The Bottom 80% Has Gotten Significantly Poorer Since The Pandemic Began, And This Is Creating A “Robin Hood Mentality” All Over America

The rich have been getting richer and the poor have been getting poorer, and this is causing all sorts of societal problems.  Thanks to social media, the poor can see the incredible affluence that the wealthy are enjoying, and they are deeply envious.  Of course it certainly doesn’t help that flaunting wealth has become one of the favorite pastimes of the wealthy.  Many of them love to post photos and videos of their luxury lifestyles on their social media accounts, and that is not a good thing.  Because times have not been good for most of the country.  In fact, a brand new study from the Federal Reserve has discovered that the bottom 80 percent have “lower bank deposits and other liquid assets compared to their status in March 2020”

As of June, the bottom 80% of households by income, when adjusted for inflation, had lower bank deposits and other liquid assets compared to their status in March 2020. The decline marks a significant shift from the initial phases of the pandemic, where various factors, including government financial support and restricted spending opportunities during lockdowns, led to an accumulation of excess savings.

In other words, the vast majority of all Americans have been getting poorer.

Meanwhile, the rich have just kept on getting even richer

The Federal Reserve, along with Bloomberg calculations, identified a rapid drawdown of these excess savings, particularly stark among the lower-income groups. While all income groups have experienced a decrease in real-term cash balances from the peak in 2021, the disparity is noteworthy. The wealthiest one-fifth of households still have cash savings approximately 8% above their pre-COVID levels. In stark contrast, the poorest two-fifths have witnessed an 8% decrease, and the next 40% — broadly representing the middle class — have seen their cash savings fall below pre-pandemic levels.

Right now, the gap between the wealthy and the rest of us is the greatest that it has ever been in the entire history of our nation.

According to a different report that was just put out by the Labor Department, average hourly earnings are lower today than they were when Joe Biden first entered the White House

Millions of Americans have received a pay cut over the past two years thanks to high inflation, a blow to President Biden as he attempts to center his re-election campaign around “Bidenomics.”

The Labor Department reported Tuesday that average hourly earnings for all employees was $11.05 in October — a 3.32% decline from the $11.43 figure in January 2021, when Biden took office.

And as the pace of layoffs picks up, soon millions of Americans won’t have a job to go to at all.

This week, we learned that Citigroup has begun large scale layoffs

One of the U.S.’ top banks will begin massive layoffs on Wednesday in a corporate overhaul as the company seeks to trim its operating expenses to levels more in line with its competitors, according to CNBC.

Citigroup will begin cutting employees on Wednesday, with new terminations continuing to be announced through next week, affecting some chiefs of staff, managing directors and lower-level employees, according to CNBC. Following the initial round of layoffs, more employees in less senior positions are expected to be dismissed in February, with the layoffs being expected to be fully completed by March 2024.

And Stellantis has just announced that it has offered buyouts to approximately half of their salaried employees…

Stellantis, one of the Big Three U.S. automakers, on Monday offered buyouts to about half of its salaried employees as it looks to cut costs as it transitions to electric vehicles (EVs) and takes on increased costs from a new union contract.

The parent company of major car brands like Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Ram offered voluntary buyouts to about 6,400 of its roughly 12,700 salaried employees who aren’t represented by a union and have at least five years of experience. Employees who accept the incentive will depart the company before the end of December.

As economic conditions have deteriorated, crime has soared.

In recent days I have written about the shocking thefts that we are witnessing all over the nation, but this one tops them all

This is the shocking moment a mob of 40 people looted a FedEx truck while it was stopped at a red light in Memphis, Tennessee.

Around 8:30pm Saturday, a 53-foot trailer was ransacked while it sat in traffic at the intersection of Riverport Road and West Mallory Avenue.

After the driver reported the theft, the Memphis police arrived and saw vehicles speeding away recklessly along with a number of boxes thrown across the road.

The FedEx truck had nowhere to go, because once it reached the intersection there were cars that suddenly moved into position to block it

The truck driver told the police that cars blocked the intersection just before a group of men broke open the sealed back door and looted the trailer.

Three men have since been detained after the raging group caused nearly $10,000 in damages – and stole numerous items such as Kicker Speakers, a box of air liners and three DirectTV cable boxes.

In my brand new book entitled “Chaos”, I specifically warn people to avoid Memphis if at all possible.

It has become one of the most dangerous cities in the entire country.

But of course we are starting to see these sorts of crimes everywhere.

Large groups of people have decided that it is okay to take from the rich and the corporations that they control and give to the poor (themselves) because the rich probably exploited the poor to get their wealth in the first place.

This sort of “Robin Hood mentality” is extremely dangerous, and it is rapidly spreading.

And now we have an election season and a war in the Middle East to add fuel to the fire.  On Thursday, a crazed group of protesters shut down the entire Bay Bridge

A well-coordinated group of hundreds of Pro-Palestine protesters shut down the Bay Bridge on Thursday morning, tying up traffic during rush hour and calling out to world leaders to end the war in Gaza during the APEC summit.

The four-hour chaotic event, which started around 7:45 a.m., ended with at least 70 arrests and 29 towed cars. All lanes finally reopened just before noon, but not after at least 200 protesters had chained themselves together and purposefully tossed their car keys into the bay, stalling efforts to reopen the span to frustrated drivers.

Needless to say, this is just the beginning.

The war in the Middle East is going to continue to escalate, and 2024 will be the most chaotic election year that any of us have ever seen by far.

So buckle up and hold on tight, because we are going to see staggering levels of civil unrest and crime in 2024 and beyond.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.

About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on  In addition to my new book I have written seven other books that are available on including “7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending copies as gifts to family and friends.  Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have also started a brand new Substack newsletter, and I encourage you to subscribe so that you won’t miss any of my articles.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is definitely a great help.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

If We Don’t Start Locking Up The Criminals, We Are Literally Going To Have To Lock Up EVERYTHING

Crime is completely and utterly out of control in this nation.  During the first six months of this year, retail theft was up 109 percent in the city of Los Angeles.  In response to this tsunami of theft, retailers are starting to lock up products all over the nation.  But if we don’t start locking up the criminals, we are literally going to have to lock up everything.  Unfortunately, right now we cannot lock up all of the criminals, because the number of criminals far exceeds the number of empty spots in our prisons.  Even though we have more people locked up than any other nation on the entire planet, our streets are still absolutely teeming with predators.  This is what an advanced stage of social decay looks like, and it isn’t pretty.

During a recent interview with CNBC, the CEO of Target insisted that customers are thankful that the retailer is now locking up body wash, toothpaste and deodorant

Still, the retailer’s CEO, Brian Cornell, claimed many shoppers are actually grateful to see their body wash, toothpaste and deodorant behind a glass panel.

On a media call with reporters discussing Target’s fiscal third-quarter earnings, CNBC asked Cornell if the retailer can quantify the sales lost from shoppers who are frustrated with waiting for employees to unlock cases in-store. He said the shopper response to the policy has been “positive.”

“Courtney, just in the last week I’ve been on the East Coast and on the West Coast in many of those stores that you’ve talked about where, items have been locked up,” he said. “And actually what we hear from the guests is a big thank you, because we are in stock with the brands that they need when they’re shopping in our stores. And because we’ve invested in team member labor in those aisles and make sure we’re there to greet that guest, open up those cases and provide them the items they’re looking for.”

The reason why customers are thankful that those products are locked up is because they would never be in stock if they weren’t locked up.

That is how bad our shoplifting epidemic has become.

As I mentioned the other day, CVS is even locking up toilet paper and paper towels…

Witness a CVS store in our nation’s capital, forced by rampant, serial theft to pull toilet paper and paper towels from the shelves, replacing them with framed photos of the missing products and a buzzer.

Customers trying to buy Charmin or Bounty must buzz to summon a clerk, who will (eventually) retrieve the precious commodity from a back room.

In other words, the capital of the most powerful nation in human history has been reduced to Third World-style security systems to sell basic goods.

Did you ever imagine that theft would become so rampant in America that stores would actually have to lock up toilet paper and paper towels?

Sadly, this is our country now.

This is where we are.

Even if every single product in every single store was locked up, predators would still target the delivery trucks.

On Sunday, thieves in the Washington D.C. area actually carjacked an entire UPS delivery truck

An armed carjacking of a UPS truck in Prince George’s County was caught on a doorbell camera.

A UPS driver was out delivering packages Sunday when several suspects surrounded her, and took off with her truck in broad daylight.

Prince George’s County police say around 2 p.m., detectives responded to the 9000 block of Elk Avenue in the newly developed Westridge Westphalia neighborhood in Upper Marlboro.

The carjacking was caught on camera and FOX 5 got a look at the exclusive Ring doorbell footage.

We have never seen thieves be as bold as they are right now.

In San Francisco, a Czech news crew that was there to cover the APEC summit was robbed at gunpoint

Czech TV journalist Bohumil Vostal found himself in a tense situation as he aimed to capture a striking scene: the renowned City Lights bookstore in San Francisco, immersed in the dimming twilight.

Vostal and his cameraman fell victim to a harrowing robbery, orchestrated by three masked assailants wielding guns. The incident, occurring at 5 p.m. on Columbus Avenue, resulted in the theft of equipment and valuable footage worth over $18,000. The perpetrators targeted the journalists despite the heightened international attention drawn by the APEC summit, which gathered leaders from 21 economies.

The entire world is shocked by the crime and depravity that we allow to run wild in our streets.

And if you think that things are bad now, just wait until economic conditions get really bad.

When millions of Americans cannot even provide the basics for themselves and their families, we will witness much worse theft than we are seeing now.

Resources just keep getting tighter and tighter, and the outlook for the years ahead is very alarming.  For example, the size of the U.S. beef cow herd has fallen to the lowest level since 1962, and it is being projected that it will “continue shrinking” for several more years…

Brazilian processor Marfrig Global Foods SA warned the US cattle herd will continue shrinking through the midpoint of the decade. Less supplies will pressure meatpackers and keep the prices of steak and hamburgers at elevated levels.

During a conference call, Tim Klein, the head of Marfrig’s North American operation, explained the availability of fattened animals for meatpackers to slaughter and process should trough between 2025 and 2026. He said this is because ranchers have not yet started keeping cows for breeding.

As we’ve noted, years of drought and high feed costs forced ranchers across the Midwest to send the cows to slaughterhouses, leading to a sharp reduction in the nation’s overall herd size. In January, the beef cow herd size was the smallest since 1962.

We really are moving into unprecedented times.

But most Americans don’t want to hear this.

Most Americans want to hear that everything is going to be just great.

If you are one of those people, just keep drooling over the latest gossip about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce or whatever else you are obsessing over these days.

But ignoring the social decay that is ripping our nation apart is not going to make it go away.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.

About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on  In addition to my new book I have written seven other books that are available on including “7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending copies as gifts to family and friends.  Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have also started a brand new Substack newsletter, and I encourage you to subscribe so that you won’t miss any of my articles.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is definitely a great help.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

Conditions Are “Drier Than The Dust Bowl Years” In The Heartland Of America

The seemingly endless drought in the heartland of America is not going to be good for food production.  For years, I have been relentlessly warning my readers that Dust Bowl conditions would return to the middle of the country.  And now, Dust Bowl conditions have returned to the middle of the country.  In fact, as you will see below, it is being reported that conditions are “drier than the Dust Bowl years” in some parts of Iowa.  If the heartland of America doesn’t start getting more precipitation, we are going to be facing some enormous problems in the years ahead.

According to drought. gov, half of the Midwest is experiencing drought right now, and things are particularly dire in the state of Iowa…

94% of Iowa is currently in drought, with 24% in extreme drought (D3). Despite decent improvement over the last month, drought is still impacting 68% of Wisconsin and 58% of Minnesota.

Needless to say, the heartland of America produces much of our food.

So it should deeply concern all of us that communities all over the Midwest are starting to run out of water

The southeast Kansas city of Caney will run out of water by March 1 without rain, officials said. Its school district has moved to a four-day week to conserve water. Four wells in Belle Plaine, Iowa, are producing 40% as much water as usual. Residents of Osceola, near Des Moines, can be fined $65 or more if they defy water restrictions.

Residents in many towns aren’t allowed to wash their cars. Port-a-potties have replaced some public bathrooms.

“We’re hoping it just rains,” said James Rainbolt, manager of a wholesale water plant that supplies parts of four counties in southern Kansas. “We’re at the mercy of the weather.”

Ultimately, we are all at the mercy of the weather.

Despite all of our advanced technology, we remain highly vulnerable to shifting weather patterns.

And at this moment we are being told that some parts of Iowa are literally “drier than the Dust Bowl years”

Two counties in Iowa have had the driest three-year period on record, going back at least to the 1890s, he said.

“Drier than the Dust Bowl years,” he said.

Dozens of other communities are “carefully watching well levels and streams,” Hall said, “trying to make sure they don’t end up in the same situation as Belle Plaine or Osceola,” which are experiencing water shortages.

As a result of the extremely dry conditions, major dust storms are becoming increasingly common in the Midwest.

Earlier this year, a colossal dust storm in Illinois actually caused a vehicle pileup that involved dozens of motorists

Gusting winds in the Midwestern United States have kicked up a fatal dust storm, reducing visibility to zero and triggering a major vehicle pileup that killed at least six people on an Illinois highway.

More than 30 additional motorists, from ages 2 to 80, were hurt in the crash as a result of Monday’s storm, according to Illinois state police. Their injuries ranged from minor to life-threatening.

The lack of precipitation is also causing enormous headaches all along the Mississippi River, and authorities are warning that this is not likely to change any time soon

Lack of rain brought drought to much of the Mississippi River basin early this summer, and it’s likely going to linger into winter, Army Corps of Engineers leadership said during a press conference on Nov. 8 in Memphis, while a dredge was working nonstop to keep the river channel open a few miles south.

It’s the second year in a row that extreme drought has caused a shrinking channel, forcing the Corps to dredge later in the season than normal. Last year, low river levels lingered into the winter, and dredging continued until January.

It’s shaping up to be the same this year.

Welcome to the “new normal” along the Mississippi River.

And considering the fact that so much of our food is transported on vessels that use the Mississippi River, this is a big problem for all of us.

Of course drought is just one of the factors that has been depressing food production in this nation.  Overall, natural disasters “caused $21.5 billion in agricultural losses” in the United States last year…

Research from the American Farm Bureau Federation suggests that nationwide, natural disasters caused $21.5 billion in agricultural losses last year. Only about half of those were protected by insurance, the majority of which is sold through federally-backed programs. Their payouts to farmers have increased over 500 percent in the last two decades.

That number is almost certainly going to be even larger this year.

And this is one of the reasons why food prices are going to continue to go up no matter what our leaders choose to do.

Food production is being hammered from one direction after another, and this is happening at a time when global supplies of food are becoming tighter and tighter.

So I hope that you decided to stock up on food while prices were still relatively low.

Because they are a lot higher now, and it won’t be too long before they reach exceedingly painful levels.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.

About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on  In addition to my new book I have written seven other books that are available on including “7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending copies as gifts to family and friends.  Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have also started a brand new Substack newsletter, and I encourage you to subscribe so that you won’t miss any of my articles.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is definitely a great help.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

The Middle Class Is Working Harder Than Ever, But It Is Being Absolutely Eviscerated By “Bidenomics”

What in the world is happening to the middle class?  Once upon a time, the United States had the largest and most vibrant middle class in the history of the world.  When I was growing up, a single income was all that was needed to support a middle class lifestyle for an entire family.  My mother didn’t work outside of the home, and that was the case with many other mothers that lived in our middle class neighborhood.  None of the kids that I played with or went to school with were “wealthy”, but everyone lived comfortably.  But now everything has changed.  The middle class in America is working harder than ever, but it has been steadily shrinking.  With each passing day, more Americans are falling out of the middle class and into poverty, and this is a trend that should deeply alarm all of us.

In most families, both parents have to work extremely hard just so that the bills can be paid each month.

In fact, in many cases both parents are either working multiple jobs or putting in insane amounts of overtime.  At this point, squeezing endless hours out of workers has become a permanent state of affairs in many industries.  The following comes from an NBC News article entitled “36-hour shifts, 80-hour weeks: Workers are being burned out by overtime”

From firehouses and police stations to hospitals and manufacturing plants, workers say they are being required to work increasing overtime hours to make up for post-pandemic worker shortages — leaving them sleep-deprived, scrambling to cover child care duties, and missing birthdays, holidays and vacations. While the extra hours can provide a financial boost, some workers say the trade-off is no longer worth it as they see no end in sight to a problem that has now lasted for several years.

“It’s getting to that fever pitch moment,” said Gonano, who is president of the Virginia Beach Professional Fire and EMS union. “It’s just rampant. People are tired of working all the overtime. It’s definitely causing morale issues.”

Many years ago when I worked in Washington D.C., I remember putting in 80 hour weeks.

Working such long hours can really affect your health after a while.

Unfortunately, these days many Americans have no other choice.  The only way that the bills are going to get paid is by working countless hours.

But even though Americans are working so hard, they aren’t doing so well.  According to a brand new survey, only 14 percent of U.S. voters say that Joe Biden’s economic policies have made them better off…

A new poll spells out the steep economic cliff that President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign is facing.

Just 14 percent of voters think his policies have made them better off, according to the survey published Monday.

And overall almost 70 per cent said Biden’s economic policies had either hurt the US economy or had no impact, including 33 per cent who said they believed the president’s policies had ‘hurt the economy a lot.’

This is one of the primary reasons why so many voters have soured on Biden.

And when that same survey asked about the sources of financial stress, the number one response was inflation

When asked what was causing them most financial stress, some 82 percent of those surveyed said price increases.

‘Every group — Democrats, Republicans and independents — list rising prices as by far the biggest economic threat . . . and the biggest source of financial stress,’ said Erik Gordon, a professor at Michigan’s Ross School.

‘That is bad news for Biden, and the more so considering how little he can do to reverse the perception of prices before election day.’

Over the past several years, the cost of living has gone up much faster than paychecks have.

Just look at the cost of housing.  Home prices have gone into the stratosphere, and as a result housing is now more unaffordable than it has ever been before

The income of a typical homebuyer in the United States surged to $107,000 from $88,000 last year, as home affordability precipitously worsened, according to an annual report from the National Association of Realtors.

The 22% jump was the highest annual increase on record, and puts homeownership out of reach for many families in the United States, where the median income is about $75,000, according to the Census Bureau.

Buying a home has become much harder for people as mortgage rates surged over the past two years and home prices continue to rise due to very low inventory.

And don’t even get me started on food prices.

When I get to the checkout counter at my local supermarket, I feel like asking the cashier what organ I should donate in order to pay for my cart of groceries.

In order to get inflation under control, the Federal Reserve has been aggressively hiking interest rates, and an economist that worked at the Fed for six years is warning that interest rates are going to go even higher

“I worked at the Fed for six years and if inflation expectations are drifting higher and they’re not under control, the Fed absolutely will act,” Luke Tilley, chief economist at Wilmington Trust Investment Advisors, told CNN.

“That is the one thing that gives them trouble sleeping at night. They don’t lose sleep over recessions because they come and go, but they do lose sleep over long-term inflation expectations drifting higher,” he said.

Of course high interest rates are already absolutely devastating many sectors of the economy.

For example, the trucking industry is in the midst of “the great trucking recession” right now…

“Everybody’s calling this the great trucking recession, and it’s true because all the trucking companies right now are in dark times,” he said. “This is not a good time to be in the trucking industry. Just to paint a picture, the trucking industry is the engine that drives the American economy forward. We’re fueling growth [and] prosperity by transporting goods to where they need to be and when the engine breaks down or stops, it works like a heart. When that ceases to be, it brings the entire economic system to a halt.”

Yellow Corporation, for example, which is one of the nation’s oldest and largest trucking companies, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in August, laying off 30,000 employees. Convoy Inc., a Seattle-based trucking startup that was valued by investors at $3.8 billion just last year, shut down last month.

Our politicians in Washington have been borrowing and spending trillions upon trillions of dollars in a desperate attempt to prop up the economy, but it isn’t working.

But all of that borrowing and spending is making our long-term financial outlook a lot worse.  In fact, Moody’s just reduced the rating outlook for the U.S. government from “stable” to “negative”

Moody’s Investors Service on Friday lowered its ratings outlook on the United States’ government to negative from stable, pointing to rising risks to the nation’s fiscal strength.

The ratings agency has affirmed the long-term issuer and senior unsecured ratings of the U.S. at Aaa.

“In the context of higher interest rates, without effective fiscal policy measures to reduce government spending or increase revenues,” the agency said. “Moody’s expects that the US’ fiscal deficits will remain very large, significantly weakening debt affordability.”

We really are in the endgame.

Our leaders were able to keep the party going for a long time, but now the jig is up.

Inflation is out of control, the value of our currency is being destroyed, and debt levels have reached cataclysmic proportions.

The era of seemingly endless prosperity is over, and an extraordinary amount of pain is ahead of us.

A full-blown economic meltdown has now begun, and there is nothing that Joe Biden can do to reverse this process.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.

About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on  In addition to my new book I have written seven other books that are available on including “7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending copies as gifts to family and friends.  Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have also started a brand new Substack newsletter, and I encourage you to subscribe so that you won’t miss any of my articles.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is definitely a great help.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

Why Is Volcanic Activity Starting To Go Crazy All Over The Planet?

All of a sudden, the giant rock that we all live on is starting to go a bit nuts.  Unusual volcanic activity is happening all over the globe, but the “experts” are assuring us that there is nothing to be concerned about.  But could it be possible that they are wrong?  After you have reviewed the information that I provide in this article, come to your own conclusion.  To me, it definitely appears that what we are currently witnessing is not normal.

Right now, volcanic activity is causing a brand new island to emerge from the Pacific Ocean just off the coast of Japan’s Iwo Jima island

A newborn island that recently emerged from the Pacific Ocean after an underwater volcanic eruption is now visible from space, images from the European Space Agency (ESA) reveal. The satellite images show the new landmass sitting around 0.6 mile (1 kilometer) off the coast off Japan’s Iwo Jima island.

The submerged volcano began erupting on Oct. 21, with activity ramping up over the next 10 days. By Oct. 30, explosions were taking place every few minutes, according to a translated statement. The eruption threw large lumps of rock into the air, and shot a jet of gas and ash over 160 feet (50 meters) almost vertically above the water’s surface.

Needless to say, a new island is not born very often.

I have been warning my readers about the alarming rise of volcanic activity in our oceans, and this is yet more evidence that something really strange is taking place down there.

But when it comes to Japan, there is another volcano that I believe is far more of a threat.

Let’s keep a very close eye on Mt. Fuji in 2024 and beyond, because when it finally blows it is going to cause death and destruction on an absolutely massive scale.

Meanwhile, in Iceland residents of the town of Grindavík are being evacuated because thousands of earthquakes have “raised concerns that a volcanic eruption may be imminent”

Some residents of the southwestern Iceland town of Grindavík were allowed to briefly return home Sunday to quickly gather essential belongings and pets left behind when evacuations were ordered amid thousands of earthquakes that have rattled the region and raised concerns that a volcanic eruption may be imminent.

Iceland’s government declared a state of emergency and began the mass evacuation of Grindavík on Friday.

Overall, that region has been hit by more than 4,000 earthquakes in recent days, and at least 1,000 of those quakes were actually “recorded within the magma tunnel”

The Icelandic Met Office (IMO) has been providing continuous updates on the potential disaster and said that based on observations, there is a “significant likelihood” of a volcanic eruption in the coming days.

More than 4,000 earthquakes have struck the region over the past two days, and the IMO said that since midnight on Sunday, 1,000 earthquakes were recorded within the magma tunnel, or dike, that formed at the end of last week.

Here in the United States, Mount St. Helens has been rattled by 400 earthquakes since the middle of July…

400 earthquakes have been recorded under Mount St. Helens since mid-July, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS).

This is the longest series of tremors since the volcano’s last eruption ended in 2008.

We are being told that “magma has been flowing through chambers deep underground” as the volcano recharges…

Specialized equipment has detected that magma has been flowing through chambers deep underground, causing the volcano to recharge.

There are fears the earthquakes could lead to another massive explosion reminiscent of 1980s eruption that left 57 people dead and permanently altered the area’s ecosystem.

I do believe that Mount St. Helens will erupt again.

But as my regular readers already know, I am even more concerned about Mt. Rainier.

On the other side of the world, seismic activity has been regularly shaking an absolutely massive supervolcano known as Campi Flegrei

It is now the site of multiple volcanoes that have been active for 39,000 years, many of which lie underwater. It’s also populated with villas, small villages and shopping malls and home to 800,000 people and a hospital under construction. More than 500,000 of the locals live in what Italy’s civil protection agency has deemed a “red zone,” an area encompassing 18 towns that’s at highest risk in the event of an eruption. An additional 3 million residents of Naples live immediately outside the eastern edge of the caldera, according to the civil protection agency.

The last major eruption of Campi Flegrei was in 1538, and it created a new mountain in the bay. Seismic activity in the area has been intensifying since December of 2022, according to Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), and experts fear that the volcano could be reawakening after generations at rest.

So far this year, Campi Flegrei has been hit by more than 3,400 earthquakes, and this has generated quite a bit of alarm…

Currently in a state of positive bradyseism, when the ground moves upward, the entire volcanic zone is also experiencing a surge in earthquakes that has rattled nerves and sent residents seeking safety out into the streets. In September, the strongest earthquake in 40 years struck the region, and that 4.2 magnitude quake was followed by one of a similar strength just days later.

So far in 2023 Campi Flegrei has recorded more than 3,450 earthquakes, 1,118 of which occurred in August alone. This is more than triple the previous year’s total, according to INGV’s data. More than 500 earthquakes occurred in October, the strongest of which hit 4.0 magnitude, followed by a dozen aftershocks.

All of this seismic activity has been happening at a time when the giant ball of fire that our planet revolves around has been extremely active.

In fact, a large coronal mass ejection that was just unleashed hit us this weekend

That’s because the sun has unleashed an enormous coronal mass ejection (CME) which is set to hit the Earth this weekend, sparking a geomagnetic storm between Saturday and Sunday.

This will fling charged particles into our planet which will interact with oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere to emit green and red colours over our poles.

The Met Office’s Space Weather arm said Aurora borealis would likely be visible across parts of Scotland, Northern Ireland and even ‘as far south as central England and Wales’ if skies are clear.

Scientific “experts” are going to just keep telling you that nothing unusual is happening at all.

And people like me are going to just keep telling you that cataclysmic times are now upon us.

So who is right and who is wrong?

As is the case with so many other things, time will reveal the truth…

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.

About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on  In addition to my new book I have written seven other books that are available on including “7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending copies as gifts to family and friends.  Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have also started a brand new Substack newsletter, and I encourage you to subscribe so that you won’t miss any of my articles.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is definitely a great help.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

When Will The Biden Administration And The Mainstream Media Admit That The U.S. Is Already At War With Iran?

If someone attacks your troops 46 times in less than a month, you are at war with them.  But the Biden administration certainly does not want to admit that we are at war with Iran.  We are heading into an election year, and many Americans don’t want to hear that we are involved in yet another war in the Middle East.  The mainstream media isn’t telling us the truth either.  Even though U.S. troops in Syria and Iraq have now come under fire 46 times since October 7th, the mainstream media continues to insist that we aren’t actually “at war” with Iran.

But how can they say that?

Following the terror attacks of October 7th, Iranian-backed groups attacked U.S. troops more than two dozen times in Syria and Iraq.

So the Biden administration conducted a couple of airstrikes, and they were hoping that this would be enough to get the terrorists to back off.

But that didn’t work.

Instead, Iranian-backed groups just kept on attacking U.S. bases.

So now the U.S. military has conducted another “self-defense strike”.  The following comes directly from a statement that was just released by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin

Today, at President Biden’s direction, U.S. military forces conducted a self-defense strike on a facility in eastern Syria used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups. This strike was conducted by two U.S. F-15s against a weapons storage facility. This precision self-defense strike is a response to a series of attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria by IRGC-Quds Force affiliates. The President has no higher priority than the safety of U.S. personnel, and he directed today’s action to make clear that the United States will defend itself, its personnel, and its interests.

Please go back and read the highlighted portion of that paragraph again.

We hit a base that is “used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps”.

In other words, this is a facility that is used by Iranian troops.

Of course this strike didn’t work either.

In fact, U.S. troops have already been attacked “multiple times” since then…

U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria were attacked multiple times by Iranian-backed proxies in the 24 hour period after U.S. forces conducted airstrikes against an Iranian-linked facility in Syria.

Three U.S. troops were injured in the four attacks, one against U.S. troops in Iraq and three in Syria, that occurred following the U.S. strike on Wednesday, deputy spokeswoman Sabrina Singh told reporters.

Overall, U.S. troops in the region have now been attacked a total of 46 times by Iranian-backed groups…

U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria that are there to counter ISIS have been attacked 46 times by Iranian proxies in the region since Oct. 17.

U.S. and coalition forces have been attacked 24 separate times in Iraq and 22 separate times in Syria by a mix of one-way attack drones and rockets, Singh told reporters.

And we are being told if these attacks continue that the U.S. “won’t hesitate to take further necessary measures to protect our people”…

“If these attacks continue against our personnel,” Singh added, “we won’t hesitate to take further necessary measures to protect our people and to do so at a time and place of our choosing.”

Needless to say, the attacks are going to continue.

And so the U.S. will be forced to hit back again and again.

This is what war looks like.

Meanwhile, the battle inside Gaza City has been heating up

Israeli troops are locked in brutal close quarter warfare with Hamas on the streets of Gaza, with military officials claiming their troops toppled one of the Palestinian militants’ ‘strongholds’ this morning after a gruelling 10-hour-long battle.

Hamas fighters armed with rocket-propelled grenade launchers and assault rifles fired on Israeli soldiers backed by armoured vehicles in the ruins of the besieged territory’s north.

Broken palm trees, mangled road signs and twisted lampposts marked the remains of what was once north Gaza’s main road, as Israeli tanks and APCs trundled south to enter Gaza City.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to be very pleased with the progress that the IDF is making.

During a nationally televised speech on Tuesday, he declared that “thousands of terrorists above and beneath the ground” have already been wiped out…

The Israel Defense Forces has already killed “thousands of terrorists above and beneath the ground” in the Gaza Strip, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a prime-time televised speech on Tuesday.

“In the south, the war in the [Gaza] Strip is progressing with a force that Hamas has never known,” said Netanyahu, speaking exactly 30 days after Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel.

“Since the beginning of the ground maneuver, we have destroyed countless Hamas headquarters, tunnels, bases and facilities. We are reaching places that Hamas never thought we would reach,” he continued as he praised the “unparalleled fighting spirit” of the IDF.

Hamas is clearly in very big trouble.

So how long will Hezbollah wait before making a big move against Israel?

That is a question that a lot of people are asking right now.

There have been reports of troop mobilizations, and Hezbollah officials have pledged not to let Hamas get completely wiped out.

But launching an all-out attack on Israel would definitely spark an absolutely overwhelming response.

And those that are running Hezbollah understand this very well.

The war in the Middle East has caused global events to go into overdrive.  I literally had my brand new book entitled “Chaos” almost completely ready for publication, but then the war in the Middle East erupted and I had to edit a bunch of chapters and add a significant amount of new material.  So that is the primary reason why the release of the book was delayed.

This is the great war in the Middle East that we have been expecting.

Right now, it is still in the early chapters, and it will get a lot more intense.

The U.S. is already deeply involved in this war, but most Americans have no idea what is really happening on the other side of the globe.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.

About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on  In addition to my new book I have written seven other books that are available on including “7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending copies as gifts to family and friends.  Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have also started a brand new Substack newsletter, and I encourage you to subscribe so that you won’t miss any of my articles.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is definitely a great help.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

U.S. Banks Are Sitting On $650 Billion In Unrealized Losses, And That Means Disaster Is Just A Bank Run Away

Our economy runs on credit, and our banks are the beating heart of that system.  Without healthy banks, how would Americans buy homes, purchase vehicles or get credit cards?  The way that our system is currently constructed, it is absolutely imperative for our banks to function properly.  Unfortunately, the truth is that our banks have gotten into deep financial trouble.  They are sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars in unrealized losses, and the primary reason why those losses have become so large is because we have witnessed a historic bond market crash over the past several years…

Treasury bonds — debt instruments the government issues to fund its spending — have been on a nightmarish run since the onset of the pandemic, with investors fretting about rising interest rates and the long-term viability of the US’s massive deficit.

BlackRock’s iShares 20+ Year Treasury fund, which tracks longer-duration debt prices, has plunged 48% since April 2020.

Thanks to that historic bond market crash, our financial institutions were sitting on 650 billion dollars in unrealized losses as of September 30th

As a result of that sell-off, some of the US’s biggest banks are now sitting on unrealized, or “paper,” losses worth hundreds of billions of dollars. That means the value of their bond holdings has plunged, but they’ve chosen to hold on rather than offload their investments.

Moody’s estimated last month that US financial institutions had racked up $650 billion worth of paper losses on their portfolios by September 30 — up 15% from June 30. The ratings agency’s data still doesn’t account for a hellish October where the longer-term collapse in bond prices spiraled into one of the worst routs in market history.

Go back and read that last sentence again.

After what we witnessed during the month of October, what is the real number now?

Has it surpassed 700 billion dollars?

Has it surpassed 800 billion dollars?

Nobody really knows.

However, what we do know is that we have never seen anything like this before.

The good news is that there won’t be a major problem in the short-term unless there is a run on the banks.

But if there is a run on the banks, the banks that are affected will need to start selling off their bonds at a huge loss, and that would be a nightmare…

While they are generally purchased and intended to be held until they mature, if banks experience a surge of withdrawals – a run on the bank – they may need to sell them. That is what happened to Silicon Valley Bank earlier this year.

The bank was forced to sell those bonds as its depositors sought to withdraw funds.

So as long as everyone has faith in the banks, things won’t get too crazy.

Hopefully that will remain the case for quite a while, because right now our largest banks are a ticking time bomb

Bank of America is the big lender worst affected by the crash in bond prices, having disclosed a potential $130 billion hole in its balance sheet last month.

The other “Big Four” banks — Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo — have also racked up unrealized losses in the tens of billions, according to their second- and third-quarter earnings reports.

Just a few days ago, we witnessed the sixth bank failure this year.

The combined assets of those six banks actually exceed the combined assets of the 25 banks that failed in 2oo8.

And as James Rickards has aptly noted, more bank failures are coming…

I warned in March that the failure of Silicon Valley Bank would be just the start. Now we’ve had five additional bank failures.

And this latest failure won’t be the last.

Veterans of such crises (and I include myself in that category) know that once the dominoes start falling, they keep falling until some government intervention of a particularly draconian kind is imposed.

Meanwhile, the overall economy continues to steadily deteriorate.

According to Challenger, Gray & Christmas, the number of retail layoffs has jumped 258 percent compared to the same time period last year…

Amid the early holiday shopping season, retailers have cut 72,182 jobs through October, a 258% increase from the 20,191 jobs eliminated in 2022, according to a new report from Challenger, Gray & Christmas. This marks the most significant number of job cuts since retailers cut 179,520 jobs in October 2020.

Over the past few years, economic conditions have just gotten harsher and harsher.

It has been a slow, steady slide that now threatens to turn into an avalanche.

According to a new poll that was just conducted by Bankrate, the American people don’t feel too good about the economic changes that we have witnessed since Joe Biden entered the White House…

A new survey published by Bankrate on Wednesday shows that 50% of Americans say their financial situation has gotten worse since the 2020 presidential election. By comparison, just 21% think their financial situation has improved, while 26% believe it is unchanged.

“The plight of the economy over the next 12 months may help to dictate whether it was wise, or not, for President Biden to trumpet the branding of ‘Bidenomics,'” said Mark Hamrick, senior economic analyst at Bankrate.

Among Americans who are feeling pessimistic about their financial outlook, about half — 45% — blame Biden and his economic policies. Another 35% think that Congress is responsible, while 27% identified the Federal Reserve as the culprit.

But as bad as things are right now, the truth is that what we are experiencing at this moment will be considered rip-roaring prosperity compared to what is coming.

As I discuss in my brand new book entitled “Chaos”, we are on the brink of an economic shaking that will be unlike anything that our nation has ever seen before.

America is literally drowning in debt, the value of our currency is being destroyed, and now our financial system stands of the brink of an unprecedented crisis.

So I hope that you are prepared for what is coming next.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of the population is not.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.

About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on  In addition to my new book I have written seven other books that are available on including “7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending copies as gifts to family and friends.  Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have also started a brand new Substack newsletter, and I encourage you to subscribe so that you won’t miss any of my articles.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is definitely a great help.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

Americans Are Absolutely Drowning In Debt, And This Really Is The Worst Debt Crisis In All Of U.S. History

I truly wish that headline was an exaggeration.  Unfortunately, for decades Americans have been extremely irresponsible with their finances.  As a result, credit card debt is at an all-time high, auto loan debt is at an all-time high, mortgage debt is at an all-time high, corporate debt is at an all-time high, state and local governments all over the nation continue to get into absurd amounts of debt, and the federal government has piled up the single largest mountain of debt in the history of the world.  Our whole society is absolutely drowning in debt at this stage, and the only way out is for the entire system to collapse.

On Tuesday, we learned that the total amount of credit card debt in the U.S. has now reached a new record high of 1.08 trillion dollars

Americans now owe $1.08 trillion on their credit cards, according to a new report on household debt from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Credit card balances spiked by $154 billion year over year, notching the largest increase since 1999, the New York Fed found.

“Credit card balances experienced a large jump in the third quarter, consistent with strong consumer spending and real GDP growth,” said Donghoon Lee, the New York Fed’s economic research advisor.

Credit card debt has always been one of the most insidious forms of debt, but now the banks are pushing credit card interest rates to unprecedented heights

The rise in credit card usage and debt is particularly concerning because interest rates are astronomically high right now. The average credit card annual percentage rate, or APR, hit a new record of 20.72% last week, according to a Bankrate database that goes back to 1985. The previous record was 19% in July 1991.

If people are carrying debt to compensate for steeper prices, they could end up paying more for items in the long run. For instance, if you owe $5,000 in debt — which the average American does — current APR levels would mean it would take about 279 months and $8,124 in interest to pay off the debt making the minimum payments.

It should be illegal to issue a credit card that has an interest rate higher than 20 percent.

But banks are going to keep doing it because our politicians will not stop them.

So don’t fall into their trap.

Other forms of debt are rapidly growing as well

Auto loan balances also contributed to the uptick, climbing by $13 billion over the course of the third quarter to $1.6 trillion. Student loan debt, meanwhile, increased by $30 billion while mortgage balances jumped by $126 billion to $12.14 trillion.

Overall, U.S. households are now more than 17 trillion dollars in debt.

I can’t even begin to describe how foolish we have been.

The only way to keep the party going is to borrow even more money, but thanks to higher interest rates we are not going to be able to purchase as much.

This is something that Kevin O’Leary pointed out in a recent interview…

“We’re looking at a downsized America. I tell it like it is,” O’Leary said on “The Big Money Show.” “Three years ago, even 24 months ago, you get a mortgage at 4.5%. You’re lucky to get one at eight today. So that means the size of the house you’re going to buy is 20 to 25% smaller. That’s a downsize.”

“You want to borrow for a car? Sorry, that’s 8 to 9%. Used to be five,” the O’Leary Ventures chairman added. “So, smaller, less expensive car. That’s happening at the same time.”

He is right.

But we just can’t help ourselves, and so we are going to continue to borrow more money.

The same thing is true for our corporations.

Today, corporate debt is at the highest level ever recorded.

And state and local governments continue to borrow money as if tomorrow will never come.

But the biggest offender of all is the federal government.

The national debt is currently sitting at 33.6 trillion dollars, and it is constantly going higher.

You can watch the national debt clock race upwards right here.  To me, that debt clock is actually a countdown to the financial destruction of America.

Once upon a time, I warned that the U.S. would be paying a trillion dollars in interest on the national debt by the year 2030.

Well, guess what?

We got there early.

According to Bloomberg, we have already crossed that ominous threshold…

Estimated annualized interest payments on the US government debt pile climbed past $1 trillion at the end of last month, Bloomberg analysis shows. That projected amount has doubled in the past 19 months from the equivalent figure forecast around the time.

The estimated interest expense is calculated using US Treasury data which state the government’s monthly outstanding debt balances and the average interest it pays.


As usual, things are even worse than many of us were originally projecting.

Before I end this article, there is one more thing that I wanted to mention.

The “glitch” that affected the direct deposit of so many paychecks all over the nation still has not been resolved five days later…

Federal Reserve officials are urging banks to work with customers hurt by ongoing deposit delays that have prevented some people from accessing their paychecks and other funds.

A number of customers still haven’t received their direct deposit paychecks following a “human error” that damaged the plumbing of America’s banking system. The deposit delays are linked to a problem that emerged on Friday with the Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments system, causing headaches for consumers and employers.

“The Federal Reserve encourages banks to work quickly to resolve issues for customers experiencing delays in receiving direct deposit payments as a result of operational issues at a private sector payments provider,” a Fed spokesman told CNN in a statement.

Was it really a “human error” that caused this?

If someone just hit a wrong button, you would think that would be relatively easy to fix.

Keep a close eye on the banks.  As I discuss in my new book entitled “Chaos”, the banks are the beating heart of our economy and enormous trouble is brewing.

Without healthy banks, our entire system will go haywire very rapidly.

We need to borrow money for just about every major purchase that we make, and it is the banks that make the vast majority of those loans.

If the flow of credit starts to dry up, so will our standard of living.

Unfortunately, a credit crunch has now begun, and that is going to have very serious implications for all of us.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.

About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on  In addition to my new book I have written seven other books that are available on including “7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending copies as gifts to family and friends.  Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have also started a brand new Substack newsletter, and I encourage you to subscribe so that you won’t miss any of my articles.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is definitely a great help.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.