If Donald Trump Wins The Election, It Will Be The Biggest Miracle In U.S. Political History

electoral-map-2012-public-domainAre we about to see the largest election day miracle of all time?  Because as I will show in this article, that is precisely what it is going to take in order for Donald Trump to win.  Before I go any further, I want to make it exceedingly clear that I am not saying what the outcome will be on November 8th.  As I recently told a national television audience, I do not know who is going to win.  In this article I am simply going to examine the poll numbers and the electoral map as they currently stand.  But in this bizarre election things can literally change overnight, and it is entirely possible that we could still have another “October surprise” or two before it is all said and done.  And without a doubt Donald Trump desperately needs something “to move the needle”, because if the election was held today Hillary Clinton would almost certainly win.

What we have witnessed so far during the 2016 election season has been absolutely unprecedented.  Just consider some of the things that we have seen up to this point in time.

We have never had a bigger “October surprise” than the release of the lewd audio tape from 11 years ago in which Donald Trump claimed to grope women without their consent.

We have never seen the mainstream media openly attack a presidential candidate as much as they have attacked Donald Trump.  In the past, the big mainstream news outlets at least pretended to be fair and balanced, but this year they have completely discarded all notions of objectivity.  They should be completely and utterly ashamed of themselves, and no matter who wins the election they will never be able to get their integrity back.

We have also never seen a major party at war with itself this close to a presidential election.  It has been said that a house divided against itself will surely fall, and a whole host of prominent Republican leaders have been openly attempting to sabotage the Trump campaign.

If Donald Trump is able to overcome all of these factors, it truly will be a miracle of Biblical proportions.

As it stands at the moment, however, the numbers are looking quite ominous for Trump.  Right now, the Real Clear Politics average of national polls has Hillary Clinton ahead by 6.2 percent.  Most political experts consider that to be an insurmountable lead at this stage in the game.

But even if Trump can close that gap and pull ahead, that does not mean that he will win the election.  In fact, Trump could beat Clinton by millions of votes nationally and still lose.

In order to win the election, one candidate has got to get to 270 electoral votes.  And on the latest Real Clear Politics electoral map, 262 electoral votes are being projected to go to Hillary Clinton, 164 electoral votes are being projected to go to Donald Trump, and 112 electoral votes are in the “toss up” category.

So unless something dramatically changes, Donald Trump is essentially going to have to run the table in all of the closely contested states in order to win, and the mathematical odds of that happening are extremely slim.

Let’s take a closer look at this.  The first thing that Donald Trump is going to have to do in order to get to 270 electoral votes is to win all of the states that Mitt Romney won in 2012.  That would get him up to 206 electoral votes.


Unfortunately, it looks like that may be very difficult to do.  Romney won North Carolina, but the six most recent polls all have Clinton ahead in that state.  Romney also won Arizona, but the most recent poll to be taken there has Clinton ahead by five points.

But for a moment, let’s assume that Trump can win all of the states that Romney won.  On top of that, there are four other states that Trump must win…

#1 Trump must win Florida’s 29 electoral votes.  Without Florida, Trump has no realistic path to 270 electoral votes.  So on election night if it is announced that Trump has lost Florida, you might as well turn off your television and go to bed because Trump is going to lose the election.  Unfortunately for Trump, four recent major surveys all show Trump down by four points in the Sunshine state.

#2 Trump must win Ohio’s 18 electoral votes.  No Republican has ever won the presidency without winning Ohio, and the two most recent major surveys show that Trump and Clinton are tied in the state.

#3 Trump must win Iowa’s 6 electoral votes.  Fortunately for Trump, most recent surveys show him actually leading in Iowa.

#4 Trump must win Nevada’s 6 electoral votes.  At this point that is looking like it will be very tough to do, because all of the recent polls have Clinton leading in Nevada, including the most recent one that has her up by 7 points.

If Donald Trump can win those four states, that still does not get him to 270 electoral votes.  Instead, it gets him to 265 electoral votes, and so he would still need one more medium-sized state to win.

The most likely candidates for that last state are Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin or Minnesota.  Unfortunately for Trump, Clinton appears to have big leads in all four of those states right at this moment.

But even if Trump can somehow pull off a miracle and squeak past the 270 electoral vote mark, the truth is that Utah could still mess everything up.

Do you remember Evan McMullin?

He was the third party “conservative alternative” candidate that was hyped for a couple of days but that seemingly fell off the map afterwards.

He is only on the ballot in 12 states, but one of those states is Utah, and it turns out that Evan McMullin is a Mormon.

Many Mormons believe that a Mormon will be elected president someday when the U.S. Constitution hangs “like a thread“.  According to this belief, this Mormon president will turn the country around and all sorts of wonderful things will start to happen.  Many Mormons thought that Mitt Romney was going to be this president, but now Evan McMullin has become the target of these expectations.

So how in the world could Evan McMullin become president?

Well, their plan is to have Evan McMullin win Utah, and that could potentially keep both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton from both getting to 270 electoral votes if the election is super close.  If that happens, the election would be thrown into the House of Representatives.

It is being projected that the House will still be controlled by the Republicans after this election, and so the choice would come down to either Trump or McMullin, and those backing McMullin believe that he would have a realistic shot in that scenario.

I know all of this sounds very strange, but this is actually being discussed around family dinner tables all over Utah tonight.

And in recent days Evan McMullin has been soaring in Utah.  One recent survey shows Trump with a one point lead over McMullin, and another recent survey actually show McMullin leading Trump by four points in the state.

So Trump could pull off a miracle and do everything else that he needs to do to get to 270 electoral votes, and Utah could end up messing up everything for him.

In addition, it is also very important to keep in mind that Trump could actually get all of the legitimate votes that he needs to win and still have it stolen from him by election fraud.  There was widespread evidence of “funny business” in 2012, and this is something that I detailed for a live studio audience down at Morningside earlier this month

Are you starting to see why I would consider this to be the biggest miracle in American political history if Donald Trump actually overcomes all of these factors and wins the election?

And we don’t have to wait until November 8th to get some indications about how the vote is going to go.  Early voting is already taking place is some states, and so far the signs are not encouraging for the Trump campaign.  The following comes from CNN

Democratic early turnout has stayed steady in North Carolina compared to 2012, while Republicans have dropped by about 14,500. In Nevada, Democrats have a smaller early voting deficit today than they did at this point in 2012. And Democrats are slightly ahead in Arizona in the early vote so far, though they are lagging Republicans in the tally of how many Arizonans have requested ballots.

Perhaps most surprisingly, Democrats improved their position in conservative and Mormon-heavy Utah, where recent polls have shown a tight race. At this point in 2012, Republicans led Democrats in early voting by more than 22,000 voters. But so far this year, the GOP advantage is only 3,509.

But if you do want Trump to win, the good news is that we still have more than two weeks before November 8th.

We have seen some extremely bizarre things happen already in this election, and a miracle is definitely not out of the question.

In fact, I am of the opinion that it is quite likely that some very strange events could take place between now and early November.  So hold on to your hats, because the most interesting portion of the 2016 election may still be ahead of us.

Why Is Obama Threatening Russia With World War 3 Right Before The Election?

nuclear-war-public-domainIt sure seems like an odd time to be provoking a war with Russia.  As I write this, we stand just a little bit more than three weeks away from one of the most pivotal elections in U.S. history, and Barack Obama has chosen this moment to strongly threaten the Russians.  As I wrote about on Friday, Reuters is reporting that Obama is contemplating “direct U.S. military action” against Syrian military targets, and the Russians have already indicated that any assault on Syrian forces would be considered an attack on themselves.  The rapidly deteriorating crisis in Syria has already caused tensions with Russia to rise to the highest level since the end of the Cold War, but now Obama is adding fuel to the fire by publicly considering “an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia”.  Apparently Obama believes that Russian hackers are interfering in the election and so he wants payback.  The following comes from an NBC News article entitled “CIA Prepping for Possible Cyber Strike Against Russia“…

The Obama administration is contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia in retaliation for alleged Russian interference in the American presidential election, U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News.

Current and former officials with direct knowledge of the situation say the CIA has been asked to deliver options to the White House for a wide-ranging “clandestine” cyber operation designed to harass and “embarrass” the Kremlin leadership.

The sources did not elaborate on the exact measures the CIA was considering, but said the agency had already begun opening cyber doors, selecting targets and making other preparations for an operation.

Somebody should tell Obama that he is not playing a video game.  A cyber attack is considered to be an act of war, and the Russians would inevitably retaliate.  And considering how exceedingly vulnerable our cyber infrastructure is, I don’t know if that is something that we want to invite.

At the end of last week, Vice President Joe Biden also publicly threatened the Russians

On Friday, Vice President Joe Biden met “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd for an interview that has raised serious concern in Russia.

Without bothering to question the authenticity of the claims, Todd took the allegations of Russian hacking at face value, opening his interview with a loaded question: “Why haven’t we sent a message yet to Putin?”

After a moment of stunned silence, Biden responded, “We’re sending a message. We have the capacity to do it and it will be at the time of our choosing, and under the circumstances that will have the greatest impact.”

When Todd asked if the public will know a message was sent, Biden replied, “Hope not.”

The Russians firmly deny that they had any involvement in the hacking, and so far the Obama administration has not publicly produced any firm evidence that the Russians were behind it.

Perhaps the Obama administration privately has some evidence, but at this point they have not shown that evidence to the American public.

So for Joe Biden to be making these sorts of threats is a very dangerous thing.  The Russians are taking these threats very seriously, and they are preparing to protect their interests

‘The threats directed against Moscow and our state’s leadership are unprecedented because they are voiced at the level of the US vice president.

‘To the backdrop of this aggressive, unpredictable line, we must take measures to protect (our) interests, to hedge risks,’ a Kremlin spokesman said, according to RIA Novosti news agency.

Here in the United States, most people don’t even realize that we could be on the verge of a major conflict with Russia.

But over in Russia things are completely different.  Talk of war is everywhere, and the potential for war is the number one topic in the Russian media right now.  Just check out some of the recent Russian media headlines about the conflict between our two nations…

-“Bad News for Washington: Syrian Conflict Revealing New World Order

-“US anti-Russia rhetoric goes nuclear with threats of covert cyber-attacks

-“Who can win World War Three if it can be won at all?

-“In Contrast to Clinton, Trump Has No Appetite for War With Russia

And one Russian television network recently instructed their viewers to locate the nearest bomb shelter in case a nuclear war between the United States and Russia suddenly erupts…

A terrifying Russian television broadcast explicitly told civilians to find out where their nearest bomb shelter is and repeatedly asked viewers if they were ready for nuclear war.

One apocalyptic broadcast told viewers on Moscow’s state-owned TV channel NTV: “If it should one day happen, every one of you should know where the nearest bomb shelter is. It’s best to find out now.”

I don’t believe that the Russians are crazy to be thinking that a war might be coming.

To me, it almost seems as though Obama wants one.

Could it be possible that a conflict with Russia will be used to alter, change or influence the upcoming election in November?

The truth is that it isn’t going to take much for the shooting to begin.  If Obama orders airstrikes against Syrian forces, the Russians have said that they will shoot back

Ash Carter has threatened Russia with “consequences”. After blowing up the ceasefire, the Pentagon – supported by the Joint Chiefs of Staff — now is peddling “potential strikes” on Syria’s air force to “punish the regime” for what the Pentagon actually did; blow up the ceasefire. One can’t make this stuff up.

Major-General Igor Konashenkov, Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesman, sent a swift message to “our colleagues in Washington”; think twice if you believe you can get away with launching a “shadow” hot war against Russia. Russia will target any stealth/unidentified aircraft attacking Syrian government targets – and they will be shot down.

The only serious question then is whether an out of control Pentagon will force the Russian Air Force – false flag and otherwise — to knock out US Air Force fighter jets, and whether Moscow has the fire power to take out each and every one of them.

I discussed the potential for war with Russia in my latest video.  Hopefully cooler heads will prevail and war with Russia will be put off…

But without a doubt the crisis in Syria is not going to be resolved any time soon because it is one giant mess.  Most people don’t realize that the Syrian civil war has essentially been a proxy war between Sunni Islam and Shia Islam from the very beginning.  Jihadist rebels that are being armed and funded by Saudi Arabia and Turkey are fighting Hezbollah troops that are being armed and funded by Iran.  And now Turkish forces have invaded northern Syria, and this threatens to cause a full-blown war to erupt between Turkey and the Syrian Kurds.  Of course ISIS is right in the middle of everything causing havoc, blowing stuff up and beheading anyone that doesn’t believe in their radical version of Sunni Islam.

It is absolutely insane that the United States and Russia could potentially go to war because of this conflict.  Both sides are determined to show the other how tough they are, and one false move could set off a spiral of events from which they may be no recovery.

The American people very foolishly elected Barack Obama twice, but up until now the consequences have not been quite as dire as many had been projecting.

However, right here at the end of his second term Obama is facing a moment of truth.  If he ends up dragging us into a war with Russia, the American people will ultimately bitterly regret putting him into the White House.

World War 3? Barack Obama Could Take A Major Step Toward War With Russia On Friday

f-16s-photo-by-slaungerBecause the mainstream media is devoting almost all of their time and energy to covering the Trump and Clinton campaigns, most Americans don’t realize that the Obama administration is bringing us perilously close to war with Russia.  On Friday, Barack Obama is going to sit down with his foreign policy team and discuss “military options” in Syria.  As you will see below, the options under consideration include direct strikes “on Syrian military bases”.  Russia has already pledged to respond militarily to any direct strikes on Syrian forces, and so the decisions that Barack Obama makes regarding Syria on Friday could literally be the spark that sets off World War 3.

The daily drama surrounding Trump and Clinton is far less important than a potential war with Russia.  This should be front page news all over the country, but unfortunately most of the big news organizations are giving it very little coverage.  The following is an excerpt from an extremely important Reuters report that so far is not receiving nearly enough attention…

U.S. President Barack Obama and his top foreign policy advisers are expected to meet on Friday to consider their military and other options in Syria as Syrian and Russian aircraft continue to pummel Aleppo and other targets, U.S. officials said.

Some top officials argue the United States must act more forcefully in Syria or risk losing what influence it still has over moderate rebels and its Arab, Kurdish and Turkish allies in the fight against Islamic State, the officials told Reuters.

One set of options includes direct U.S. military action such as air strikes on Syrian military bases, munitions depots or radar and anti-aircraft bases, said one official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

If Barack Obama decides to directly hit the Syrian military, that will be crossing a “red line” that Russia has already established.

And unlike Obama, Russia actually takes their red lines deadly seriously.

In my recent article entitled “Russia Is Preparing For A Nuclear War With The United States“, I included a quote from a major Russian news source that demonstrates what the Russians are thinking at this point.  The Russians recently deployed additional S-300 and S-400 air defense systems to Syria, and they have warned that any strike against Syrian forces “would put Russian personnel in danger”…

Russia’s Defense Ministry has cautioned the US-led coalition of carrying out airstrikes on Syrian army positions, adding in Syria there are numerous S-300 and S-400 air defense systems up and running.

Russia currently has S-400 and S-300 air-defense systems deployed to protect its troops stationed at the Tartus naval supply base and the Khmeimim airbase. The radius of the weapons reach may be “a surprise” to all unidentified flying objects, Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson General Igor Konashenkov said.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, any airstrike or missile hitting targets in territory controlled by the Syrian government would put Russian personnel in danger.

If the Obama administration is insane enough to start ordering airstrikes against Syrian positions, let us hope and pray that the Russians are willing to back down and show restraint.

Because if Russian S-300 and S-400 air defense systems start shooting down U.S. military aircraft, that could set off a chain of events that may be unstoppable.

And right now the Russians are taking the threat of war with the U.S. very seriously.  For example, the Kremlin has ordered all top officials to return to Russia as soon as possible

Russian citizens have reacted with fear over reports Moscow has ordered officials to fly home all relatives living abroad – with some residents claiming it is ‘another step towards war‘.

The Kremlin is said to have told high ranking officials to bring their loved ones back to the ‘Motherland’ immediately – with any who disobey being overlooked for promotion.

It comes against a backdrop of rapidly deteriorating relations with the West over Russia’s role in the Syria conflict and just days after Putin moved nuclear-ready missiles closer to the border with Poland.

In addition, the Russians recently concluded an unprecedented “civil defense drill” that involved 40 million people.

Here in the United States, we never have those kinds of drills and there isn’t even anywhere for the general population to go in the event of a nuclear war.

If and when the missiles start falling, the only thing that will be left to do is to say our prayers and kiss our family members goodbye.

Over in Russia, there is a tremendous amount of interest in the U.S. election right now, because it is widely believed that Donald Trump could dramatically improve relations between the United States and Russia.

But if Hillary Clinton gets elected, many top Russian officials believe that will make the possibility of nuclear war much more likely.  For instance, just consider what Vladimir Zhirinovsky told Reuters earlier this week…

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a flamboyant veteran lawmaker known for his fiery rhetoric, told Reuters in an interview that Trump was the only person able to de-escalate dangerous tensions between Moscow and Washington.

By contrast, Trump’s Democratic rival Hillary Clinton could spark World War Three, said Zhirinovsky, who received a top state award from Putin after his pro-Kremlin Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) came third in Russia’s parliamentary election last month.

And anyone that watched the second debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump got to see the intense disdain that Clinton has for Russia.

Hillary believes that the Russians are trying very hard to keep her out of office, and she tends to take any threats to her political career very, very personally.  The thought of her having her finger on the nuclear trigger is beyond terrifying.

And I am certainly not alone in this opinion.  Even presidential candidate Jill Stein believes that nuclear war with Russia will be much more likely if Clinton is elected

“It is now Hillary Clinton that wants to start an air war with Russia over Syria by calling for a no-fly zone,” Stein said.  “We have 2000 nuclear missiles on hair-trigger alert. They are saying we are closer to a nuclear war than we have ever been. Under Hillary Clinton, we could slide into nuclear war very quickly from her declared policy in Syria.

“I sure won’t sleep well at night if Donald Trump is elected, but I sure won’t sleep well at night if Hillary Clinton elected. We have another choice other than these two candidates who are both promoting lethal policies,” she continued. “On the issue of war and nuclear weapons, it is actually Hillary’s policies which are much scarier than Donald Trump who does not want to go to war with Russia. He wants to seek modes of working together, which is the route that we need to follow not to go into confrontation and nuclear war with Russia.”

And the ironic thing is that Hillary Clinton actually played a key role in starting the civil war in Syria when she was Secretary of State in 2011.  At the time, the “Arab Spring” was sweeping across the Middle East, and the Obama administration, Saudi Arabia and Turkey decided that it would be a wonderful time to try to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria and make Syria a full-blown Sunni puppet state.  So they helped organize protests, they armed and funded the rebels, and the rest is history.

Now the civil war that Hillary Clinton played such a key role in starting has brought us to the brink of World War 3 with Russia.

And most Americans don’t realize this, but Russia now has nuclear superiority over us.  For anyone that doubts this, please go and read this article that I recently published.

So we definitely don’t want to tangle with the Russians, because there is a very good chance that we would come out on the losing end.

But whether we would win or we would lose, there is absolutely no reason to go to war with Russia in the first place.  Barack Obama has got to be absolutely insane to even consider getting us into a direct military conflict with the Russians, and let us hope that he backs off while there is still time to do so.

After This October Surprise, Donald Trump Only Has One Option Left: Expose The Clinton Crimes

hillary-clinton-vs-donald-trump-photo-by-donkeyhoteyIt is going to take a miracle of Biblical proportions for Donald Trump to win the election now.  If nothing changes between now and election day, Hillary Clinton is going to win in a landslide.  Out of all the candidates that were running for president this election cycle (including third party candidates), a Hillary Clinton presidency would be the worst possible outcome, but it appears that is precisely what we are going to get.  The 2005 recording in which Donald Trump admits that he used his celebrity status to grope women would instantly kill the career of a normal politician, but Donald Trump is no normal politician.  In essence, he admitted to being a sexual predator, and there is no way that you can spin that to make it acceptable.  Of course these comments were made 11 years ago, and Trump is a different man now, but that isn’t going to matter much to the mainstream media or to a large portion of the American public.  No matter what you or I may think about this, the cold, hard reality of the matter is that he is going to lose a lot of votes over this, and those were votes that he desperately needed if he hoped to defeat Hillary Clinton in November.

Since this recording came out, Trump has lost an incredible amount of support within his own party.  At this point, 73 prominent Republicans have either publicly attacked him or have announced that they will not be voting for him in November.

The release of this recording came at almost the perfect time for the Clinton campaign.  There is less than a month to go until election day, and this recording will be played over and over and over again between then and now.  If it had been released earlier, the effect of the scandal would have likely faded before election day, and if it had been released just prior to election day there would not have been enough time for everyone in America to be exposed to it.

If Donald Trump can come back from this and win the election, it will be the greatest political miracle of all time.

For those that still are not familiar with this recording, you can find it along with the Washington Post article that originally broke this story right here.  The things that Trump said are truly disgusting, and his remarks are too dirty to be reproduced in this article.

According to a different Washington Post article, producers at Access Hollywood only just recently started looking through their archives for past interviews with Trump…

NBC News first became aware of the footage late Monday after receiving notice from producers at “Access Hollywood,” a syndicated entertainment-news program owned by NBC. The program’s producers had combed their archives for interviews with Trump after reading an Associated Press account of crude remarks he had made about female contestants on “The Apprentice,” the NBC reality program that Trump had starred on for 14 seasons.

I find this highly suspicious.  Trump has been the biggest story in politics for more than a year, and Access Hollywood only started searching their archives for Trump material just a few days ago?

If you believe that, then I have a very large bridge on the west coast that I would like to sell you.

After the tape was supposedly “discovered”, it was then subsequently leaked somehow to the Washington Post, but NBC News says that they have absolutely no plans to investigate how the tape was leaked.

This doesn’t smell right either.  Unless you are negligent to the extreme, you definitely would want to know who is leaking your biggest news stories to your competitors.

Personally, I have a feeling that this was discovered a long time ago and was held back so that it could be an “October surprise”.  I cannot prove this of course, but that is my gut feeling.

And even worse material could still be coming.  In fact, a former producer on The Apprentice says that Donald Trump said “far worse” things on that show than were on the recording that was just released…

Following Friday’s release of audio in which Trump bragged about kissing and grabbing women without their permission, Bill Pruitt, a former producer on the show, said that there are “far worse” comments Trump made on tape.

“NBC had tape 11 yrs. Apprentice producer says they have more & worse. So why not release in 2015? In March? Why wait till October? #MSMBias” Cruz tweeted, referencing supposed bias towards Trump in the mainstream media.

Ted Cruz made an interesting point, but those tapes are actually not owned by NBC.  They are owned by Mark Burnett, and so they might not ever be released.

Before we get to the Clinton crimes, I also want to point out that the other voice on the infamous recording that has been released belongs to Billy Bush.

And Billy Bush just happens to be related to George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and Jeb Bush.  The following comes from CNN

Is he really…? Yes. Billy Bush is a member of that Bush family.

His father, Jonathan Bush, is a banker and GOP donor who is the brother of former President George H.W. Bush. That means Billy Bush is a cousin to former President George W. Bush, as well as failed 2016 presidential nominee Jeb Bush.

So after everything that has been said and done, it looks like the Bush family is going to get their revenge on Donald Trump.

There was some talk in Republican circles of trying to replace Donald Trump, but the rules make it virtually impossible to remove a nominee.  And early voting has already begun in some states, and so it is pretty much too late to do something even if Trump was inclined to willingly step down.

At this point, the only option that Trump has left is to show the American people that the crimes of the Clintons are substantially worse than anything that he has ever done or said.

No mainstream Republican politician has ever really been willing to go there, but perhaps Trump will now be willing to discuss the fact that Bill Clinton is a notorious sexual predator.  The following are just some of the women that have publicly accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct: Kathleen Willey, Connie Hamzy, Juanita Broaddrick, Eileen Wellstone, Sandra Allen James, Christy Zercher, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Sally Perdue, Lencola Sullivan, Susie Whitacre and Bobbie Ann William.

And in the aftermath of this Trump scandal, some of Bill Clinton’s accusers are publicly speaking out once again.  For example, Juanita Broaddrick is being very bold about the fact that Bill Clinton raped her

Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick is weighing in on Donald Trump’s controversial comments from 2005 that are mysteriously resurfacing just hours before the second debate and weeks before the general election.

“How many times must it be said,” she tweeted Saturday morning.

“Actions speak louder than words. (Donald Trump) said bad things! (Hillary Clinton) threatened me after (Bill Clinton) raped me.”

And Breitbart is currently featuring an extended interview with Broaddrick that is absolutely stunning.  The following is a short excerpt

I was completely dressed. I had a skirt and a blouse. He tore the waist of my skirt. And then he ripped my pantyhose. And he raped me. It was very vicious. I was just pinned down… I did not know what to do. I was so frightened. I was only 35 at the time. And it was horrible. I just wanted it to be over with. So he would go away.

KLEIN: He got up?

BROADDRICK: No, he held me down for a long time. And then he did it again. I was so ready for him to leave me alone. When he started raping me again. And it was very brief… And he did get up and he straightened himself. And my mouth was bleeding and it was hurting. And he just straightens himself and goes to the door.

KLEIN: With you still on the bed?

BROADDRICK: Yes, crying. He straightens himself and he goes to the door. And puts on his sunglasses. And tells me to get some ice on that on my list. And goes out the door.

Hillary Clinton has a long list of sexual skeletons in her closet as well, but the mainstream media won’t touch them with a 10 foot pole.

In addition to the things mentioned above, here is a list of 18 other Clinton scandals that Donald Trump needs to bring up if he has any chance to winning this election…

1. Benghazi

2. Emailgate

3. The “Energizer”

4. Defending a child rapist

5. The Clinton Foundation

6. Whitewater

7. Vince Foster

8. Using the IRS to target their enemies during the Clinton administration

9. The FBI background report scandal

10. Chinagate

11. Travelgate

12. Looting the White House

13. Cattle Money

14. “Sniper Fire” in Bosnia

15. Huma Abedin

16. Jeffrey Epstein

17. The “Lolita Express

18. The Clinton Body Count

Do you know how quarterbacks “take a knee” at the end of football games to run out the clock when their teams are winning?

Well, the Clinton campaign is almost at that stage.

Unless we see some sort of a complete and utter collapse, Hillary Clinton is on course to cruise to victory.

The only chance that Donald Trump has of winning now is to somehow show America that the Clintons are much worse than he is.  There are decades of skeletons that Trump could dredge up if he is inclined to do so, and the American people definitely deserve to be exposed to the truth about the Clintons.

If Trump just sits back and tries to “focus on the issues”, Clinton will keep hammering him with this newly revealed recording over and over, and Trump will get absolutely destroyed on election day.

That may not sound fair, but this is how the game of politics in America is played.

If Trump wants to have any hope of winning, he has got to be willing to expose the Clintons, and he has got to be willing to go all the way.

Major Election Fraud Alert – Is This How They Are Going To Steal The Election From Donald Trump?

Election FraudEvery ounce of effort that ordinary Americans have put into getting Donald Trump elected could be completely wasted if we allow them to steal the election.  If you have confidence in the integrity of our elections, that confidence will be shaken by the time you are done reading this article, because I am about to share some information with you that is absolutely astounding.  Yesterday, I showed you that dead people are being registered to vote right now and that they have been voting in elections across the country for years.  I also showed you that illegal immigrants have been voting in important swing states such as Virginia and Pennsylvania.  But all of that pales in comparison to the evidence of systematic election fraud that we witnessed on election day in 2012.

Because Mitt Romney threw in the towel very early on election night in 2012, very little scrutiny was given to the actual voting results.  But if Romney had been willing to fight, there was actually quite a bit of evidence that the election was potentially stolen from him.

According to the Election Protection Coalition, voters all across America reported over 70,000 voting problems by five o’clock Eastern time on election day in 2012.  In many instances, voters that were attempting to vote for Mitt Romney were having their votes switched to Barack Obama by the voting machines.  We are going to look at some examples of this phenomenon below.

In particular, we want to focus on the swing states, because that is where most of the voting irregularities seem to have popped up.  If you are going to steal an election, you don’t really care too much about the really “red states” or the really “blue states”.  Rather, the key would be to shift enough votes in the tightly contested swing states to ensure a victory for your candidate.  And so let’s take a look at what happened in some of the most important swing states during the last election.


During election night in 2012, the pundits breathlessly proclaimed that it was all going to come down to Ohio.  They told us that if Mitt Romney was going to have any chance of winning the election that he had to win Ohio, and so that was the state to watch more than any other.

One of the counties where Barack Obama really needed to run up votes was in Cuyahoga County.  But Barack Obama didn’t just solidly win in Cuyahoga County.  In fact, there were 16 precincts were Mitt Romney did not receive a single vote.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Earlier today I went to the official Cuyahoga County website, and the results from the last election are still up.  The following are the vote totals for Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in the precincts where Mitt Romney did not get any votes…

0154 CLEVELAND -02-Q: 542 – 0

0192 CLEVELAND -04-L: 388 – 0

0204 CLEVELAND -05-E: 597 – 0

0205 CLEVELAND -05-F: 483 – 0

0206 CLEVELAND -05-G: 257 – 0

0219 CLEVELAND -05-T: 386 – 0

0228 CLEVELAND -06-H: 405 – 0

0232 CLEVELAND -06-L: 70 – 0

0233 CLEVELAND -06-M: 419 – 0

0241 CLEVELAND -06-U: 118 – 0

0248 CLEVELAND -07-F: 361 – 0

0273 CLEVELAND -08-J: 472 – 0

0280 CLEVELAND -08-Q: 49 – 0

0285 CLEVELAND -09-B: 414 – 0

0288 CLEVELAND -09-E: 478 – 0

0523 EAST CLEVELAND -04-C: 486 – 0

There were also a whole host of precincts in Cuyahoga County where Mitt Romney received just one or two votesOverall, Barack Obama won more than 99 percent of the vote in more than 100 precincts in just this one county.

How in the world does that happen?

Well, I think that what ordinary voters were telling reporters on election day in Ohio gives us a big clue.  According to Fox News, there were voters in Ohio that said that they tried to vote for Romney but the voting machines kept switching their votes to Obama…

“I don’t know if it happened to anybody else or not, but this is the first time in all the years that we voted that this has ever happened to me,” said Marion, Ohio, voter Joan Stevens. 

Stevens said that when she voted, it took her three tries before the machine accepted her choice to vote for Romney.

“I went to vote and I got right in the middle of Romney’s name,” Stevens told Fox News, saying that she was certain to put her finger directly on her choice for the White House.

She said that the first time she pushed “Romney,” the machine marked “Obama.”

So she pushed Romney again. Obama came up again. Then it happened a third time.

“Maybe you make a mistake once, but not three times,” she told Fox News.

At the time, Fox News also reported that similar things were happening in Nevada, North Carolina and Texas, but once election day faded from memory nobody really seemed to care about these incidents anymore.


Pennsylvania is another very important swing state, and as the 2012 election approached the Romney campaign was actually somewhat optimistic that they may have a shot of winning the state.

And it turned out that Mitt Romney did win 55 out of the 67 counties in Pennsylvania, but he still managed to lose the entire state by a significant margin because of the crazy vote totals that Obama ran up in the urban areas.

If you can believe it, there were 59 voting divisions in the city of Philadelphia where Mitt Romney did not get one single vote.

The combined vote total for those 59 voting divisions was 19,605 for Barack Obama and 0 for Mitt Romney.

The odds of that happening by random chance are so low that they are not even worth mentioning.

So how does something like that happen?

Well, the overall voter turnout rate in the city of Philadelphia was approximately 60 percent on election day in 2012.  But in the areas of the city where Republican poll watchers were illegally removed, the voter turnout rate was over 90 percent and Barack Obama received more than 99 percent of the vote.

You would think that the Republican Party should have screamed bloody murder about this, but instead they did absolutely nothing.

And once again, voting machines were switching votes from Mitt Romney to Barack Obama in Pennsylvania.  The following was reported by WND at the time…

It was in Upper Macungie Township, near Allentown, Pa., where an auditor, Robert Ashcroft, was dispatched by Republicans to monitor the vote on Election Day. He said the software he observed would “change the selection back to default – to Obama.”

He said that happened in about 5 percent to 10 percent of the votes.

He said the changes appeared to have been made by a software program.

Ashcroft said the format for computer programming has a default status, and in this case it appeared to be designating a vote for Obama each time it went to default.

So would Mitt Romney have won the state of Pennsylvania if the voting had been fair?

We may never know the answer to that question.


In the critical swing state of Florida, there were also a number of key precincts where Barack Obama received 99 percent of the vote.  The following was reported by Pundit Press

How exactly did he accomplish this? Well, in part thanks to Broward County Precincts L024 to L029 (though I’m sure it’s all a coincidence that this happened to precincts all in order).

In those precincts combined, all in order, Mr. Obama won over 99% of the vote, defeating Mitt Romney 5,392 to… 54. Golly, how lucky! This especially impressive because in precincts L019-L022 (L023 doesn’t exist) Mr. Romney did over 14 times better than in L024-L029, and the precinct after, did 30 times better.

Most Americans have never even heard any of this information.  And remember, in this article we are looking at just a few examples from the most critical swing states.  The truth is that these kinds of “statistical anomalies” were happening all over the nation.


In the important swing state of Virginia, a poll watcher named Dara Fox tried to sound the alarm about rampant voting fraud, and it should have made front page news all over the country.  The following is what Fox told WMAL radio about what went down…

-That it appeared that voters for Obama were being bussed in.

-That many of them could not speak English at all.

-That many of them could not even tell poll workers the correct address on their identification cards.

-That many people were voting more than once at that same polling station throughout the day.


It appears that funny business was happening in swing states out west as well.  Somehow, 10 counties in the key swing state of Colorado had a voter registration rate of more than 100 percent on election day in 2012.

Theoretically this is impossible.  If all of the voting age people in your county registered to vote you could have a voter registration rate of 100 percent, but to go beyond that means that something is seriously wrong.

And yesterday I did show that authorities in Colorado have discovered that there is a “very serious” pattern of dead people casting votes in the state that goes back for many years.

This is why states should be allowed to require photo identification at voting locations.  The integrity of our voting process has been compromised over and over again, and anyone that tries to steal an election is committing a crime against all of us.

It is a fact that Barack Obama did not win in a single state that required a photo I.D. to vote in 2012.

So what would the election results have looked like if all 50 states had required a photo I.D. to vote?

We can’t go back and change what happened in 2012, but we sure can do something about 2016.

If you see something strange when you go to vote in November, do not just keep it to yourself.  If nobody in the mainstream media will listen to you, then contact me or someone else in the alternative media.

Collectively we need to scream bloody murder if they try to steal this election.  And if there is one thing that we know about Donald Trump, it is that he is not afraid to file lawsuits.  But the Trump campaign cannot be everywhere, and it is up to ordinary men and women to report any signs of trouble that they see or hear on election day.

If we will not fight election fraud, we might as well not even have any elections.  Because what is the point of spending so much time and effort trying to get someone elected if we are just going to let them steal the elections from us?

Dead People And Illegal Immigrants Are Being Registered To Vote All Over America

votingWithout free and fair elections, what hope is there for the future of America?  The integrity of our voting process is of the utmost importance, and yet so little attention is being paid to it.  Later this week I am going to share some documented facts about voting fraud during the 2012 election that most Americans have never even heard about, and it is absolutely imperative that we don’t allow this kind of funny business to happen again this time.  Today, I am going to share some examples of how dead people and illegal immigrants are actually being registered to vote all over America.  Despite very strong and very angry denials by the mainstream media, the truth is that election fraud is absolutely rampant in this country, and when someone tries to steal an election they are committing a crime against all of us.

Let’s start with what just happened in Virginia.  A college student at James Madison University is under investigation for registering 19 dead people to vote so that he could vote for Hillary Clinton a whole bunch of times

Just yesterday we wrote about an FBI investigation into potential voter fraud in the critical swing state of Virginia after it was revealed that 19 dead people had recently been re-registered to vote (see “FBI Investigating More Dead People Voting In The Key Swing State Of Virginia“).  While the Washington Post caught wind of the investigation, it was not known who was behind the operation…until now.

Meet, Andrew Spieles, a student at James Madison University, and apparently “Lead Organizer” for HarrisonburgVOTES.  According to the Daily News-Record, Spieles confessed to re-registering 19 deceased Virginians to vote in the 2016 election cycle.

While this should come as a surprise to precisely 0 people, Spieles just happens to be Democrat who, accorded to a deleted FaceBook post, apparently recently ran for Caucus Chair of the Virginia Young Democrats.

In recent weeks I have been researching election fraud extensively, and almost every time it involves Democrats.  Perhaps they take lying, cheating and stealing a lot less seriously than Republicans do.  This student at James Madison University was caught when a note congratulating a deceased veteran for registering to vote was sent to his family.  The following comes from the Washington Post

One case came to light after relatives of a deceased man received a note congratulating him for registering, Rockingham County Commonwealth’s Attorney Marsha Garst said Thursday.

“His family members were very distraught,” said Garst, who confirmed the existence of the FBI and police investigation but said she could provide few details because the case is ongoing.

Of course there are lots of other examples of this kind of thing happening around the nation.  In the swing state of Colorado, an investigation has uncovered a “very serious” pattern of dead people actually casting votes in multiple elections.  One has to wonder how long this has been going on

Local officials in Colorado acknowledged “very serious” voter fraud after learning of votes cast in multiple elections under the named of recently-deceased residents.

A local media outlet uncovered the fraud by comparing voting history databases in the state with federal government death records. “Somebody was able to cast a vote that was not theirs to cast,” El Paso County Clerk and Recorder Chuck Broerman told CBS4 while discussing what he called a “very serious” pattern of people mailing in ballots on behalf of the dead.

It’s not clear how many fraudulent ballots have been submitted in recent years. CBS4 reported that it “found multiple cases” of dead people voting around the state, revelations that have provoked state criminal investigations.

It also turns out that dead people have been voting in California.  In fact, one dead man in the state has been casting votes since 2004, and authorities have found “hundreds” of similar examples…

“He took a lot of time choosing his candidates,” said Annette Givans of her father, John Cenkner.

Cenkner died in Palmdale in 2003. Despite this, records show that he somehow voted from the grave in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2010.

But he’s not the only one.

CBS2 compared millions of voting records from the California Secretary of State’s office with death records from the Social Security Administration and found hundreds of so-called dead voters.

Do these instances of voting fraud make you angry?

If so, that is good, because they should.  Countless numbers of Americans have laid down their lives to give us the right to vote, and the people behind this vote fraud are making a mockery of their sacrifices.

In the swing state of Pennsylvania, an investigation has found dozens of instances where illegal immigrants have been allowed to vote in recent elections

At least 86 non-citizens have been registered voters in Philadelphia since 2013, and almost half — 40 — even voted in at least one recent election, according to a legal group that sued to get voter registration records.

Joseph Vanderhulst, an attorney with the Public Interest Legal Foundation, noted Philadelphia knows about those 86 illegal voters only because officials received specific requests — in almost every case from the voters themselves — to remove the names from the rolls. He said there is no way to know how many non-citizens might be registered to vote in Philadelphia, let alone in the rest of politically crucial Pennsylvania.

But of course Pennsylvania is far from alone.  It also turns out that lots of illegal immigrants have been voting in Virginia

Philadelphia becomes the latest jurisdiction that the Public Interest Legal Foundation has revealed to have irregularities in the voter rolls. The group recently found 1,046 non-citizens who had been registered to vote in eight Virginia counties and that nearly 200 cast ballots between 2005 and 2015.

It should be obvious to anyone with an ounce of common sense that we need to tighten up our voting laws and that we need much stricter enforcement.  Unfortunately, Democrats typically fight tooth and nail against such measures.

In Indiana, state police just raided a voter registration agency that appears to have been involved in a voting fraud scheme that spanned nine counties.  What they have uncovered so far is extremely alarming

Police said the growing number of involved counties leads investigators to believe that the number of fraudulent records might be in the hundreds.

The possible fraudulent information is a combination of fake names, addresses and dates of birth with real information.

No matter what your political perspective is, the facts that I just laid out should deeply disturb you.

There are documented incidents of voting fraud all over the nation, and it is inexcusable that dead people and illegal immigrants are being allowed to cast votes in our elections.

And later this week I am going to share with you some absolutely amazing evidence that a systematic attempt was made to alter the outcome of the last presidential election.

If we don’t stop these crooks from messing with our elections, it is just going to keep happening over and over again.  So if you see something strange when you go to vote in 2016, please let me know, because I plan to make this a major issue if there is evidence of fraud this time around.


Creepy Clown Sightings Sweep The Nation As The Threats Of Violence Become Even More Chilling

creepy-clown-posted-by-jamie-hill-on-facebookAll over America sick and twisted people are dressing up like creepy clowns in order to frighten the living daylights out of others.  This trend started back in August, and since then social media has helped it spread like wildfire.  So far there have been creepy clown sightings in 11 different states, and Mississippi and Kentucky have been added to the list since my last article.  A lot of young kids seem to think that this is a great idea for a “prank”, but authorities are taking the creepy clown phenomenon very, very seriously because in recent days the threats of violence have become much more chilling.  Individuals posing as “creepy clowns” on social media are openly naming specific schools that they plan to target and are threatening to commit horrific acts of violence.  That may sound like an interesting plot for a Hollywood horror movie, but in real life these kinds of threats have very serious consequences.

On Monday, several schools in Alabama were placed on lockdown due to threats from a group known as “Flomo Klown”

A number of Alabama schools were on lockdown on Monday after a series of Facebook posts from users posing as clowns threatened local children with violence.

Posts on the group ‘Flomo Klown’ warned that clowns may show up at two schools in the Birmingham area and one student alerted local police.

Fortunately, authorities were able to identify the people that were making those threats.  The police discovered that two juveniles and one adult were involved, and so far one arrest has been made in the case.

But that isn’t the only example of “creepy clowns” threatening to commit violence at schools.  A short-lived Facebook account under the name of “Bingerman Clownferd” issued a profanity-laced warning to five specific schools in the Montgomery, Alabama area on September 17th.  The following comes from a local Montgomery news report

A newly created Facebook account named Bingerman Clownferd began posting about visiting Montgomery schools last week. This weekend, Clownferd caused a stir on social media with a post listing which Montgomery schools would be visited:


The posts include vulgar language and threats of violence and began the day after Flomaton Police Department arrested two juveniles and an adult for a similar threat that caused a soft lockdown at Flomaton schools.

“I’m the southlawn clown I saw all of you all today at school I watched y’all walk home ik who y’all are if I don’t get u tonight it will be monday (sic),” Clownferd posted on Sept. 16.

As I stated above, law enforcement authorities are taking these threats very seriously.  And considering the terror attacks that we just witnessed in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota, they would be foolish not to do so.

Elsewhere in Alabama, security was tightened at a middle school in Calhoun County because someone on Facebook threatened to come to the school and “start shooting”

Extra deputies patrolled Saks Middle School in Calhoun County after someone threatened on Facebook to start shooting at the school. A 16-year-old Pleasant Valley resident was arrested and charged with terrorist threats. Since the suspect is a minor, their name was a not released. Calhoun County Chief Deputy Matthew Wade described the incident as troubling.

“It’s really disturbing in today’s world that people are doing this to scare others,” he said. “We are going to find the people who did this. There are consequences when you make threats.”

In Etowah County, a social media post hinting about a clown visit at Rainbow Middle School and John Jones Elementary caught authorities attention on Sunday. Police presence was increased at the schools on Monday and a Gadsden City High School freshman was questioned by Rainbow City Police about the matter. Chief Jonathon Horton said the department is collaborating with juvenile probation and the Gadsden City School system to figure out how to move forward in the case.

No “prank” should ever involve threats of violence.  Many young people don’t realize this, but anonymous threats of violence can actually get you charged under terrorism laws.  So you may think that what you are doing is quite funny, but it could end up landing you behind bars for an extended period of time.

Some sick individuals have gone beyond threats and are actually terrorizing people in person.  Just check out what happened in Brighton, Alabama on Sunday and Monday

In Brighton, a suspect dressed as a clown jumped out of the bushes and chased two teens down the street on Sunday. The incident happened at 8 p.m. on Huntsville Avenue near King Street.

Authorities said the suspect fled in a white van similar to a Chevrolet Astro Van. Brighton police Chief Ray Hubbart said the children and their parents are still a little terrified. Since the investigation is ongoing, anyone with information is asked to call Brighton police at 205-425-8934.

In another incident, on Monday night an 18-year-old was arrested in West Blocton after jumping in front of a car while wearing a clown mask, according to WBRC.

A similar incident just took place in northwest Georgia, but in this instance the “creepy clown” was actually holding what appeared to be a knife…

The first incident involved a “creepy clown” chasing a couple of kids from a store parking lot back to their home, reports show.

“According to the complainant, a person dressed as a creepy clown and wielding what appeared to be a knife, allegedly chased her 17-year-old daughter and 11-year-old niece from the lot of the Mapco convenience store back to their Fernwood Drive apartment,” officer Mitchell Moore said.

Was it just a prank, or did that “creepy clown” actually intend to do harm to those children?

Fortunately we did not find out, and it was probably just someone trying to pull a “prank”, but if authorities would have caught up with this individual they would have thrown him in jail.

With each passing day, more photos of these “creepy clowns” are being posted on social media websites.  A Facebook user named Jamie Hill just posted a picture of a “creepy clown” that is getting a lot of attention that was taken on the side of the 192 highway in London, Kentucky.  You can view it on Facebook right here


This is the description that Jamie Hill posted along with the photograph…

So, I was a little scared to post this because I didn’t think anyone would believe me until Kelly Hill told me that one of her friends just had seen a clown here in London. Amy Gunter And I was out tonight & was headed back home on 192 & saw this. Now, it’s not a really good picture because I couldn’t stop, there was people behind me. I seriously think this clown thing has gotten out of hand & someone is going to get hurt. Please share this so people around London will know that they are here!

As I stated in my previous article, dressing up as a “creepy clown” is a quick and easy way for unbalanced individuals to get media attention, and so we are likely to see this trend continue to intensify.  And of course Halloween is quickly approaching, and creepy clown costumes are always popular this time of the year.

But this has long since stopped being funny.  The threats of violence are becoming increasingly disturbing, and it is only a matter of time before someone goes too far and people start getting seriously hurt.  So let us hope that this “trend” fades away soon and people start moving on to other things.

Arch That Was A Gateway To The Temple Of Baal Is Going Up In New York’s City Hall Park On Monday

new-york-city-september-19-2016If you tried to put up a large cross in a public park in New York City there would be lawsuits flying all over the place, but apparently an ancient pagan arch that served as a gateway to the Temple of Baal is no problem at all.  On Monday, September 19th, a reconstructed version of Palmyra’s Arch Of Triumph (also known as the Monumental Arch) will be erected in New York City.  Specifically, it will be located in City Hall Park in Manhattan.  The organization behind this project is known as the Institute for Digital Archaeology, and they have confirmed the location and the date on their official website


This arch was originally constructed in Palmyra, Syria by the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus in the 3rd century A.D., and it stood there until it was destroyed by ISIS in 2015.  The following comes from the Wikipedia article about this arch…

The Monumental Arch, also called the Arch of Triumph (Arabic: قوس النصر‎‎) or the Arch of Septimius Severus, was a Roman ornamental archway in Palmyra, Syria. It was built in the 3rd century during the reign of emperor Septimius Severus. Its ruins later became one of the main attractions of Palmyra, until it was destroyed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in October 2015. Most of its stonework still survives and there are plans to rebuild it using anastylosis.

On this map you can see how Palmyra was laid out.  The Arch of Triumph (identified on the map as the “monumental arch”) connected the main street of the Colonnade with the Temple of Bel.  If you wanted to go to the Temple of Bel, there was essentially one way in and one way out, and everyone coming and going would pass through this arch.


Those that are familiar with ancient Middle Eastern deities already know that “Bel” and the “Baal” that we find in the Bible were one and the same.  Here is more from Wikipedia

Bel (/ˈbl/; from Akkadian bēlu), signifying “lord” or “master”, is a title rather than a genuine name, applied to various gods in the Mesopotamian religion of Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia. The feminine form is Belit ‘Lady, Mistress’. Bel is represented in Greek as Belos and in Latin as Belus. Linguistically Bel is an East Semitic form cognate with Northwest Semitic Baal with the same meaning.

Back in April, the arch that stood directly in front of the Temple of Baal was supposed to be put up in Times Square, but fortunately that project was ultimately canceled.   A reproduction of the Arch of Triumph (the arch discussed in this article) was put up in Trafalgar Square in London at that time, and there were rumblings that a reproduction of the Arch of Triumph would also come to New York at a later date.

Unfortunately, that has now become a reality.

So why are people getting so upset about some ancient arch that may be connected to an ancient god that nobody seems to worship anymore?

Well, the truth is that “Baal” is mentioned in the Bible more than 100 times.  A very high percentage of current world religions can be traced directly back to this ancient deity and to ancient Babylon, and the practices involved in ancient Baal worship are “eerily similar” to things that go on in society today.  The following comes from an excellent article by Matt Barber

Ritualistic Baal worship, in sum, looked a little like this: Adults would gather around the altar of Baal. Infants would then be burned alive as a sacrificial offering to the deity. Amid horrific screams and the stench of charred human flesh, congregants – men and women alike – would engage in bisexual orgies. The ritual of convenience was intended to produce economic prosperity by prompting Baal to bring rain for the fertility of “mother earth.”

The natural consequences of such behavior – pregnancy and childbirth – and the associated financial burdens of “unplanned parenthood” were easily offset. One could either choose to engage in homosexual conduct or – with child sacrifice available on demand – could simply take part in another fertility ceremony to “terminate” the unwanted child.

Modern liberalism deviates little from its ancient predecessor. While its macabre rituals have been sanitized with flowery and euphemistic terms of art, its core tenets and practices remain eerily similar.

We tend to think that we are vastly more “advanced” than the pagan idol worshippers of the ancient world, but is that really the case?

They killed their babies by the thousands, but we have killed our babies by the millions.

They had “free love” around the altars of Baal, but we have turned it into a permanent lifestyle.

Multitudes would gather around the altars of Baal to watch the bisexual orgies, but we have turned watching others having sex into a multi-billion dollar industry.

Just like ancient Israel, our society has turned away from following the God that created all things, and instead we are embracing the ways of the ancient pagan world.  Unfortunately, there are very serious consequences for doing this.  Just consider what Jonathan Cahn recently told George Noory during an interview on Coast to Coast

“Western Civilization was once totally pagan and then in a sense it got cleaned up,” Cahn said. “But what [one of these mysteries is] saying is, if it turns back away from God and turns to evil and immorality, it’s going to be seven times worse than it does before. And how that translates is, before you had the Gospel you had Nero, you had Caligula. But when you have a post-Christian civilization, it’s much more dangerous than a pre-Christian one. But that’s when you produce Hitlers, you produce Stalins, you produce ultimately the Antichrist. That’s end-time prophecy. We are witnessing that as well.”

I believe that it is quite appropriate that an arch that once served as a gateway to the Temple of Baal is going up in New York City on Monday, because we are going down the exact same path that ancient Israel once did.

Sadly, if we keep doing the same things that they once did, our ultimate fate will end up being very similar as well.

UPDATE: The arch has now been unveiled, and you can see video of the unveiling right here…