In Case You Were Wondering Why Inflation Has Started To Spiral Wildly Out Of Control…

When you keep making horrible decisions, eventually the consequences are going to catch up with you.  That is true for individuals, and it is also true for entire nations.  Here in the United States, previous generations handed down to us the strongest and most stable national currency on the planet.  Having the default reserve currency of the world has been a great blessing, because it has enabled us to enjoy a standard of living that is far greater than we actually deserve.  But instead of doing their best to preserve and protect our currency, our leaders have decided to systematically destroy it instead.  As a result, the rate of inflation has gotten completely out of control, and many experts are extremely concerned about what lies ahead. (Read More...)

The Inflation Monster That Our Leaders Have Created Is Voraciously Eating Away Our Standard Of Living

The purchasing power of the dollar is not nearly as strong as it once was, and as a result our standard of living is rapidly going down.  The overall rate of inflation has been rising faster than our paychecks have been for quite a while, and this is causing a tremendous amount of pain for millions of U.S. consumers.  Unfortunately, this isn’t going to change any time soon.  The inflation monster that our leaders have created will continue to rage even as our economy plunges into a severe recession.  I relentlessly warned that the trillions of dollars that our leaders were pumping into the system would cause enormous problems down the road, and now we are trapped in an economic nightmare with no easy way out. (Read More...)

Something That We Have Been Waiting For Just Happened, And It Is A Really Bad Sign…

There has been a lot of talk recently about “the death of the dollar”, but the truth is that the euro is in far bigger trouble.  Inflation in the eurozone has risen to truly frightening levels, and the war in Ukraine threatens to plunge the major economies of Europe into a very deep recession.  Russia holds the key, because if Russia completely cuts off the flow of natural gas to Europe it really will cause an unprecedented economic nightmare.  Even now, energy prices in Europe have already soared to absolutely insane levels, and the Russians could make things much, much worse with a single decision.  The Europeans should have never allowed themselves to become so dependent on Russian energy, and now they find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place. (Read More...)

The Trains Could Stop Running In The United States Literally One Week From Now

Did you know that an absolutely crippling national railroad strike could potentially start on July 18th?  If this actually happens, the historic supply chain crisis that we are experiencing right now will rapidly become far worse.  Each year, trains in the United States transport approximately “1.7 billion tons of raw materials and finished goods” to their ultimate destinations.  If that suddenly stops happening, our economy goes into the toilet.  I realize that may sound a bit crude, but that is the reality of what we are potentially facing.  So we better hope that national rail carriers and the unions representing the workers can come to an agreement before next Monday(Read More...)

Who Is Behind A Series Of “Mysterious Explosions” At Natural Gas Facilities In The United States?

Are we under attack?  Previously, I have written about a series of very strange fires that have occurred at key food production facilities in the United States this year.  Authorities insist that each one of those fires was an “accident”, and maybe they are correct.  But now the same thing is starting to happen to the energy industry.  In particular, we have seen a number of “mysterious explosions” at natural gas facilities in the United States during the past two months.  Of course natural gas prices were already spiking dramatically all over the world, and so this string of disasters comes at a really bad time. (Read More...)

Now An Outbreak Of The Marburg Virus Has Begun

Why are so many unusual outbreaks of disease suddenly happening all over the planet?  We were already dealing with a seemingly endless global pandemic coming into 2022, and so far this year a bird flu pandemic has resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of our chickens and turkeys, the worst monkeypox outbreak in history has spread like wildfire in the western world, and now it is being reported that there is an outbreak of the Marburg Virus in Africa.  We have already lost our opportunity to contain monkeypox, and that is really bad news.  But if authorities are not able to successfully contain this new Marburg outbreak, we could potentially be facing a scenario that is downright apocalyptic. (Read More...)

If There Is A Nuclear War Between The U.S. And Russia, Most Americans Will Die By Starving To Death

Can you imagine what it would be like to literally starve to death?  Most Americans believe that if a nuclear war with Russia actually happens the vast majority of the U.S. population will be instantly wiped out.  But that is not what the science says.  What the studies have shown is that only about 20 percent of the U.S. population will be instantly killed during a nuclear exchange.  If you live near a military base or some other highly strategic target you will probably be among that 20 percent.  Otherwise, it is likely that you will starve to death during the horrifying “nuclear winter” that follows. (Read More...)

Thanks To The Rapidly Imploding U.S. Economy, Joe Biden’s Poll Numbers Have Plunged To Unprecedented Levels

These are not good times for Joe Biden.  When the U.S. economy is performing well whoever is in the White House is going to get most of the credit.  Likewise, when the U.S. economy is performing poorly whoever is in the White House is going to get most of the blame.  That is just the way that it is, and that is one of the primary reasons why most Americans are quite displeased with Joe Biden right now.  Things are not going well at all, and the outlook for the months ahead is even worse.  The American people are becoming increasingly frustrated, and a new Gallup poll that was just released discovered that “confidence” in the presidency has fallen to the lowest level ever recorded(Read More...)