10 Signs That Indicate That The U.S., The UK, Israel And NATO All Believe That We Are On The Precipice Of War With Russia

Are we about to stumble into a war that nobody wants?  As I will explain below, it would be so easy to avoid a military conflict with Russia, but the people running our foreign policy have ruled out any easy solutions.  Instead, they seem absolutely determined to have some sort of a macho showdown with Russia, and that is extremely dangerous.  Sadly, these days most Americans can’t even identify our current Secretary of State, and the name “Jake Sullivan” means absolutely nothing to the vast majority of the population.  But these are the guys that are telling the senile old guy in the Oval Office what to do about Russia. (Read More...)

New Data From Life Insurance Companies Confirm That Americans Are Dying In Unusually Large Numbers

Death is in the air.  Unless you have been living in a cave for the past 12 months, you already know that this is true.  Old people are dying, young people are dying, famous people are dying, and countless hard working Americans that make up the backbone of our economy are dying.  For months, I have been writing articles about “the mystery of the missing workers”.  For the very first time in U.S. history, we have a severe shortage of able-bodied workers, and this is one of the biggest reasons why we are facing an unprecedented supply chain crisis today.  Millions of Americans that were working prior to the pandemic seem to have “disappeared” from the system, and now it has become clear that a lot of them have simply died. (Read More...)

Another Major Shortage Alert: The Florida Orange Crop In 2022 Will Be The Smallest Since World War II

Over the past couple of years, we have been hit by one thing after another.  Whenever it seems like things may be calming down, another crisis suddenly erupts, and as a result a lot of Americans have developed a really bad case of “crisis fatigue” at this point.  According to Google, crisis fatigue is “a burnout response to prolonged exposure to unexpected and stressful events”. Perhaps you can identify with that definition because it sounds exactly like what you are experiencing. Unfortunately, the truth is that what we have been through so far is just the beginning.  As I have been warning for years, as “the perfect storm” gets rolling it is just going to keep getting worse and worse. (Read More...)

Experts Are Warning That Empty Shelves And Food Shortages Are Going To Continue For Many Weeks To Come

The term “return to normal” is being thrown around a lot these days, but will things ever truly return to the way that they were before the pandemic came along?  I don’t think so.  From an economic standpoint, an extraordinary amount of lasting damage has been done over the past two years.  A seemingly endless list of major problems has thrown thousands upon thousands of critical supply chains into a complete and utter state of chaos, and this has resulted in some very painful shortages.  For quite a while, the mainstream media kept insisting that the shortages would soon be gone, but now they are being forced to admit the truth.  If you can believe it, NPR has even published a major story about the growing shortages in this country(Read More...)

What In The World Is Happening To Our Planet? One Of The Most Catastrophic Disasters In Modern History Should Be A Wake Up Call For All Of Us

Why does our planet keep getting hit by “historic disaster” after “historic disaster”?  Over the past couple of years, an extremely unusual series of hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions has rocked the globe.  Authorities keep telling us that “everything is normal”, but the truth is that there is absolutely nothing about any of this that is “normal”.  Major changes appear to be happening to our planet, and that has enormous implications for our future.  Unfortunately, the corporate media gives very little attention to the major disasters that take place outside of the United States, and so most Americans don’t even understand the seriousness of what we are facing. (Read More...)

Is Someone About To Light The Match Which Will Spark A War With Russia?

What if the Russians aren’t bluffing?  Western leaders seem to think that they can just keep provoking the Russians over and over again without any consequences.  It was pretty obvious that western hands were behind the recent riots in Kazakhstan, and now the head of NATO has come out and publicly said that a decision has already been made to make Ukraine and Georgia members of NATO.  He was referring to a decision that was made many years ago, but publicly reaffirming that decision in this exceedingly tense environment is extremely counterproductive if the goal is peace.  The Russians have repeatedly warned that adding Ukraine to NATO is a red line that must never be crossed.  And unlike many western leaders, Russian officials tend to be deadly serious about their “red lines”. (Read More...)

11 Reasons Why This Was Joe Biden’s Worst Week EVER

Joe Biden has had a lot of bad weeks over the last 12 months, but this week has got to take the cake.  In fact, it is hard to remember the last time that any president had a week that was this bad.  But this wasn’t supposed to happen.  Democrats were promising a return to “normalcy” after the Trump years, but instead virtually everything seems to be going wrong.  No matter where you are on the political spectrum, you should be able to admit that Joe Biden’s presidency is not going very well at all.  At this point, even many Democrats are using the word “failure” to describe Biden, and this is fueling rumors that Hillary Clinton may run again in 2024. (Read More...)

The Dollar Has Entered A Death Spiral, And A Lot More Inflation Is On The Way

Did anyone out there actually expect things to turn out differently?  When the federal government kept borrowing and spending trillions upon trillions of dollars that we did not have, we were warned that this day was coming.  And when the Federal Reserve kept pumping trillions upon trillions of fresh dollars into our financial system, we were warned that this day was coming.  So why is anybody surprised by what is happening at this point?  On Wednesday, it was being reported that in December the U.S. consumer price index rose at the fastest pace in nearly 40 years… (Read More...)