More Cowbell! Federal Reserve Officials Decide That More Inflation Is The Answer

Someone please make the madness stop.  Many years ago, when Saturday Night Live was still actually funny, comedian Will Ferrell starred in a skit that was entitled “More Cowbell”.  To this day, it remains one of the most famous skits in comedy history, and that is because it was absolutely hilarious.  If you have never seen it, you can find it right here.  Unfortunately for all of us, the Federal Reserve is now doing their own version of “More Cowbell”, but it isn’t funny at all.  At this point, Fed officials sound like a broken record, because month after month they just keep telling us that the answer to our growing economic problems is even more inflation.  They have completely gone off the deep end, but since most Americans are illiterate when it comes to economics hardly anyone is objecting. (Read More...)

Let’s Compare The U.S. Economy Before The Pandemic To The U.S. Economy Today

Throughout the first half of 2021, there was a tremendous amount of optimism about the U.S. economy.  Many believed that the pandemic would soon be behind us and that a new era of great prosperity would soon be upon us.  But now the optimism that we witnessed is fading as Americans become increasingly concerned about inflation, shortages and rising debt levels.  Our leaders created, borrowed and spent trillions upon trillions of dollars in a desperate attempt to get our economy back on track, and it turns out that all of that money didn’t really have the enormous impact that they had hoped.  On the other hand, inflation is now beginning to spiral out of control, and many are comparing this time in our history to the Jimmy Carter era of the 1970s. (Read More...)

Paying Attention Yet? Here Are 10 Plagues That Our World Has Had To Deal With So Far This Summer…

This is a summer that none of us will ever forget.  There has been one apocalyptic disaster after another, and we haven’t even reached the halfway point yet.  At the same time that historic flooding has been absolutely devastating parts of Europe and China, unprecedented heat, drought and wildfires have been hitting portions of North and South America extremely hard.  On top of all that, countless numbers of birds are suddenly dropping dead, hundreds of millions of sea creatures have been wiped out, the COVID pandemic is experiencing a major resurgence and we are starting to see famine break out in parts of Africa. (Read More...)

Elderly Americans Are Increasingly Being Targeted As Violent Crime Soars To Crazy Levels In Major U.S. Cities

Those that prey on elderly people just because they are easy targets should be deeply ashamed of themselves.  Unfortunately, we live at a time when violent criminals are roaming the streets of our major cities in packs, and many of them seem to have no sense of honor at all.  Women are being attacked, children are being attacked, and those that are advanced in age are often specifically targeted.  Reading that may make your blood boil, but they don’t care what you think.  Many of these criminals don’t have respect for anyone or anything, and a lot of them have hearts that are as cold as ice. (Read More...)

Inflation Shock: Are You Ready To Start Paying “$40 Or $50” For A Hamburger?

After decades of living in a relatively low inflation environment, it is hard for most Americans to believe that things have gotten so bad so quickly.  In fact, even though I write about this stuff almost every day, it is hard for me to believe it.  We are watching prices spiral out of control all over the nation, and we know precisely who is to blame.  During the pandemic, our politicians in Washington have been borrowing and spending money at an unprecedented rate, and this has pushed our national debt up to 28 trillion dollars.  Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve has been pumping trillions of fresh dollars into our financial system, and this has resulted in the Fed balance sheet nearly doubling over the course of this pandemic.  I have used the term “economic malpractice” to describe what our leaders are doing, but it is actually far worse than that.  They are literally in the process of destroying our economy, and even after so many experts have pointed out their colossal errors they still won’t stop.  They just keep creating more money, and now we have a horrific inflation crisis on our hands. (Read More...)

The Apocalyptic Drought In The Western U.S. Is Causing Widespread Crop Failures On A Massive Scale

At a time when food prices are already rising aggressively, agricultural production in the United States is being absolutely devastated by a drought that many are calling “the worst” in American history.  Once again this week, the latest U.S. Drought Monitor map has extremely bad news for us.  In all the years that I have been writing, we have never experienced anything like we are experiencing right now.  As I write this article, 100% of the state of California is in a state of drought, and you should care very much about that because California produces about a third of our vegetables and about two-thirds of our fruits and nuts.  Of course it is not just California that is facing an unprecedented nightmare right now.  At this point, drought is covering more territory in our western states than we have ever seen before(Read More...)

What Will This New Wave Of Lockdowns Do To The Global Economy?

For a few months a lot of people were convinced that humanity’s efforts to defeat COVID were being successful, and many believed that the pandemic would soon be behind us for good.  But now the “Delta variant” is spreading like wildfire all over the globe, and this is prompting national governments around the world to institute a new wave of restrictions and lockdowns.  Needless to say, the restrictions and lockdowns that we witnessed in 2020 were absolutely devastating for the global economy, and many areas of the planet remain economically depressed as a result.  As the “Delta variant” continues to spread, will this new wave of restrictions and lockdowns push the world economy into another major downturn during the second half of 2021? (Read More...)

Are We On The Verge Of A Massive Stock Market Crash?

Is time finally running out for “the bubble to end all bubbles”?  Over the past year, we have seen stock prices rise to levels that are completely and utterly absurd, and many have pointed out that we are currently in the largest stock market bubble in the entire history of our nation.  Of course this bubble will end the way that all of our other stock market bubbles eventually ended, and recent market activity has a lot of people wondering if the time for that is drawing near.  Signs of trouble have been percolating on Wall Street for weeks, and on Monday we finally witnessed an eruption of full-blown fear.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 725 points, and that represented the worst day for the index since last October.  But one really bad day is not a crisis, and even though many individual stocks have already plunged into bear market territory, we have a long, long way to go before people start using the word “crash”.  In fact, I don’t think that anyone should even think of using the word “crash” until the Dow drops below 30,000. (Read More...)