This Thanksgiving Weekend Proved That America Is Now Living In A Very Dark New Reality

The entire narrative around “Black Friday” has completely changed.  In the old days, I would write a column every year about the chaos that we would see at major retailers all over America as crazed consumers fought over deeply discounted merchandise.  The fact that Americans would get so crazed over cheap trinkets made in China said a lot about where we were as a society, but there was also a side to Black Friday that was fun and exciting.  It was a yearly ritual that millions of Americans looked forward to, and major retailers always made a lot of money.  Unfortunately, those days are now gone.  This Black Friday, store traffic was 28 percent lower than it was in 2019… (Read More...)

Since Inflation Is So High Now, The Elite Have Some Suggestions For How You Can Save Money This Thanksgiving…

Normally, inflation is not a major theme on Thanksgiving.  Unfortunately, these are not normal times.  Thanks to Joe Biden and our other crooked politicians in Washington, we are facing an inflation crisis that is unlike anything that we have experienced since the 1970s.  Earlier this week, I discussed a new poll which showed that 88 percent of Americans are deeply concerned about inflation, and a different poll found that 67 percent of Americans disapprove of the way that Biden is handling rising prices.  Now Thanksgiving is nearly upon us, and most Americans are finding that their grocery dollars are not stretching as far as they once did. (Read More...)

The Future Is Here, And It Will Be Filled With Endless Looting, Rioting And Civil Unrest

Our civilization is crumbling right in front of our eyes.  We have become accustomed to soaring murder rates, mass shootings, extreme degeneracy throughout the entire entertainment industry, violent rioting in our streets and severe corruption on all levels of government.  To a certain extent, a lot of these things seem “normal” to many of us at this point.  But the truth is that what we are experiencing is not even close to “normal”.  We are literally watching our entire society slowly but surely go down the tubes, and it is heartbreaking to watch. (Read More...)

The OSHA Mandate May Be Stalled, But The Other Mandates Are About To Suffocate Economic Activity All Over America

You can thank Joe Biden for the madness that is about to unfold.  As I discussed yesterday, the OSHA mandate that would cover more than 80 million American workers has been officially put on hold, but Biden’s other mandates are still in effect.  So that means that vast numbers of patriotic young Americans are about to be kicked out of the military.  We better hope that Russia and China don’t decide to suddenly make some big moves after our military is ruthlessly gutted.  Countless numbers of federal employees are about to be forced out of their jobs as well, and that includes airport security screeners.  If you plan on traveling by air during Thanksgiving week, you could potentially be facing some enormous delays(Read More...)

Welcome To The “New Normal”: This Is Going To Be A Holiday Season That None Of Us Will Ever Forget

We seem to have entered a nightmare that does not appear to have an ending.  Earlier this year, many of the “experts” assured us that the U.S. economy would be “booming” by the end of 2021, but that didn’t turn out to be true at all.  Instead, we are dealing with widespread shortages, the worst inflation since the 1970s, and the most epic supply chain crisis in the history of the United States.  So this year, we are all going to have a “new normal” holiday season.  The upcoming holidays may not be quite what you have become accustomed to, but the elite are still trying to put a positive spin on things. (Read More...)

It Has Begun – Get Ready To Pay Much Higher Prices For Meat From Now On

The era of cheap meat is over.  For those that are carnivores, that is really bad news.  For decades, Americans have been able to count on the fact that there would always be mountains of very inexpensive meat at the local grocery store, but now those days are gone and they aren’t coming back.  As I was writing this introductory paragraph, it struck me that what is happening to meat prices actually parallels what I wrote about yesterday.  Just as the left doesn’t want us to use traditional forms of energy because they believe that doing so is “bad” for the climate, so they also detest that a lot of us like to eat a lot of meat because the production of meat causes levels of certain greenhouse gases to rise.  Sometimes we joke about the methane that comes from “cow farts”, but radicals on the left take this stuff deadly seriously.  And at the same time that gasoline prices are soaring into the stratosphere, the exact same thing is happening to meat prices.  In fact, we just learned that the price of beef in the U.S. has risen more than 20 percent since last October… (Read More...)

Are Gasoline Prices Being Pushed Higher On Purpose?

Is it just a “coincidence” that gasoline prices have absolutely exploded since Joe Biden took office?  The hatred that many on the left have for traditional forms of energy is well known.  Many of them are entirely convinced that the changes that are happening to our climate can be reversed if we can just transition away from traditional forms of energy.  So on the left there is a lot of interest in finding ways to create incentives for people to use “cleaner” forms of energy instead of “dirtier” forms of energy.  For example, the left would love to see all of us driving around in electric vehicles, and one way to accelerate that transition would be to dramatically raise the price of gasoline.  Interestingly, that is precisely what is happening right now.  In fact, the average price of a gallon of gasoline just hit another all-time high in California(Read More...)

This Is How They Intend To Get Us To “You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy”

The pieces of the puzzle may fit together in ways that you do not expect.  For years, the global elite have been openly telling us that one day we will all own nothing, we will have no privacy, and we will be extremely happy with our new socialist utopia.  But exactly how do they intend to transition to such a society?  Are they going to come and take all of your stuff?  Needless to say, there are millions upon millions of very angry people out there that aren’t just going to hand over their stuff to a bunch of socialists.  So how are they going to overcome that obstacle? (Read More...)