Thank You

As this campaign ends, one of the saddest things for me is saying goodbye to the best team of volunteers in the entire state of Idaho. I cannot possibly thank all of you enough for all that you have done, and I wish that I could have produced a better result for you. Over the past year I have made so many new friends that I know that I will have for the rest of my life, and I cannot even begin to describe how much of a blessing that you have been to Meranda and I. It is going to take us some time to recover from this, but eventually we will do just that. And I want you to know that Meranda and I truly love you all. This is definitely a sad day, but all of us have so much to look forward to as we enter the next chapters of our lives.

Several months ago, the numbers told us that this was a very close race and that more than half of all voters were still undecided. We believed that if we simply out-worked and out-hustled the other teams that we would win. Unfortunately, we didn’t anticipate so much PAC money from outside groups coming into the race. The Washington D.C. establishment picked their guy, and they put enormous amounts of money behind him. At one point it was reported that Club for Growth alone spent $639,000 to promote Russ Fulcher, and the final figure will actually be much higher than that. Overall, we were probably outspent close to 10 to 1 by the other side, and it is nearly impossible to overcome that kind of financial disparity. We spent far less for each voter we won than they did, but they simply had far more money.

Over the past two months, there were non-stop television and radio ads promoting Fulcher. On top of that, voters were absolutely deluged with mailers urging them to vote for Russ Fulcher. We tried to keep up, but without any outside financial assistance at all we found ourselves at a tremendous disadvantage.

Even though we were up against long odds, I am so proud of our team for working so hard up until the very last hour. We actually won Boundary County, and we came in second in six other counties. We showed real strength in many of the rural areas, and they will be talking about what we were able to achieve in Idaho political circles for a very long time.

By the end, we had more than 250 volunteers working on this campaign. Over the course of the past year, I had gotten a feel for the other teams, and without a doubt we had the best team by far. I really wanted to win this thing for you guys, and it is going to hurt for a while that I was not able to do that.

I cannot possibly thank all of our volunteers individually in this email, but there are some that I want to single out. If I have left anyone important off this list I apologize in advance – I am not exactly in my best frame of mind right now. Like I said earlier, I love all of you, and I could never thank you enough for what you did to help this campaign.

First of all, I would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for an unforgettable experience. I never would have gotten to travel so extensively, make so many new friends or have my faith stretched in so many unique ways if I had not run for this seat. Now that this campaign is over, I need to simply spend some time walking with God. Without Him I wouldn’t even be alive today, and because of Him we will be able to have a great reunion in heaven someday.

In addition, I would also like to thank the following people from the bottom of my heart…

Meranda – God has given me a wife that is far more wonderful than I deserve. Thank you honey for always supporting me on all of my crazy adventures. Our new child is due in July, and that will be far more of a blessing than any political victory ever could be. Whatever happens, every day is a great day because I get to spend it with you.

Christian – I don’t know what I did to deserve the best darn campaign manager in the entire state of Idaho. We never even would have had a campaign without Christian, and everyone agrees that he has an exceedingly bright future ahead. I will never forget our long talks as we traveled up and down the state of Idaho, and I could never thank you enough for your tireless efforts.

The rest of the Fioravantis – Steve, Lynda, Gabe and Mary have all been so fantastic. Most of you don’t even know about the endless hours they spent at night putting together mailers and doing so much of the other work that made our campaign go. They deserved a better result, and I wish that we could have given them one.

Stephanie and Scott – When we originally asked Stephanie to be our state volunteer coordinator, she probably never imagined that she would spend literally hundreds of hours on the campaign. Scott and Stephanie have become very close friends, and they are some of the most incredible people that you could ever hope to meet.

Melissa – It has been quite a journey. Melissa reached out to us after seeing me on Infowars, and she was one of our first key people down in south Idaho. I really wanted to get you a win Melissa, but I couldn’t pull it off. I hope that you stay engaged in politics, and we will definitely work together to help Trump win in 2020.

Susan and Rick – Susan and Rick have been my “secret weapons” from the start. Most of you don’t even know that they spent an hour and a half in the White House recently with Trump’s political team. They fought as hard as they could to get a Trump endorsement for us, and I will be forever grateful for that and for all the other things that you did for us.

Chandler – I can’t say enough good things about Chandler. He walked precinct after precinct down in Ada County all by himself, and he was constantly coming up with more good ideas for the campaign. I wish that we could have rewarded your hard work with a victory, because you definitely deserved it.

Rachelle – Kootenai County was a hard nut to crack for our campaign, and I really appreciate all that you did. Your time in north Idaho has been a challenge, but we are go glad that you are here. May the Lord bless you and your entire family, and may your best days in north Idaho be ahead.

Jonathan and Charity – What more can be said about the Catlin clan? The reason we won those KIDO online polls is because those kids were clicking away like crazy. And I think that your family collectively spent more time sign waving for our campaign than anyone else. Thank you for everything guys.

Pastor Jim – You are a true man of God, and it was a real privilege to get to know you. Even though you live in Ada County, you decided to be our guy in Canyon County because that is where we needed the help. I know that this campaign has helped you to make many new friendships, and I pray that the next chapter of your life will be a very fruitful one.

Kelsey – I will never forget those long late night discussions at Shari’s. You were with us from the very beginning, and you were still there at the very end. Thank you for your strength, your courage and your friendship, and I believe that God has big plans for you in the days ahead.

Gary and Penny – Gary, you inspired countless numbers of people on the Kevin Miller Show the other morning, and you were an endless source of inspiration for me throughout the latter stages of this campaign. You two kept fighting all the way up until the end, and you helped give me the strength to keep going even when all seemed lost.

Tara Barling – The first time that I met you I knew that you were a fireball, and your passion and energy were evident throughout this process. Thank you for being a fighter, and thank you for getting so many others involved in the campaign. I just wish that we could have pulled out a victory for you.

Ernest and Linda Walker – We were brought together by the Jim Bakker Show, but I never imagined how instrumental you two would be throughout the campaign. Originally we had other key people in Gem County, but in the end you two were the real gems. Thank you.

Garry and Kristy Young – I actually believed that we would win Owyhee County thanks to you two, but that didn’t end up happening. But nobody can ever question your work ethic, and I will always remember the days that Christian and I got to spend at your place. You two are special, and I thank you for everything.

Tom Munds – There is nobody quite like Tom Munds. Christian and I really wanted to win this thing for you, because I know what it would have meant. Your support and friendship mean the world to me, and I wish that we could have gotten a better result for you.

Sam Harrich – We came in second in Latah County, and your hard work definitely helped make that possible. You definitely have a bright future ahead of you, so study hard. And if you ever need a reference, please feel free to use me as one.

Tom Eier – Your love for Lewiston is contagious. After spending an afternoon with you, I had an entirely different perspective on the city, and I just wish that I could have gotten to spend more time with you. You are one of the favorite people that I met along the way, and I thank you for all the help that you gave us.

Jennifer McClelland – That extremely windy day that we spent banging in signs out in Fruitland with your father will be etched in my memory forever. You have been such a blessing, and I really wish that we could have gotten a victory for you. But I know that you have a very bright future ahead. Shalom my friend!

Mark Gundert – Over the past year you have encouraged us on an almost daily basis on Facebook. Thank you for your support, prayers and friendship. I know that you really wanted us to win, and I am sorry that we could not get that done.

Julia Long – I will always, always, always remember the praying women of Genessee. When we arrived in town that day, it was after one of the lowest moments of our campaign, and seeing you all praying outside next to one of our campaign signs was one of those “God moments” that I will never forget. All of you are so special, and all of you will always have such a special place in my heart.

Pro-Life – I never imagined that this process would result in us becoming such good friends, and I am so glad that I have gotten to know you. Now you are moving on the general election as the Constitution Party candidate, and I wish you the very best as you take on Russ Fulcher. But be careful – he is a sneaky one.

There are so many others that sacrificed so much to make our campaign possible, and I will never forget any of you.

As for me, I will be going back to my writing, and through my writing I am able to touch lives literally all over the planet.

So I will remain involved in trying to change things for the better, and I am definitely a better person as a result of getting to know all of you.

They say that life is like a coin – you can spend it any way that you want, but you can only spend it once.

Spend your life for something that really matters.

I love you all.

In Liberty,

Michael Snyder

Vote Pro-Trump On May 15th – Election Day Is Tuesday, And President Trump Needs Everyone To Go Vote For Michael Snyder For Congress

If you live in Idaho’s first congressional district, President Trump desperately needs your support.  Tuesday is voting day, and it is being projected that only about 20 percent of all registered voters will actually go out and vote.  So that means if Trump voters turn out in very large numbers they can decide who will win this election.  If you do not know where your voting location is yet, you can find out right here.  And please contact every single Trump supporter that you know and encourage them to go vote.  President Trump needs allies in Congress, and if I don’t win a horrible RINO that is surrounded by “never Trumpers” and that is being funded by a PAC that absolutely hates Donald Trump is going to win.  That would be an absolute disaster for President Trump, and that is why we must get as many Trump supports to the polls on Tuesday as possible.  Please contact everyone that you possibly can and strongly urge them to vote for Michael Snyder for Congress on May 15th.

Our campaign has a tremendous amount of momentum as we head into election day.  We have recently gotten endorsements from key Trump ally Roger Stone, U.S. Senator Rand Paul and Mike Adams the Health Ranger.  True conservatives all over Idaho have been switching over to us from other candidates, and we are extremely excited about that.

But the only way that we are going to win is if our voters get to the polls and vote.  In 2018, if we elect typical wimpy Republican politicians that simply want to be part of the Washington club and advance their political careers, nothing will get accomplished.  Trump’s agenda will continue to get blocked by establishment RINOs, and we will continue to be deeply frustrated with what is happening on Capitol Hill.

What we need are visionary men and women that are willing to stand up to the leadership of both parties and say that enough is enough.

Let’s start a fire that will spread all across America. If we win the primary on May 15th, we will win the general election in November because this district is one of the safest districts for Republicans in the entire country.  It is time to take our government back, but that is only going to happen if we all work together.

I would encourage you to forward this email to every single voter that you know.  One more time, let me share with you 30 reasons why you should vote for our campaign…

#1 The Only Real Pro-Trump Candidate – All of the other leading contenders in this race originally wanted to keep Donald Trump out of the White House, but I was a Trump supporter from the very beginning.  I am a true believer in the Make America Great Again agenda, and I will work tirelessly to implement that agenda once I get to Congress.

#2 The Most Conservative Candidate In This Race – Even the Coeur d’Alene Press says that I am the most conservative candidate in this race, but don’t take their word for it.  Go to and compare what I believe with what the other candidates are saying, and I believe that you will come to the same conclusion.  In fact, I have never had a single voter come back to me after making such a comparison and tell me that they believe that one of the other candidates is more conservative.  That is because I truly am the most conservative candidate in this race, and true conservatives all over Idaho are standing with our campaign.

#3 Restoring Christian Values To Washington D.C. – I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and I believe that we need more Bible-believing people in positions of power in Washington.  Returning to our Christian roots is the key to a positive future for America, and I will be extremely bold about my faith as a member of Congress.

#4 It’s Time To Drain The Swamp – The same rules that apply to the rest of us should also apply to Congress, and all federal officials should be banned from working as lobbyists for at least ten years after they leave government service.

#5 Restoring The Rule Of Law – For decades, the American people have watched professional politicians commit crime after crime and get away with it. It is time to restore the rule of law in this country, and a great place to begin would be with Hillary Clinton and her close associates. It will be a great day for America when they are finally put in prison for the rest of their lives.

#6 Every RINO Must Go – Way too many Republicans have been fighting Trump’s agenda and acting like Democrats. It is time to hold them accountable, and that means every ‘Republican in name only’ needs to go.

#7 Getting The Money Out Of Politics – As a new member of Congress, I would be expected to raise approximately $200,000 for the National Republican Congressional Committee. In order to “pay their dues”, every day that the House is in session members of Congress go to call centers across from the U.S. Capitol and spend up to four hours a day making calls back to their districts begging people to donate money. One of the things that makes me fundamentally different from my opponents is that I have pledged not to make these calls. Instead, I am going to spend my time in Washington doing the work that the people of Idaho sent me there to do.

#8 100% Pro-Life – No money for Planned Parenthood ever. Nearly 60 million babies have been murdered since 1973, and I am making an unbreakable pledge to vote against any bill that funds Planned Parenthood 100% of the time.

#9 100% Pro-Gun – The Constitution says that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Let me be very clear – I will never back down from defending the Second Amendment even a single inch. You have a constitutional right to own any gun that you want, and you have a constitutional right to carry that gun anywhere that you want.

#10 Abolish The IRS & The Income Tax – We didn’t have an income tax from 1872 to 1913, and that was the greatest period of economic growth in U.S. history. As we fight a long-term battle to abolish the income tax, in the short-term we can at least go to a flat tax or a fair tax, both of which would be far superior to what we have now.

#11 Abolish The Federal Reserve – Since the Fed was created in 1913, we have had 18 recessions, the value of the U.S. dollar has fallen by about 98 percent, and the U.S. national debt has gotten more than 6000 times larger. Abolishing this debt-based system is one of the keys to a bright economic future for America.

#12 Cut Red Tape – As President Trump has proposed, two existing government regulations should be eliminated for every new regulation that is enacted.

#13 Getting Federal Bureaucrats Off Our Backs – I will work very hard to get federal control freaks off of the backs of our farmers, our loggers, our miners, our ranchers and our small business owners.

#14 Local Control Of Education – It is time to get the federal government out of the education business. I want to abolish Common Core and the Department of Education, and I want control over education to be as close to the local level as possible.

#15 Shut Down Big Brother Spying – Government agencies have been conducting unconstitutional surveillance of American citizens for decades, and that needs to stop now.

#16 True Limited Government – President Trump has proposed shutting down more than 60 different government programs and agencies. That would be a good start. Instead of asking which government agencies we should close, we should be asking which government agencies really need to remain open.

#17 100% Repeal Of Obamacare – Rapidly rising health insurance premiums are financially crippling Idaho families. Republicans in Congress have fumbled the ball, and we must repeal Obamacare immediately.

#18 Build The Wall – We need to make sure that everyone comes into this country through the front door. We must end illegal immigration, and so I support President Trump’s call to build a wall on the southern border.

#19 End Sanctuary Cities – President Trump has proposed cutting off all federal funding for so-called “sanctuary cities”, and I will fight very hard to get this done.

#20 Supporting Our Veterans – My father is a vet, and I will work passionately to make sure that our veterans receive the respect, care and support that they deserve.

#21 Fighting Islamic Terror – I fully support President Trump’s fight against ISIS, and I will push for legislation that would give local communities all over America the option to say no to refugees from terrorist hotbeds.

#22 Stopping Reckless Government Spending – We are 20 trillion dollars in debt and we continue to steal more than 100 million dollars from future generations every single hour of every single day.

#23 Bringing Jobs Back To America – The U.S. has lost more than 70,000 factories since China joined the WTO in 2001. Our formerly great manufacturing cities now look like war zones, and we desperately need to start making things in this country once again.

#24 Energy Independence – The United States has abundant reserves of oil, natural gas and clean coal, and we need to take the regulatory shackles off of the energy industry so that we can start moving toward energy independence.

#25 Resisting The Globalists – We must reduce the power and influence of the United Nations, and we must strongly fight all attempts by the globalists to erode American sovereignty.

#26 Supporting States Rights – It is almost as if the 10th Amendment doesn’t even exist today. If I am elected, this is what his message to the feds will be: ‘Hand over the keys and get out of Idaho’.

#27 Health Freedom – I believe that the government should be encouraging natural health remedies instead of discouraging them, I believe that parents should always make the health decisions for their own children, and I believe that we desperately need to clean up our air, our water and our food.

#28 Better Access To Public Lands – Under Barack Obama, the federal government made it increasingly difficult for the people of Idaho to access our public lands.  As a member of Congress I will do whatever I can to make sure that our citizens will have much better access to the wonderful open areas that our state has been blessed with.

#29 Holding Judges Accountable – Federal judges that disregard the U.S. Constitution and that choose to legislate from the bench should be subject to impeachment.

#30 An Unashamed Christian – Like President Trump, I am not ashamed to say that I am a Bible-believing Christian, and if we truly want to make America great again we need to return to the values and principles that this nation was founded upon.

There is a reason why Congress only has a 15 percent approval rating today. What we have in Washington D.C. right now does not look anything like what we see in the U.S. Constitution. I am going to Washington to turn the system completely upside down and to restore our Constitutional Republic.

We need to send fighters to D.C., and I am being very bold about the fact that I am not going there to play nice. I am going there to turn over the tables and to be a wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness, and party leadership is not going to like that at all.

Once I get to Washington, I intend to set an entirely new standard for what it means to be a member of Congress. I believe in continual two-way communication, I believe in total transparency, and I want to be constantly working with the people in our district to develop solutions that will make a measurable difference in the lives of hard-working families.

We are literally in a war for the future of this country. If we stay on the path that we are currently on, it is a recipe for national suicide, but if we return to the values and the principles that this nation was founded upon I believe that we can still turn things around.

I don’t believe that this is going to be the generation when America goes completely down the toilet. Yes, the problems we are facing are great. But instead of giving up, I choose to fight for America, and I am calling on all of you to join me.

We desperately need fresh leadership in Washington, because if the status quo continues in D.C. there is not going to be any sort of a positive future for our children and our grandchildren. I have a three-year-old daughter named Atarah and my wife Meranda is currently pregnant with our next child. The decisions that we make now are going to determine what kind of a nation they grow up in. As a father, I am absolutely determined to fight for their future, and everywhere I go I meet people that feel the exact same way about their children.

If you would like to learn more about what we are trying to do, please visit  And please do not forget to vote tomorrow.  When future generations of Americans look back on this time, let this be the moment that they remember as the turning point. Let this be the moment when a brave group of citizens stood strong against all the odds and restored our Constitutional Republic.

Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way that you want, but you can only spend it once.

Spend your life for something that really matters.

I know that many people are not accustomed to politicians expressing themselves with so much passion and energy.  But I am not a politician.  I am a husband, a father and a citizen that is fed up with a government that is deeply broken.  We have started a grassroots revolution here in Idaho, and we want to take this revolution to Washington.

But we need your help in order to do that.

It is time for a change, and that change starts on Tuesday, May 15th.

If you do not know where you are supposed to go to vote, you can find out right here.  Over the past year I have put everything that I have got into this race, and I respectfully ask for your vote.

Together we can drain the swamp, and together we can restore our Constitutional Republic.

In Liberty,

Michael Snyder

‘What President Trump Really Needs Is Michael Snyder In Congress’

Do you want to elect someone that is going to go to Congress and support President Trump, or do you want someone that has a completely different agenda?  Pro-Trump conservatives all over Idaho’s first congressional district have recognized that I am the only true pro-Trump candidate running for Congress, and that is why so many Idahoans that worked to elect President Trump are now working to elect me.  And on Sunday we were officially endorsed by Roger Stone.  Roger has been a close friend and adviser to Donald Trump for nearly 40 years, and now he is urging everyone in Idaho to vote for Michael Snyder for Congress on May 15th.  Here is one of the most important lines from his endorsement of our campaign…

“President Trump needs our help and he needs it now.  What President Trump really needs is Michael Snyder in Congress.”

You can listen to audio of the entire endorsement right here.  Of course this endorsement comes on the heels of high profile endorsements for our campaign from U.S. Senator Rand Paul and Mike Adams the Health Ranger.  Needless to say, we have a tremendous amount of momentum heading into Election Day on May 15th, and it is absolutely imperative that we get every single one of our voters to the polls on Tuesday.  If you do not know where your voting location is, you can find out right here.

Let me ask you a very simple question…

Are you going to vote for Donald Trump in 2020?

If so, wouldn’t you want to send someone to Congress that is going to vote with the President and that truly believes in his agenda?

In this race for Congress, there is only one true pro-Trump candidate.  If I don’t win this election, the guy that is going to win is being funded by a Washington D.C. PAC that really hates Donald Trump.  And the truth is that Trump really hates them too.  And my main opponent has also surrounded himself with some of the biggest “never Trumpers” in the entire state.  If he wins this race, it will be an absolute disaster for the Trump movement.

If you live in Idaho’s first congressional district, this is your chance to help President Trump.  He needs you to send someone that is pro-Trump to Congress, because we are all sick and tired of watching the RINOs in Washington block his agenda.

With President Trump in the White House, this is our opportunity to turn America in a fundamentally different direction.  But Trump’s effectiveness is going to be compromised if we keep sending people to Washington that are not going to stand with the President.

In November 2016, we witnessed the greatest political miracle in modern American history.  This is an excerpt from an article that I published the day after Trump’s victory…

After it was all over, I kind of stumbled around my home lost in my thoughts. I was happy, confused, hopeful, stunned and pensive all at the same time. Like so many others, what I thought I knew about politics turned out to be wrong. But in other ways, the election of Donald Trump has confirmed so much of what I know to be right about America.

Ultimately, it was the American people that decided this election, because the elite were doing their best to absolutely bury him.

Never before has the mainstream media been so openly biased against a major party presidential candidate. For months on end they dumped sewage on Trump, but it didn’t work.

Never before has a major party presidential candidate faced a civil war in his own party on the eve of the election. A whole host of big names in the Republican Party publicly announced that they would not vote for Trump, but it didn’t work.

Never before have we seen a bigger October surprise than the lewd tape from 11 year ago that came out and shocked the world. That would have instantly killed the campaign of any normal politician, but it didn’t kill Trump’s campaign.

From the very beginning it seemed like Trump was at war with almost everyone, and somehow he came out on top in the end.

He beat the Bushes and the Clintons.

He beat the Republicans and the Democrats.

He beat Hollywood and the mainstream media.

He beat the pollsters and the pundits.

He beat the never-Trumpers and the billionaire donors.

He beat Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Jay Z, Beyonce, George Clooney, Matt Damon and Lebron James.

He beat the forces of globalism, elitism and political correctness.

He beat CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and Barack Obama.

He beat them all.

But 2018 could change everything.

If we don’t send pro-Trump people to Washington to support the President, we are in danger of completely squandering that miracle.

Since Raul Labrador is running for governor, the seat in Idaho’s first congressional district is open, and the people of this district have two choices.  They can send a massive RINO to Washington that is surrounded by anti-Trump people and that will obstruct Trump at every opportunity, or they can send me to Washington instead.  I will fight as hard as I possibly can to implement the Make America Great Again agenda, because I have believed in it from the very beginning.

There was so much hope in the air when Donald Trump was inaugurated in January 2017.  The following is an excerpt from an article that I published at that time entitled “It’s Finally Morning Again In America, And A New Day For Our Country Starts NOW”

For the first time in decades, it feels like morning in America again. I was quite young when Ronald Reagan was president, and I only have vague memories from those days. But I do remember the extraordinary optimism that his leadership inspired, and my hope is that Donald Trump’s leadership will be just as inspirational. For such a very long time, it has seemed as though a giant dark cloud has been hanging over America, but now a new day is starting. If Donald Trump can be president of the United States, it seems like just about anything can be possible. And even though our nation is facing incredibly serious challenges, could it be possible that we can find a way to turn things around if we all work together?

I am asking the people of Idaho’s first congressional district to work with President Trump and I to fulfill the promise of this new era for our country.  In May 2017 I called for an army of pro-Trump activists to run for office all over the nation.  Now here we are one year later, and we have an opportunity to send a passionate pro-Trump activist to Washington to represent the great state of Idaho in Congress.

But now the choice is in the hands of the people of Idaho.

We are only going to win if you get out and vote.

If you do not know where you are supposed to go to vote, you can find that information online right here.  In addition, please do all that you can to encourage everyone that you know in Idaho to go vote.  Earlier today on Facebook, I listed four ways that you can help us get out the vote…

#1 Call 20 People That You Know And Tell Them Why You Are Voting For Michael Snyder

#2 Text 20 People That You Know And Tell Them Why You Are Voting For Michael Snyder

#3 Email Your Entire Contact List And Tell Them Why You Are Voting For Michael Snyder

#4 Post On Social Media And Tell Everyone Why You Are Voting For Michael Snyder – Use The Hastags #TeamMichael And #TeamSnyder

This is it guys.

We have one shot at winning this thing, and we need all hands on deck.

The election is on Tuesday, and the people of Idaho are going to determine the fate of this seat in Congress.

President Trump needs your support, and so please vote for the pro-Trump candidate.  Voter turnout is supposed to be extremely low for this primary, and so every single vote is going to be so critical.

When I first announced that I was running for this seat, I wrote the following

Every generation of Americans has had to fight for liberty and freedom, and now it is our turn.

This is our time.

This is our second American revolution.

This revolution won’t be fought with guns and bullets. Rather, it will be a revolution of ideas, values and principles.

We can take our country back, but we have to be willing to work together. I am asking you to join us, because we are in a battle for the soul of our nation, and it is a battle that we cannot afford to lose.

Please help us drain the swamp.

Please vote for Michael Snyder for Congress on May 15th and send the fighter that President Trump needs to Washington.

By May 15th, more than a million dollars will have been spent by anti-Trump forces to promote my biggest opponent, but we aren’t going to allow them buy this seat in Congress.

We believe in the Trump revolution, and we are going to do all that we can to win this one for Trump on Tuesday.

30 Really Great Reasons To Vote For Michael Snyder For Congress

People want to feel really good about voting for someone when they go to the polls on election day, and that is why so many true conservatives are rallying around our campaign for Congress.  Our campaign represents a positive conservative vision for the future of America, and that is why we have recently been officially endorsed by U.S. Senator Rand Paul and Mike Adams the Health Ranger.  Voting day is on May 15th, and right now we have more momentum than any of the other campaigns as we head toward Tuesday.  If you don’t know where to vote, you can find out right here.  If you are not registered to vote, you can register to vote at the polls on Election Day as long as you bring proof of Idaho residency with you.  It is being projected that voter turnout will be super low for the Republican primary, and so every single vote is going to be extremely important.

In the end, nobody likes to vote for “the lesser of two evils”.  We all want to feel like we can enthusiastically get behind someone on voting day, and I would like to share with you 30 reasons why I believe that you should stand with our campaign…

#1 The Only Real Pro-Trump Candidate – All of the other leading contenders in this race originally wanted to keep Donald Trump out of the White House, but I was a Trump supporter from the very beginning.  I am a true believer in the Make America Great Again agenda, and I will work tirelessly to implement that agenda once I get to Congress.

#2 The Most Conservative Candidate In This Race – Even the Coeur d’Alene Press says that I am the most conservative candidate in this race, but don’t take their word for it.  Go to and compare what I believe with what the other candidates are saying, and I believe that you will come to the same conclusion.  In fact, I have never had a single voter come back to me after making such a comparison and tell me that they believe that one of the other candidates is more conservative.  That is because I truly am the most conservative candidate in this race, and true conservatives all over Idaho are standing with our campaign.

#3 Restoring Christian Values To Washington D.C. – I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and I believe that we need more Bible-believing people in positions of power in Washington.  Returning to our Christian roots is the key to a positive future for America, and I will be extremely bold about my faith as a member of Congress.

#4 It’s Time To Drain The Swamp – The same rules that apply to the rest of us should also apply to Congress, and all federal officials should be banned from working as lobbyists for at least ten years after they leave government service.

#5 Restoring The Rule Of Law – For decades, the American people have watched professional politicians commit crime after crime and get away with it. It is time to restore the rule of law in this country, and a great place to begin would be with Hillary Clinton and her close associates. It will be a great day for America when they are finally put in prison for the rest of their lives.

#6 Every RINO Must Go – Way too many Republicans have been fighting Trump’s agenda and acting like Democrats. It is time to hold them accountable, and that means every ‘Republican in name only’ needs to go.

#7 Getting The Money Out Of Politics – As a new member of Congress, I would be expected to raise approximately $200,000 for the National Republican Congressional Committee. In order to “pay their dues”, every day that the House is in session members of Congress go to call centers across from the U.S. Capitol and spend up to four hours a day making calls back to their districts begging people to donate money. One of the things that makes me fundamentally different from my opponents is that I have pledged not to make these calls. Instead, I am going to spend my time in Washington doing the work that the people of Idaho sent me there to do.

#8 100% Pro-Life – No money for Planned Parenthood ever. Nearly 60 million babies have been murdered since 1973, and I am making an unbreakable pledge to vote against any bill that funds Planned Parenthood 100% of the time.

#9 100% Pro-Gun – The Constitution says that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Let me be very clear – I will never back down from defending the Second Amendment even a single inch. You have a constitutional right to own any gun that you want, and you have a constitutional right to carry that gun anywhere that you want.

#10 Abolish The IRS & The Income Tax – We didn’t have an income tax from 1872 to 1913, and that was the greatest period of economic growth in U.S. history. As we fight a long-term battle to abolish the income tax, in the short-term we can at least go to a flat tax or a fair tax, both of which would be far superior to what we have now.

#11 Abolish The Federal Reserve – Since the Fed was created in 1913, we have had 18 recessions, the value of the U.S. dollar has fallen by about 98 percent, and the U.S. national debt has gotten more than 6000 times larger. Abolishing this debt-based system is one of the keys to a bright economic future for America.

#12 Cut Red Tape – As President Trump has proposed, two existing government regulations should be eliminated for every new regulation that is enacted.

#13 Getting Federal Bureaucrats Off Our Backs – I will work very hard to get federal control freaks off of the backs of our farmers, our loggers, our miners, our ranchers and our small business owners.

#14 Local Control Of Education – It is time to get the federal government out of the education business. I want to abolish Common Core and the Department of Education, and I want control over education to be as close to the local level as possible.

#15 Shut Down Big Brother Spying – Government agencies have been conducting unconstitutional surveillance of American citizens for decades, and that needs to stop now.

#16 True Limited Government – President Trump has proposed shutting down more than 60 different government programs and agencies. That would be a good start. Instead of asking which government agencies we should close, we should be asking which government agencies really need to remain open.

#17 100% Repeal Of Obamacare – Rapidly rising health insurance premiums are financially crippling Idaho families. Republicans in Congress have fumbled the ball, and we must repeal Obamacare immediately.

#18 Build The Wall – We need to make sure that everyone comes into this country through the front door. We must end illegal immigration, and so I support President Trump’s call to build a wall on the southern border.

#19 End Sanctuary Cities – President Trump has proposed cutting off all federal funding for so-called “sanctuary cities”, and I will fight very hard to get this done.

#20 Supporting Our Veterans – My father is a vet, and I will work passionately to make sure that our veterans receive the respect, care and support that they deserve.

#21 Fighting Islamic Terror – I fully support President Trump’s fight against ISIS, and I will push for legislation that would give local communities all over America the option to say no to refugees from terrorist hotbeds.

#22 Stopping Reckless Government Spending – We are 20 trillion dollars in debt and we continue to steal more than 100 million dollars from future generations every single hour of every single day.

#23 Bringing Jobs Back To America – The U.S. has lost more than 70,000 factories since China joined the WTO in 2001. Our formerly great manufacturing cities now look like war zones, and we desperately need to start making things in this country once again.

#24 Energy Independence – The United States has abundant reserves of oil, natural gas and clean coal, and we need to take the regulatory shackles off of the energy industry so that we can start moving toward energy independence.

#25 Resisting The Globalists – We must reduce the power and influence of the United Nations, and we must strongly fight all attempts by the globalists to erode American sovereignty.

#26 Supporting States Rights – It is almost as if the 10th Amendment doesn’t even exist today. If I am elected, this is what his message to the feds will be: ‘Hand over the keys and get out of Idaho’.

#27 Health Freedom – I believe that the government should be encouraging natural health remedies instead of discouraging them, I believe that parents should always make the health decisions for their own children, and I believe that we desperately need to clean up our air, our water and our food.

#28 Better Access To Public Lands – Under Barack Obama, the federal government made it increasingly difficult for the people of Idaho to access our public lands.  As a member of Congress I will do whatever I can to make sure that our citizens will have much better access to the wonderful open areas that our state has been blessed with.

#29 Holding Judges Accountable – Federal judges that disregard the U.S. Constitution and that choose to legislate from the bench should be subject to impeachment.

#30 An Unashamed Christian – Like President Trump, I am not ashamed to say that I am a Bible-believing Christian, and if we truly want to make America great again we need to return to the values and principles that this nation was founded upon.

To learn more about our campaign, please visit  If our positive conservative vision of the future resonates with you, I would respectfully ask for your vote on May 15th.  Once again, if you do not know where to vote, you can find your polling location right here.  And please call or email every single person that you know in Idaho’s first congressional district and encourage them to go vote.

The campaign that does the best job getting out the vote is going to win this thing, and it is going to take every single one of us working together to pull off this victory.

When we win, it is going to be a massive shock to the entire Idaho political establishment.  Washington D.C. PACs are spending a tremendous amount of money to try to buy this open seat in Congress, but we are not going to let them be victorious.  Our extraordinary group of grassroots conservatives is working around the clock, and we are on the verge of pulling off the greatest miracle in the history of Idaho politics.

Senator Rand Paul Has Officially Endorsed Michael Snyder For Congress

The leading voice for liberty in the United States Senate, Rand Paul, has officially endorsed our campaign.  This is yet another game changing moment as our campaign continues to build momentum leading up to Election Day on May 15th.  If you don’t know where to vote on May 15th, you can find out by entering your address right here.  If you are not registered to vote yet, you can register at the polls on Election Day as long as you bring proof of Idaho residency with you.  Make sure that they give you a Republican ballot, because that is the ballot that I am on.  Anyone that is registered with another party (Democrat, Libertarian, etc.) will not be able to use a Republican ballot.  Fortunately, the vast majority of Idahoans will be able to vote in the Republican primary, and thanks to our endorsement from Rand Paul a whole lot of people are buzzing about our campaign right now.

A copy of the endorsement has been posted on Rand Paul’s official Twitter page right here.  If you have not seen it yet, the following is what Rand Paul had to say about our campaign…

Michael Snyder is a champion of liberty and the only one I can support for Congress in Idaho’s first congressional district. He’s the only one who will stand up to the corruption in Washington DC and fight the ever expanding reach of big government.

We need to send an outsider and a fighter to Congress and Michael Snyder is that man. I urge all Idahoans to get out and vote on May 15th for Michael Snyder for Congress if you want to see real change in Washington.

Rand Paul and his father Ron have both served this nation with distinction, and so it truly is a great honor to receive this endorsement.

Please help us get this endorsement out to as many people as possible on social media.  You can find it posted on my Facebook page right here.  Please like, share and spread this to as many voters as you possibly can.

If you are not that familiar with Senator Rand Paul, the following comes directly from his official U.S. Senate page

U.S. Senator Rand Paul, M.D., is one of the nation’s leading advocates for liberty. Elected to the United States Senate in 2010, Dr. Paul has proven to be an outspoken champion for constitutional liberties and fiscal responsibility. As a fierce advocate against government overreach, Dr. Paul has fought tirelessly to return government to its limited, constitutional scope. As a hard-working and dedicated physician – not a career politician – Dr. Paul came to Washington to shake things up and to make a difference. Dr. Paul is a devoted husband and father of three that is currently living with his family in Bowling Green, Ky., where Dr. Paul owned his own ophthalmology practice and performed eye surgery for 18 years. Dr. Paul has been married for 25 years to Kelley Ashby Paul of Russellville, Ky., and they have three sons together: William, Duncan, and Robert.

On Friday we also learned that we have just been endorsed by ALIPAC.

That was another great honor, because ALIPAC is one of the leading voices on immigration issues in the entire country.  The following information about ALIPAC comes from their official website

ALIPAC’s FOUR POINT PLATFORM: “Simply enforce our existing immigration laws!”

1. Secure Our Borders.
2. Crack down on employers that intentionally hire illegals.
3. Remove incentives and rewards to illegals such as licenses, welfare, and other taxpayer benefits.
4. Enforce our existing laws and deport illegal aliens when convicted of crimes or detected during routine law enforcement activities.

We are so excited to have so many great patriots behind our campaign.  Alex Jones, Mike Adams of Natural News, Senator Dan Foreman, Vote Team Trump and the largest Tea Party group on Facebook are all 100% behind us as well.

There are only four days left in the campaign, and we are doing all that we can to win this thing.  Thanks to unprecedented intervention by Washington D.C. PACs, close to a million dollars has been spent promoting the campaign of one of my opponents.  The Washington D.C. establishment is trying to buy this election, but we aren’t going to allow that to happen.

The PACs are running television commercials 24 hours a day in a desperate attempt to win this seat, but we are countering their air war with the best ground game of any of the seven campaigns.  We have an absolutely amazing grassroots team that is hitting doors, making calls and pounding social media all over the district.  It has been one of the great honors of my life to serve alongside the extraordinary people that God has brought into this campaign, and I have made so many new friends that I will have for the rest of my life.

Idaho’s first congressional district covers the western half of Idaho all the way from Boundary County in the north to Owyhee County in the south.  We have put thousands upon thousands of miles on our vehicles as we have traveled across this enormous district over and over again, and I believe that we have held more townhalls than any of the other campaigns by a good margin.

I look forward to going to Washington and working with Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and other true conservatives in Congress to move this country in a fundamentally different direction.  And of course our biggest ally will be President Trump, and we will be working as hard as we possibly can to implement the Make America Great Again agenda.

Once again, if you don’t know where to vote you can find your polling place right here.  And please forward this email to as many people as you can.  The key to winning this election is turning out the vote on Tuesday, and we are encouraging everyone “to get their 10”.  Everyone has at least 10 family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. that they can personally contact and encourage to go vote.

It is expected that the voter turnout rate in this election will be around 20 percent, and if we do a really great job of getting our people to go vote we will win this thing.

Our Constitutional Republic is hanging by a thread, and we truly are at a crossroads.  This is a battle for the future of our nation, and it is a battle that we cannot afford to lose.

As for me and my family, we choose to fight, and we are respectfully asking for your vote on May 15th.

Watch The Most Controversial Congressional Debate In Idaho History

It isn’t often that you get to see a seasoned politician completely melt down on live television.  On Sunday evening, the last debate for the candidates running for Congress in Idaho’s first congressional district was held, and it was certainly a wild one.  In the weeks leading up to the debate, voters all over Idaho had been heatedly debating whether to vote for Michael Snyder or Russ Fulcher all over social media, and both of us were positioned right in the center of the stage.  Unfortunately for the Fulcher campaign, Russ delivered an absolutely disastrous performance.  When reporter Betsy Russell asked Russ about the Mueller investigation, he responded by saying that “I haven’t even been following that closely”.  If that wasn’t bad enough, he followed that up by admitting two more times that he had not been paying attention to the Mueller investigation.  Needless to say, jaws dropped open all over the studio as Fulcher dropped this bombshell.  The Mueller investigation has been the biggest news story in Congress for over a year, and Russ Fulcher never actually answered Betsy Russell’s question because as he openly confessed, he had not “been following that closely”.  How can someone running for Congress not have a basic understanding of the most important issue that Congress has been dealing with?  Throughout the debate the differences between Russ and myself were glaringly obvious, and if you have not seen it yet, you can watch the entire congressional debate right here

I honestly do not know how Fulcher’s campaign can survive this absolutely nightmarish performance.  A lot of people are comparing it to Rick Perry’s horrific performance during a presidential debate a number of years ago.  We have had numerous people tell us that they are switching from Fulcher to #TeamSnyder after watching the debate, and that is why it is so important to get this debate out to as many voters as possible.  Please share the link to the debate with everyone that you know, because if we could get every voter in the district to watch it we would win by a landslide.

Voting day is May 15th, but early voting has already begun.  In fact, we are very much encouraging everyone to go out and vote today.  To learn where early voting is happening in your county, contact your local county clerk.  You can find a list of all of the county clerks right here.  In many instances, early voting is being held at your local county courthouse.

Thanks to our big victory in the debate, our campaign has generated a tremendous amount of momentum.  Please remember to go vote, and please tell everyone that you know to vote as soon as they can.  It is being projected that voter turnout in this race may be under 20 percent, and so if we do a great job of getting voters to the polls we will definitely win this thing.

Once again I would like to thank all of the incredible people that have gotten involved and made our campaign possible, and if you would like to learn more about #TeamSnyder, please visit

Michael Snyder is a pro-Trump candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District.  If you would like to help him win on May 15th, you can donate online, by Paypal or by sending a check made out to “Michael Snyder for Congress” to P.O. Box 1136 – Bonners Ferry, ID 83805.  To learn more, please visit

One Year Ago A Miracle Happened

On November 8th, 2016 we witnessed the greatest miracle in the history of American politics.  Leading up to election day, virtually all of the experts were boldly assuring us that Hillary Clinton would be the next president of the United States.  Personally, I was quite alarmed about what a Hillary Clinton presidency would mean, because Clinton’s vindictiveness is legendary and my anti-Clinton articles had been seen by millions of people.  When Trump shocked the world by winning the election, it was like an entirely new day had just dawned in America.  If Donald Trump could become president of the United States, literally anything was possible.

President Trump has been visiting Asia this week, but on Wednesday he took a few moments to thank those that voted for him last November…

President Trump marked the anniversary of his 2016 presidential election win by remembering the “deplorables.”

“Congratulations to all of the ‘DEPLORABLES’ and the millions of people who gave us a MASSIVE (304-227) Electoral College landslide victory!” he tweeted Wednesday, featuring a photo of him and some of his aides aboard Air Force Once.

It has been 12 months, but it is still hard to grasp what happened on that historic night.  Nobody in the mainstream media seemed to believe that Trump had a chance, and his shock victory took almost the entire nation by surprise.  The following is an extended excerpt from an article that I published on the day after Trump’s victory entitled “Do You Believe In Miracles?”


After it was all over, I kind of stumbled around my home lost in my thoughts. I was happy, confused, hopeful, stunned and pensive all at the same time. Like so many others, what I thought I knew about politics turned out to be wrong. But in other ways, the election of Donald Trump has confirmed so much of what I know to be right about America.

Ultimately, it was the American people that decided this election, because the elite were doing their best to absolutely bury him.

Never before has the mainstream media been so openly biased against a major party presidential candidate. For months on end they dumped sewage on Trump, but it didn’t work.

Never before has a major party presidential candidate faced a civil war in his own party on the eve of the election. A whole host of big names in the Republican Party publicly announced that they would not vote for Trump, but it didn’t work.

Never before have we seen a bigger October surprise than the lewd tape from 11 year ago that came out and shocked the world. That would have instantly killed the campaign of any normal politician, but it didn’t kill Trump’s campaign.

From the very beginning it seemed like Trump was at war with almost everyone, and somehow he came out on top in the end.

He beat the Bushes and the Clintons.

He beat the Republicans and the Democrats.

He beat Hollywood and the mainstream media.

He beat the pollsters and the pundits.

He beat the never-Trumpers and the billionaire donors.

He beat Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Jay Z, Beyonce, George Clooney, Matt Damon and Lebron James.

He beat the forces of globalism, elitism and political correctness.

He beat CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and Barack Obama.

He beat them all.


Millions of us that had worked so hard to get Trump elected were absolutely jubilant, but of course there were millions of others that were bitterly disappointed.  If you want to take a walk down memory lane, watch this YouTube video that shows a whole host of liberal talking heads melting down in the aftermath of Trump’s win.  They also knew that something had just fundamentally changed in America, and they were not happy about it at all.

Sadly, many Republican politicians have still not embraced Trump, and that is a huge mistake.

For example, many believe that Ed Gillespie’s huge loss in Virginia happened because he distanced himself from the president

“Republican Swamp Thing Gillespie Rejected,” Bannon’s Breitbart News declared in a headline.

Gillespie “did not embrace me or what I stand for,” Trump tweeted from Asia.

The rush to destroy Gillespie — who borrowed some tactics from Trump but kept his distance from the president — points to an escalating fight within the party over whether candidates are better off courting Trump and his loyal base or keeping them at arm’s length.

As for me, I am proud to stand with President Trump, and pro-Trump voters all over the nation are getting involved in my campaign for Congress.

Of course Democrats are hoping that the Trump era will be over as soon as possible and that things will then go back to normal.

But that isn’t going to happen.  We are here to take our country back, and the Trump movement is only just getting started.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

How Many Mass Shooters Have Been Members Of The NRA?

The left is using the tragedy in Sutherland Springs to demonize the NRA.  Personally, I am so sick and tired of these relentless attacks, and I am proud to stand with the NRA, the Gun Owners Of America and every other organization that is working hard to defend our 2nd Amendment rights.  As you will see below, it was actually the intervention of an NRA instructor named Stephen Willeford that saved countless lives in Sutherland Springs.  And would you like to know how many mass shooters have been members of the NRA?  The answer is zero

Based on the arbitrary definition of a shooting involving at least four deaths, there had been 130 mass shootings in the United States as of June 6, 2017, going back over the last 51 years. (This does not include gang killings, killings that began as other crimes such as robberies, and killings that involved only the shooter’s family.)

Information about how the guns were obtained is incomplete, but 248 different guns were used, at least 141 of which were obtained legally and at least 39 of which were obtained illegally; handguns were the most common weapons used, usually more than one, each of which takes about two seconds to reload, making limited magazines (commonly incorrectly referred to as “clips”) a minor inconvenience. None of the shooters were known to be members of the NRA.

The bad guys in our society are always going to find ways to get guns.  Just look at what is happening down in Honduras for example.  They have some of the strictest gun laws on the entire planet, and yet their entire nation has become a war zone.

Some say that we have a “mental illness problem”, but I would describe it as a moral and social decay problem.  Culture really matters, and our culture has been going down the toilet for decades.  If we don’t do something about the rampant decay in our society, violence is going to continue to get worse.

And as violence continues to escalate, I want as many responsibly armed citizens around as possible.  Instead of vilifying the NRA, we should be thankful that men like Stephen Willeford are willing to act like heroes

So much for those who want to vilify the NRA in the wake of the Texas massacre in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday: Stephen Willeford, the man who shot and chased the man who killed 26 people in a Texas church, is an NRA instructor. Willeford insisted, “I’m no hero; I am not. I think my God, my Lord, protected me and gave me the skills to do what needed to be done.”

It is a fact that most mass shooters tend to be to the left on the political spectrum, and most of those that have attempted to attacks presidents throughout history have also been on the left.  Just check out this list

  1. Andrew Jackson – shot at by Richard Lawrence (Suspected Democrat plot, no proof.)
  2. Abraham Lincoln – 3 attempts – Democrats, Baltimore, 1861; Democrat confederates, Aug, 1864, Shot at from ambush; shot dead by J.W. Booth, Democrat, April, 1865
  3. James A. Garfield – shot and killed by Charles J. Guiteau, utopian communalist. (Modern progressive.)
  4. William McKinley – shot and killed by Leon Czolgosz, Far left Socialist
  5. Theodore Roosevelt – shot, wounded, by John F. Schrank, Anti third term motive.
  6. Franklin D. Roosevelt – Shot at by Giuseppi Zangara, Marxist, (He missed and killed Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak.)
  7. Harry S. Truman – attacked by Oscar Collazo, Griselio Torreslo, Leftist revolutionaries who wanted a Socialist Puerto Rico.
  8. John F. Kennedy – shot and killed by Lee H. Oswald, Communist.
  9. Richard Nixon – Samuel Byck thought Nixon was oppressing the poor, attempted airplane hijack to crash into White House.
  10. Gerald Ford – Lynette Fromme, Anarchist, Manson girl, waved gun, failed to properly load it;  Sara Brady, shot at the president, progressive Socialist, lousy shot.

I have pledged to never move a single inch when it comes to defending our 2nd Amendment rights, and I am asking all of my supporters to stand with me.  The left is making gun control one of their highest priorities, and we must never, ever back down.

I really like how Charlie Daniels made this point in his latest column

Opportunistic politicians rush to judgement to write meaningless laws that would further muddy the waters, and leftist ideologues who don’t know a .22 from a .357 condemn all guns and gun owners, wanting to outlaw all firearms, leaving the villains who obtain their guns illegally to continue the mayhem while ordinary citizens would be left with no way to protect their families.

The same people who self-righteously insist on having sanctuary cities for lawbreakers are the ones who scream the loudest for more gun control, completely ignoring their potential for harboring murderers in their midst.

We need thousands more leaders like Charlie Daniels all over the nation.

And we need millions more responsible gun owners such as Stephen Willeford to help protect us from the crazed lunatics like Devin Patrick Kelley that seem to be multiplying in our society.

The NRA and the Gun Owners of America are not the problem.

The truth is that they are a big part of the solution, and those attacking them should be ashamed of themselves.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on