The U.S. Senate Votes To Pile 1.9 Trillion Dollars More Debt On To Our Children And Grandchildren

On Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to raise the U.S. government debt cap by another 1.9 trillion dollars.  This is another 1.9 trillion dollars that our children and grandchildren will have to pay interest on for the rest of their lives.  The U.S. national debt is rising at a rate that is so reckless and so catastrophic that it threatens to destroy the entire U.S. economy.  It is now becoming apparent that we have created a financial hole that is probably mathematically impossible to get out of under the current system.  Average Americans are becoming increasingly angry at the U.S. government for getting us all into this colossal financial mess.  In fact, one very strongly-worded letter to Barack Obama from a 95 year old World War 2 veteran is causing quite a stir all over the Internet.  More people than ever are waking up and are realizing the the United States is headed in the wrong direction and has been for a long time.

But what else can the politicians do?  If they quit all this reckless spending it would devastate the U.S. economy in the short run.  In turn, the voters would be even more determined to vote them out of office.  So, for their own job safety the politicians in Washington have got to try to stimulate the economy with massive amounts of government money. 

But all of this government spending is only making our long term problems much worse.  Yes, the U.S. government has been able to partially “stabilize” the U.S. economy in the short term by pumping trillions in “bailout” and “stimulus” money into the financial system, but by doing so they are making our long term problems far, far worse.

The U.S. government has piled up the biggest debt in the history of the world and it is increasing at a speed that is absolutely frightening.  What we have done to our children and grandchildren is completely immoral.  We have piled up the biggest credit card bill in all of human history and now we are dumping it on them.

They are going to have to spend the rest of their lives paying interest on the mess that we have made.

What a wonderful gift to future generations, eh?

When Reagan took office, the national debt was already a national crisis, but it was only about one trillion dollars.

Now the U.S. Senate has authorized an increase up to 14.3 trillion.  Just look at what we are doing….


How in the world can we ever justify what we have done to our children and grandchildren?

Honestly, how can we possibly look them in the eyes and tell them what we did?

It has been this generation that has flushed America’s financial future down the toilet.

Is anyone else out there getting upset about this?

What this generation has done to future generations is so cold and so wicked and so immoral that it is hard to find words to even describe it.

We throw around words like “billion” and “trillion” so much these days that it seems like they have almost lost their meaning.  Do we actually realize how much a trillion dollars is?  It is such a massive amount that words do not actually do it justice.  To get a really good idea of what a trillion dollars is, just watch the illustration in the short video below, and then ask yourself how we could possibly do this to future generations….