The Economic Nightmare That You Have Been Waiting For Is Here

A lot of people out there have been waiting for the next major economic crisis to arrive.  If you are one of them, you don’t have to wait any longer, because it is already here.  All of the numbers are telling us that we haven’t faced a downturn of this magnitude since 2008.  For example, the Conference Board’s index of leading economic indicators has now fallen for 10 months in a row.  According to Zero Hedge, this is the first time that has happened since the collapse of Lehman Brothers.  And just like we witnessed in 2008, the housing market is crashing.  In fact, the median price of a home in the San Francisco Bay Area has already fallen by a whopping 35 percent(Read More...)

A Cover Up Of Epic Proportions Is Happening In East Palestine, Ohio

If you want a perfect example of how corrupt our system of government has become, just look at the massive cover up that is going on in East Palestine, Ohio right now.  Federal, state and local officials are telling the public that everything is just fine when everything is obviously not just fine.  On February 3rd, a 50 car Norfolk Southern train derailed in East Palestine.  5 of the cars were carrying vinyl chloride which is an extremely hazardous substance that has been proven to cause several types of cancer.  Unfortunately, with the approval of Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, a decision was made on February 6th to conduct a “controlled burn” of the wreckage.  They knew that burning the vinyl chloride would create vast amounts of phosgene gas.  By now, most of you already know that phosgene gas was actually used as a chemical weapon in World War I.  The cloud of toxic chemicals that was created by the “controlled burn” was so large that it could literally be seen from space, and the long-term health problems that are being caused all over the east coast could stretch on for decades. (Read More...)

As The Economy Implodes, Credit Card Balances Are Increasing At The Fastest Pace In U.S. History

When the going gets tough, it can be extremely tempting to pile on debt as a solution.  The cost of living is rising much faster than most of our paychecks are, and this is putting an enormous amount of financial stress on hard working Americans.  But rather than cutting back on spending, a lot of people are choosing to deal with that financial stress by going into more debt.  In fact, we just learned that U.S. household debt reached an all-time record high of 16.9 trillion dollars last quarter… (Read More...)

The West Will Need To Use Either Nukes Or NATO Troops To Stop The Russian Advances In Ukraine

The new Russian offensive appears to have begun, and in recent days the Russians have been steadily gaining ground in several key areas of eastern Ukraine.  Things seem to be going particularly well for the Russians in the northern part of eastern Ukraine.  A breakthrough seems to be developing, and it is being reported that the Ukrainians are preparing to establish “a new line of defense outside Kharkiv”.  The Russians have clearly gained the upper hand in the conflict, and that has extremely serious implications. (Read More...)

Global Food Inflation Is Leading To A Frightening Explosion In Global Hunger

We are currently facing “the worst food crisis in modern history”, and it seems to be getting worse with each passing month.  I don’t have to tell any of you that food prices are a lot higher than they once were.  The last time you went to the grocery store you could see that for yourself.  Sadly, this is happening all over the world, and the poorest countries are being hit the hardest.  Meanwhile, global food supplies just continue to get tighter and tighter.  As a result, global hunger is on the rise.  If you doubt this, I would like for you to read an excerpt that comes directly from a joint statement by the heads of the Food and Agriculture Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank Group, the World Food Program and the World Trade Organization… (Read More...)

Why Is The Mainstream Media Being So Quiet About One Of The Greatest Environmental Catastrophes In U.S. History?

The mainstream media spends an enormous amount of time lecturing us about fake environmental issues, but now that one of the greatest environmental catastrophes in U.S. history has occurred they are being strangely quiet about it.  What we are witnessing in East Palestine, Ohio is so horrifying that it is truly difficult to put it into words.  One hazardous materials specialist is claiming that authorities “basically nuked a town with chemicals so we could get a railroad open”.  Unfortunately, that is not an exaggeration at all.  When they decided to conduct a “controlled burn” of vinyl chloride from some of the wrecked rail cars, they knew that it would “send phosgene and hydrogen chloride into the air”(Read More...)

Actually, Hordes Of Highly Sophisticated Unidentified Aircraft Have Been Flying Over U.S. Territory

Things are starting to get really strange.  First, a “Chinese spy balloon” was shot down off the coast of South Carolina after it had traveled across much of the continental United States.  Then, another “unidentified object” was shot down over Alaska.  Subsequently, at the request of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a third “unidentified object” was shot down over Canada.  And now we have just learned that a fourth “unidentified object” has been shot down over Lake Huron.  In addition, a congressman from Montana is reporting that there is an “unidentified object” flying over his state.  On top of everything else, China is telling us that an “unidentified object” has been flying near the Chinese port city of Qingdao.  All of a sudden, these sightings have become the biggest news story in the entire country, and I think that it is likely that there will be even more sightings in the days ahead. (Read More...)

After The Worst January Job Cuts ‘Since The Great Recession’, Here Are 12 Major Layoffs That Have Already Been Announced In February

It appears that the tsunami of layoffs that started late last year is starting to accelerate.  January was a horrible month for job losses, and major layoff announcements are coming fast and furious here in February.  But of course the Biden administration would have us believe that everything is just fine.  Last week, the government told us that the U.S. economy “added 517,000 jobs” in January.  But as I discussed in a previous article, that wasn’t what actually happened.  The raw, unadjusted number showed that the U.S. economy actually lost 2.5 million jobs last month.  That is a terrible number, but after the bureaucrats in Washington were done with their “adjustments” it magically became a gain of 517,000 jobs.  If you want to have faith that their “adjustments” are appropriate, good for you.  But other sources also confirm that things have really taken a turn for the worse.  For example, Challenger, Gray & Christmas just issued a report that concluded that last month “was the worst January for job cuts since the Great Recession in 2009”(Read More...)