Shoplifting In America Is Wildly Out Of Control

Shoplifters are going hog wild all over America, and our politicians seem powerless to stop this crisis.  When I was growing up, shoplifting was something that was pretty rare.  Once in a while some irresponsible idiot would slip a candy bar into his pocket, but it wasn’t something that retailers were too stressed out about.  But now everything has changed.  Retail “shrink” broke the 100 billion dollar barrier in 2022, and the final number for 2023 is expected to be even higher.  Stuff is being stolen from our major retailers on an industrial scale, and this is having very serious consequences. (Read More...)

Cereal For Dinner: As The Economy Implodes, The CEO Of Kellogg Is Trying To Convince Americans That Frosted Flakes And Froot Loops Are A Cheaper Alternative

Would you eat Cheerios for dinner?  What about Lucky Charms?  Many years ago when I was a college student, I would often eat cereal instead of a normal meal in the evening.  Needless to say, that wasn’t good for my health at all.  But now “cereal for dinner” has become quite trendy.  Food prices have soared in recent years and millions of Americans are trying to cut costs anywhere that they can.  As the economy continues to implode and more consumers find themselves “under pressure”, the CEO of Kellogg thinks that he will be able to convince even more of us that choosing cereal for dinner is a great way to save money(Read More...)

They Are Creating Incredibly Bizarre New Technologies For The Dystopian World Of The Future

Many would argue that we are already living in a dystopian society, but if those that are currently running things get their way our world will soon look far more dystopian than it does now.  Over the past few years, we have seen an unprecedented explosion of new technologies.  Some of these technologies appear to have the potential to make life better, but others would give those in positions of power the ability to watch us, track us, monitor us and control us like never before.  If you are not concerned about what we are now witnessing, that is probably because you haven’t been paying attention. (Read More...)

This Is What The Early Stages Of A Severe Recession Look Like

It is definitely starting to look a lot like 2008 and 2009 again.  Those years were such a painful time for our country, and in many ways we still haven’t fully recovered from the damage that was inflicted upon us during that era.  Unfortunately, so many of the exact same things that we experienced back then are starting to happen in our time.  For example, the Great Recession brought us the greatest foreclosure crisis in the history of our nation, and now foreclosures are really starting to spike here in 2024.  In fact, the number of new foreclosure filings in the U.S. just jumped 10 percent in a single month(Read More...)

Was America Just Attacked? We Have Now Been Put On Notice That Our Communication Infrastructure Is Extremely Vulnerable

What would we do if we suddenly couldn’t use the Internet or our phones any longer?  For a lot of people, such a scenario would be unthinkable.  In fact, it felt like the “world is ending” for many AT&T customers on Thursday.  The disruption to AT&T’s network only lasted for a few hours, but it created quite a frenzy.  If we are going to see this much panic for an outage that happens for just a few hours, what would our society look like if Internet and phone communication was down for days, weeks or even months? (Read More...)

The Average U.S. Household Is Spending $1,019 More A Month Just To Buy The Same Goods And Services It Did 3 Years Ago

It seems odd to talk about 2021 as “the good old days”, but the truth is that the cost of living was far lower just three short years ago.  Earlier today, I did an interview with Sam Rohrer of Stand In The Gap Today in which we discussed how food prices have gotten wildly out of control.  One example that I brought up was the fact that a Big Mac “value meal” can cost up to 18 dollars in some parts of the country.  There is no way that I would shell out 18 bucks for a burger, some fries and a drink at McDonald’s.  But this is the economic environment that we live in today. (Read More...)

They Thought That Going Soft On Crime Would Make Our Society Better. They Were Wrong.

The radicals that run most of our major cities thought that going soft on crime was the way to go.  So they reduced police budgets, they legalized a lot of things that used to be serious crimes, they decided to stop prosecuting numerous low level offenses, and many hardcore criminals found themselves getting sent back into the streets time after time after getting arrested by the police.  For example, even though the city of Chicago is experiencing a massive crime wave, the jail population in Cook County is “at the lowest level in 40 years” thanks to policies that are extremely soft on crime… (Read More...)

This Is A Tale Of Two Americas, And Those At The Bottom Of The Economic Food Chain Are Being Hit Extremely Hard

If you have plenty of money and you are able to shield yourself from what is happening to the tens of millions of people that are wallowing in poverty, life in America is still good in 2024.  Stock prices have been hovering near record highs, and companies that cater to the rich and famous have been raking in the cash.  But for most of the rest of the country, things are not going so well.  Homelessness has been rising at the fastest rate we have ever seen, crime is out of control all over the nation, and large companies are laying off workers at a very frightening pace. (Read More...)