This Is Not 1979, And Donald Trump Is Not Jimmy Carter

Iran has just made a tragic mistake.  When Iranian proxies directly attacked the U.S. embassy in Baghdad on Tuesday, it sent shockwaves across the entire planet.  Of course it immediately reminded many of us of the Iranian hostage crisis, and that episode turned out great for the Iranians.  In November 1979, a group of Iranian militants stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran, and they took 52 American citizens hostage.  For the next 444 days, the United States was absolutely humiliated by the Iranians.  President Jimmy Carter looked like a pathetic weakling in the eyes of the rest of the world, and his inability to get the hostages back helped to pave the way for the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. (Read More...)

50 Numbers From 2019 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

One of the best ways to determine where things are heading is to look back at how much has changed over the past 12 months.  2019 has been one of the most memorable years in our history, and it has certainly set the stage for the critical events of the decade to come.  However, not everyone views this moment in our history the same way.  For example, one “expert” that is being heavily quoted by the mainstream media is claiming that 2019 was the culmination of “the best decade in human history”.  His main argument seems to be that since “the ecological footprint of human activity” appears to be shrinking, the world must be a better place than it was before as a result.  And certainly there are many other voices out there that are boldly proclaiming that we have entered a golden new era of peace and prosperity and that the best is yet to come.  You can buy that argument if you want, but there are other voices that believe that everything that is wrong with our society is reaching a very dangerous crescendo.  For those with that perspective, it appears that we are very close to a societal tipping point and that the years ahead are when we will finally pay the price for decades of exceedingly bad decisions. (Read More...)

Will It Be War? U.S. Airstrikes Hit Iranian-Backed Militias As The Pentagon Warns More Military Action May Be Coming

A lot of people seem to have forgotten that we were literally on the brink of war with Iran earlier this year.  Back in June, President Trump cancelled a major U.S. bombing mission against Iran at the last minute, and things seemed to settle down quite a bit since that time.  But now tensions are rising once again.  On Sunday, U.S. airstrikes targeted Iranian-backed militias in Iraq and Syria that U.S. officials believe have been behind recent rocket attacks against U.S. forces.  Of course those Iranian-backed forces never would have launched such attacks in the first place if they did not have permission from Tehran itself.  The Iranians love to hide behind proxies, and for now the U.S. is only conducting airstrikes against those proxies.  But at some point President Trump’s patience is likely to run out, and at that point we could start hitting Iran itself.  Over the past six months, the U.S. has sent 14,000 more troops to the Middle East, and it is being reported that “the Pentagon is considering deploying additional forces to the region”.  The drumbeats of war are starting to get louder again, and many believe that eventually one side is likely to push the other side a bit too far. (Read More...)

10 Things That Just Happened In America During The Holiday Season That Will Make You Cringe

Everything is great in America, isn’t it?  After all, the new Star Wars movie just came out, stock prices just hit another all-time record high, and Americans spent more money on Christmas gifts this year than ever before.  According to some people, this is the greatest time to be alive in all of American history, and the years that are ahead of us are going to be even better.  Of course if you are gullible enough to believe that there is a giant bridge in California that I would like to sell to you.  We live at a time when our society is literally falling apart all around us, and throwing even more money at our problems is not going to fix them.  As I noted the other day, “the suicide rate is at an all-time high, we are fighting the worst drug crisis in our history, according to the CDC more than 110 million Americans have an STD, and we have the highest percentage of children living with a single parent of any nation in the entire world.”  In other words, anyone that is attempting to argue that this is a golden era in America history is being more than just a little bit delusional. (Read More...)

Very Unusual Seismic Activity On The West Coast Has Some Experts Extremely Concerned About What Could Happen

The west coast never stops shaking, but lately the shaking has gone to an entirely new level, and this has many people deeply concerned about what may be coming.  Last summer, a series of alarming foreshocks immediately preceded the two historic quakes that shook the Ridgecrest area in southern California.  But those quakes were nothing compared to “the Big One” that scientists assure us is way overdue.  Someday an earthquake that is hundreds of times stronger will absolutely devastate the California coastline, and it may be arriving a lot sooner than many people think.  Farther north, the Cascadia subduction zone is a ticking time bomb that could literally unleash an unprecedented disaster at any moment.  What I am talking about is an event that will completely wipe out entire cities and that the region will never recover from.  As I have detailed repeatedly, authorities have warned us that “everything west of Interstate 5 will be toast” when an absolutely massive seismic event along the Cascadia subduction zone sends a gigantic tsunami sweeping inland. (Read More...)

While Americans Are Celebrating Christmas, A Solar Eclipse Will Be Visible In Bethlehem

A lot of really strange things have been happening late in 2019, and now we have another one to add to the list.  While it is still Christmas night here in the United States, the other side of the world will be viewing a very unusual solar eclipse.  For those fortunate enough to be directly in the path of this eclipse, the moon will almost entirely cover the sun’s disk for a few minutes.  At the most dramatic moment, the moon will be covering 97 percent of the sun, and a “ring of fire” will appear to be surrounding the perimeter of the moon.  In other words, at the peak of this eclipse the entire middle portion of the sun will look like it is “missing”, and all that will be visible will be an eerie “ring of fire” that will be casting light around the edges of the moon. (Read More...)

A Plot To Make Pelosi President? Now Adam Schiff Wants To Go After Vice-President Mike Pence…

I was really hoping that this wouldn’t happen.  Within hours of President Trump being impeached by the House, the mainstream media was reporting that Adam Schiff “has declared war” on Mike Pence.  At this time of the year, most Americans are celebrating holidays and spending time with their families, but Adam Schiff continues to be deeply focused on his twisted obsession to take down the Trump administration.  When Rachel Maddow asked him if he was “actively looking at Vice President Mike Pence and his role in this scandal”, Schiff made it quite clear that he has targeted Pence.  Is Schiff doing this because he wants “justice”, or is there some deeper plot afoot? (Read More...)

This Is A Very Dark Day In American History

The Democrats got what they wanted, but in the process they have created deep political fissures that will never heal.  Now that President Trump has been impeached by the House, he will eventually be acquitted by the Senate, and so his political career will survive.  But far more importantly, it has gotten to the point where nobody can no longer deny that America is at war with itself.  The left hates Donald Trump and his supporters with an intense, passionate, visceral hatred, and Trump and his supporters feel the same way about the left.  After this, nobody is going to be able to unite this country.  Instead, we are headed for a future of anger, frustration, desperate acts and civil conflict.  The mainstream media and many of our top political leaders have been stirring the pot for years, and the stage is set for an unprecedented explosion of animosity as we approach the upcoming election next November. (Read More...)