1 Out Of Every 5 U.S. Children Does Not Have Enough Food To Eat As The Global Food Crisis Intensifies

We tend to think of the global food crisis as something that is happening on the other side of the world.  And it is certainly true that there are vast hordes of impoverished people that are desperate for food in other areas of the planet right now, because hunger is spreading like wildfire in poor countries.  But the truth is that hunger is spreading rapidly in the United States as well.  According to a report that was just released by the USDA, a whopping 44 million Americans now live in “food insecure households”(Read More...)

It Now Costs 3.4 Million Dollars To Live “The American Dream” And The Gap Between The Wealthy And The Rest Of Us Is Bigger Than Ever

For a long time, it has been clear that the middle class is being systematically destroyed.  The cost of living has been rising faster than paychecks have for years, and this has pushed millions of Americans into poverty.  As for those that were already impoverished, many of them have been pushed out into the streets.  According to the Wall Street Journal, homelessness in the United States is increasing at the fastest rate ever recorded in 2023.  Anyone that thinks that we do not have a major problem on our hands simply has not been paying attention.  At one time, living “the American Dream” was a goal that the vast majority of Americans could aspire to achieve, but now it is out of reach for most of the country.  In fact, a report that was just released concluded that it now takes 3.4 million dollars for the typical U.S. household to live “the American Dream” over the course of a lifetime… (Read More...)

Why Are So Many Celebrities Suddenly Becoming Christians?

In recent months, a number of high profile individuals have made headlines by deciding to give their lives to Christ.  So exactly what in the world is going on here?  Is this the beginning of a new trend?  Ultimately, I believe that these high profile conversions to Christianity are just a very small portion of a much larger picture.  All over the world, the great battle between good and evil that has been raging for thousands of years is reaching a grand crescendo, and people are feeling compelled to pick a side.  We live in a day and age when it is becoming increasingly difficult to stay on the fence.  Darkness is rapidly growing all around us, and those that do not want to be part of that darkness are reaching out for the light. (Read More...)

They Are Calling This “Layoff Season”

Is your job safe?  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were more than 13 million layoffs and discharges in the United States during the first nine months of 2023, and now “layoff season” has arrived.  As the end of the year approaches, companies start taking a hard look at the bottom line, and that can result in harsh job cuts.  When I was growing up, most large companies would at least wait until after the holiday season to shove workers into the street, but these days they just don’t care.  The moment you are no longer considered to be an asset, they will throw you aside like a rotten fish.  We live in a cold, cruel world, and that isn’t going to change any time soon. (Read More...)

We Are Starting To Find Out What Is Beneath The Thin Veneer Of Civilization That We Have All Been Taking For Granted

Unlike so many people around the world, those of us that live in the United States were fortunate enough to grow up in a relatively civilized society.  Unfortunately, we have turned our backs on the values that our forefathers handed down to us, and so now we are starting to find out what is beneath the thin veneer of civilization that we have all been taking for granted all these years.  Our society is absolutely teeming with predators, crime rates are soaring all over the nation, millions of Americans are afraid to leave their own homes, and hordes of drug addicts are literally pooping in the middle of our streets whenever they feel like it. (Read More...)

“A Constant State Of Sticker Shock” – Here Is Proof That Inflation In The U.S. Is Wildly Out Of Control

Do you believe the politicians in Washington or do you believe your own eyes?  The politicians keep telling us that “inflation is low”, but everyone can see that everything sure does cost a lot more than it once did.  Our standard of living just keeps going down, and even JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is admitting that “inflation is hurting people”.  But how can inflation be “hurting people” if it is under control?  Of course the truth is that it isn’t under control.  If the official rate of inflation was still measured using the formula that was in place in 1980, it would be well into double digit territory right now.  Prices have been rising much faster than paychecks have, and that is putting an extraordinary amount of financial stress on the more than 60 percent of U.S. adults that currently live paycheck to paycheck. (Read More...)

We Are Witnessing An Avalanche Of Branch Closings As U.S. Banks Desperately Try To Stay Alive

If you do things the right way, in the long run you will get positive results.  But if you do things the wrong way, in the long run you will get negative results.  Our banks are the beating heart of our entire economy, and unfortunately they have been doing things the wrong way for a long time.  As a result, the entire system is being greatly shaken.  Loans are starting to go delinquent at a frightening pace, we have seen endless “banking glitches” in recent months, tens of thousands of banking employees have already been laid off, and U.S. banks are sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars of unrealized losses.  Sadly, a lot more chaos is on the way.  As small and mid-size banks fail, they will get gobbled up by the big boys.  Of course the big boys are scrambling to survive too.  In fact, it is being reported that JPMorgan Chase will close a total of 159 local branches by the end of this calendar year… (Read More...)

The Significance Of America’s Fallen National Christmas Tree

America’s National Christmas Tree fell down this week.  That tree is the most important national symbol of our most important national holiday.  The National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony has been performed every year since 1923, and so the falling of the tree has happened as we approach the centennial anniversary of this tradition.  Do you think that this was just a coincidence?  I certainly don’t.  I believe that the downing of the most important national symbol of our most important national holiday is significant.  On Tuesday, a very powerful gust of wind knocked the 40 foot tree completely to the ground(Read More...)