Trade War Causing Severe Pain As Farm Bankruptcies Surge Way Past The Level From The Last Recession

Farmers all across the middle part of the country are going bankrupt at an astounding rate, and over half of all farms in America are now losing money.  The trade war with China has been the most devastating crisis to hit the U.S. farming community in decades, and at this point there is no end in sight.  Farm after farm is being financially wiped out, and we haven’t seen this kind of economic pain for farmers since the Great Depression of the 1930s.  In fact, it is being reported that bankruptcies in the key farming regions of the country are way above the level that we witnessed during the last recession.  The following comes from Zero Hedge(Read More...)

35 Mind Blowing Facts About America That Previous Generations Of Americans Never Would Have Believed

The only thing that seems to be constant in our society is change, and today America is changing at a pace that is more rapid than we have ever seen before.  But is that a good thing or a bad thing?  For a moment, I would like for you to imagine what it would be like for a group of average Americans from 1919 to suddenly be transported to our time.  How do you think that they would feel about what we have become?  Certainly they would be absolutely amazed by our advanced technology, but beyond that they would almost certainly have very strong opinions about the current state of our society.  Similarly, if any of us were suddenly transported 100 years into the future, I am sure that we would be completely and utterly shocked by how things had changed.  The decisions that we make today are going to echo long into the future, and if we make very bad decisions there might not be a future for our country at all. (Read More...)

Aborted Baby Parts Are Being Grafted On To Mice In Bizarre Scientific Experiments – And The U.S. Government Is Paying For It

Is it okay for the U.S. government to pay for scientific experiments involving bizarre mouse/human hybrid creatures that were created by grafting aborted baby parts on to mice?  Needless to say, the answer to that question is self-evident.  Our tax dollars are being used to fund experiments that are so sickening that it is difficult to find words to describe how evil they are.  What you are about to read is deeply unsettling, but we must get the word out about this, because most Americans have no idea that this is happening.  And we must do everything in our power to stop this, because there is no future for any nation that engages in this sort of extreme evil. (Read More...)

The Most Depressing Stat Of The Month: The U.S. National Debt Is About To Pass The $22 Trillion Mark

The U.S. national debt is wildly out of control, and nobody in Washington seems to care.  According to the U.S. Treasury, the federal government is currently $21,933,491,166,604.77 in debt.  In just a few days, that figure will cross the 22 trillion dollar mark.  Over the last 10 years, we have added more than 11 trillion dollars to the national debt, and that means that it has been growing at a pace of more than a trillion dollars a year.  To call this a major national crisis would be a massive understatement, and yet there is absolutely no urgency in Washington address this absolutely critical issue.  We are literally destroying the financial future of this nation, but most Americans don’t seem to understand the gravity of the situation that we are facing. (Read More...)

Uh Oh – Please Tell Me That The U.S. Is Not About To Go To War With Venezuela…

Is the United States about to be dragged into another pointless war that will drag on for years?  Have we learned nothing form the wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq?  When Juan Guaido boldly declared himself the new leader of Venezuela during an opposition rally on January 23rd, everybody realized that something was up.  There is no way that he ever would have done that unless he knew in advance that the United States was going to publicly back him.  And when John Bolton appeared at a White House briefing with “5,000 troops to Colombia” scribbled on a yellow note pad, it became exceedingly clear what was about to happen.  Diplomatic pressure would be used to try to force Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro from power, but if that didn’t work then regime change would be achieved by force. (Read More...)

We Just Saw Something That We Will Never, Ever See Again…

In the chaotic aftermath of New England’s 13-3 win over the Rams on Sunday, Tom Brady was clearly the center of attention.  Even though he had definitely not played his best game, and even though his teammate Julian Edelman was voted MVP of the Super Bowl, it seemed like virtually everyone was striving to get to Brady in the middle of the field at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta once the game had ended.  He was greeted with hugs and kisses by his teammates, by his opponents, by Coach Belichick and even by Patriots owner Bob Kraft.  No quarterback had ever won a Super Bowl at age 41, and everyone understands that the clock is ticking on Tom Brady’s football career.  This could be Brady’s last turn on the Super Bowl stage, and the gravity of the moment seemed to weigh very heavily on the Patriots and their fans throughout the game.  If Brady lost, he would be remembered as a Hall of Fame quarterback that lost his final two Super Bowls, but if he won he would forever be remembered as the quarterback with six Super Bowl rings. (Read More...)

Nancy Pelosi Essentially Guaranteed Another Painful Government Shutdown When She Said This…

Federal workers need to be prepared for more pain.  If President Trump and Congress cannot make a deal, there will probably be another very painful government shutdown in just a couple of weeks.  Even though he agreed to temporarily reopen the government, President Trump made it abundantly clear that there would be no long-term deal without wall funding, and that wall funding is supposed to be part of the current negotiation process in Congress.  But according to Nancy Pelosi, that isn’t even on the table, and she told a press conference on Thursday that there is “not going to be any wall money in the legislation”… (Read More...)

The One Thing That Could Almost Guarantee A Trump Victory In 2020 Is On The Verge Of Happening

The left has been salivating over the prospect of voting Donald Trump out of office in 2020, but now something has happened that could change everything.  On Sunday, former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz announced that he is “seriously considering running for president as a centrist independent”.  If Schultz officially decides to run, and it looks like that is almost certainly going to happen, then a Trump victory in 2020 will become almost inevitable.  Unless something dramatic takes place, Trump is going to have the support of at least 40 to 45 percent of American voters in 2020.  But the key was going to be finding that last 5 to 10 percent that he needed to push him over the top.  Unfortunately for Trump, he does not do well with moderate independent voters, and Democratic strategists were counting on those voters to help them beat Trump.  But if a “centrist independent” like Schultz enters the race, he will inevitably steal a lot of those voters from the Democrats, and that is why the left is freaking out so much right now. (Read More...)