A New Survey Has Just Discovered That This Is The Most Pessimistic That Americans Have Been About The Economy Since 2008

Americans haven’t been this negative about the future of the U.S. economy since the financial crisis of 2008.  Of course it isn’t exactly difficult to figure out why this has happened.  A new recession has begun, inflation is wildly out of control, the housing market has started to crash, and more people are falling out of the middle class with each passing day.  So many of the economic trends that I have been documenting in recent years are now really beginning to accelerate, and there isn’t much faith that the Biden administration and our other leaders in Washington will be able to turn things around any time soon. (Read More...)

One Of The Most Tragic Things That I Have Read In A Long Time

Things have never been harder for America’s farmers and ranchers than they are right now.  Their relentless hard work keeps us fed, but now many of them are being financially ruined by forces beyond their control.  Prices for fertilizer, farm equipment and diesel fuel have spiraled to absolutely absurd heights, and meanwhile extremely bizarre weather patterns are making it almost impossible to operate successfully in many parts of the nation.  A lot of farmers and ranchers have already gone out of business, and many more will go out of business in the months ahead unless some sort of a miracle happens. (Read More...)

Why Is Walmart Laying Off So Many Workers?

If brighter days are eventually coming for the U.S. economy, why would Walmart be so eager to lay off corporate employees?  Of course the truth is that brighter days are not coming.  Yesterday, I posted an article in which I listed 11 big companies that are laying off workers.  After I completed that article, I discovered that Walmart is also letting people go.  If a seemingly unshakable giant such as Walmart already feels compelled to eliminate jobs, what is the outlook for employees of companies that are far smaller and far weaker? (Read More...)

It’s Happening: Here Is A List Of 11 Big Companies That Have Announced Layoffs Within The Last 2 Weeks

When the economy slows down, layoffs inevitably happen.  We witnessed this on a very large scale in 2008 and 2009, and now it is happening again.  U.S. economic numbers are rapidly getting worse, and companies all across America don’t want to get caught with bloated payrolls as we plunge into a recession.  As you will see below, many of the firms that are laying off workers are either in the real estate industry or the tech industry.  Those are two industries that were on the leading edge of the “boom times”, and now it appears that they will also be on the bleeding edge as the economy crashes. (Read More...)

A Matter Of Life And Death: Tens Of Millions Of Americans Will Be Without Medicine Once Trade With China Stops

If you are against a war with China, you need to make your voice heard while you still can.  Because once the bullets start flying, it will be too late.  Once a war with China starts, our current standard of living won’t just be interrupted.  The truth is that our current standard of living would end.  There are thousands upon thousands of products that we currently get from China that would very quickly disappear from store shelves.  They simply would not be available any longer.  And Taiwan produces more of our microchips than anyone else in the world by a very wide margin.  When the microchips stop flowing our whole economy will come to a crashing halt.  So the stakes are incredibly high, and most people don’t seem to realize this. (Read More...)

This Is What Will Happen To The U.S. Economy When We Go To War With China

Nancy Pelosi knows exactly what she is doing.  She knows that going to Taiwan without China’s permission will create a major international incident, but she is doing it anyway.  It is being reported that Pelosi will arrive in Taiwan on Tuesday, spend the night in downtown Taipei on Tuesday night, and then potentially meet with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen on Wednesday.  If she does meet with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, that will infuriate the Chinese even more.  Pelosi is directly challenging China’s sovereignty over the island, and that is something that the Chinese will simply not tolerate. (Read More...)

Severe Economic Desperation Rises Rapidly All Over America As Nearly Half The Nation Cuts Back Spending On Food

It is starting to look a lot like 2008.  Extremely long lines are forming at food banks all over the country, job losses and layoffs are starting to spike, countless small businesses are right on the brink of going under, a housing crash that could be even worse than what we witnessed in 2008 has begun, and large numbers of Americans are actually moving into sheds in a desperate attempt to save money.  This new economic downturn is still only in the very early stages, and yet the economic suffering that we are already seeing all over the country is truly frightening.  If people are struggling this much now, what will conditions be like six months down the road? (Read More...)

Why Does The United States Just Keep Getting Hit By One Historic Nightmare After Another?

Have you become numb to all the bad news yet?  Almost every single day, something really horrible seems to happen in the United States.  It is just one thing after another and it has been that way for months.  It is as if we are in the midst of some sort of a “perfect storm” that never seems to end.  In all my years of writing, I have never seen anything like this.  There is so much bad news happening right now that it is literally impossible to keep up with it all.  Events are starting to accelerate at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking, and I am extremely concerned about what the remainder of 2022 will look like. (Read More...)