It Has Begun – Get Ready To Pay Much Higher Prices For Meat From Now On

The era of cheap meat is over.  For those that are carnivores, that is really bad news.  For decades, Americans have been able to count on the fact that there would always be mountains of very inexpensive meat at the local grocery store, but now those days are gone and they aren’t coming back.  As I was writing this introductory paragraph, it struck me that what is happening to meat prices actually parallels what I wrote about yesterday.  Just as the left doesn’t want us to use traditional forms of energy because they believe that doing so is “bad” for the climate, so they also detest that a lot of us like to eat a lot of meat because the production of meat causes levels of certain greenhouse gases to rise.  Sometimes we joke about the methane that comes from “cow farts”, but radicals on the left take this stuff deadly seriously.  And at the same time that gasoline prices are soaring into the stratosphere, the exact same thing is happening to meat prices.  In fact, we just learned that the price of beef in the U.S. has risen more than 20 percent since last October… (Read More...)

Are Gasoline Prices Being Pushed Higher On Purpose?

Is it just a “coincidence” that gasoline prices have absolutely exploded since Joe Biden took office?  The hatred that many on the left have for traditional forms of energy is well known.  Many of them are entirely convinced that the changes that are happening to our climate can be reversed if we can just transition away from traditional forms of energy.  So on the left there is a lot of interest in finding ways to create incentives for people to use “cleaner” forms of energy instead of “dirtier” forms of energy.  For example, the left would love to see all of us driving around in electric vehicles, and one way to accelerate that transition would be to dramatically raise the price of gasoline.  Interestingly, that is precisely what is happening right now.  In fact, the average price of a gallon of gasoline just hit another all-time high in California(Read More...)

This Is How They Intend To Get Us To “You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy”

The pieces of the puzzle may fit together in ways that you do not expect.  For years, the global elite have been openly telling us that one day we will all own nothing, we will have no privacy, and we will be extremely happy with our new socialist utopia.  But exactly how do they intend to transition to such a society?  Are they going to come and take all of your stuff?  Needless to say, there are millions upon millions of very angry people out there that aren’t just going to hand over their stuff to a bunch of socialists.  So how are they going to overcome that obstacle? (Read More...)

They Have Lost Control, And Now The Dollar Is Going To Die

I think that they actually believed that they could get away with it.  I think that they were actually convinced that they could create, borrow and spend trillions upon trillions of dollars without any serious long-term consequences.  But they should have known better.  The people running things are very highly “educated”, and after spending decades getting to their current positions they are supposed to be “experts” that we can trust with very difficult decisions.  Unfortunately, the “experts” have put us on a path that leads to currency collapse and financial ruin. (Read More...)

When It Comes To 2022, You Should Definitely Prepare For The Worst

If you have a bad feeling about 2022, you are not alone.  As we approach the new year, it seems like things are going wrong all around us.  We are facing the most epic supply chain crisis in our history, inflation is out of control, vaccine mandates are killing careers and forcing people out of jobs all over the country, and America is the most deeply divided that I have ever seen in my entire lifetime.  Meanwhile, another wave of the pandemic appears to be building, our hospitals are already packed with non-COVID patients, global hunger is on the rise, and a major war could erupt in the Middle East at literally any moment.  Unfortunately, I am entirely convinced that many of the problems that we are currently dealing with will escalate to an entirely new level in 2022. (Read More...)

Used Vehicle Prices Hyperinflate As Inflation Begins To Spiral Out Of Control All Over America

It turns out that all of the “doom and gloomers” that were warning that we would eventually experience nightmarish inflation were right after all.  In particular, vehicle prices have become exceedingly painful in recent months.  Due to a crippling global shortage of computer chips, production of new vehicles is way down, and a lot of that demand has shifted into the used vehicle market.  Over the past year, used vehicle prices have escalated at a pace that we have never seen before in our entire history, and things reached a crescendo during the month of October.  If you can believe it, used vehicle prices increased by 9.2 percent last month… (Read More...)

Where Did They Go? There Are Supposedly 107 Million Working Age Americans That Do Not Have A Job Right Now

We are being told that we are in the midst of the worst worker shortage in the history of the United States, but the numbers that we are being given by the federal government suggest that there should be no shortage of workers.  As I will detail in this article, we are being told that there are 107 million working age Americans that are not employed right now.  That is an astoundingly high figure.  In fact, it is much, much higher than the peak that we hit during the “Great Recession” of 2008 and 2009.  Of course back then we had millions upon millions of unemployed Americans that were absolutely desperate for a job.  Today, the opposite is true.  There are millions upon millions of open jobs, and employers are doing everything that they can to entice people to come to work.  They are dramatically raising wages, they are handing out huge signing bonuses, they are offering to pay for college, and in some cases they are even completely waiving drug testing requirements.  But even though all of this is happening, we still have 107 million working age Americans on the sidelines. (Read More...)

Into The Abyss We Go…

Why won’t our politicians ever listen?  Just two days after voters made it exceedingly clear that they hate mandates, the Biden administration has announced that the nationwide OSHA mandate will go into effect on January 4th.  Are Biden and his minions this dense, or do they just not care what the American people think?  It has been estimated that the new OSHA mandate will cover approximately 80 million Americans, and it could potentially result in millions of highly qualified workers losing their jobs in early 2022. (Read More...)