We certainly do live in “interesting” times. In all my years of writing, I have never seen a stock market correction, a global trade war and a government shutdown all happen at the same time. If the federal government does indeed shut down on Friday, we will complete that very impressive trifecta. Needless to say, a government shutdown would only add to the jitters that we are witnessing on Wall Street right now. On Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down for a fourth day in a row, and the S&P 500 fell into correction territory… (Read More...)
‘Blood Rain’ Turns A Beach In Iran Bright Red Just Before The Blood Moon Purim Eclipse On Thursday Night
And I suppose that it is just a “coincidence” that all of this is happening as the U.S. and Israel threaten to strike Iran’s nuclear program? Maybe you don’t believe that “signs” exist, and that is okay. But nobody can deny that President Trump has threatened Iran with military action if they do not make a deal, and nobody can deny that President Trump has told the press that something is going to happen with Iran “very, very soon”. Those are facts. It is also a fact that there is going to be a Blood Moon eclipse on Thursday night. Of course the Biblical festival of Purim begins when the Sun goes down on Thursday evening. Nobody out there can dispute any of this. (Read More...)
They Are Accusing Trump Of “Manufacturing” A Recession, But What Is Really Going On?
Is it just a coincidence that a large number of talking heads in the corporate media have all suddenly decided to start blaming Donald Trump for causing a “recession”? During the four years of the Biden administration those same voices insisted that there was no “recession” on the horizon even though homelessness was setting record high after record high, demand at food banks surged to levels never seen before, inflation was out of control, home sales plunged to extremely depressed levels, stores and restaurants were closing all over the nation and debt levels were breaking records. Let’s be real. The U.S. economy has been on a downward trajectory for a long time, and that downward trajectory got even steeper in the final stages of the Biden administration. But now we are being told that the economic problems that we are experiencing are happening because Donald Trump is “manufacturing” a recession… (Read More...)
China Is Preparing For War, And The Chinese Military Is Now Ahead Of The U.S. Military In Many Key Areas
Do you remember the days when the complete and utter dominance of the U.S. military could not be questioned? Sadly, those days are long gone. I have written extensively about how the Russian military has now surpassed us in a number of key areas, but it could be argued that the ascendancy of the Chinese military has been even more stunning. At this point nobody can deny the fact that China is a military superpower, and Chinese defense spending continues to soar… (Read More...)
Why Does Hardly Anyone Seem To Realize That We Are Literally On The Brink Of War With Iran?
What do think Iran is going to do once we start bombing their nuclear facilities? They know that it is coming, and they have been preparing to respond. When Iranian missiles are raining down on Israeli targets and U.S. military bases throughout the Middle East, there will be no turning back. We will officially be at war with Iran. Needless to say, a war with Iran would be far different from our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Iranians have the 8th largest military on the entire planet, and they are armed to the teeth with highly advanced missiles. It would take a “shock and awe” campaign that is unlike anything we have ever seen before to subdue Iran, and full-blown regime change would probably require an invasion. (Read More...)
12 Shocking New All-Time Economic Records That Are Being Reported In 2025
The U.S. economy was steamrolling in the wrong direction for four years under Joe Biden, and now we have an extraordinary mess on our hands. Nobody can deny that our economic numbers are absolutely horrible right now. GDP growth is expected to be negative during the first quarter, inflation is rising again, home sales are at extremely depressed levels, retail sales are down, stores and restaurants are closing at a staggering pace, debt levels are out of control, and mass layoffs are happening all over the nation… (Read More...)
Scientists Discover A Link Between Solar Activity And Earthquakes, And That Has Huge Implications For The Apocalyptic Times We Are Living In
Shocking new research indicates that the level of activity on the Sun has a direct impact on the level of seismic activity here on Earth. That is really bad news for us, because the giant ball of fire that our planet revolves around has become very erratic in recent years. According to NASA, approximately 1.3 million Earths could fit inside the Sun. So virtually all of the models that you have ever seen comparing the size of the Earth to the size of the Sun are way off. We are basically a tiny speck of dust compared to the Sun, and any fluctuations in solar activity have a dramatic effect on our climate. In general, during times of high solar activity global temperatures tend to go up, and during times of low solar activity temperatures tend to go down. This is something that has been well understood for a very long time, and now a team of scientists in Japan has discovered that there is also a very clear link between solar activity and seismic activity… (Read More...)
The Global Trade War Is Officially On! Trudeau Calls Trump “Dumb” And China Promises To Fight “To The Bitter End”
I can hardly believe how rapidly economic events are moving now. The global trade war that has just erupted is going to be immensely painful. If you doubt this, just read all the way to the end of this article. There is a reason why the Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen by more than 1,300 points over the past two days. The top minds on Wall Street clearly understand what is coming. China, Canada, Mexico and the EU could avert disaster by negotiating with President Trump, but they are all choosing not to do so. Everyone is digging in for a long fight, and the result is going to be absolutely disastrous. Of course all of this is happening at a time when it appears that a recession has already begun. We are in far more trouble than most people realize, and the months ahead are likely to be quite excruciating. (Read More...)