U.S. Representative Ted Lieu: There Is “More Than Enough” Evidence To Draft Articles Of Impeachment Right Now

A lot of conservatives still don’t realize what is about to happen.  The Democrats have already decided that articles of impeachment will be drafted, and they are planning on a vote by the end of this year.  Of course it is entirely possible that the timeline could get pushed back a bit, but this things is actually going to happen.  Many still seem to believe that the Democrats are going to “evaluate the evidence” before deciding what to do, but the truth is that most of them already have their minds made up.  For example, just check out what U.S. Representative Ted Lieu told CNN on Friday(Read More...)

Trump: “As President I have an obligation to end CORRUPTION, even if that means requesting the help of a foreign country or countries.”

President Trump has posted yet another tweet that is likely to elicit howls of outrage from the left.  In the tweet, he claims that he has “an obligation to end CORRUPTION, even if that means requesting the help of a foreign country or countries.”  And he is exactly correct.  As the chief law enforcement officer in the land, President Trump should be cracking down on corruption wherever it is found.  But the Democrats are trying to twist Trump’s request of help from Ukraine into a campaign finance violation, which as I pointed out yesterday is absolutely absurd.  Unfortunately, at this point the Democrats are fully committed to going down the road of impeachment, and so there is no turning back now.  But as this process unfolds, Trump will just keep on tweeting, and the left will just keep becoming more and more hysterical. (Read More...)

This Is What A Recession Looks Like – Here Are 12 Big Companies That Are Conducting Major Layoffs

Do you remember what it was like in 2008 when it literally felt like no job was truly safe?  It was a terrible time, and many fear that we could soon be facing a similar scenario.  In recent days, big companies all across America have been laying off workers at a frightening pace.  As economic activity has slowed down, a lot of firms are feeling compelled to slash their payrolls, and if a deep recession is ahead of us then what we have seen so far could be just the tip of the iceberg.  In 2008 and 2009, millions of Americans lost their jobs very rapidly, and it could very easily happen again. (Read More...)

Stock Prices Are Plunging, And Many Fear This Could Be Another “Black October” For The Stock Market

The stock market hasn’t started a quarter this badly in about a decade, and if stock prices continue to plummet it could set off a wave of panic selling unlike anything that we have seen in a very long time.  Of course it wouldn’t be the first time that we have seen a major stock market crash during the month of October.  If I mention “October 1929”, you immediately know what I am referring to, and the same thing is true for October 1987 and October 2008.  Today, we are facing a global economic slowdown, an impeachment crisis in Washington and a rapidly escalating trade war simultaneously, and it seems like almost everyone on Wall Street is suddenly talking about “the coming recession”.  In such an environment, any piece of bad news is going to push stocks lower, and that is certainly what happened on Wednesday(Read More...)

A U.S. Economic Slowdown Has Been Confirmed, And We Are Being Warned That “More Damage” Is Ahead

We just witnessed the worst month for U.S. manufacturers in more than 10 years, and nobody seems optimistic that things are going to get much better any time soon.  In fact, one expert is warning that “more damage” is coming if the trade war is not resolved, and unfortunately it does not appear that a resolution will be possible for the foreseeable future.  As I have been detailing for months, the entire global economy has been steadily slowing down, but some shocking new numbers that we just got indicate that our economic problems are really starting to accelerate.  So hold on to your hats, because it looks like things are about to get really crazy.  According to CNBC, September was the worst month for U.S. factories in more than a decade(Read More...)

As Prominent Republicans Betray Trump, The Media Urges Americans To Get Ready For “President Mike Pence”

Impeachment mania is reaching a fever pitch in Washington, and as I reported a couple of days ago, the Democrats are hoping to have articles of impeachment ready for a House vote around Thanksgiving.  But in order to impeach the president of the United States, you need to have an impeachable offense first, and even if everything that is being alleged is 100 percent true there is simply no impeachable offense in this case.  In recent days there has been a lot of talk about “the integrity of our elections” and Donald Trump has been accused of “betraying his oath of office”, but top Democrats never seem to publicly bring up any specific law that Trump has violated.  The U.S. Constitution sets a high standard for impeaching the president, and unless that standard is met, impeachment proceedings should not go forward.  Some progressive writers have attempted to suggest that Trump is guilty of bribery, extortion, obstruction of justice or a campaign finance violation, but none of those crimes comes anywhere close to fitting the facts of this case.  Democrats may have been offended by what Trump said during his call with the president of Ukraine, but being offended is not enough to impeach someone. (Read More...)

It Is Time To Go: Over Half Of All California Voters “Have Considered Leaving The State”

Why in the world does anyone still want to live in California?  Great weather and good paying jobs are the two biggest positives that residents often point out, but the high cost of living and the absolutely ridiculous housing prices often eat up all of the extra money that Californians think that they are making.  In fact, it was recently reported that it now takes approximately $350,000 a year to live a middle class lifestyle in the city of San Francisco.  If you have a ton of money, it can partially insulate you from the problems that are increasingly ravaging the state, but unless you never go out in public nothing is going to insulate you completely.  Cities all over the state are degenerating into drug-infested, crime-ridden hellholes that are literally being overrun by millions of rats.  California has some of the worst traffic in the entire world, unchecked illegal immigration is causing a whole host of social problems, and gang activity has become a massive problem.  On top of everything else, California is being constantly hit by wildfires, mudslides, earthquakes and other natural disasters.  In fact, scientists tell us that it is just a matter of time before “the Big One” hits, and that is probably one of the best reasons to leave California while you still can and never look back. (Read More...)

A Shocking New Survey Finds That Most Americans Are Completely Unprepared For The Next Recession

Just like in 2008, most Americans are living right on the edge financially, and so any sort of an economic downturn is going to be extremely painful for tens of millions of American families.  When you have not built up a financial cushion, any sort of a setback can be absolutely disastrous.  During the last recession, millions of Americans suddenly lost their jobs, and because most of them were living paycheck to paycheck a lot of them suddenly couldn’t pay their mortgages.  In the end, millions of Americans lost their homes during the “subprime mortgage meltdown”, and today the housing bubble is even larger than it was back then.  Sadly, the reality of the matter is that many of us are just barely scraping by from month to month, and that is a very dangerous position to be in. (Read More...)