7 Signs That War With Russia Just Got Even Closer

In this article I am going to write about something that the vast majority of the U.S. population couldn’t care less about.  Sadly, most Americans simply do not care about Ukraine, Russia’s military preparations for war, or pretty much anything else that is happening on the other side of the globe.  But over in Russia, things are completely different.  There is constant talk about the potential for war with the west, and there is a lot of pessimism that it will be able to be avoided. (Read More...)

A New Mystery Disease Is Killing “Scores Of People” In South Sudan

The World Health Organization has sent a “rapid response team” into South Sudan to investigate a mysterious new illness that is killing people in large numbers.  At this point, about the only thing that we know about this deadly disease is that it is “unidentified”.  I scoured all of the global news reports that I could find, and none of them are telling us specifically how these people are dying.  I am going to keep trying to find out more.  This outbreak may turn out to be nothing, but the past couple of years have shown us that sometimes a small outbreak can sweep across the entire planet very rapidly.  So we should keep a close eye on South Sudan until officials can tell us for certain that there is no cause for concern. (Read More...)

There Are 2 More Statues At UN Headquarters In New York Which Appear To Have A Link To The Book Of Revelation

All throughout history, statues have had deep significance to those that put them up.  In some cases, statues were erected to commemorate a conquest or a pivotal battle.  In other cases, they were set up to honor leaders of historical importance.  But even more often throughout history, statues have been constructed for spiritual reasons.  In the western world, the worship of statues is very rare today, but the global elite are still obsessed with decorating key landmarks with “art” that has very special significance to those that are “in the know”.  It is not just a coincidence that capital cities all over the planet are adorned by extremely bizarre statues.  Every single one of those statues has a meaning, and the vast majority of the population is totally oblivious to what is really being communicated. (Read More...)

It’s Like “The Purge”: Murder Records Are Being Shattered All Over America, And Next Year Could Be Even Worse

It is often said that life imitates art, and these days that is particularly true on the mean streets of our major cities.  Violent criminals just keep getting more brazen, and murder rates are soaring all over the nation.  As you will see below, one official in Los Angeles is actually comparing what is now happening to a horror movie that came out a number of years ago called “The Purge”.  But in that movie, violent criminals only had one night each year to run wild.  Unfortunately, in America today they are running wild every single night. (Read More...)

The Horrifying Inflation Crisis That You Were Warned About Is Here

All of a sudden, inflation is one of the hottest political issues in America.  Most people seem surprised that inflation has gotten so wildly out of control, but the truth is that this should not be a surprise to any of us.  We have been warned for years that this was coming.  Whenever our corrupt politicians in Washington authorized trillions more in spending that we couldn’t afford, we were warned that this would eventually cause extremely painful inflation.  But it didn’t happen immediately, and so most Americans didn’t take the warnings seriously.  And as the “experts” at the Federal Reserve kept pumping trillions of fresh dollars into our financial system, we were warned that there would eventually be severe consequences.  But those consequences did not arrive immediately, and so most Americans didn’t take the warnings seriously.  But now a day of reckoning has arrived, and conditions are only going to get worse from this point forward. (Read More...)

Elon Musk: “Civilization Is Going To Crumble”

Even billionaires like Elon Musk can see that the current state of affairs is completely and utterly unsustainable.  If we stay on the path that we are on, and there are absolutely no indications that we plan to reverse course, societal collapse is inevitable.  In fact, as I detail on a regular basis, societal collapse has already begun all around us.  Unfortunately, most people still can’t bring themselves to admit that it is actually happening. (Read More...)

The Great Realignment: Countless More Americans Will Be Moving From Blue States To Red States In 2022

We are rapidly becoming two very different nations with two very different cultures.  At one time we truly were the “United” States of America, but now we have been split into two opposing camps that deeply hate one another.  As a result, in recent years we have watched millions of Americans relocate for ideological reasons.  This has caused “red states” to become even redder and “blue states” to become even bluer.  At this point, there are just a handful of “purple states”, and it is in those states where our presidential elections are determined.  It is really not healthy for just a few states like Pennsylvania and Michigan to have such power, but that is a topic for another article.  In this article, I want to discuss why the mass exodus from blue states to red states is actually going to accelerate in 2022. (Read More...)

A Robin Hood Mentality: Urban Criminals Are Following Wealthy Individuals Back To Their Homes In Order To Rob Them

If you look like you have money, you are a potential target.  I know that statement may sound crass, but we all need to understand that the environment in this country has fundamentally changed.  Criminals in our large urban areas are specifically searching for easy targets that appear to be wealthy.  So if you are spotted leaving an expensive restaurant in a very expensive vehicle, you may be facing gun-toting criminals in your driveway once you get back home.  Last month, the Los Angeles Police Department issued a community alert warning of an alarming rise in “follow home robberies”(Read More...)