30 Really Great Reasons To Vote For Michael Snyder For Congress

People want to feel really good about voting for someone when they go to the polls on election day, and that is why so many true conservatives are rallying around our campaign for Congress.  Our campaign represents a positive conservative vision for the future of America, and that is why we have recently been officially endorsed by U.S. Senator Rand Paul and Mike Adams the Health Ranger.  Voting day is on May 15th, and right now we have more momentum than any of the other campaigns as we head toward Tuesday.  If you don’t know where to vote, you can find out right here.  If you are not registered to vote, you can register to vote at the polls on Election Day as long as you bring proof of Idaho residency with you.  It is being projected that voter turnout will be super low for the Republican primary, and so every single vote is going to be extremely important. (Read More...)

Senator Rand Paul Has Officially Endorsed Michael Snyder For Congress

The leading voice for liberty in the United States Senate, Rand Paul, has officially endorsed our campaign.  This is yet another game changing moment as our campaign continues to build momentum leading up to Election Day on May 15th.  If you don’t know where to vote on May 15th, you can find out by entering your address right here.  If you are not registered to vote yet, you can register at the polls on Election Day as long as you bring proof of Idaho residency with you.  Make sure that they give you a Republican ballot, because that is the ballot that I am on.  Anyone that is registered with another party (Democrat, Libertarian, etc.) will not be able to use a Republican ballot.  Fortunately, the vast majority of Idahoans will be able to vote in the Republican primary, and thanks to our endorsement from Rand Paul a whole lot of people are buzzing about our campaign right now. (Read More...)

Watch The Most Controversial Congressional Debate In Idaho History

It isn’t often that you get to see a seasoned politician completely melt down on live television.  On Sunday evening, the last debate for the candidates running for Congress in Idaho’s first congressional district was held, and it was certainly a wild one.  In the weeks leading up to the debate, voters all over Idaho had been heatedly debating whether to vote for Michael Snyder or Russ Fulcher all over social media, and both of us were positioned right in the center of the stage.  Unfortunately for the Fulcher campaign, Russ delivered an absolutely disastrous performance.  When reporter Betsy Russell asked Russ about the Mueller investigation, he responded by saying that “I haven’t even been following that closely”.  If that wasn’t bad enough, he followed that up by admitting two more times that he had not been paying attention to the Mueller investigation.  Needless to say, jaws dropped open all over the studio as Fulcher dropped this bombshell.  The Mueller investigation has been the biggest news story in Congress for over a year, and Russ Fulcher never actually answered Betsy Russell’s question because as he openly confessed, he had not “been following that closely”.  How can someone running for Congress not have a basic understanding of the most important issue that Congress has been dealing with?  Throughout the debate the differences between Russ and myself were glaringly obvious, and if you have not seen it yet, you can watch the entire congressional debate right here(Read More...)

Why Military Action Against Syria Is A Really Bad Idea

The United States is on the verge of going to war, and we need to do all that we can to stop that from happening.  Everywhere I go in Idaho’s first congressional district, people are telling me that they do not want to see military action against Syria.  The Russians have already indicated that they plan to strike back if their forces are threatened, and many of the voters that I am talking to are extremely concerned about what could happen once U.S. and Russian forces begin exchanging fire.  And what makes the rush to war all the more alarming is that we don’t even have all the facts yet.  There is absolutely no reason to rush into a war, and that is why our founders gave the power to declare war to Congress.  They wanted debate and deliberation before a decision was made to go to war, and without a doubt launching missiles at Syria would be an act of war.  As a candidate for Congress in Idaho’s first congressional district, I am completely and totally against a military strike, and I am finding that voters in this district are overwhelming with me on this.  America cannot be the police of the world, and when I go to Washington I will do all that I can to keep us out of unnecessary wars. (Read More...)

The Budget-Busting $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill That Was Just Passed By Congress Is A Betrayal Of The American People

I don’t know if I even have the words to express how disgusted I am with the omnibus spending bill that was just rushed through Congress.  Members of the House of Representatives were given less than 24 hours to read this 2,232 page monstrosity of a bill before they were expected to vote on it, and so obviously nobody was able to read the entire thing before the vote was held.  This is the kind of thing that Democrats were greatly criticized for in the past, but now it is Republicans that are doing it.  The Republican Party is supposed to stand for limited government, and this is yet another example that shows how badly broken the system in Washington has become. (Read More...)

The Stock Market Falls Another 724 Points! What In The World Is Happening On Wall Street?

We just witnessed the 5th largest single day stock market crash in U.S. history.  On Thursday the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 724 points, and many believe that this is just the beginning of another huge wave down for stock prices.  After this latest dramatic decline, the Dow is now down 3.1 percent so far in 2018, and overall it is down 9.99 percent from the all-time high in January.  A 10 percent decline is officially considered to be “correction” territory, and that means that we are just about there. (Read More...)

Independent Journalist Exposes How Social Media Companies Are Systematically Silencing Conservative Voices

Ben Swann has done it again.  A new video that he just released about the stunning purge of conservative voices that we are now witnessing has already been viewed more than 24,000 times on YouTube alone.  I have been writing about all of this censorship quite a bit recently as well, but up until now I have not revealed the true extent to which it has hit me personally.  Like President Trump and other prominent conservatives, engagement on my personal Facebook profile has fallen dramatically.  We are working like mad to keep engagement up on our official Facebook campaign page, but it has been a real battle, and today Facebook just banned me again from posting to groups for a few days.  The funny thing is that I had barely shared anything recently.  On Twitter, I have been told by a social media expert that my account has been “shadowbanned”, and that probably explains why engagement on Twitter is only a small fraction of what it once was.  Of course dozens of other prominent conservatives are suffering the same kind of censorship, and it is absolutely imperative that we stand up against this unprecedented assault on our ability to communicate with one another. (Read More...)

Are The Social Media Giants Trying To Steal The 2018 Elections By Censoring Conservative Websites?

Nobody is disputing the fact that YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other social media giants are censoring conservative material.  In fact, this is probably the largest purge of conservative voices in the history of the Internet.  Obviously this is going to cause large numbers of people to stop using their platforms, so why would they do this?  Well, to some conservatives the answer is obvious.  These social media giants watched Donald Trump use their platforms extremely effectively in 2016, and many believe that they are absolutely determined to never let that happen again.  In fact, Mike Adams of Natural News is completely convinced that there is a concerted effort by these social media giants to steal the 2018 elections… (Read More...)