Explaining The Mass Exodus Out Of America’s Large Left-Wing Cities

Over the past several years, thousands of businesses and millions of people have left America’s large left-wing cities.  Of course when moderates and conservatives leave, that just causes those cities to shift even further to the left, and the politicians just implement even more self-destructive policies.  So now many of our biggest metropolitan areas find themselves caught in a “death spiral”, and there appears to be little hope of turning things around any time soon.  The politicians in these left-wing cities clearly understand that their once-thriving communities have been transformed into crime-ridden, drug infested hellholes, but it would go against everything that they believe to do what is necessary to fix things. (Read More...)

The Sequel Is Here: Housing Crash 2 Accelerates As Home Sales Drop To The Lowest Level Since 2009

If you are trying to sell your home right now, I feel so sorry for you.  Thanks to the Federal Reserve, mortgage rates have risen to very alarming levels, and this has scared millions of potential homebuyers out of the market.  Compared to two years ago, the average potential homebuyer is facing mortgage payments that are close to $1,000 per month higher.   I don’t know about you, but I certainly wouldn’t want to pay $1,000 more each month for the exact same house.  So most potential homebuyers are staying out of the market until interest rates come down, and that could be a while, because officials at the Fed do not plan to reduce rates for the foreseeable future. (Read More...)

From “America The Beautiful” To “America Smeared With Feces”…

I am going to warn you right now – this article is all about poop.  Our nation was once known as “America the Beautiful”, but now so much of what made us so beautiful has crumbled and decayed, and feces is literally being smeared all over the place.  I truly wish that I was exaggerating, but at this point poop in the streets has become a major issue from coast to coast.  Our homeless population is absolutely exploding, and many of the homeless are addicted to drugs.  Unfortunately, many drug addicts simply do not care where they are when it is time to take a crap.  They just pull down their pants and let it fly. (Read More...)

Lab-Grown Beef And Chicken Will Soon Be In Your Local Grocery Store…

Would you like to eat a slab of “beef” or “chicken” that has been artificially “grown” inside a giant vat filled with disgusting goo?  Personally, I will never eat any “beef” or “chicken” that scientists have cooked up in a lab somewhere.  In fact, I would rather crawl on my belly for a mile on a gravel road filled with razor-sharp glass shards than eat a single bite of lab-grown “meat”.  I am sure that many of you feel the same.  But it is coming anyway.  In fact, CNN is reporting that Americans will be able to try lab-grown chicken “soon”… (Read More...)

Tech Companies Have Laid Off More Than 219,000 Workers In 2023. But Don’t Worry, Because Biden Says The Economy Is Fine.

If you want to believe that propaganda that is coming from the Biden administration, you probably won’t want to read this article.  Joe Biden insists that “Bidenomics” is working and that a wonderful new era of peace and prosperity is just around the corner.  Meanwhile, inflation is out of control, homelessness is rising to very frightening levels, the commercial real estate market is imploding, and large companies are conducting mass layoffs all over America.  In fact, tech companies have already laid off more workers in 2023 than they did all of last year(Read More...)

Store Food While You Still Can, Because 2.4 Billion People Already Do Not Have Enough Food As This New Global Famine Accelerates

Global food supplies just keep getting even tighter, and global hunger has risen to extremely alarming levels.  People on the other side of the world are literally starving to death as I write this article, but most of us in the western world simply do not care about the millions that are deeply suffering because the mainstream media hardly ever talks about what is happening.  But the truth is that we are feeling the impact of this global food crisis too.  As I warned my readers repeatedly, the primary way that this crisis would manifest itself in wealthy countries during the early stages would be through higher food prices, and that is precisely what we are witnessing.  On Friday, I went to the grocery store and a small bag of chips that I could once buy on sale for 99 cents now has a regular price of 5.99 stamped on it.  Throughout the store there were so many products that I refused to purchase because I thought that they had simply become way too expensive, but those prices are not going back down to where they once were.  Food inflation is here to stay, and the entire planet is going to suffer as a result. (Read More...)

Vast Hordes Of Americans Are Being Forced Out Into The Streets As The Middle Class Disintegrates

How many people will be sleeping in homeless shelters, on the streets or in their vehicles where you live tonight?  That is the sort of question that not a lot of us like to think about.  But the truth is that homelessness is growing at a very rapid pace all over the country right now.  But if you have lots of money, life probably seems pretty good to you at the moment.  You may eat at a different restaurant every night, and you may be one of the approximately 10 million Americans that currently own a second home.  Our leaders made the wealthy even wealthier by pumping trillions of dollars into the system in recent years, but as the cost of living has soared the poor have gotten even poorer and the middle class has steadily disintegrated.  So now the gap between the wealthy and the rest of the nation is larger than ever, and that is creating a tremendous amount of tension in our society. (Read More...)

The Mainstream Media Is Not Telling You The Truth About Inflation

Inflation is going down!  Isn’t that wonderful?  When many less educated Americans hear this news, they will think that prices are going down.  But that is not true at all.  In fact, prices are still going up.  They are just going up at a slower rate than they were before.  According to the federal government, the Consumer Price Index was only 3 percent higher in June 2023 than it was in June 2022.  That sounds like pretty good news, but it is imperative to realize that the formula used for the Consumer Price Index has literally been changed dozens of times over the decades.  If the rate of inflation was still calculated the way that it was back in 1980, it would still be well into the double digits. (Read More...)