It Could Really Happen! Republicans Are Preparing To Impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

If this happens, it could change everything.  Even more than Peter Strzok, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is a perfect example of a deep state operative.  No matter who we have sent to Washington, our government agencies have always been dominated by deep state operatives such as Rosenstein, and up until recently the American people have seemed powerless to do anything about it.  But now there is a ray of hope.  Peter Strzok’s nearly 10 hour grilling in front of Congress on Thursday was definitely a step in the right direction, and on Friday we learned that conservatives are preparing to begin impeachment proceedings against Rosenstein.  In fact, Politico is reporting that Mark Meadows actually had the impeachment document on the House floor at the exact moment that Rosenstein announced indictments against 12 Russian intelligence officials for hacking the Democratic National Committee…

House conservatives are preparing a new push to oust Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, according to three conservative Capitol Hill sources — putting the finishing touches on an impeachment filing even as Rosenstein announced the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers for interfering in the 2016 election.

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, in fact, had the impeachment document on the floor of the House at the very moment that Rosenstein spoke to reporters and TV cameras Friday.

This kind of high drama is very rare in the halls of Congress, and even though it didn’t happen on Friday, the impeachment document reportedly could be filed “as soon as Monday”

Conservative sources say they could file the impeachment document as soon as Monday, as Meadows and Freedom Caucus founder Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) look to build Republican support in the House. One source cautioned, however, that the timing was still fluid.


So why are Republicans so upset with Rosenstein?

For one thing, they feel like he has continually stonewalled their investigation into corruption at the FBI, and that is definitely a very serious matter.

Secondly, Rosenstein is ultimately where “the buck stops” when it comes to the Mueller investigation.  The following comes from the Hill

Rosenstein has long been a target for Republicans who are frustrated over special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into election meddling by Russia and possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign. He is overseeing the probe after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation, and some argue that he’s the only person with the legal authority to fire Mueller.

If Rosenstein were to be impeached, that would almost certainly mean the end of the Mueller investigation, and Democrats would go absolutely ballistic.

But in order for any of this to happen, conservatives are going to have to get the support of Paul Ryan, and Politico is reporting that Ryan has “clearly been uncomfortable with the notion of going after Rosenstein…

But House GOP leaders like Speaker Paul Ryan have clearly been uncomfortable with the notion of going after Rosenstein. It’s unlikely that will change anytime soon, especially so soon after the latest indictments. Ryan’s office was not immediately available for comment.

Without Ryan’s support, there is no way that there will be enough votes for impeachment, and so he is the key.

And the clock is ticking, because the November mid-term elections are rapidly approaching.

Traditionally, the opposition party has always done extremely well during the first mid-term election of a new presidency, and signs continue to emerge that we will see a similar pattern this time around.

For example, Democrats now hold a gigantic 12 million voter registration lead in states that require party affiliation.  The following comes from the Washington Examiner

Democrats hold a massive voter lead in states that require party registration, a gap of 12 million that could be key to whether the party takes control of the House and Senate in the fall midterm congressional elections, according to a new analysis.

Overall, 40 percent of voters in 31 party registration states are Democrats, 29 percent are Republicans, and 28 percent are independents, according to a new report of July numbers from the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. The states include several with key battles over House seats such as California, New York, Florida, and Pennsylvania.

The lead is significant, said Rhodes Cook’s analysis in Center Director Larry Sabato’s “Crystal Ball” newsletter, because in the past presidential election the majority party in 24 of the 31 states won, especially among Republican states.

I know that a lot of you may not want to hear this, but voter registration numbers are very, very important.

Yes, Republicans could still potentially win in states where the voter registration numbers are very much against them, but at this point the left has far more passion and energy than we do.

As noted in the excerpt above, the party that held the voter registration lead ended up winning in 24 out of 31 states in 2016.

That is a winning percentage of more than 77 percent.

Yes, the Senate map is favorable for Republicans in 2018.  It will be a lot more difficult for Democrats to take the Senate than it will be for them to take the House, but if the Democrats take either body there will be absolute gridlock in D.C. leading into the 2020 election.  The Trump agenda will be dead in the water, the Republican agenda will be dead in the water, and next to nothing will get accomplished.

The Republicans have had two years to accomplish everything that they wanted to do, and they have completely fumbled the football.

It would be nice if they could at least impeach a deep state operative such as Rosenstein, but with swamp creature Paul Ryan still in charge, that is going to be quite a challenge.

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is publisher of The Most Important News and the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

“Thanos Did Nothing Wrong”? 1000s Embrace The Population Control Philosophy Of Marvel’s Most Twisted Super-Villain

“Thanos did nothing wrong” has become one of the most common mantras on the Internet in recent days, and it just sparked one of the biggest events in Reddit history, but most people still don’t understand what all of the commotion is about.  So let me try to break it down very simply.  In the most recent Avengers movie, the story centers around a super-villain named Thanos that intends to wipe out half of all life in the universe.  He does not want to do this just to be evil, but rather his plan is to get population growth under control so that those that remain will be able to enjoy happy, sustainable lives.  If that sounds uncomfortably close to something that you have heard before, that is because it is.  Population control is a major theme on the radical left, and many of them truly believe that humanity’s population must be greatly reduced “to stop global warming” and “to save the planet”.  In the film, Thanos truly believes that he is doing the right thing, but since he is the villain everyone in the audience is theoretically supposed to be rooting for him to be defeated.  But instead of being universally hated, Thanos has become the big breakout star from this movie.  Large numbers of people are insisting that “Thanos did nothing wrong” and are embracing his population control philosophy.

Of course population control is not exactly a new idea.  It was one of the main reasons why ancient civilizations conducted human sacrifice rituals, and several centuries ago it was given a more modern spin by Thomas Malthus.  So the truth is that the philosophy that Thanos is promoting is simply “repackaged” for a new generation, and this is a point that G. Shane Morris made in an article earlier this year…

“Infinity War” casts its big baddie as a champion of yet another progressive pet cause: Population control. Thanos, who has teased audiences with sinister grins and cryptic statements in years of after-credit scenes, has finally revealed his true motive: He wants to wipe out half the galaxy’s population to make sure the other half has plenty to eat.

We watch during his obligatory villain speech as Thanos explains why he needs the power of the Infinity Stones: to teleport from planet to planet, killing billions in order to defuse the population bomb that desolated his home world. He does so on the assumption that Thomas Malthus first propounded: that each species has limited resources at its disposal, and the only way to keep from exhausting them is to check population growth.

The movie has been out for several months now, but the debate about Thanos has really heated up in recent days.  July 9th was one of the biggest days in Reddit history, and it was because of a “mass culling” on the r/ThanosDidNothingWrong subreddit.  This “mass culling” was actually called for by members of the subreddit in order to “honor” Thanos.  The following comes from Business Insider

Like the “Avengers: Infinity War” villain himself, the Thanos subreddit r/ThanosDidNothingWrong sought perfect balance among its more than 700,000 members, up from the 200,000 subscribers it had last week.

The online community began banning over 300,000 of its members at 5:00 PM PDT sharp on Monday, in a purge that was actually planned weeks in advance — a purge that was, indeed, instigated by its own members, who cheered the culling as honoring their hero, Thanos.

Originally, the moderators of the subreddit were hesitant when the idea was first suggested.  Back on June 29th, one of them asked, “You seriously want us to ban half of the subreddit?”

The members of the subreddit kept insisting, and the idea quickly became viral.  Once word got out that there would actually be a “mass culling”, membership in the subreddit climbed to more than 700,000

Thus the great project was born. The moderators of r/ThanosDidNothingWrong had to get permission from Reddit admins to go through with the ban, and then they had to automate the process. As word of the upcoming ban spread, hundreds of thousands of Reddit users flocked to join r/ThanosDidNothingWrong just so they’d have a chance to get ousted. By the time ban day rolled around, over 700,000 users had subscribed — making the culling by far the largest “dusting,” or mass ban, in Reddit history.

And this event got so big that even some high profile members of the Avengers movie team got directly involved

When the process began late Sunday night, it was making headlines. Infinity War directors the Russo brothers even took part in the exercise, with Anthony Russo joining in the sub’s preliminary festivities. The ban process was also live-streamed on Reddit’s official Twitch account — and none other than Thanos himself, an inexplicably shirtless Josh Brolin, was on hand to snap the ban into existence.

I understand that a lot of young people are just having fun with this, but ultimately population control is not something that we ever want to celebrate.

There really are global elitists that consider “human overpopulation” to be a “plague” on the planet that needs to be dealt with.  They are truly convinced that climate change is the number one threat that the globe is facing, and they have identified human population growth as the primary driver of climate change.

And so they really do want to reduce the population in order to “save the planet”.  For much more on this, please see my previous article entitled “46 Population Control Quotes That Show How Badly The Elite Want To Wipe Us All Out”.

About 50 years ago, Paul Ehrlich wrote a book entitled “The Population Bomb” in which he breathlessly warned about what would happen during the decades to come if humanity’s population continued to grow.

Well, humanity’s population did continue to grow, and none of his prognostications turned out to be accurate.

But now the same philosophy has been rebranded and repackaged for a new generation, and young people are eating it up.

When a substantial portion of the population decides that the solution to our problems is to get rid of large numbers of people, that sets the stage for mass genocide.  We have seen this happen before in human history, and it must not happen again.

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is publisher of The Most Important News and the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

Poll Asks Americans To Name The Greatest President In Their Lifetimes – Barack Obama Wins With 31 Percent

It is exceedingly difficult to be optimistic about the future of our nation when you see poll numbers like this.  The Pew Research Center recently conducted a survey in which they asked Americans to name the president that has “done the best job in your lifetime”.  You would think that Ronald Reagan would be the winner by a very wide margin, but he wasn’t.  Instead, Barack Obama was the winner with 31 percent of the vote.  Reagan came in second with 21 percent, Bill Clinton was third with 13 percent, and Donald Trump was fourth with just 10 percent.  When you add the Obama and Clinton numbers together, you come up with a grand total of 44 percent of all Americans that believe that either Barack Obama or Bill Clinton was the best president during their lifetimes, and that is absolutely frightening.  It essentially means that nearly half of the entire U.S. population has gone mad, and with numbers such as those it is very difficult to imagine how we are ever going to restore our Constitutional Republic.

Those that responded to the survey were asked to give their first and second choices to the question, and this is how the final numbers came out for first choice…

Obama: 31 percent
Reagan: 21 percent
Clinton: 13 percent
Trump: 10 percent
Kennedy: 7 percent
Carter: 4 percent
George W. Bush: 3 percent
George H.W. Bush: 3 percent
Eisenhower: 2 percent
Ford: 1 percent
Nixon: 1 percent
Johnson: 1 percent
Truman: 1 percent
Roosevelt: 1 percent

The way that the question was asked is obviously going to depress the numbers of presidents that served many decades ago.  For example, I was not born yet when Eisenhower was president, so he would not be an option for me when naming the president that has “done the best job in my lifetime”.  If the question had been framed differently, I think that Eisenhower and Kennedy would have done much better.

In particular, I think that Eisenhower doesn’t really get the credit that he deserved.  America generally thrived under his leadership, but nobody ever really talks about him too much anymore.

Another thing that really jumps out about these numbers is how poorly both Bushes did.

George H.W. Bush’s presidency was largely considered to be a continuation of the Reagan administration, but he only got 3 percent of the vote.  7 percent did name him as their second choice, and most of those probably named Reagan as their first choice.

George W. Bush served much more recently, and to get only 3 percent of the vote shows how the American people really feel about him at this point.  The president that served immediately before him (Bill Clinton) got 13 percent of the vote and the president that served immediately after him (Barack Obama) got 31 percent of the vote.  To only receive 3 percent of the vote is an absolutely disastrous showing.

Overall, Democrats have to feel really good about these survey results.  If you add the last four Republican presidents together, their grand total of 37 percent of the vote doesn’t even come close to the combined total of the last two Democratic presidents (44 percent).

Needless to say, Democrats overwhelmingly chose Obama or Clinton as their top choices in this poll

A sizable majority of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say Barack Obama (71%) is the best (51%) or second best (20%) president in their lifetimes. About half of Democrats name Clinton (49%). Another 14% of Democrats name Kennedy as one of their top two, 12% name Reagan and 10% mention George W. Bush.

And Republicans overwhelmingly picked Reagan or Trump as their top choices

A majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say Reagan (57%) ranks in the top two presidents in their lifetimes. Another 40% of Republicans name Trump, while 20% name George W. Bush, 16% name George H.W. Bush and 15% mention Clinton.

Perhaps the most alarming result from this survey was how Millennials voted.  Our young adults are the future of this country, and a whopping 62 percent of them picked Barack Obama as their first or second choice…

Millennials (born 1981 to 1996) were the most likely to choose Obama, with 62 percent naming him as their first or second choice. Reagan was the top pick for Generation X (1965 to 1980), baby boomers (1946 to 1964) and the silent generation (1928 to 1945).

Unsurprisingly, party identification was very closely tied to a person’s answer. Obama was the first or second pick of 71 percent of Democrats but only 13 percent of Republicans.

Reagan was the clear favorite among Republicans with 57 percent (12 percent among Democrats). Trump was the second pick for Republicans at 40 percent. Only 3 percent of Democrats named Trump.

This is yet more evidence that we are undergoing a dramatic demographic shift in this nation.

Older Americans tend to vote more than younger Americans do, but older Americans are also slowly but surely dying off.

Unless something fundamentally changes, we aren’t going to have any Ronald Reagans or Donald Trumps in the future.  Instead, what we are going to get are more Barack Obamas and Bill Clintons.

In fact, if Michelle Obama wanted to run for president in 2020 she would almost certainly win the Democratic nomination easily, and that is a chilling thing to admit.

But she almost certainly will not run, and instead it looks like Hillary Clinton is gearing up for one last run for the presidency.

Many conservatives assume that since Trump beat Clinton last time that he will beat her again.

And that might be true.

However, we should remember that Hillary did receive 3 million more votes than Trump did last time.

And we should also not forget that older voters are slowly but surely dropping off the voting rolls, and they are being replaced by an entirely new generation of young people that is extremely liberal.

That doesn’t mean that all hope is gone.  We are at a crossroads, and at this moment we are in a battle for the soul of our nation.

If we want to win, then conservatives better wake up, because right now the left has far more passion and energy than we do.

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is publisher of The Most Important News and the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

Mass Exodus From The Church: The Percentage Of Young Adults With No Religious Affiliation Has Nearly QUADRUPLED Since 1986

We are witnessing a religious shift that is unprecedented in size and scope in American history.  With each passing year, the percentage of Americans that claim no religious affiliation is growing, and this trend is especially pronounced among our young people.  If things continue to steadily move in this direction, that is going to have enormous implications for the future of our society.  The United States was founded by people that were extremely committed to their faith, and now we are rapidly becoming a nation where people are choosing no religion at all.  We live at a time when there is a mass exodus from Christian churches, and while it is true that some smaller faiths are growing, the reality of the matter is that most of the people that are leaving are remaining unaffiliated.  According to PRRI, if you go back to 1991 only 6 percent of all Americans were “unaffiliated”, but today that number has shot up to 25 percent…

In 1991, only six percent of Americans identified their religious affiliation as “none,” and that number had not moved much since the early 1970s. By the end of the 1990s, 14% of the public claimed no religious affiliation. The rate of religious change accelerated further during the late 2000s and early 2010s, reaching 20% by 2012. Today, one-quarter (25%) of Americans claim no formal religious identity, making this group the single largest “religious group” in the U.S.

The most dramatic change during this time period has been among our young people.

If you go all the way back to 1986, just 10 percent of Americans in the 18 to 29-year-old age group were “unaffiliated”.  Today, that number has skyrocketed to 39 percent.  Here is more from PRRI

Today, nearly four in ten (39%) young adults (ages 18-29) are religiously unaffiliated—three times the unaffiliated rate (13%) among seniors (ages 65 and older). While previous generations were also more likely to be religiously unaffiliated in their twenties, young adults today are nearly four times as likely as young adults a generation ago to identify as religiously unaffiliated. In 1986, for example, only 10% of young adults claimed no religious affiliation.

And just because Millennials claim a religious affiliation of some sort does not mean that they actually go to church.

In fact, a study from the Pew Research Center discovered that only 27 percent of Millennials say that they “attend religious services on a weekly basis”…

Millennials – especially the youngest Millennials, who have entered adulthood since the first Landscape Study was conducted – are far less religious than their elders. For example, only 27% of Millennials say they attend religious services on a weekly basis, compared with 51% of adults in the Silent generation. Four-in-ten of the youngest Millennials say they pray every day, compared with six-in-ten Baby Boomers and two-thirds of members of the Silent generation. Only about half of Millennials say they believe in God with absolute certainty, compared with seven-in-ten Americans in the Silent and Baby Boom cohorts. And only about four-in-ten Millennials say religion is very important in their lives, compared with more than half in the older generational cohorts.

Of course not all of those that are “attending religious services” are going to Christian churches.  Some are going to mosques, others are attending synagogue, and yet others are involved in other faiths.

At one time you could count on fast growing groups such as the Southern Baptists and the Mormons to produce positive growth numbers, but those days are long gone

The Southern Baptists have lost more than a million members over the last decade, according to LifeWay. Giving and attendance are down, and Baptists are seeing more gray and silver heads in the pews.

Meanwhile, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has seen its once-enviable U.S. growth rate slow to under 1 percent in each of the last two years. Mormonism, which grew by just .75 percent in this country in 2017, is barely keeping pace with the growth of the U.S. population (+.71 percent).

Europe has been described as a “post-Christian society”, and we are well on our way to joining them.

So what is causing this to happen?

Well, there is certainly a lot of debate about this within Christian circles.  From the outside, many experts are pointing to demographic changes.  The following comes from a recent article by Jana Riess

One of the biggest demographic trends of our time is that millennials are delaying marriage or not getting married at all. And since there’s a strong correlation between being married and being involved in religion, the fact that fewer Americans are getting married is worrisome news to clergy.

In addition to a decline in marriage numbers, experts also point to the fact that Americans are having fewer children these days

The number of children a family has is related to the couple’s religious involvement — couples without kids are a bit less likely to be religious. So the fact that fertility is on the decline is, again, worrisome news for organized religion.

But are those factors a cause of the decline of religious faith in America, or are they the result of it?

It could be argued that churches have always heavily promoted marriage and family, and if young Americans are no longer as engaged in church it would make sense that they put less of a priority on those things now.

The good news for churches is that even though atheism is rapidly growing, most Americans (even the unaffiliated ones) still believe in God

Despite their lack of connection to formal religious institutions, most unaffiliated Americans retain a belief in God or a higher power. A majority of unaffiliated Americans say God is either a person with whom people can have a relationship (22%) or an impersonal force (37%). Only one-third (33%) of religiously unaffiliated Americans say they do not believe in God. Strong majorities of Americans who belong to the major Christian religious traditions hold a personal conception of God. Compared to Christians, Americans who identify with a non-Christian tradition are significantly less likely to hold a personal conception of God (33%) and are more likely to say God is an impersonal force in the universe (49%).

Americans still have a keen interest in spiritual things, but many of them are now attempting to fill that void in alternative ways.  For example, it has been claimed that Wicca (a very popular form of witchcraft) is now the fastest growing faith in America.

Many like to focus on the political changes that are happening in this country, but the truth is that these cataclysmic shifts in our faith numbers are going to have far more to do with determining the future course of this nation.

If we ever hope to restore the Constitutional Republic that our founders once established, we must return to the Christian values and principles that this nation was originally founded upon.

Any other approach is simply not going to work, and time is running out.

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

Mexico’s Next President Boldly Declares That Immigration To The United States Is A “Human Right”

Andrés Manuel López Obrador (otherwise known as “AMLO”) is about to become the next president of Mexico.  He has a seemingly insurmountable lead in the polls, and at this point it would be a complete and utter shock if anyone else were to win on July 1st.  So what he has to say is likely to become the official policy of the Mexican government in the very near future, and that is quite frightening because he is a crazed radical leftist and an extremely bold proponent of illegal immigration to the United States.  As I wrote about yesterday, Mexico has begun the process of a complete and total societal meltdown, and right now chaos reigns supreme along the U.S.-Mexico border.  It would be extremely helpful to have a Mexican president that would be committed to restoring order along the border, but instead AMLO has boldly declared that immigration to the United States is a “human right” and he is encouraging more immigrants to start pouring into the U.S. illegally…

Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) called for mass immigration to the United States during a speech Tuesday declaring it a “human right” for all North Americans.

“And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world,” Obrador said, adding that immigrants “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.”

Does that mean that he also believes that immigration to Mexico is a “human right” and that everyone around the world that can get to Mexico’s borders must be allowed in?

Every nation on the entire planet has the right to set their own immigration policies, and the United States is no different.  For a foreign leader to demand that we must take any and all illegal immigrants that show up at our borders is an extremely arrogant thing to say.

But of course AMLO doesn’t exactly have it together.  At one point he even proposed to give amnesty to Mexican drug cartels

Fox’s Tucker Carlson noted Thursday that Obrador has previously proposed granting amnesty to Mexican drug cartels. “America is now Mexico’s social safety net, and that’s a very good deal for the Mexican ruling class,” Carlson added.

Of course it isn’t just AMLO that is upset at the Trump administration right now.

Central American newspapers are full of outrage over how immigrant families are being treated once they reach the U.S. border.  The following comes from USA Today

In Honduras, La Prensa newspaper featured a political cartoon Thursday with the title “Nation of Immigrants” that showed the Statue of Liberty using her flame to burn an immigrant. A front page story earlier in the week proclaimed “Separation of Families is Cruel and Inhumane.”

In El Salvador on Friday, the No. 1 most-viewed story in La Prensa Gráfica was about the Time magazine cover showing President Trump looking down on a crying 2-year-old Honduran girl, with the headline “Welcome to America.”

Of course now we know that the “crying girl” story was totally fake news.  That girl was never separated from her mother, and they had paid a smuggler six thousand dollars to get them across the border.

Other newspapers were even more hysterical when describing the crisis at the U.S. border with Mexico…

In Guatemala, an editorial in La Hora newspaper denounced the “xenophobia” of the Trump administration.

“Trump has called our people rapists, criminals, drug dealers and gangsters, among other things,” an editorial said.

And, in Mexico, the newspaper El Universal said: “The United States treats migrant children as Taliban” — a reference to the Afghan terrorist group.

So what are we supposed to do?

Are we supposed to have no border enforcement at all?

According to Politico, that is apparently the conclusion that some U.S. officials have already reached.  According to unnamed officials at the Department of Homeland Security, the current crisis is going to force the U.S. back into a “catch and release” policy…

President Donald Trump may not admit it but, practically speaking, his administration’s “zero-tolerance” border strategy is dead.

Top officials at the Department of Homeland Security acknowledged that reality at a meeting Thursday afternoon, according to a former department official with knowledge of the meeting.

“It’s going to be ‘catch and release’ because they don’t have the detention beds for them,” the former official said.

That is one of the stupidest things that I have heard in a long time.

Everybody knows that the vast majority of illegal immigrants that are “caught and released” never show up for their court proceedings.

Ultimately this is a battle over whether the United States is going to have borders or not.  One of the big reasons why the globalists hate Donald Trump so much is because they want a world in which national borders have essentially been rendered meaningless.  The want an entire planet that is patterned after the EU model, and that means that people would be free to travel over national borders without any interference at all.

But for those of us that still believe in national sovereignty, border security is absolutely critical.  Without any borders, Mexican drug cartels would spread like wildfire in major U.S. cities.  Just like we are witnessing in Mexico right now, violent crime numbers would absolutely soar as a result.

In addition, if we suddenly had no borders, millions upon millions of people from all over the world would flock here to get plugged into our extremely generous welfare system.  And considering the fact that we are already 21 trillion dollars in debt, that is something that we simply cannot afford.

We are a nation of immigrants, and we will always need immigration, but we also must make sure that everyone comes in through the front door.  Up until just recently, our system of legal immigration has been a complete nightmare, but we have left the back door completely wide open for drug dealers, gang members, serial criminals and anyone else that wants to abuse the system.

We need to slam the back door completely shut and make sure that everyone that comes into this country is coming in through the proper channels.

That is all that President Trump is trying to do, and the global elite are fighting him with everything that they have got in a desperate attempt to get him to back down.

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

Just Over The U.S. Border, A Once Mighty Nation Is In The Process Of A Complete And Total Societal Meltdown

What would the United States look like right now if 113 political figures had been gunned down since last September?  Well, that is precisely what has happened in Mexico.  Once upon a time, Mexico had a thriving economy and a very stable government, but now the nation is devolving into a Mad Max society in which the drug cartels gun down any politicians that they do not like.  As you will see below, the murder rate has surged to the highest level ever recorded, and no end to the violence is in sight.  In fact, the drug cartels seem to just get more brutal with each passing day.  When the Mexican government has cracked down on one of the big cartels in the past, it has just seemed to cause four or five smaller ones to emerge to replace it.  At this point, none of the major politicians are speaking very specifically about going after the cartels, because they have seen what happens to political figures that do.  On July 1st, the Mexican people are expected to elect a radical leftist known as “AMLO” as their next president, and many anticipate that this will accelerate Mexico’s downward spiral.  And everyone in the United States needs to pay close attention to what is happening in Mexico right now, because the exact same societal pressures that are causing Mexico to implode are percolating here as well.

Those that follow my work on a regular basis know that I like to carefully document everything that I write, and so let me begin by showing you that I did not make up the number of Mexican political figures that have been assassinated in recent months.

According to Axios, 113 Mexican politicians really have been murdered since last September…

Since September, 113 candidates, pre-candidates, and current and former politicians in Mexico have been killed ahead of its elections, according to Etellekt, a policy consultancy in the country — and there are still about two weeks to go.

When I first heard that figure I could hardly believe it, and the carnage has intensified the closer that we have gotten to election day.

Earlier in June, within the span of 24 hours three female political candidates were shot dead.

Shortly after that, a prominent candidate for Congress was shot in the back of the head while taking a selfie with a supporter.

Nobody can possibly argue that Mexico is a stable society at this point, and this all comes at a time when Mexico’s overall homicide rate has surged to the highest level ever recorded

The steady increase in deadly violence that Mexico has experienced over the past three years continued in May, when 2,890 people were killed — an average of 93 a day, or almost four victims an hour.

The total number of victims surpasses the 2,746 recorded in March to make May the deadliest month this year, and it topped the 2,750 victims registered in October, making May the deadliest month in two decades, the period for which the government has released homicide data.

And the numbers are not just going up a little bit.

According to the Mexican government, the homicide rate so far this year is up 75 percent over the same period in 2015…

The homicide rate between January and May this year was 9.17 cases per 100,000 people, a 75% increase over the 5.25 cases during the same period in 2015, according to Mexican news site Animal Politico.

“We are nearing a level of 100 homicides a day in the country, and with an upward trend, we still don’t see a break,” Mexican security analyst Alejandro Hope said on Thursday on radio show Atando Cabos.

For those of us in the United States, it should be deeply alarming that some of the most violent areas are right near our border.

For instance, the homicide rate in Baja is completely off the charts

Baja California, which borders the US in northwest Mexico, was also the most violent among Mexico’s 32 states, with a homicide rate of 29.47 per 100,000 people. Much of that bloodshed has taken place in Tijuana, which borders San Diego.

Tijuana had 975 of the state’s 1,218 homicide victims during the first five months of the year; the head of the rapid reaction police force in Rosarito, a town near Tijuana, was found slain in Tijuana on the morning of June 20.

The reason why there is so much violence in areas along the U.S. border is because the drug cartels are extremely active there.

The Mexican drug cartels make enormous mountains of money getting drugs across the border and selling them in our cities, and they will literally kill anyone that dares to threaten that business.

My wife and I have a good friend that recently went down to Mexico for a vacation, and after a couple of days she couldn’t wait to get back home.  At one time Mexican resorts did a booming business with American tourists, but now that is changing in a major way.

These days, if you go down to Mexico you are literally putting your life on the line, and just about every form of crime that you could possibly imagine is absolutely skyrocketing.

And now Mexico is going to get a new radical leftist president at the exact same time that Donald Trump is starting a trade war with them.

If that sounds like a recipe for economic disaster to you, that is because it is.

Let us hope for the best for Mexico.  There are still many areas of Mexico that are incredibly lovely, and it is a nation that is teeming with natural resources.

But at this point the drug cartels and the radical leftists are completely taking over the country, and relations with the United States are almost certainly going to continue to deteriorate.

Mexico has begun the process of a complete and total societal meltdown, and Americans should not gloat, because so many of the exact same things that are happening across the border are going to be happening here too.

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

Is The United States On A Road To Becoming Ungovernable?

For a long time I have observed the rancor in modern American political discourse, and I have become concerned about where all of this anger and frustration is taking us.  In order for any society to function, there must be some form of government.  And in order for government to function, a certain percentage of the population has to be willing to submit to the authority of that government.  For example, there will always be a few tax protesters out there that refuse to pay their taxes, but if every single American suddenly decided to stop paying taxes our system of taxation would collapse overnight.  Sure, the government could prosecute thousands of us, but if that crackdown still didn’t motivate people to start paying their taxes there is not much that could be done.  The only reason any form of government works is because enough people buy into the narrative that the government is legitimate and should be respected.  Here in the United States, fewer and fewer people are buying into that narrative.

The Pew Research Center, Gallup, and NPR have all run polls that show that faith in government is near all-time lows in the United States.  A lot of us have been let down so many times, and most of us simply do not “believe in America” like we once did.  Yes, we may still believe in “the people” or “the values” that the nation was founded upon, but at our core we just do not have faith in our governmental institutions.

But simply being disillusioned is not going to be enough to make us ungovernable.  Generations of Americans have complained about government, but they have always gone along with the system.  Unfortunately, things are changing in a fundamental way.  Instead of just complaining about government, Americans are being trained to think of government as the enemy.  We certainly witnessed a great deal of this under Barack Obama, and without a doubt Obama was absolutely terrible, but now under Donald Trump things have gone to an entirely new level.

We literally have millions of people in this country that truly believe that President Trump is the moral equivalent of Adolf Hitler and that the Republican Party is a bunch of fascists.  Of course some conservatives have been saying similar things about Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the Democrats for years.  But with Trump we are witnessing something that we have never seen before.  The mainstream media is actually pounding the drumbeats of hatred for our president day after day, and when you say something long enough and loud enough some people are going to believe you.

If you truly believe that someone is just like Adolf Hitler, the logical response would be to do whatever is necessary to end the tyranny.  And this is precisely what we have seen from Antifa – their open embrace of violence is justified in their eyes because of the “enemy” that they are fighting.

And it isn’t just Trump that the left is targeting.  Just this week a deranged man in Ohio was arrested for threatening U.S. Congressman Brian Mast

A Stuart man was arrested Tuesday after a federal complaint states he threatened U.S. Rep. Brian Mast’s children over the Trump administration’s child-separation immigration policy.

Laurence Key called Mast’s Washington office Monday and said, “I’m going to find the congressman’s kids and kill them,” an intern who took the call told the FBI, according to a federal complaint filed in U.S. District Court. “If you are going to separate kids at the border, I’m going to kill his kids.”

For those of you that don’t know, Congressman Mast is a double amputee.  He lost both legs serving our nation overseas, and he has a young girl and two young boys that are all younger than 8.

Are you starting to understand why more good people don’t run for office in this country?

Now that President Trump has signed an executive order that will keep immigrant families together at the border, the left has got to come up with something else to keep the rancor going.  So now we are being told that President Trump is inhumane for “putting entire families in cages” at the border, when that is not true at all.

But it really doesn’t matter what the truth is – the key is to keep the narrative going.

We have already reached a point where a certain percentage of the population is not going to recognize the legitimacy of our government no matter who is sent to the White House.  Millions upon millions of Americans refer to Donald Trump as “not my president”, and there are millions of us that never accepted the legitimacy of the Obama presidency.

So who would the American people accept?

Someone in the middle?

Sadly, the truth is that Barack Obama and Donald Trump are “the middle” today.  There is no longer a single set of values that unites our nation, and America is becoming more deeply divided with each passing day.

The only thing that is really holding us back from mass rioting and chaos on a constant basis is our massively inflated debt-fueled standard of living.

As long as people have plenty of food to eat and lots of entertainment to keep them sedated, a complete and total societal meltdown is unlikely.

But if our food and entertainment were to be taken away, the American people are primed for the biggest temper tantrum in the history of our nation.

We have never had a president that is hated as much as President Trump, and the mainstream media keeps feeding that hatred on a daily basis.  Whatever goes wrong over the next few years will be blamed on him, and the moment a real crisis hits we will start to see cities burn all over the country.

The second president of the United States, John Adams, once made the following statement

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

Today, the American people are not very religious and they certainly are not moral.  Suicide rates are absolutely soaring, and we are very deeply unhappy as a nation.

It would be wonderful if we could unite behind the values that this nation was built upon, but we discarded those values long ago.

So now we face a very uncertain future, and it is only a matter of time before someone lights a spark that sets off mass societal unrest all across the United States.

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

Females Are Outperforming Males On Every Educational Level, And That Has Staggering Implications For The Future Of Our Society

It is an uncomfortable truth that most educators simply do not want to talk about.  Females are dramatically outperforming males on every educational level, and many are wondering what this means for our future.  If men do not feel a strong sense of purpose and meaning, they can get into trouble really quickly.  As I write this article, the vast majority of those that abuse drugs are men, the vast majority of those that commit violent crimes are men, and the vast majority of those that we put into prison are men.  I began researching this article by looking into the fact that the labor participation rate for men has been declining for decades, but our problems run much deeper than that.  Today, so many men feel lost.  Millions of them don’t have a sense of direction, millions of them don’t have anything that really drives or motivates them, and millions of them are deeply depressed and greatly dissatisfied with life.

For a lot of them, it started very early.  As Dr. Michael Thompson told CBS News, all across America girls are outperforming boys at every educational level…

“Girls outperform boys in elementary school, middle school, high school, and college, and graduate school,” says Dr. Michael Thompson, a school psychologist who writes about the academic problems of boys in his book, “Raising Cain.” He says that after decades of special attention, girls are soaring, while boys are stagnating.

“Girls are being told, ‘Go for it, you can do it. Go for it, you can do it.’ They are getting an immense amount of support,” he says. “Boys hear that the way to shine is athletically. And boys get a lot of mixed messages about what it means to be masculine and what it means to be a student. Does being a good student make you a real man? I don’t think so… It is not cool.”

Perhaps one of the big reasons why young males are so drawn to sports is because it allows them to do the sorts of things the come naturally to males.  Sporting events allow young males to engage in battle, to hunt and to conquer.  Yes, it is a simulated environment, but sporting events really do bring out something primal in young boys.

We all have natural tendencies, and it appears that modern forms of schooling are doing a much better job of connecting with females.  In fact, one extremely large study found that girls all over the world are substantially outperforming boys in the classroom

According to a recent study from University of New Brunswick in Canada, girls have been outperforming boys consistently through the years. It is a popular belief that boys perform better in subjects like Math and Science; however, a review of 308 studies involving more than 1.1 million children across the globe has challenged this stereotype. The study looked at data from 1914 to 2011 and the findings suggest that girls do better in school than boys in the classroom regardless of the material.

So it isn’t just in the United States that this is happening.

And it is a trend that does not seem to diminish with age.

Young women are dominating in high schools all over the nation, and at one high school in Massachusetts girls make up 70 to 80 percent of the students in advanced placement classes…

At graduation ceremonies last June at Hanover High School in Massachusetts, it was the ninth year in a row that a girl was on the podium as school valedictorian. Girls also took home nearly all the honors, including the science prize, says principal Peter Badalament.

“[Girls] tend to dominate the landscape academically right now,” he says, even in math and science.

The school’s advanced placement classes, which admit only the most qualified students, are often 70 percent to 80 percent girls. This includes calculus. And in AP biology, there was not a single boy.

I suppose the silver lining for young men is that if they really want to meet more girls they should just work really, really hard to get into those AP classes.

But the truth is that this is no joking matter.  At this point, higher education in the United States is totally dominated by women.  Just check out these numbers

Women earned approximately 57 percent of the bachelor’s degrees awarded by U.S. institutions of higher education in the 2016-2017 academic year, according to data released this week by the National Center for Education Statistics, which is part of the U.S. Department of Education.

That, according to NCES data, makes 2016-2017 the eighteenth straight academic year in which women have earned approximately 57 percent of the bachelor’s degrees awarded by U.S. colleges and universities.

Did you understand what that excerpt was saying?

Women have received about 57 percent of all bachelor’s degrees in this country for 18 years in a row.

Our future doctors, lawyers, politicians and societal leaders come from our pool of college graduates, and the numbers tell us that women are going to be dominating those fields for the foreseeable future.

So what will men be doing?

Well, in recent years more of them have been dropping out of the labor force than ever before.  The following comes from the New York Times

Among women, the share out of the labor force has fallen from 66 percent in 1950 to 43 percent today. That is not surprising in light of changing social norms and the greater career opportunities now open to women.

Men, however, exhibit the opposite long-term trend. In 1950, 14 percent of men were out of the labor force. Today, that figure stands at 31 percent.

For those of you that prefer graphics, here is a chart from the Federal Reserve that shows this staggering decline over the last several decades.  Please note that we are currently at a much lower level than we were at during the last major recession…

If men aren’t working, how are they supporting themselves?

For many, the social safety net provided by the government is an easy answer.  Here is more from the New York Times

One might wonder how these less educated, prime-age men support themselves after leaving the labor force. The social safety net plays a role. In a study for the Mercatus Center of George Mason University, Scott Winship reports that “75 percent of inactive prime-age men are in a household that received some form of government transfer payment.” Mr. Winship believes that government disability benefits in particular are one reason for the lack of interest in work.

For others, living with Mom and Dad for as long as possible is the solution.  Today, a staggering 38.4 percent of all Millennials live with their parents, and that number seems to keep going up with each passing year.

We live during an era of dramatic societal change, and many are concerned about where all of this change is taking us.

Yes, we need a society in which females can thrive, but we also need a society in which males can thrive as well, and right now that simply is not happening.

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.