Now The Iranians Are Promising More Military Action Against U.S. Forces, And That Would Definitely Start World War 3

What in the world are the Iranians thinking?  After President Trump decided not to respond militarily to the rockets that the Iranians fired at U.S. bases in Iraq, it appeared that a major war had been averted.  People all over the world celebrated this unexpected turn of events, and global stock markets soared.  But now the Iranians are changing their tune again.  Instead of “standing down”, top Iranian leaders are warning that “harsher revenge” is on the way and that there will be more attacks against U.S. forces.  I think that Iran correctly perceives that Trump does not want a war, but if Trump gets pushed too far he will hit the Iranians extremely hard.  And once the Iranian homeland starts getting pummeled by U.S. missiles, the Iranians will start firing some of the 200,000 missiles that they have stockpiled at Israel, and needless to say the Israelis will respond with even greater force.  In other words, any escalation of this conflict at this point has the potential to spark World War 3. (Read More...)

Everybody In America Should Stand Up And Applaud President Trump, Because He Just Changed The Course Of History

If someone else had been in the White House, this crisis could have easily turned out much differently.  Sadly, most Americans have no idea that we were literally on the brink of the beginning of World War 3 this week.  In fact, our population is so clueless about the rest of the world that 75 percent of all registered voters can’t even find Iran “on an unlabeled map of the globe”.  We literally live in an “idiocracy” where a third of the country can’t even name a single branch of government.  For most Americans, the alarming headlines about Iran will soon fade from memory, and they will just go on with their lives as if nothing really happened.  But the truth is that we were right on the precipice of a cataclysmic war that could have resulted in millions upon millions of deaths.  And a major war in the Middle East could still start at literally any time, but President Trump’s brave decision has at least delayed it for now. (Read More...)

Welcome To World War 3 – Just Pray That You Will Be Able To Survive It

It certainly didn’t take long for the missiles to start flying.  Just hours after Qassem Soleimani’s funeral proceedings ended, the Iranian military fired more than a dozen ballistic missiles at two U.S. bases in Iraq.  President Trump will be making a statement about this attack on Wednesday, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham is calling the attack “an act of war”, and the top headline on the Drudge Report at this hour consists of just two words: “It’s War!”  Of course the Iranians were already calling this conflict a “war” even before they decided to start firing missiles at us, but this definitely escalates matters. (Read More...)

Americans Are Debating About Whether We Will Go To War With Iran, But The Iranians Say The War Has Already Started

Whether you want it or not, the war with Iran has already begun.  It is kind of sad that the pundits on our cable news channels are so clueless about what has happened.  They seem to think that there is still a debate about whether we will go to war with Iran or not, but meanwhile the Iranians believe that the war has already started.  Of course most Americans don’t want such a war, and President Trump didn’t intend to start one, but we now have one nonetheless.  Over the past few days, vast hordes of Iranians mourning the death of Qassem Soleimani have been literally screaming for “war” and “revenge” at the top of their lungs.  And as you will see below, the top military adviser to Ayatollah Khamenei just told CNN that our two nations are already at war.  So it isn’t our decision to make.  The Iranians are going to be shooting at us whether we shoot back or not. (Read More...)

Why Is Iran Flying A Blood Red Flag Over A Famous Mosque That Is Directly Associated With The Mahdi?

For the first time ever, a blood red flag is being flown over the famous Jamkaran Mosque in the Iranian “holy city” of Qom.  If you have not see it yet, you can watch it being raised right here.  And as I will explain below, the fact that this mosque is directly associated with the Mahdi makes this symbolic gesture doubly significant.  The hoisting of this flag was broadcast on Iranian state television, and it was obviously intended to send a message to Shiites all over the globe.  So precisely what was that message?  Well, we are being told that according to Shiite tradition a red flag represents both “blood spilled unjustly” and a call for revenge… (Read More...)

Iran Vows Revenge Against The United States, And The Phrase “World War 3” Is Now Trending…

The world is most definitely a better place without Iranian military chief Qassem Soleimani.  He was a butcher, a murderer and a despised international terrorist.  All over the globe, people are celebrating his death, but without a doubt this also brings us much closer to a cataclysmic war with Iran.  In fact, as you will see below, the phrase “World War 3” is now trending on Google and Twitter.  Soleimani was the second most important person in Iran, and he was a greatly cherished national hero.  His death has absolutely enraged the Iranians, and they are already vowing revenge. (Read More...)

Iran, It’s Your Move – Trump’s Takedown Of Iranian General Qassim Suleimani Is Likely To Start A Global War

We just witnessed one of the most important deaths in the Middle East in decades.  Just hours ago, President Trump ordered the drone strike on Baghdad International Airport that killed Iranian Major General Qassim Suleimani and several other key officials.  Suleimani was the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Quds Force, but even more importantly he was a huge national hero in Iran.  To describe this killing as “seismic” would not do it justice.  U.S. Senator Chris Murphy says that Suleimani was “the second most powerful person in Iran”, and elsewhere he is being described as “the most influential Middle East military official for decades”.  This is a major victory for President Trump and the U.S. military, but it also makes it much, much less likely that we are going to be able to avoid a full-blown war with Iran. (Read More...)

The Cold, Hard Facts Which Prove That The Past Decade Was Actually Quite Awful For The U.S. Economy

If this is what “the good times” look like, how nightmarish are “the bad times” going to be?  In America today, more than 500,000 of us are homeless, about 40 million of us are living in poverty, 50 percent of all workers make less than $33,000 a year, and 70 percent of us have cried about money.  But at least the economy has been “growing”, right?  Well, in this article I would like to address that.  Even if you believe that the highly manipulated economic growth numbers that the government puts out are legitimate, they still show that we are in one of the worst economic stretches in all of U.S. history. (Read More...)