Why Are So Many Bad Things Happening To America In 2022?

Have you ever wondered why we just keep getting hit by one thing after another?  I grew up during a time when it seemed like America was endlessly blessed, but now everything around us seems the opposite of blessed.  Our economy is imploding, inflation is out of control, the housing market is starting to crash, our weather patterns have gone completely nuts, the western half of the nation is enduring the worst drought in 1,200 years, we are dealing with three major pandemics simultaneously, we are losing our proxy war with Russia in Ukraine and it looks like war with China is just around the corner, and on top of everything else our political system is failing because liberals and conservatives deeply, deeply hate one another.  And if you think that there is hope on the horizon, you are going to be severely disappointed.  The current crop of politicians in Washington is the worst that we have had in our entire history, and all of the “solutions” they give us just seem to make matters even worse. (Read More...)

Is The 1008 Point Stock Market Crash A Sign That Another 2008 Is Coming?

In 2008, we experienced a nightmarish financial crisis that was felt in every corner of the globe.  Is such an event about to happen again?  On Friday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 1,008 points as panic swept through Wall Street in the aftermath of Jerome Powell’s dramatic speech in Wyoming.  Powell made it exceedingly clear that interest rates are going to continue to go up, and that deeply alarmed investors.  Some very vocal influencers in the financial community had been anticipating that the interest rate hikes would be ending soon, but now Powell has completely dashed those hopes.  Wall Street is going to have to finally face reality in the weeks ahead, and it isn’t going to be pretty. (Read More...)

European Natural Gas Prices Are 6 Times Higher Than Last Year, And This Is Sparking Widespread Civil Unrest All Over Europe

This is going to be a bitterly cold winter for a whole lot of people.  In particular, things are likely to get really uncomfortable in Europe.  Soaring energy prices and concern about potential shortages are causing anxiety all over the continent, and widespread protests have already started to take place.  The cost of living has become extremely painful for those on the bottom of the economic food chain, and people want their governments to do something.  Of course this is what always happens when nations embrace socialism.  There is an expectation that those in charge will solve any and every problem, but this time around the limitations of the socialists running Europe will become very clear. (Read More...)

828 Million People Go To Bed Hungry Each Night, And That Number Will Soon Be Much, Much Higher

Will you go to bed hungry tonight?  Probably not.  Most of my readers are in the western world, and for now just about everyone in the western world still has enough to eat.  But in other areas of the planet, hunger is spreading like wildfire.  Multiple famines have already begun, and they are only going to get worse in the months ahead.  As I have been carefully documenting in recent weeks, global food production is going to be way down in 2022.  And the food that is not grown in 2022 will be a major global issue in 2023. (Read More...)

Are We On Some Sort Of A Cycle? Exactly 14 Years Later, Another Housing Crash Has Arrived

Do you remember what happened precisely 14 years ago?  In 2008, the housing market collapsed and the subprime mortgage meltdown made national headlines day after day as unprecedented panic swept through Wall Street.  To many of those that were working in the financial industry at that time, it seemed like the world was ending.  Of course the world was not actually ending, but without a doubt it was an extremely painful episode for our nation.  Countless Americans lost jobs or homes (or both), and the ripple effects of that crisis can still be felt today. (Read More...)

The Layoff Tsunami Has Begun: 50% Of U.S. Companies Plan To Eliminate Jobs Within The Next 12 Months

If half of the firms in the entire country really do cut jobs over the next year, what will our economy look like afterwards?  All over America, companies are anticipating that a major economic downturn is coming in 2023, and a lot of them are already planning to shed workers in order to cut costs.  Of course this sounds so much like what we went through back in 2008 and 2009.  Millions of Americans lost their jobs during the “Great Recession”, and it was truly a very dark time in our history.  So are we right on the verge of seeing a repeat? (Read More...)

A Major Food Crisis Coming In 2023? – “Prices Will Be On Steroids After The Election”

We are being warned that food prices in the U.S. are going to go absolutely haywire after the election in November.  I am taking such warnings very seriously, and I believe that you should too.  Global officials have been telling us over and over again that we are heading into an unprecedented global food crisis, and I have been writing about this again and again in recent weeks.  But so far, the vast majority of the population doesn’t seem to be taking this seriously.  Agricultural production is going to be way below expectations all over the planet in 2022, and that means that there will be far less food to go around in 2023. (Read More...)

Tent Cities Are Taking Over Vast Stretches Of Our Major Cities (And It Is Only Going To Get Worse)

If brighter days are ahead for the U.S. economy, why are so many tent cities popping up all over the nation?  At this point things are so bad that even the New York Times is admitting that “America’s homelessness problem has the makings of an acute crisis”.  That article goes on to explain that our homeless population is steadily rising.  Tonight, hundreds of thousands of our fellow Americans will be sleeping in tents, under bridges, in overcrowded shelters or in their vehicles.  Of course there are many that are so addicted to drugs or alcohol that they just sleep wherever they end up passing out.  This is a tragedy that is growing with each passing day, and it is only going to get worse in the months ahead as the U.S. economy slows down even more. (Read More...)