Government Crackdowns In China And India Threaten To Absolutely Crush The Cryptocurrency Bubble

Taxation and regulation are weapons, and governments often use these weapons to target things that they do not like.  Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and Litecoin threaten to shatter the existing paradigm of financial control that the elite have carefully crafted, and that is making government officials all over the planet very nervous.  So the latest rumblings about “government crackdowns” on cryptocurrencies in China and India shouldn’t come as any sort of a surprise.  Those two governments hate anything that even smells like freedom, and so it was only a matter of time before they pulled the trigger.  And the bigger the cryptocurrency bubble becomes, the more national governments around the world are likely to take action to “get it under control”. (Read More...)

Federal Reserve: More Than 4 Out Of 10 Americans Do Not Even Have Enough Money To Cover An Unexpected $400 Expense

The U.S. economy is not doing nearly as well as the mainstream media would have you believe.  A few days ago I wrote about a new study that discovered that nearly 51 million U.S. households “can’t afford basics like rent and food”, and just yesterday I discussed the fact that we are on pace for the worst year for retail store closings ever.  Now we have just gotten new numbers from the Federal Reserve which are absolutely staggering.  According to the Fed’s latest study, more than 4 out of every 10 Americans do not even have enough money to cover an unexpected $400 expense without borrowing the funds or selling something.  In essence, nearly half the country has no significant financial cushion whatsoever.  So what are all of those people going to do when the next economic crisis hits? (Read More...)

77 Million Square Feet Of Retail Space And Counting – America’s Retail Apocalypse Is Spiraling Out Of Control In 2018

In 2017 we absolutely shattered the all-time record for retail store closings in a single year, and this year it looks like we are going to shatter the record once again.  In fact, there are some that are projecting that up to 9,000 retail stores could close by the time that we get to the end of this calendar year.  Already, the amount of retail space that has shut down is simply jaw-dropping.  If you total up all of the retail store closings that have been announced so far in 2018, it accounts for 77 million square feet of retail space.  Let that number sink in for a bit.  Many shopping centers and strip malls around the country already have a post-apocalyptic feel to them, and more “space available” signs are going up with each passing day.  And in case you are tempted to think that I am making this figure up, here it is straight from Bloomberg(Read More...)

Why Are So Many People Moving Out Of California?

In recent years, the number of people moving away from the state of California has greatly outnumbered the number of people moving into the state.  Reasons for the mass exodus include rising crime, the worst traffic in the western world, a growing homelessness epidemic, wildfires, earthquakes and crazy politicians that do some of the stupidest things imaginable.  But for most families, the decision to leave California comes down to one basic factor… (Read More...)

Nearly 51 Million Households In The United States ‘Can’t Afford Basics Like Rent And Food’

If the U.S. economy is performing well, then why can’t 51 million households in the United States “afford basics like rent and food”.  A stunning new report that was just put out by the United Way ALICE Project shows that the gap between the wealthy and the poor in this country is perhaps the biggest that it has been in any of our lifetimes.  In some of the wealthiest areas of the nation, homes are now selling for up to 100 million dollars, but meanwhile tens of millions of families are barely scraping by from month to month.  Many believe that this growing “inequality gap” is setting the stage for major societal problems. (Read More...)

Thank You

As this campaign ends, one of the saddest things for me is saying goodbye to the best team of volunteers in the entire state of Idaho. I cannot possibly thank all of you enough for all that you have done, and I wish that I could have produced a better result for you. Over the past year I have made so many new friends that I know that I will have for the rest of my life, and I cannot even begin to describe how much of a blessing that you have been to Meranda and I. It is going to take us some time to recover from this, but eventually we will do just that. And I want you to know that Meranda and I truly love you all. This is definitely a sad day, but all of us have so much to look forward to as we enter the next chapters of our lives. (Read More...)

Vote Pro-Trump On May 15th – Election Day Is Tuesday, And President Trump Needs Everyone To Go Vote For Michael Snyder For Congress

If you live in Idaho’s first congressional district, President Trump desperately needs your support.  Tuesday is voting day, and it is being projected that only about 20 percent of all registered voters will actually go out and vote.  So that means if Trump voters turn out in very large numbers they can decide who will win this election.  If you do not know where your voting location is yet, you can find out right here.  And please contact every single Trump supporter that you know and encourage them to go vote.  President Trump needs allies in Congress, and if I don’t win a horrible RINO that is surrounded by “never Trumpers” and that is being funded by a PAC that absolutely hates Donald Trump is going to win.  That would be an absolute disaster for President Trump, and that is why we must get as many Trump supports to the polls on Tuesday as possible.  Please contact everyone that you possibly can and strongly urge them to vote for Michael Snyder for Congress on May 15th. (Read More...)

‘What President Trump Really Needs Is Michael Snyder In Congress’

Do you want to elect someone that is going to go to Congress and support President Trump, or do you want someone that has a completely different agenda?  Pro-Trump conservatives all over Idaho’s first congressional district have recognized that I am the only true pro-Trump candidate running for Congress, and that is why so many Idahoans that worked to elect President Trump are now working to elect me.  And on Sunday we were officially endorsed by Roger Stone.  Roger has been a close friend and adviser to Donald Trump for nearly 40 years, and now he is urging everyone in Idaho to vote for Michael Snyder for Congress on May 15th.  Here is one of the most important lines from his endorsement of our campaign… (Read More...)