I Feel Like I Am Living In Crazytown

We haven’t had an extended bout of painful inflation like this since the days of the Carter administration, and our leaders in Washington have decided that the best way forward is to rapidly create even more inflation.  They keep using words like “transitory” to describe the current inflation crisis, but then they turn right around and talk about the need to create, borrow and spend even more money.  It is utter madness, but at this point there is nobody that is going to stop them.  We are all passengers on a “highway to Weimar”, and those that have their hands on the wheel have gone completely nuts. (Read More...)

2021 Is 1984 – Our Liberties And Freedoms Are Being Ripped Away From Us And America Is Almost Gone

If only George Orwell could see what we have become.  Today I am writing this article in the midst of a deep state of sadness.  I have to admit, I haven’t been this sad in a very long time.  In fact, I don’t even know if I am going to be able to complete this article.  What they are doing to this country that I love is really starting to get to me emotionally.  America is supposed to be a beacon of liberty and freedom for the entire world, but now we are on the cutting edge of the global trend toward authoritarianism.  I know that a lot of people have been leaving the United States in recent years in an attempt to escape the madness, but at this point we see authoritarianism on the rise just about everywhere.  Just look at New Zealand.  Just look at Australia.  Just look at the Philippines.  At one time people were fleeing to those countries, but now they have become some of the most authoritarian regimes of all. (Read More...)

“It’s A Biblical Catastrophe” – Are The Cataclysmic Fires All Over The World A Preview Of What Is Coming?

Have you noticed that apocalyptic wildfires have been erupting all over the globe this summer?  Of course every year there are wildfires, and that has been true all throughout human history.  But what we are witnessing this year has truly been unprecedented.  In just the past couple of weeks, we have seen historic fires in the United States, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Lebanon and Russia.  Hundreds of colossal fires are currently raging around the planet as you read this article, and we are only about halfway through the summer at this point.  Authorities are warning that more gigantic fires are surely coming during the second half, because much of North America and Europe is dry as a bone right now. (Read More...)

And So It Begins – 1000s Of Cattle Are Literally Dropping Dead From Starvation In Northern Mexico

A lot of people didn’t think that it would ever come to this.  Many simply assumed that conditions would return to “normal” eventually and that everything would work out just fine somehow.  But here in the middle of 2021, everything is definitely not fine.  In fact, cows are literally dropping dead from starvation in northern Mexico in very large numbers.  This isn’t the sort of thing that is supposed to happen in North America. (Read More...)

Americans Are Taking On Debt As If Tomorrow Will Never Come

If you make a conscious choice to ignore all long-term consequences, managing your personal finances can be a lot of fun.  For example, instead of rationally evaluating what sort of mortgage payment you can actually afford, why not take a plunge and buy a $600,000 house?  You only live once, right?  And instead of making your current dumpy vehicle last another year or two, why not take out a huge loan on a brand new $60,000 SUV?  You know you deserve it.  While you are at it, why don’t you go on another huge spending spree and max out all of your credit cards again.  Paying off those credit cards will be very painful in the long run, but nobody thinks much about long-term consequences these days. (Read More...)

3 New Polls Show That They Are Going To Need To Cart Out Much Bigger Doses Of “Hopium”

The mood of the nation has dramatically changed.  Survey after survey has shown that Americans are much less optimistic than they were during the first half of 2021, and that could have enormous implications for the economy as we roll through the second half of this calendar year.  When consumers are pessimistic about the future, they tend to hold on to their money more tightly, and they also tend to allocate money to different priorities.  Earlier this year, so many pundits were telling us that a new golden era of prosperity was ahead because the worst of the pandemic was behind us and Joe Biden was now in the White House.  But now the Delta variant is causing another wave of mass panic, and an increasing number of Americans are losing faith in the Biden administration.  Needless to say, the honeymoon is over, and Americans are not pleased with what they see as they peer into a very bleak future. (Read More...)

August Will Be A Real Turning Point – Welcome To The Biggest Eviction Horror Show In U.S. History

It is the beginning of August, and a day of reckoning has finally arrived for renters all over the nation.  Since last September, a moratorium that was issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been protecting millions of renters that have been unable or unwilling to make their monthly rent payments.  But now that moratorium is officially over, and all of that back rent is due.  For some renters, that will mean that nearly a full year of rent will need to be paid.  The millions of Americans that cannot or will not pay what is owed can now be legally evicted.  This is a major national disaster that has been building up for many months, and now it is finally here. (Read More...)

When Society Collapses, Will The United States Be One Of The Best Places To Be Located?

On some level, we all know that it is just a matter of time before our society implodes.  When that day finally arrives, where will you want to be living?  I know that most of you have thought about this at some point.  Even if we don’t admit it to others, most of us have spent at least a little bit of time thinking about worst case scenarios.  Our world is getting a little bit crazier with each passing day, and that was definitely true today.  We are cruising down a highway that doesn’t lead anywhere good, and it won’t be too long before the wheels start coming off.  When the music finally stops and everyone is scrambling to find a chair, where will you be located? (Read More...)