.8 earthquake that hit Turkey early on Monday is the largest earthquake that the region has experienced in a century.  Sadly, that giant quake was followed by a relentless series of aftershocks that included another giant quake.  The shaking continues even as I write this article, and there are some parts of Turkey that will never be the same again after this. (Read More...)

You May Want To Vomit After You Read About The Unspeakable Evil That Is Happening All Over America Right Now

More kids are being sexually victimized in the United States than ever before in our entire history.  As you will see below, in some cases “kids are being raped 20 to 30 times a day” and very little is being done to prevent this from happening.  But this crisis is certainly not just limited to the hundreds of thousands of children that have been forced into sexual slavery.  In our society today, very young children are being constantly bombarded with extremely sick and twisted sexual messaging on television, in the movies, on the Internet and in their classrooms.  What we are doing to America’s children is beyond criminal, and if we do not reverse course our nation is not going to have a future.  Every society throughout history that has violated children like we are violating them has fallen.  If you actually believe that we will be able to get away with our heinous crimes, you are just being delusional. (Read More...)