5 Signs That America’s Raging Inflation Crisis Is Accelerating

The pace at which conditions are changing is catching a lot of people off guard.  Here in the United States, we have been in a low inflation environment for most of the past four decades, and so many Americans don’t even have a frame of reference for what a highly inflationary environment looks like.  But now we are facing an inflation crisis that is unlike anything that we have seen since the Jimmy Carter era in the 1970s.  In response to the COVID pandemic, governments around the world have been borrowing and spending colossal mountains of money, and global central banks have been absolutely flooding their respective financial systems with new cash.  These measures were taken to stimulate the worldwide economy, but in the process a horrific inflation monster has been created, and it will not be tamed easily.  In fact, national governments and global central banks continue to do the very same things that created the horrific inflation monster in the first place. (Read More...)

Outsourcing The Production Of Virtually Everything Has Brought Us To The Brink Of A Nightmare Scenario For The U.S. Economy

Many of the imbalances that are contributing to the nightmarish shortages that we are currently witnessing are not going to be solved any time soon.  Ever since I started The Economic Collapse Blog, I have been warning that outsourcing the production of just about everything and running massive trade deficits year after year would eventually have very serious consequences down the road.  Well, now we are officially “down the road”, and our incredibly foolish trade policies have put us in a very precarious position.  During the “good times”, being extremely dependent on the rest of the world to make stuff for us wasn’t a problem, but now it is rapidly becoming a national security issue. (Read More...)

The United Nations Is Sounding The Alarm About The Dramatic Increase In Global Food Prices

Conditions are heading in the direction that we have been anticipating, and that is not good news at all.  Food prices are rising at a very alarming rate, and at this point even the United Nations is sounding the alarm.  Most of my readers remember the global food riots that we witnessed in 2008 and 2011, and if conditions continue to deteriorate we could soon be facing something even worse.  Of course this crisis has not emerged out of a vacuum.  We struggle to feed the entire world even in the best of years, and for a very long time I have been warning that we would eventually be facing extremely painful food prices and serious shortages of food in the poorer areas of the planet.  But those running things just kept assuring us that everything would work out just fine somehow. (Read More...)

As Trust In The Government Erodes, Many Americans Are Discovering That It Is TOO LATE To Fully Implement Their Backup Plans

Never put anything in an email that you do not want the entire world to see.  Unfortunately, Dr. Tony Fauci is learning that lesson the hard way.  Throughout the course of this pandemic, the mainstream media has been heralding Fauci as a voice of reason that we should trust without hesitation.  He came to be regarded as the ultimate authority on all questions related to COVID, and social media companies banned countless users that dared to suggest that he might be wrong about certain things.  Well, now everything is going to change.  Thanks to thousands of Fauci emails that have been obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request, we have discovered that Fauci was lying to all of us over and over again.  During his opening monologue on Wednesday night, Tucker Carlson actually used the phrase “utter fraudulence” to describe Fauci and his lies… (Read More...)

Go To The Stores And Stock Up Now Because Things Are About To Get Really Crazy

If there are things that you need to stock up on, you should do it right away.  For weeks, I have been writing articles about the rampant inflation that we are witnessing right now.  We haven’t seen anything like this since the Jimmy Carter era of the 1970s, and many are warning that it is going to get even worse in the months ahead.  So that means that prices are never going to be lower than they are at this moment.  Even more importantly, we are also being warned that the widespread shortages in our economy are about to get even worse.  In fact, the largest meatpacker in the entire world was just hit by a cyberattack, and this has forced it to stop activity “at its plants in several U.S. states”(Read More...)

The Social Decay That Is Eating Away At America Like A Cancer Is Visible All Around Us

You probably don’t need me to tell you that society is coming apart at the seams all around us.  If you live in a major city, you can just walk outside and watch it happen right in front of you.  Prior to 2020, social decay was steadily eating away at our society, but once the pandemic hit many of our societal problems greatly accelerated.  Even while the Federal Reserve was making sure that wealthy Wall Street investors were being taken care of well, poverty and homelessness were absolutely exploding in major cities all over the nation.  Meanwhile, an increasing number of Americans have been turning to drugs to cope with their problems, and this has particularly been true in our urban areas. (Read More...)

Biden’s $6 Trillion Socialist Budget Will Cause Even More Inflation And Even More Shortages

If you are enjoying the ride on the highway to hyperinflation, then you are going to absolutely love Joe Biden’s new budget.  Instead of realizing the mistakes that he has made and reversing course, Biden has decided that now is the time to push the accelerator to the floor.  That means that a lot more inflation is on the way, and I am encouraging all of my readers to do what they can to get prepared for that.  In my latest book, I sound the alarm about what hyperinflation will eventually do to our economy.  We are literally in the process of becoming Venezuela, and most Americans have absolutely no idea how horrific that will be.  In Venezuela today, almost everyone is a millionaire, but just about everyone is also living in poverty because the money is absolutely worthless.  We don’t want to end up like that, but that is the road that we are on. (Read More...)

Biden Is Being Hailed As An “Economic Success” For Helping To Cause Rampant Inflation And Widespread Shortages

No matter what Joe Biden does, the corporate media is going to try to spin it into some sort of a success.  Right now, the U.S. is experiencing a problem with inflation that is on par with what we witnessed during the Jimmy Carter years of the 1970s.  And at this moment, we are facing persistent widespread shortages that are unlike anything that I have seen in my entire lifetime.  In fact, Bloomberg is openly admitting that “the world economy is suddenly running low on everything”.  But instead of denouncing the decisions that got us into this giant mess, the corporate media is attempting to frame our current circumstances as evidence that Joe Biden’s policies have been successful. (Read More...)