They are taking gaslighting to a whole new level in 2024. The raw, unadjusted figures that the Bureau of Labor Statistics just released say that the U.S. economy lost more than 2.6 million jobs last month. That is what actually happened. But after they massaged that number with all sorts of “assumptions” and “adjustments”, it magically turned into a gain of 353,000 jobs. Amazingly, even Fox Business is attempting to claim that this adjusted number shows “the resilience of the labor market”… (Read More...)
“This Is A Dangerous Moment In The Middle East”
We are rapidly approaching a point of no return in the Middle East. So far, more than 28,000 people have died as a result of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, but if a full-blown regional war erupts the final death toll would be many times higher. Unfortunately, it appears that a full-blown war is exactly what we are going to get. Day after day there are more escalations, and now the Biden administration has approved plans for “a series of strikes over a number of days” against targets in Syria and Iraq… (Read More...)
What Do You Call It When The Number Of Layoffs In The U.S. Goes Up By 136 Percent In Just One Month?
Wow, our economic problems really are starting to accelerate at a shocking pace. I know that I have been writing about layoffs a lot lately, but what is happening to the employment market right now is definitely big news. Day after day, more large companies are announcing mass layoffs. Why would all of these large companies be doing this if the outlook for the U.S. economy is promising? That wouldn’t make any sense at all. But if these companies are convinced that the U.S. economy is heading into a recession (or worse), it would make perfect sense to slash payrolls at this time. (Read More...)
An Egg McMuffin Was Once Just 99 Cents. Can You Guess How Much One Costs Today?

Is It Just A Coincidence That The Great American Eclipse Of 2024 Will Enter The U.S. At Eagle Pass, Texas?
The Great American Eclipse of 2024 is just a little bit more than two months away, and amazingly the very first city that the path of the eclipse crosses over when it enters the U.S. is Eagle Pass, Texas. There are more than 19,000 incorporated cities, towns and villages in the United States, and out of all of them Eagle Pass is the very first that the eclipse will touch. On April 8th, 2024 the entire world will be watching as the Great American Eclipse travels across America. Prior to this historic event, the last total solar eclipse visible from the U.S. was the Great American Eclipse of 2017, and there will not be another total solar eclipse visible from our country until 2044. (Read More...)
Homelessness In The U.S. Is Up 48 Percent Since 2015, And Americans Are Being Laid Off In Droves…
How can anyone out there possibly believe that the U.S. economy is doing well? As you will see below, the number of homeless Americans has risen to the highest level ever recorded, and large companies all over the country are laying off workers in droves. As I have discussed previously, the number of Americans that were laid off in 2023 jumped 98 percent compared to the year before, and now during the first month of 2024 it feels like we are being hit by a tsunami of layoffs. It literally seems like someone has turned a fire hose on, but the Biden administration continues to insist that unemployment is “low” and that the outlook for the U.S. economy is positive. (Read More...)
Are We On The Verge Of An Apocalyptic War With Iran?
U.S. lawmakers are calling for military strikes inside Iran in the aftermath of a horrific terror attack that left three U.S. service members dead and dozens wounded. So if the U.S. does hit targets inside Iranian territory, how will the Iranians respond? It is theoretically possible that they could back down, but I doubt it. All of the airstrikes that we have conducted so far against Iranian-backed terror groups in Iraq and Syria have not caused them to back down. And the airstrikes that we have hit the Houthis in Yemen with have not caused them to back down either. The truth is that the U.S. is already at war in the Middle East, and it appears that it could soon take an apocalyptic turn. (Read More...)
The U.S. Is A Lawless Society Where The Criminals Get To Go Free But Underwear And Socks Are Locked Up
We live in an environment of complete and utter lawlessness. When predators boldly roam the streets without fear but good people are literally afraid to leave their own homes, that is clearly a sign that our societal collapse has reached a very advanced stage. Even in the rare instances when they are actually caught and convicted, our system will still often allow violent criminals to go free. For example, a woman in California that was convicted of stabbing her boyfriend more than 100 times was given a sentence that didn’t include even a single day in prison… (Read More...)