A Horrifying Drought Is Causing Widespread Crop Failures Throughout The United States And Europe

We really are reaching a major crisis point.  Thanks to soaring fertilizer prices, insane weather patterns and the war in Ukraine, global food supplies have been getting tighter and tighter.  So we really needed a banner year for agricultural production in both the United States and Europe in 2022, and that is not going to happen.  In fact, unprecedented drought is absolutely devastating crops all over the northern hemisphere.  A lot of people are complaining about how high food prices are right now, but just wait.  If some sort of a miracle doesn’t happen, agricultural production is going to be way below expectations in both the United States and Europe, and that is going to have very serious implications for 2023. (Read More...)

The Price Of Eggs Is Up 47 Percent As Food Costs In The U.S. Spiral Out Of Control

Now they are trying to convince us that dramatically higher prices are good news.  Are you kidding me?  Our standard of living is being systematically destroyed, and more Americans are falling out of the middle class with each passing day.  The government just announced that in July the consumer price index was 8.5 percent higher than it was the previous July.  Of course many have challenged the value of the inflation numbers that the government is giving us because the way inflation is calculated has been changed many times over the years.  As John Williams of shadowstats.com has pointed out, if the rate of inflation was still calculated the way that it was back in 1980 it would be far higher than anything that we experienced during the Jimmy Carter era of the 1970s.  You can spin that any way that you want, but it is still a raging national crisis. (Read More...)

This Is The Real Reason Why They Raided Mar-a-Lago

No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, you should be absolutely horrified by what the FBI just did.  When one political party weaponizes the law in order to crush their main opposition, the legitimacy of the government disappears.  At this point it is clearer than ever that the United States has become a banana republic, and it greatly pains me to say that.  From the time of the Founding Fathers up to today, so many Americans have sacrificed so much for our once great nation.  But now we are the generation that gets to witness the death of the American experiment. (Read More...)

China Just Made A Move That Could Literally Provoke A Major War With The United States

If the Chinese don’t end their blockade of Taiwan, the Biden administration will be under immense pressure to respond.  So let us hope that cooler heads prevail in China and that a decision is soon made to end the pointless “military exercises” that the Chinese are currently conducting.  When the live-fire drills were first announced, we were told that they would last for only four days.  That was supposed to be it.  On Monday, they were supposed to go home.  But that didn’t happen.  Instead, on Monday the Chinese announced that the military exercises in the waters off Taiwan would be extended, and no new end date was given… (Read More...)

A New Survey Has Just Discovered That This Is The Most Pessimistic That Americans Have Been About The Economy Since 2008

Americans haven’t been this negative about the future of the U.S. economy since the financial crisis of 2008.  Of course it isn’t exactly difficult to figure out why this has happened.  A new recession has begun, inflation is wildly out of control, the housing market has started to crash, and more people are falling out of the middle class with each passing day.  So many of the economic trends that I have been documenting in recent years are now really beginning to accelerate, and there isn’t much faith that the Biden administration and our other leaders in Washington will be able to turn things around any time soon. (Read More...)

One Of The Most Tragic Things That I Have Read In A Long Time

Things have never been harder for America’s farmers and ranchers than they are right now.  Their relentless hard work keeps us fed, but now many of them are being financially ruined by forces beyond their control.  Prices for fertilizer, farm equipment and diesel fuel have spiraled to absolutely absurd heights, and meanwhile extremely bizarre weather patterns are making it almost impossible to operate successfully in many parts of the nation.  A lot of farmers and ranchers have already gone out of business, and many more will go out of business in the months ahead unless some sort of a miracle happens. (Read More...)

Why Is Walmart Laying Off So Many Workers?

If brighter days are eventually coming for the U.S. economy, why would Walmart be so eager to lay off corporate employees?  Of course the truth is that brighter days are not coming.  Yesterday, I posted an article in which I listed 11 big companies that are laying off workers.  After I completed that article, I discovered that Walmart is also letting people go.  If a seemingly unshakable giant such as Walmart already feels compelled to eliminate jobs, what is the outlook for employees of companies that are far smaller and far weaker? (Read More...)

It’s Happening: Here Is A List Of 11 Big Companies That Have Announced Layoffs Within The Last 2 Weeks

When the economy slows down, layoffs inevitably happen.  We witnessed this on a very large scale in 2008 and 2009, and now it is happening again.  U.S. economic numbers are rapidly getting worse, and companies all across America don’t want to get caught with bloated payrolls as we plunge into a recession.  As you will see below, many of the firms that are laying off workers are either in the real estate industry or the tech industry.  Those are two industries that were on the leading edge of the “boom times”, and now it appears that they will also be on the bleeding edge as the economy crashes. (Read More...)