48% Of U.S. Small Businesses Fear That They May Be Forced To “Shut Down Permanently” Soon

What would the United States look like if we lost half of our small businesses?  The reason I ask that question is because approximately half of all small business owners in the entire country believe that they may soon be forced to close down for good.  Not even during the Great Depression of the 1930s did we see anything like this.  The big corporate giants with extremely deep pockets will be able to easily weather another round of lockdowns, but for countless small businesses this is literally a matter of life and death.  Every day we are seeing new restrictions being implemented somewhere in the nation, and the politicians that are doing this are killing the hopes and dreams of countless small business owners.  According to a recent Alignable survey, 48 percent of U.S. small business owners fear that they could be forced to “shut down permanently” in the very near future… (Read More...)

Bracing For A Very Painful Year: 38% Of Americans Say That They Will Spend 2021 In “Survival Mode”

If nearly 40 percent of the entire nation anticipates spending the next 12 months in “survival mode”, that is not a good sign for what the coming year will bring.  Traditionally, Americans have looked forward to the turn of the year with tremendous optimism, but this time around things are very, very different.  2020 brought us the COVID pandemic, tremendous violence and civil unrest in our major cities, and the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s.  Sadly, a large chunk of the country is anticipating more difficulties in the coming months, because one recent survey found that 38 percent of all Americans plan to spend 2021 in “survival mode”(Read More...)

A new “mystery disease” that causes “burning eyes” has already spread to hundreds of people in India

The outbreak of a mysterious new disease in India is creating quite a stir, because so far medical authorities have not been able to identify what is causing it.  Hundreds of very sick people in the city of Eluru have been brought to the hospital, and at least one victim has already died.  Unlike COVID-19, this illness seems to be hitting children particularly hard.  Some of them “started vomiting after complaining of burning eyes”, and quite a few victims have been gripped by seizures and have been “frothing at the mouth”.  Whatever this is, it seems pretty serious. (Read More...)

This Is Going To Be The Worst Winter For The U.S. Economy In Modern Times

We already knew that this was going to be the worst winter for the U.S. economy since the Great Depression of the 1930s, but now a new round of lockdowns threatens to rip the guts out of hundreds of thousands of small businesses all around the country.  As I write this article, 33 million people are under “stay-at-home orders” in California alone.  With each passing day, state governments are implementing even more new restrictions, and those new restrictions are going to increasingly choke the life out of economic activity in this nation. (Read More...)

Can Employers Fire Any Employees That Choose Not To Take The COVID Vaccine?

A COVID vaccine is not even available yet, but the mainstream media is already full of stories about whether or not it is legal for employers to fire employees that refuse to take it.  To me, this is not even a debate that we should be having.  It would be fundamentally anti-American and morally reprehensible for any employer to fire someone for choosing not to get vaccinated.  Unfortunately, the mainstream media does not see things that way, and they are interviewing lots of legal experts that are assuring employers that it is perfectly legal to fire people that don’t want to get vaccinated.  For example, the following comes from a CNBC article(Read More...)

The Economic Collapse Hits Home: Feeding America Says 1 Out Of 4 U.S. Children Could Suffer From Hunger By The End Of 2020

There are approximately 74 million children in the United States, and right now millions upon millions of them do not have enough to eat.  The economic collapse that has started in 2020 has been brutal for most of the nation, but it has hit children particularly hard.  If their parents lose their jobs, there is nothing that they can do except hope that government handouts and the kindness of others will be enough.  Unfortunately, way too often they are not enough, and at this point Feeding America is projecting that one out of every four children in America could suffer from hunger by the end of this calendar year(Read More...)

Yes, This Makes Perfect Sense: Cities All Over America Are Slashing Police Budgets As Crime Rates Soar

If violent crime rates are surging, should the police get more funding or less funding?  You would think that the answer should be obvious, but unfortunately major cities all over the nation are choosing to significantly reduce police budgets right now.  With less police on the streets, criminals are going to have even more freedom to terrorize urban communities, and that will likely accelerate the mass exodus out of our major cities that we have already been witnessing.  It is so sad to watch so many of our once great cities degenerate into crime-ridden, gang-infested war zones, and the fact that our economy is crumbling so rapidly is just going to make things even worse. (Read More...)

After This New Wave Of Lockdowns, Most People Will Accept Any “Solution” Because They Will Be So Desperate

When people become desperate enough, those in power can get most of them to do just about anything.  The first wave of lockdowns knocked us into the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, it sent suicide rates soaring all over the globe, and it plunged millions upon millions of ordinary citizens into a deep state of despair.  Now another wave of lockdowns is being instituted all over the planet, and this is going to perfectly set the stage for the “solutions” that the elite plan to offer all of us in 2021. (Read More...)