It’s Like Magic! Lockdowns Are Ending All Over America Just Days After Biden’s Inauguration…

Isn’t it amazing how all of the lockdowns can now be lifted now that Donald Trump is no longer president?  It has been less than a week since Joe Biden was inaugurated, and COVID restrictions are being ended in Michigan, Chicago, California and New York.  What an odd coincidence, eh?  Now that Democrats are running everything, it turns out that there is no longer any need for such fear-based control mechanisms.  At this point, we are being told that happy days are here again and that the next four years are going to be just great. (Read More...)

The Secret To The Stock Market: Just Buy Tech Companies That Are Losing Money And Watch Profits Rain From The Sky

For those that can’t detect sarcasm, I am not actually sharing “investment advice” in this article.  Rather, I am pointing out how absurd our financial markets have become at this point.  While the real economy is mired in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, the stock market just keeps soaring to record high after record high.  If the underlying profits that these corporations were generating actually justified the extremely high stock prices that we have been witnessing, then I wouldn’t have anything to complain about.  Sadly, the truth is that many of the companies that are seeing their stocks soar into the stratosphere are not making any money at all. (Read More...)

We Are Suffering Through The Most Painful Economic Crisis Since The Great Depression Of The 1930s

I warned that an economic collapse was coming, and an economic collapse is exactly what we got.  2020 was a “personal financial disaster” for 55 percent of all Americans, approximately 12 million U.S. renters are “at least $5,850 behind in rent and utilities payments”, the Aspen Institute is projecting that up to 40 million people could be facing eviction when the rent and mortgage moratoriums finally end, and more than 70 million new claims for unemployment benefits have been filed since the COVID pandemic began. (Read More...)

They Didn’t Even Give Joe Biden One Day Before They Started Rioting…

When people tried to sell us on the idea that the radical left would quit rioting once Joe Biden was president, I just had to chuckle.  I knew that what they were saying simply was not true.  But I figured that the radical left would at least give Biden a few days before they started rioting, looting and burning things again.  Sadly, I was wrong.  Just hours after Joe Biden was sworn in, radical leftists in Portland and Seattle started going completely nuts.  The footage that you are about to see is extremely shocking, but so far the corporate media is mostly avoiding this story because it does not fit any of the narratives that they are currently trying to push.  Of course if it was Trump supporters rioting it would be the biggest news story in the entire nation right now. (Read More...)

6 Asteroids Will Make Close Approaches To Earth On Inauguration Day

After all of the weirdness that we have witnessed over the past year, it just wouldn’t feel right if something strange didn’t happen on Inauguration Day.  And right on cue, NASA is telling us that six asteroids will make close approaches to our planet within that 24 hour period.  One would be noteworthy, but six almost seems like overkill.  Could it be possible that someone is trying to get our attention?  Over the past couple of years, the number of “near misses” that we have had with asteroids has seemed to increase dramatically.  And as I have discussed previously, sometimes we don’t even see them until they have already gone past our planet.  This is a trend that I am going to keep a close eye on, because scientists assure us that eventually our luck will run out and our planet will get hit by a big one. (Read More...)

Even The Director Of Biden’s National Economic Council Has Been Forced To Admit The Economy Is “Spiraling Downward”

If your economy is “spiraling downward”, is that a good sign or a bad sign?  To me, that doesn’t sound good at all, but if I am mistaken please tell me.  I just want to make sure that I am not “misinterpreting” anything.  Brian Deese, the man who will shortly be serving as the head of the National Economic Council, has publicly stated that our economy is “spiraling downward” at this moment.  When I hear that, I picture a passenger airplane that completely loses control just before it crashes.  But according to Deese, there is a solution.  All we need to do is to pass the 1.9 trillion dollar stimulus package that Joe Biden is proposing(Read More...)

Now That Universal Basic Income Checks Have Started, The American People Will Go Mad If They Don’t Continue

We crossed a line that should have never been crossed when we sent “stimulus payments” directly to the American people during the very early stages of the COVID pandemic.  Even many Republicans that supported the measure acknowledged that what they were doing was pure socialism, but they defended the payments by insisting that we were in the middle of a major national emergency.  At the time, I warned that once the government started issuing such checks, the American people would always keep demanding more.  When it was announced that the latest round of “stimulus payments” would only be $600 per person, angry activists vandalized Nancy Pelosi’s house.  Of course they got Mitch McConnell’s house too.  In both cases, the vandals made it exceedingly clear that they wanted more government money. (Read More...)

America’s Slide Into Economic Oblivion Is Already Starting To Accelerate Here In 2021

Isn’t it fun to live in a rotting, decaying society that is coming apart at the seams all around us?  The latest economic numbers are extremely depressing, but now that free speech is being abolished and the elite are consolidating control over every aspect of our society, we are being assured that better days are right around the corner.  We have just got to be willing to accept the “new normal” which includes living in “tiny homes”, snacking on worms, and never expressing any independent thoughts which diverge from official mainstream narratives.  So with that in mind, I will try to share the horrible economic news that we have been getting in the most positive light possible. (Read More...)