A Yellow Alert Has Just Been Issued For 2 Major Volcanoes In North America

Massive eruptions of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano and Guatemala’s Fuego volcano have captivated the entire world in recent days, and now it looks like even more volcanoes are starting to wake up.  In fact, yellow alerts were just issued for Mexico’s Mt. Popocatepetl and Alaska’s Great Sitkin volcano.  Mt. Popocatepetl and Great Sitkin both sit along the “Ring of Fire” that roughly encircles the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean, and many are becoming concerned that we may be witnessing some sort of “chain reaction” as volcanoes all over the globe begin to exhibit signs of increased activity.  This even includes some unusual happenings at Yellowstone, and we will cover that near the end of this article.  But to start with, let’s take a look at the yellow alert that was just issued for Mt. Popocatepetl.  The following comes from a government website in Mexico

In the last 24 hours, through the monitoring systems at Popocatépetl volcano, were registered 30 exhalations with emissions of steam and gas (image 1). At night was possible to observed incandescence that increase with some exhalations (image 2).

At the time of this report the emission are dispersed to the south-southwest direction (image 3).

CENAPRED emphasizes that people SHOULD NOT go near the volcano, especially near the crater, due to the hazard caused by ballistic fragments (image 4) and in case of heavy rains leave the bottoms of ravines by the danger of landslides and debris flows.

The Volcanic Traffic Light Yellow Phase 2.

The scenarios foreseen for this phase are:

1. Explosive activity of low to intermediate level.

2. Ash fall in nearby towns.

3. Possibility of short range pyroclastic flows and mudflows.

Any signs of activity at Mt. Popocatepetl should always be taken very, very seriously.

It is known as the most dangerous volcano in North America for a reason.  Experts tell us that centuries ago this volcano actually “covered entire Aztec cities” with super-heated mud…

Historians tell us that Popocatepetl had a dramatic impact on the ancient Aztecs. Giant mud flows produced by massive eruptions covered entire Aztec cities. In fact, some of these mud flows were so large that they buried entire pyramids in super-heated mud.

But we haven’t witnessed anything like that in any of our lifetimes, so it is hard to even imagine devastation of that magnitude.

In addition to Mexico City’s mammoth population, there are millions of others that live in the surrounding region. Overall, there are about 25 million people that live in the immediate vicinity of Popocatepetl. Thankfully, we haven’t seen a major eruption of the volcano in modern times, but at some point that will change.

In a worst case scenario, Mt. Popocatepetl could absolutely devastate Mexico City, kill countless numbers of people and collapse the Mexican economy overnight.

So let us pray that we don’t see a major eruption there any time soon.

Meanwhile, a yellow alert has also been issued for Alaska’s Great Sitkin volcano.  The following comes from the Alaska Volcano Observatory

AVO/USGS Volcanic Activity Notice

Volcano: Great Sitkin (VNUM #311120)

Current Volcano Alert Level: ADVISORY
Previous Volcano Alert Level: NORMAL

Current Aviation Color Code: YELLOW
Previous Aviation Color Code: GREEN

Issued: Sunday, June 10, 2018, 1:26 PM AKDT
Source: Alaska Volcano Observatory
Notice Number:
Location: N 52 deg 4 min W 176 deg 6 min
Elevation: 5709 ft (1740 m)
Area: Aleutians

Volcanic Activity Summary: Earthquake activity at Great Sitkin Volcano has been elevated over the past five days, and earlier today at 11:39 AKDT (19:39 UTC), a signal that may represent a short-lived steam explosion was detected by seismic data. AVO is thus raising the Aviation Color Code and Alert Level to YELLOW/ADVISORY.

Great Sitkin Volcano is monitored by a five-station seismic network on Great Sitkin Island and with additional seismic stations on the nearby islands of Igitkin, Adak, Kagalaska, and Kanaga. A six-element infrasound array to detect explosions (atmospheric pressure waves) was installed on Adak Island in June, 2017, although it is currently (June 2018) only partly operational. AVO also uses satellite imagery to monitor Great Sitkin Volcano.

Recent Observations:
[Volcanic cloud height] not applicable
[Other volcanic cloud information] Unknown

Remarks: Great Sitkin Volcano is a basaltic andesite volcano that occupies most of the northern half of Great Sitkin Island, a member of the Andreanof Islands group in the central Aleutian Islands. It is located 43 km (26 miles) east of the community of Adak. Great Sitkin erupted at least three times in the 20th century, most recently in 1974. That eruption produced at least one ash cloud that likely exceeded an altitude of 25,000 ft above sea level. A poorly documented eruption occurred in 1945, also producing a lava dome that was partially destroyed in the 1974 eruption. A seismic swarm occurred from July 2016 through the end of 2017.

Unlike  Mt. Popocatepetl, Great Sitkin is located very far away from any large population centers, and so even a full-blown eruption of that volcano would not be that catastrophic.

Of course the same cannot be said about Yellowstone.  As I have written about many times, a full-blown eruption at Yellowstone could potentially change all of our lives in a single moment.  That is why the unusual activity that is happening there right now is such a concern

Yellowstone’s Steamboat Geyser, the largest in the world, has now erupted eight times in less than three months, in a geological puzzle that has fascinated scientists working at the site.

The most recent Steamboat eruption occurred Monday just after 9 a.m. “It was unbelievable,” Jamie Farrell, a geologist at the University of Utah who happened to be at the geyser during the eruption, told Newsweek. He’s seen plenty of other geysers go off—but not Steamboat, which is capable of the largest eruptions of all currently active geysers.

Eruptions of Steamboat do not happen that often.  As Mac Slavo has noted, the last one was in September 2014…

Until this recent series of eruptions, the last time Steamboat blew was in September 2014. Steamboat’s latest eruption was Monday morning when the geyser shot boiling hot water hundreds of feet into the air. Steam billowed from the geyser for hours longer. Steamboat is located in the Norris Geyser Basin, known to have the hottest and most changeable thermal area in nearly 3,500-square-mile wilderness park that sits on a volcanic hot spot called a caldera. That accounts for the geyser’s towering columns of steam (it’s very, very hot underground) but leaves a major fear-provoking question unanswered: Why now, and is it a sign the giant volcano is waking up?

We better hope that Yellowstone is not awakening.  In a previous article, I described what a full-blown eruption of Yellowstone might look like…

Hundreds of cubic miles of ash, rock and lava would be blasted into the atmosphere, and this would likely plunge much of the northern hemisphere into several days of complete darkness. Virtually everything within 100 miles of Yellowstone would be immediately killed, but a much more cruel fate would befall those that live in major cities outside of the immediate blast zone such as Salt Lake City and Denver.

Hot volcanic ash, rock and dust would rain down on those cities literally for weeks. In the end, it would be extremely difficult for anyone living in those communities to survive. In fact, it has been estimated that 90 percent of all people living within 600 miles of Yellowstone would be killed.

Experts project that such an eruption would dump a layer of volcanic ash that is at least 10 feet deep up to 1,000 miles away, and approximately two-thirds of the United States would suddenly become uninhabitable. The volcanic ash would severely contaminate most of our water supplies, and growing food in the middle of the country would become next to impossible.

In other words, it would be the end of our country as we know it today.

Throughout human history, great societies have been taken down by natural disasters, and despite all of our advanced technology we are extremely vulnerable as well.

So the fact that our planet is becoming increasingly unstable is a major concern, and I believe that this is going to have major implications for our future.

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

Why HBO’s Bill Maher Is Rooting For An Economic Collapse: “One Way You Get Rid Of Trump Is A Crashing Economy”

How many others among the elite are thinking the exact same thing that Bill Maher is thinking?  For more than a year, special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation has been the focus for those that have wanted to get rid of President Trump, but at this point it has become obvious that Mueller’s investigation is going to bear little if any fruit.  So what is the next move for the elite if they are absolutely determined to get rid of Donald Trump?  Well, it could be to crash the economy.  Without a doubt, those at the very top of the food chain have the ability to cause a massive disruption to the financial system any time that they would like, and we are clearly more primed for a crisis than we have been at any other point since 2008.  Would the elite really be tempted to push the economy “in front of a train” if that is what is necessary to remove Donald Trump from the equation?

You can’t tell me that they have not at least considered this scenario.  In fact, HBO’s Bill Maher recently admitted on his show that he is actually “hoping” for “a crashing economy” because that is “one way you get rid of Trump”

Maher made the remarks on his HBO talk show, “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

“I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point,” he said.

“By the way, I’m hoping for it because one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy. So please, bring on the recession.”

I will save you a visit to a “fact checking” website – yes, he actually said this.

Subsequently, he added this gem

“Sorry if that hurts people but it’s either root for a recession, or you lose your democracy.”

How sick do you have to be to say something like this?

Is he really wishing suffering and misery upon hundreds of millions of Americans just so that someone that he does like can be removed from the White House?

Sadly, that is precisely what he is saying.  You can watch original footage of him making these statements on YouTube

I suppose that it is quite easy to wish for an economic collapse when you are making millions of dollars a year.

According to Dana Pico, Maher makes 10 million dollars a year from his show, and his net worth is “approximately $100 million”…

According to the website Celebrity Net Worth, Bill Maher’s salary is $10 million per year, and his net worth is pegged at approximately $100 million. So, if a recession comes, even if Mr Maher loses his job, he’s not exactly going to be sleeping on a park bench. How easy it is to say, “Sorry if that hurts people,” when it’s other people you’re wanting to see get hurt, knowing all along that you’ll be just fine, thank you very much!

Of course most of the rest of the country is just barely scraping by from month to month.  According to the Federal Reserve, 40 percent of all Americans could not even handle an unexpected $400 expense without borrowing the money or selling something.

This just shows how deeply out of touch celebrities like Bill Maher really are with ordinary Americans.  He apparently would be quite happy to see millions of Americans lose their jobs, trillions of dollars of wealth be wiped out on Wall Street, and suicide rates spike even higher than they are right now if it means that Donald Trump loses the next election.

Personally, I don’t know how anyone can possibly enjoy watching Bill Maher.  Even the recently deceased Anthony Bourdain admitted that he was quite disgusted by Maher when he was a guest on his show…

But the truth is that Maher is just saying what millions of others are already thinking about Trump.

We have never seen the left hate any president the way that they hate President Trump, and they are constantly fantasizing about how to get rid of him.

For the extremely wealthy among the global elite, they have the means to turn their fantasies into reality.  If they want to crash the global financial system just in time for the 2020 election, they certainly have the power to do that.  And it is also definitely possible that they could crash the global financial system prior to the 2018 mid-term elections in order to give the Democrats control and set the stage for a potential Trump impeachment.

It would be difficult to overstate just how badly the global elite want to get rid of Donald Trump, and that could result in them making some moves that are absolutely unprecedented.

So even though what Bill Maher said was deeply offensive, don’t dismiss his remarks entirely, because what he just expressed might be exactly what the global elite are thinking.

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

The Big Secret The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Tell You About America’s Soaring Suicide Rates

This week two celebrity suicides rocked the nation, and neither of them seemed to make any sense.  Kate Spade’s handbag designs had taken the fashion world by storm, and she was supposedly living the kind of lifestyle that millions of Americans can only dream about.  And Anthony Bourdain was one of those rare journalists that was greatly loved by both the left and the right.  His “Kitchen Confidential” book is currently the #1 best seller on Amazon, and his “Parts Unknown” series was one of CNN’s most popular shows.  Why would people that seemingly have everything going for them decide to kill themselves?  Well, by the end of this article you will learn some things about suicide and depression in the United States that the mainstream media definitely does not want to talk about.  And all you have to do is to follow the money to discover the very disturbing reason why the mainstream media does not want to talk about them.

On average, 123 Americans commit suicide every single day, and now suicide has become the 10th leading cause of death in the United States.

But among Americans between the ages of 10 and 34, it is now the second leading cause of death.

Of course it wasn’t always this way.  Suicide rates used to be much, much lower.  If you can believe it, suicide rates in the United States “have risen nearly 30 percent since 1999” according to the CDC…

Suicide rates in the U.S. have risen nearly 30% since 1999, according to a report released Thursday from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Suicides increased in both men and women, in all ethnic groups and in both urban and rural areas. Suicide and “self-harm,” a category that includes attempted suicides, cost the nation $70 billion a year in medical care and lost work time, the CDC says.

The CDC says that rates have increased “among both sexes, all racial/ethnic groups, and all urbanization levels”, and so this is not just a trend that is affecting one particular demographic group.

And virtually all age groups are seeing major increases as well.  For example, hospitalizations for suicidal thoughts and attempts at children’s hospitals approximately doubled over a recent 7 years period…

At children’s hospitals across the country, hospitalizations for suicidal thoughts and attempts doubled from 2008 to 2015, according to a study published last month in the journal Pediatrics. The highest increases were seen among teens ages 15 to 17 years old.

Middle-aged Americans are also seeing a stunning rise in suicides.  According to the CDC, the suicide rate for Americans from the age of 45 to the age of 64 is rising faster than for the general population as a whole

Earlier research showed that suicides among middle-aged men and women climbed at a higher rate than the overall population. Suicide among men aged 45 to 64 increased 43% from 1999 through 2014. The suicide rate uptick was even higher among women in that age group, though more men died from suicide, the CDC said.

So why is this happening?

History tells us that suicide rates tend to go up during economic recessions, but we are not in a recession at the moment.

According to NBC News, researchers have found that people that kill themselves tend to have certain things in common…

  • 42 percent had a relationship problem
  • 28 percent had substance abuse issues
  • 16 percent had job or financial problems
  • 29 percent had some kind of crisis
  • 22 percent had a physical health issue
  • 9 percent had a criminal legal problem

But those problems have always existed in our society.

To find the truth, we need to go down a rabbit hole, and it is a rabbit hole that the mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about.

The use of antidepressants and other mind-altering drugs is absolutely exploding in our society.  According to Time Magazine, the use of antidepressants rose almost 65 percent between 1999 and 2014…

A new report from the National Center for Health Statistics shows that from 2011 through 2014, the most recent data available, close to 13% of people 12 and older said they took an antidepressant in the last month. That number is up from 11% in 2005-2008.

The most recent numbers have increased by nearly 65% since 1999-2002, when 7.7% of Americans reported taking an antidepressant.

And numerous scientific studies have shown that there appears to be a link between antidepressant use and suicide.  In fact, the biggest review of clinical trials ever conducted found that the use of antidepressants “doubled the risk of suicide” for those under the age of 18…

Antidepressants can raise the risk of suicide, the biggest ever review has found, as pharmaceutical companies were accused of failing to report side-effects and even deaths linked to the drugs.

An analysis of 70 trials of the most common antidepressants – involving more than 18,000 people – found they doubled the risk of suicide and aggressive behaviour in under 18s.

If you have ever been on any of these drugs, then you already know that they can really mess with your mind, and they can result in people doing some very irrational things.

In the case of Kate Spade, we do have confirmation that she was taking antidepressants.  The following comes directly from her husband’s statement

She was actively seeking help for depression and anxiety over the last 5 years, seeing a doctor on a regular basis and taking medication for both depression and anxiety.

We also know that Anthony Bourdain really struggled with depression as well

The television host also discussed thoughts of depression. In a 2016 episode of Parts Unknown, Bourdain traveled to Argentina for psychotherapy — something widely popular in the country.

“Well, things have been happening,” he says on camera. “I will find myself in an airport, for instance, and I’ll order an airport hamburger. It’s an insignificant thing, it’s a small thing, it’s a hamburger, but it’s not a good one. Suddenly I look at the hamburger and I find myself in a spiral of depression that can last for days.

Considering the fact that he had been dealing with incidents of severe depression for many years, could it be possible that Bourdain was also taking antidepressants?

If anyone out there can confirm this, please reach out to me with that information.

Of course the mainstream media is never going to address this link, because they do not want to harm their relationships with the big drug companies.

If you ever spend time watching the major news channels in the evening, then you already know that you are bombarded with one drug ad after another.  It is their major source of revenue, and they aren’t ever going to do anything that could endanger that.

Today, the pharmaceutical corporations spend more than 6 billion dollars a year on advertising.

So there are 6 billion reasons why the mainstream media does not want to tell you the truth, and because they won’t tell you the truth many more Americans are going to needlessly die in the years ahead…

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

Earth’s Crust In Turmoil – All-Time Record 500 Earthquakes Hit The Big Island As Rivers Of Lava Pour Out Of Volcanoes In Hawaii And Guatemala

What is causing our planet to shake so violently all of a sudden?  Rivers of lava have been pouring out of the Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii for weeks, a massive eruption of Mount Merapi just a few days ago shot volcanic ash 38,000 feet into the air, and now rivers of lava are pouring out of Guatemala’s Fuego Volcano.  Overall, Volcano Discovery is reporting that a total of 34 volcanoes around the world are erupting right now.  So what is causing so much seismic activity all of a sudden, and is this a new trend that is going to continue?  If you have followed my work for an extended period of time, you already know that I tend to track these things very carefully.  Major changes appear to be happening to our world, but most people have not been paying much attention up until now.

For most Americans, what is going on around the rest of the globe is of little interest, but all of the shaking in Hawaii sure is starting to get a lot of attention from the mainstream media.  On Sunday, the Big Island was hit by a huge 5.5-magnitude earthquake

A 5.5-magnitude quake rattled the Big Island Sunday afternoon, US Geological Survey officials said.

No tsunami is expected from the quake, which is among the strongest of recent quakes felt around the Big Island. The quake rumbled an area near Kilauea Volcano just before 4 p.m.

That was definitely a very large earthquake, but of much greater concern were all of the smaller earthquakes that happened on Sunday.  At least 500 quakes struck the Island in a 24 hour period, and that was a new all-time record

As of 11 a.m. Sunday, officials said 500 smaller earthquakes were recorded near the summit within the last day — it’s the most earthquakes recorded in a 24-hour period on Hawaii Island.

A lot of people that live in Hawaii did not believe that something like this would happen.  Rivers of lava are reaching areas that were not supposed to be reached, and Kilauea just keeps pouring out more.

According to one report, one of the rivers of lava is “as wide as three football fields”…

National Guard troops, police and firefighters ushered the last group of evacuees from homes on the eastern tip of Hawaii’s Big Island early on Saturday, hours before lava from the Kilauea volcano cut off road access to the area, officials said.

A stream of lava as wide as three football fields flowed over a highway near a junction at Kapoho, a seaside community of rebuilt after a destructive eruption of Kilauea in 1960.

And when one of the rivers of lava reached a freshwater lake, it boiled away all of the water inside of it

Also, lava destroyed a freshwater lake, boiling away all of the water in it, the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reported late Saturday, local time.

“Lava entered Green Lake within Kapoho Crater, producing a large steam plume … A Hawaiian County Fire Department overflight reported that the lava filled the lake and apparently evaporated all the water,” the report said.

It would be difficult to overstate the massive destructive power of Kilauea.  Even with all of our advanced technology there is nothing that we can do to control the rivers of lava.  The best that we can do is to try to evacuate everyone and then get out of the way.

Fortunately, most of the lava flows are moving slowly enough that people can make a decision to evacuate.  Down in Guatemala, this new eruption of the Fuego volcano poured out lava so violently that it caught at least a few people before they could escape

At least six people were killed and another 20 injured on Sunday when Guatemala’s Fuego volcano erupted violently, spewing a stream of red hot lava and belching a thick plume of black smoke and ash that rained onto the capital and other regions.

“It’s a river of lava that overflowed its banks and affected the Rodeo village. There are injured, burned and dead people,” Sergio Cabanas, the general secretary of Guatemala’s Conred disaster agency, said on radio.

One village near the base of the volcano may end up being completely destroyed by the flow of lava.  As the lava started flowing, rescue crews were going door to door trying to save residents

Steaming lava flowed down the streets of a village as emergency crews entered homes in search of trapped residents, a video on a different local media outlet showed.

The eruption forced the Guatemala City’s La Aurora international airport to shut down its only runway due to the presence of volcanic ash and to guarantee passenger and aircraft safety, Guatemala’s civil aviation authority said in a Tweet.

I have been writing about the changes to our planet for the past eight years, and it appears that those changes are now accelerating.  The number of earthquakes around the globe continues to rise, and volcanoes are beginning to behave in some unusual ways.

So many major cities in North America, South America and Asia sit right along the “Ring of Fire”, and if the shaking of the crust of our planet continues to intensify, it is only a matter of time before major natural disasters begin to hit some of those cities.  If Mt. Fuji were to obliterate Tokyo, or if Mt. Rainier were to pulverize Seattle, or if the “big one” finally hit the west coast of the United States, the global financial system would melt down instantly.

We are far more vulnerable to natural disasters than most people realize, and it looks like the shaking of our planet is only going to intensify in the months and years ahead.

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

Harvard Professor Warns That The Current Ebola Outbreak In Africa Could Spread To The United States

Could it be possible that we are on the verge of a major Ebola pandemic?  In 2014, the worst Ebola outbreak in history resulted in 28,637 cases and more than 11,000 deaths.  But we were very fortunate.  Even though the virus started to spread across national lines, health authorities were able to quickly identify new cases and isolate those that were infected.  But just because that outbreak ultimately fizzled out does not mean that we can let our guard down.  In 2014, a single Ebola case absolutely overwhelmed an entire hospital here in the United States, and a full blown global Ebola outbreak would definitely have the potential to kill millions of people.

So how far away are we from such a scenario?

Well, one British news source is reporting that this current outbreak is “not under control”…

THE EBOLA outbreak is “not under control” and has started to spread across the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), killing dozens in its path, as the Health Minister urges people to be vaccinated before the virus reaches pandemic levels.

And Harvard professor Dr. Ashish Jah has publicly stated that if this outbreak spreads to the capital city of Kinshasa, it “could spread to Europe and the US”

Dr Ashish Jah said the spread of the disease to the urban city of Mbandaka last week poses serious concerns as to how far it spreads.

The World Health Organisation said today there have been 22 confirmed, probable or suspected deaths from Ebola since April 4.

But Dr Jah warned it could spread to Europe and the US if it reaches the Congolese capital of Kinshasa, which has an estimated population of 12 million.

Was it responsible for Dr. Jah to talk about this disease potentially spreading to the United States and Europe?

Is he being way too alarmist?

We shall see what happens.

What we do know is that this current outbreak of Ebola spread to a city of more than a million people earlier this month

A new case of Ebola has emerged in an urban area of Democratic Republic of the Congo, a troubling development in the country’s new outbreak of the contagious and often fatal virus. Until now, the outbreak had affected a rural area.

Dr. Oly Ilunga, Congo’s minister of health, announced Wednesday that a suspected case was confirmed in Mbandaka, a city of about 1.2 million people, and the capital of the Équateur Province.

If that case was identified and isolated in time, there may not be that much to be concerned about.  But it is important to note that one prominent WHO official is saying that we are definitely facing the potential of “an explosive increase in cases”

“This is a major development in the outbreak,” said Peter Salama, the WHO’s deputy director general of emergency preparedness and response. “We have urban Ebola, which is a very different animal from rural Ebola. The potential for an explosive increase in cases is now there.”

The key is for everyone to act in a responsible manner.  Anyone with symptoms needs to report them immediately, and those that have caught the virus need to be strictly isolated from the general population.

Unfortunately, that is not happening.  In fact, two Ebola patients were recently taken out of an isolation center on motorcycles by their relatives

Two dying Ebola patients were spirited out of a Congo hospital by their relatives on motor-bikes, then taken to a prayer meeting with 50 other people, potentially exposing them all to the deadly virus, a senior aid worker said on Thursday.

Both patients were vomiting and infectious and died hours after the prayer session in the river port city of Mbandaka, Dr. Jean-Clement Cabrol, emergency medical coordinator for Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders), said.

So now everybody at that prayer meeting could have been exposed to the virus, and in turn all of those people could have exposed it to countless others.

And it is being reported that the two patients that were taken out of the isolation facility were “in the active phase of the disease”

“The escape was organised by the families, with six motorcycles as the patients were very ill and couldn’t walk,” Cabrol told a news briefing in Geneva after returning from the affected region.

“They were taken to a prayer room with 50 people to pray. They were found at two in the morning, one of them dead and one was dying. So that’s 50-60 contacts right there. The patients were in the active phase of the disease, vomiting.”

The good news is that global health officials appear to be right on top of this crisis, and they are constantly monitoring for any new cases.

So hopefully this outbreak will end very soon.

But we would be very foolish not to take this outbreak seriously.  Ebola is the kind of virus that they make science fiction movies about.  In a typical outbreak, 40 to 50 percent of the people that get the virus won’t make it, and it truly is a horrible way to die.

So far the mainstream media in the United States has largely ignored this crisis, and most people don’t seem too concerned about a repeat (or worse) of 2014.

Hopefully they are right and there is no cause for alarm.  But without a doubt, many of us will be keeping a watchful eye on these developments…

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

Why Are So Many People Moving Out Of California?

In recent years, the number of people moving away from the state of California has greatly outnumbered the number of people moving into the state.  Reasons for the mass exodus include rising crime, the worst traffic in the western world, a growing homelessness epidemic, wildfires, earthquakes and crazy politicians that do some of the stupidest things imaginable.  But for most families, the decision to leave California comes down to one basic factor…


For a lot of Californians, it simply does not make economic sense to remain in the state any longer.  So over the past decade approximately 5 million people have picked up and moved to another state, and many believe that this trend is going to accelerate if California does not start doing things differently.  The following is from an excellent article by Kristin Tate, the author of a new book entitled “How Do I Tax Thee?: A Field Guide to the Great American Rip-Off“…

The largest socioeconomic segment moving from California is the upper-middle class. The state is home to some of the most burdensome taxes and regulations in the nation. Meanwhile, its social engineering — from green energy to wealth redistribution — have made many working families poorer. As California begins its long decline, the influx outward is picking up in earnest.

I don’t know anyone that enjoys being taxed at extremely high levels, and in California extracting more and more revenue from the citizens has become an art form.  California’s highest marginal tax rate is now a whopping 13.3 percent, and on average taxpayers are hit with a 9.3 percent rate

Taxes also are much lower in Arizona than California. California residents pay nearly twice as much in state income taxes. The individual income tax rate is 4.54 percent in Arizona. It’s 9.3 percent in California, according to the Arizona Sun Corridor.

Under the old rules, the tax burden imposed upon Californians was mitigated by federal rules allowing for the deduction of state taxes.  But now the new tax bill has made some major changes, and some experts believe that this will actually accelerate the exodus out of the state of California.  The following comes from CNBC

In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal headlined “So Long, California. Sayonara, New York,” Laffer and Moore (who have both advised President Donald Trump) say the new tax bill will cause a net 800,000 people to move out of California and New York over the next three years.

The tax changes limit the deduction of state and local taxes to $10,000, so many high-earning taxpayers in high-tax states will actually face a tax increase under the new tax code.

Of course taxation is only part of the equation.

For many, the exceedingly high cost of housing in California is the primary reason that they have chosen to leave.  At this point, the average price of a home in California is more than $200,000 above the national average

According to Zillow, the average price for a home in the U.S. was $261,000 in February 2018. The average home price in California was $469,000. In Oklahoma, it was $116,000.

And that $469,000 figure is for the state as a whole.

In Santa Clara County (the home of Google and Apple), the median price of a single family home is 1.4 million dollars.

Yes, you read that correctly.

In some areas of northern California, the housing bubble is completely out of control.  For example, just recently a burned out husk of a home sold for more than $900,000

Real estate agent Holly Barr says she’s never had a listing generate as much attention as the one on Bird Avenue in the San Jose neighborhood of Willow Glen. The house caught fire two years ago during a remodeling job. What was left was a burned-out husk of a California bungalow sitting on 5,800 square feet of land.

When Barr put the property on the market in April for $800,000, the listing made international headlines. It sold for over $900,000 — in less than a week. The burned down house will be razed and a new property will be built there that will likely sell for far more.

Well, if families cannot afford to buy a home, why don’t they just rent?

Unfortunately, we have seen rents spiral completely out of control as well…

The median monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the Los Angeles area is $2,249, and in San Francisco it’s almost $3,400, according to Zumper. The median rent for a two-bedroom apartment in the Los Angeles area is $3,200 and in San Francisco about $4,500. By comparison, the median rent for a one-bedroom in Las Vegas is $925 and in Phoenix $945, and for a two-bedroom in Las Vegas $1,122 and in Phoenix $1,137.


Sadly, rapidly rising prices have greatly contributed to the homelessness epidemic that California is dealing with right now.

Even though we are supposedly in an “economic recovery”, the number of homeless people in Los Angeles has risen by an astounding 50 percent over the last five years…

The homelessness issue has achieved a special distinction in Los Angeles. Having increased 50% during the past five years, “it’s supplanted traffic as the topic everyone talks about,’’ says Tom Waldman, spokesman for regional homeless agency.

The homeless are as visible as the Hollywood sign. More than two years after Mayor Eric Garcetti declared a “state of emergency,’’ about 41,000 are “unsheltered’’ — sleeping in cars, outside City Hall, under freeway overpasses. The Los Angeles Times calls it “a human tragedy of extraordinary proportions.’’

And it isn’t just families that are leaving.

In fact, sometimes entire companies are picking up and relocating to another state.  For example, Price Pump Manufacturing Co. is leaving the Golden State and is heading for Idaho

Price Pump Manufacturing Co., an 86-year-old company that has operated in Sonoma for 70 years, bought 6 acres of land in the Sky Ranch Business Center for about $86,000. The company plans to build a 40,000-square-foot plant at the industrial site east of Interstate 84 and south of Franklin Road.

The high cost of manufacturing in California made it more difficult to compete with other sellers in the United States and across the globe, president and CEO Bob Piazza said. He said the marketplace helps determines prices, and Price Pump could not simply raise prices to maintain a reasonable return on investment.

And I found another article today about a company that has decided to leave California and is relocating to Phoenix, Arizona

A company that manufactures workbenches and lab furniture is relocating to Goodyear, near Phoenix, Arizona, to save money, while creating 30 new jobs in Arizona.

Matt McConnell, director of sales and marketing for IAC Industries, said the move will increase the stability and longevity of his business. IAC is located in Brea, California.

“The commercial property costs in California versus the commercial property costs in other states” made the decision easy, he said.

As long as tech giants such as Google and Apple are thriving, the trends that are driving such dramatic change in the state are likely to continue.

So we are likely to continue to see a very large exodus out of California, and those that are leaving will continue to fundamentally change the communities that they are moving into.

Because there is such a disparity between the number of people moving out and the number of people moving in, it actually costs nearly twice as much to take a U-Haul from California to Texas as it does to take a U-Haul from Texas to California…

The cost of popular moving truck services, like U-Haul, is largely created through the ironclad rules of supply and demand. Turns out, there is much higher demand for trucks leaving high-tax blue states heading to low-tax red states than vice versa.

A route from California to Texas, for example, is more than twice as expensive as a route from Texas to California. Want to go from Los Angeles to Dallas? $2,558. Returning back? $1,232.

Once upon a time, millions of young Americans dreamed of moving to California.  It was a land of gorgeous weather, movie stars and endless opportunity.

But now the California Dream has turned into the California nightmare, and people are heading out of the state in droves.

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist.  He is the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.


Thank You

As this campaign ends, one of the saddest things for me is saying goodbye to the best team of volunteers in the entire state of Idaho. I cannot possibly thank all of you enough for all that you have done, and I wish that I could have produced a better result for you. Over the past year I have made so many new friends that I know that I will have for the rest of my life, and I cannot even begin to describe how much of a blessing that you have been to Meranda and I. It is going to take us some time to recover from this, but eventually we will do just that. And I want you to know that Meranda and I truly love you all. This is definitely a sad day, but all of us have so much to look forward to as we enter the next chapters of our lives.

Several months ago, the numbers told us that this was a very close race and that more than half of all voters were still undecided. We believed that if we simply out-worked and out-hustled the other teams that we would win. Unfortunately, we didn’t anticipate so much PAC money from outside groups coming into the race. The Washington D.C. establishment picked their guy, and they put enormous amounts of money behind him. At one point it was reported that Club for Growth alone spent $639,000 to promote Russ Fulcher, and the final figure will actually be much higher than that. Overall, we were probably outspent close to 10 to 1 by the other side, and it is nearly impossible to overcome that kind of financial disparity. We spent far less for each voter we won than they did, but they simply had far more money.

Over the past two months, there were non-stop television and radio ads promoting Fulcher. On top of that, voters were absolutely deluged with mailers urging them to vote for Russ Fulcher. We tried to keep up, but without any outside financial assistance at all we found ourselves at a tremendous disadvantage.

Even though we were up against long odds, I am so proud of our team for working so hard up until the very last hour. We actually won Boundary County, and we came in second in six other counties. We showed real strength in many of the rural areas, and they will be talking about what we were able to achieve in Idaho political circles for a very long time.

By the end, we had more than 250 volunteers working on this campaign. Over the course of the past year, I had gotten a feel for the other teams, and without a doubt we had the best team by far. I really wanted to win this thing for you guys, and it is going to hurt for a while that I was not able to do that.

I cannot possibly thank all of our volunteers individually in this email, but there are some that I want to single out. If I have left anyone important off this list I apologize in advance – I am not exactly in my best frame of mind right now. Like I said earlier, I love all of you, and I could never thank you enough for what you did to help this campaign.

First of all, I would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for an unforgettable experience. I never would have gotten to travel so extensively, make so many new friends or have my faith stretched in so many unique ways if I had not run for this seat. Now that this campaign is over, I need to simply spend some time walking with God. Without Him I wouldn’t even be alive today, and because of Him we will be able to have a great reunion in heaven someday.

In addition, I would also like to thank the following people from the bottom of my heart…

Meranda – God has given me a wife that is far more wonderful than I deserve. Thank you honey for always supporting me on all of my crazy adventures. Our new child is due in July, and that will be far more of a blessing than any political victory ever could be. Whatever happens, every day is a great day because I get to spend it with you.

Christian – I don’t know what I did to deserve the best darn campaign manager in the entire state of Idaho. We never even would have had a campaign without Christian, and everyone agrees that he has an exceedingly bright future ahead. I will never forget our long talks as we traveled up and down the state of Idaho, and I could never thank you enough for your tireless efforts.

The rest of the Fioravantis – Steve, Lynda, Gabe and Mary have all been so fantastic. Most of you don’t even know about the endless hours they spent at night putting together mailers and doing so much of the other work that made our campaign go. They deserved a better result, and I wish that we could have given them one.

Stephanie and Scott – When we originally asked Stephanie to be our state volunteer coordinator, she probably never imagined that she would spend literally hundreds of hours on the campaign. Scott and Stephanie have become very close friends, and they are some of the most incredible people that you could ever hope to meet.

Melissa – It has been quite a journey. Melissa reached out to us after seeing me on Infowars, and she was one of our first key people down in south Idaho. I really wanted to get you a win Melissa, but I couldn’t pull it off. I hope that you stay engaged in politics, and we will definitely work together to help Trump win in 2020.

Susan and Rick – Susan and Rick have been my “secret weapons” from the start. Most of you don’t even know that they spent an hour and a half in the White House recently with Trump’s political team. They fought as hard as they could to get a Trump endorsement for us, and I will be forever grateful for that and for all the other things that you did for us.

Chandler – I can’t say enough good things about Chandler. He walked precinct after precinct down in Ada County all by himself, and he was constantly coming up with more good ideas for the campaign. I wish that we could have rewarded your hard work with a victory, because you definitely deserved it.

Rachelle – Kootenai County was a hard nut to crack for our campaign, and I really appreciate all that you did. Your time in north Idaho has been a challenge, but we are go glad that you are here. May the Lord bless you and your entire family, and may your best days in north Idaho be ahead.

Jonathan and Charity – What more can be said about the Catlin clan? The reason we won those KIDO online polls is because those kids were clicking away like crazy. And I think that your family collectively spent more time sign waving for our campaign than anyone else. Thank you for everything guys.

Pastor Jim – You are a true man of God, and it was a real privilege to get to know you. Even though you live in Ada County, you decided to be our guy in Canyon County because that is where we needed the help. I know that this campaign has helped you to make many new friendships, and I pray that the next chapter of your life will be a very fruitful one.

Kelsey – I will never forget those long late night discussions at Shari’s. You were with us from the very beginning, and you were still there at the very end. Thank you for your strength, your courage and your friendship, and I believe that God has big plans for you in the days ahead.

Gary and Penny – Gary, you inspired countless numbers of people on the Kevin Miller Show the other morning, and you were an endless source of inspiration for me throughout the latter stages of this campaign. You two kept fighting all the way up until the end, and you helped give me the strength to keep going even when all seemed lost.

Tara Barling – The first time that I met you I knew that you were a fireball, and your passion and energy were evident throughout this process. Thank you for being a fighter, and thank you for getting so many others involved in the campaign. I just wish that we could have pulled out a victory for you.

Ernest and Linda Walker – We were brought together by the Jim Bakker Show, but I never imagined how instrumental you two would be throughout the campaign. Originally we had other key people in Gem County, but in the end you two were the real gems. Thank you.

Garry and Kristy Young – I actually believed that we would win Owyhee County thanks to you two, but that didn’t end up happening. But nobody can ever question your work ethic, and I will always remember the days that Christian and I got to spend at your place. You two are special, and I thank you for everything.

Tom Munds – There is nobody quite like Tom Munds. Christian and I really wanted to win this thing for you, because I know what it would have meant. Your support and friendship mean the world to me, and I wish that we could have gotten a better result for you.

Sam Harrich – We came in second in Latah County, and your hard work definitely helped make that possible. You definitely have a bright future ahead of you, so study hard. And if you ever need a reference, please feel free to use me as one.

Tom Eier – Your love for Lewiston is contagious. After spending an afternoon with you, I had an entirely different perspective on the city, and I just wish that I could have gotten to spend more time with you. You are one of the favorite people that I met along the way, and I thank you for all the help that you gave us.

Jennifer McClelland – That extremely windy day that we spent banging in signs out in Fruitland with your father will be etched in my memory forever. You have been such a blessing, and I really wish that we could have gotten a victory for you. But I know that you have a very bright future ahead. Shalom my friend!

Mark Gundert – Over the past year you have encouraged us on an almost daily basis on Facebook. Thank you for your support, prayers and friendship. I know that you really wanted us to win, and I am sorry that we could not get that done.

Julia Long – I will always, always, always remember the praying women of Genessee. When we arrived in town that day, it was after one of the lowest moments of our campaign, and seeing you all praying outside next to one of our campaign signs was one of those “God moments” that I will never forget. All of you are so special, and all of you will always have such a special place in my heart.

Pro-Life – I never imagined that this process would result in us becoming such good friends, and I am so glad that I have gotten to know you. Now you are moving on the general election as the Constitution Party candidate, and I wish you the very best as you take on Russ Fulcher. But be careful – he is a sneaky one.

There are so many others that sacrificed so much to make our campaign possible, and I will never forget any of you.

As for me, I will be going back to my writing, and through my writing I am able to touch lives literally all over the planet.

So I will remain involved in trying to change things for the better, and I am definitely a better person as a result of getting to know all of you.

They say that life is like a coin – you can spend it any way that you want, but you can only spend it once.

Spend your life for something that really matters.

I love you all.

In Liberty,

Michael Snyder

Vote Pro-Trump On May 15th – Election Day Is Tuesday, And President Trump Needs Everyone To Go Vote For Michael Snyder For Congress

If you live in Idaho’s first congressional district, President Trump desperately needs your support.  Tuesday is voting day, and it is being projected that only about 20 percent of all registered voters will actually go out and vote.  So that means if Trump voters turn out in very large numbers they can decide who will win this election.  If you do not know where your voting location is yet, you can find out right here.  And please contact every single Trump supporter that you know and encourage them to go vote.  President Trump needs allies in Congress, and if I don’t win a horrible RINO that is surrounded by “never Trumpers” and that is being funded by a PAC that absolutely hates Donald Trump is going to win.  That would be an absolute disaster for President Trump, and that is why we must get as many Trump supports to the polls on Tuesday as possible.  Please contact everyone that you possibly can and strongly urge them to vote for Michael Snyder for Congress on May 15th.

Our campaign has a tremendous amount of momentum as we head into election day.  We have recently gotten endorsements from key Trump ally Roger Stone, U.S. Senator Rand Paul and Mike Adams the Health Ranger.  True conservatives all over Idaho have been switching over to us from other candidates, and we are extremely excited about that.

But the only way that we are going to win is if our voters get to the polls and vote.  In 2018, if we elect typical wimpy Republican politicians that simply want to be part of the Washington club and advance their political careers, nothing will get accomplished.  Trump’s agenda will continue to get blocked by establishment RINOs, and we will continue to be deeply frustrated with what is happening on Capitol Hill.

What we need are visionary men and women that are willing to stand up to the leadership of both parties and say that enough is enough.

Let’s start a fire that will spread all across America. If we win the primary on May 15th, we will win the general election in November because this district is one of the safest districts for Republicans in the entire country.  It is time to take our government back, but that is only going to happen if we all work together.

I would encourage you to forward this email to every single voter that you know.  One more time, let me share with you 30 reasons why you should vote for our campaign…

#1 The Only Real Pro-Trump Candidate – All of the other leading contenders in this race originally wanted to keep Donald Trump out of the White House, but I was a Trump supporter from the very beginning.  I am a true believer in the Make America Great Again agenda, and I will work tirelessly to implement that agenda once I get to Congress.

#2 The Most Conservative Candidate In This Race – Even the Coeur d’Alene Press says that I am the most conservative candidate in this race, but don’t take their word for it.  Go to MichaelSnyderForCongress.com and compare what I believe with what the other candidates are saying, and I believe that you will come to the same conclusion.  In fact, I have never had a single voter come back to me after making such a comparison and tell me that they believe that one of the other candidates is more conservative.  That is because I truly am the most conservative candidate in this race, and true conservatives all over Idaho are standing with our campaign.

#3 Restoring Christian Values To Washington D.C. – I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and I believe that we need more Bible-believing people in positions of power in Washington.  Returning to our Christian roots is the key to a positive future for America, and I will be extremely bold about my faith as a member of Congress.

#4 It’s Time To Drain The Swamp – The same rules that apply to the rest of us should also apply to Congress, and all federal officials should be banned from working as lobbyists for at least ten years after they leave government service.

#5 Restoring The Rule Of Law – For decades, the American people have watched professional politicians commit crime after crime and get away with it. It is time to restore the rule of law in this country, and a great place to begin would be with Hillary Clinton and her close associates. It will be a great day for America when they are finally put in prison for the rest of their lives.

#6 Every RINO Must Go – Way too many Republicans have been fighting Trump’s agenda and acting like Democrats. It is time to hold them accountable, and that means every ‘Republican in name only’ needs to go.

#7 Getting The Money Out Of Politics – As a new member of Congress, I would be expected to raise approximately $200,000 for the National Republican Congressional Committee. In order to “pay their dues”, every day that the House is in session members of Congress go to call centers across from the U.S. Capitol and spend up to four hours a day making calls back to their districts begging people to donate money. One of the things that makes me fundamentally different from my opponents is that I have pledged not to make these calls. Instead, I am going to spend my time in Washington doing the work that the people of Idaho sent me there to do.

#8 100% Pro-Life – No money for Planned Parenthood ever. Nearly 60 million babies have been murdered since 1973, and I am making an unbreakable pledge to vote against any bill that funds Planned Parenthood 100% of the time.

#9 100% Pro-Gun – The Constitution says that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Let me be very clear – I will never back down from defending the Second Amendment even a single inch. You have a constitutional right to own any gun that you want, and you have a constitutional right to carry that gun anywhere that you want.

#10 Abolish The IRS & The Income Tax – We didn’t have an income tax from 1872 to 1913, and that was the greatest period of economic growth in U.S. history. As we fight a long-term battle to abolish the income tax, in the short-term we can at least go to a flat tax or a fair tax, both of which would be far superior to what we have now.

#11 Abolish The Federal Reserve – Since the Fed was created in 1913, we have had 18 recessions, the value of the U.S. dollar has fallen by about 98 percent, and the U.S. national debt has gotten more than 6000 times larger. Abolishing this debt-based system is one of the keys to a bright economic future for America.

#12 Cut Red Tape – As President Trump has proposed, two existing government regulations should be eliminated for every new regulation that is enacted.

#13 Getting Federal Bureaucrats Off Our Backs – I will work very hard to get federal control freaks off of the backs of our farmers, our loggers, our miners, our ranchers and our small business owners.

#14 Local Control Of Education – It is time to get the federal government out of the education business. I want to abolish Common Core and the Department of Education, and I want control over education to be as close to the local level as possible.

#15 Shut Down Big Brother Spying – Government agencies have been conducting unconstitutional surveillance of American citizens for decades, and that needs to stop now.

#16 True Limited Government – President Trump has proposed shutting down more than 60 different government programs and agencies. That would be a good start. Instead of asking which government agencies we should close, we should be asking which government agencies really need to remain open.

#17 100% Repeal Of Obamacare – Rapidly rising health insurance premiums are financially crippling Idaho families. Republicans in Congress have fumbled the ball, and we must repeal Obamacare immediately.

#18 Build The Wall – We need to make sure that everyone comes into this country through the front door. We must end illegal immigration, and so I support President Trump’s call to build a wall on the southern border.

#19 End Sanctuary Cities – President Trump has proposed cutting off all federal funding for so-called “sanctuary cities”, and I will fight very hard to get this done.

#20 Supporting Our Veterans – My father is a vet, and I will work passionately to make sure that our veterans receive the respect, care and support that they deserve.

#21 Fighting Islamic Terror – I fully support President Trump’s fight against ISIS, and I will push for legislation that would give local communities all over America the option to say no to refugees from terrorist hotbeds.

#22 Stopping Reckless Government Spending – We are 20 trillion dollars in debt and we continue to steal more than 100 million dollars from future generations every single hour of every single day.

#23 Bringing Jobs Back To America – The U.S. has lost more than 70,000 factories since China joined the WTO in 2001. Our formerly great manufacturing cities now look like war zones, and we desperately need to start making things in this country once again.

#24 Energy Independence – The United States has abundant reserves of oil, natural gas and clean coal, and we need to take the regulatory shackles off of the energy industry so that we can start moving toward energy independence.

#25 Resisting The Globalists – We must reduce the power and influence of the United Nations, and we must strongly fight all attempts by the globalists to erode American sovereignty.

#26 Supporting States Rights – It is almost as if the 10th Amendment doesn’t even exist today. If I am elected, this is what his message to the feds will be: ‘Hand over the keys and get out of Idaho’.

#27 Health Freedom – I believe that the government should be encouraging natural health remedies instead of discouraging them, I believe that parents should always make the health decisions for their own children, and I believe that we desperately need to clean up our air, our water and our food.

#28 Better Access To Public Lands – Under Barack Obama, the federal government made it increasingly difficult for the people of Idaho to access our public lands.  As a member of Congress I will do whatever I can to make sure that our citizens will have much better access to the wonderful open areas that our state has been blessed with.

#29 Holding Judges Accountable – Federal judges that disregard the U.S. Constitution and that choose to legislate from the bench should be subject to impeachment.

#30 An Unashamed Christian – Like President Trump, I am not ashamed to say that I am a Bible-believing Christian, and if we truly want to make America great again we need to return to the values and principles that this nation was founded upon.

There is a reason why Congress only has a 15 percent approval rating today. What we have in Washington D.C. right now does not look anything like what we see in the U.S. Constitution. I am going to Washington to turn the system completely upside down and to restore our Constitutional Republic.

We need to send fighters to D.C., and I am being very bold about the fact that I am not going there to play nice. I am going there to turn over the tables and to be a wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness, and party leadership is not going to like that at all.

Once I get to Washington, I intend to set an entirely new standard for what it means to be a member of Congress. I believe in continual two-way communication, I believe in total transparency, and I want to be constantly working with the people in our district to develop solutions that will make a measurable difference in the lives of hard-working families.

We are literally in a war for the future of this country. If we stay on the path that we are currently on, it is a recipe for national suicide, but if we return to the values and the principles that this nation was founded upon I believe that we can still turn things around.

I don’t believe that this is going to be the generation when America goes completely down the toilet. Yes, the problems we are facing are great. But instead of giving up, I choose to fight for America, and I am calling on all of you to join me.

We desperately need fresh leadership in Washington, because if the status quo continues in D.C. there is not going to be any sort of a positive future for our children and our grandchildren. I have a three-year-old daughter named Atarah and my wife Meranda is currently pregnant with our next child. The decisions that we make now are going to determine what kind of a nation they grow up in. As a father, I am absolutely determined to fight for their future, and everywhere I go I meet people that feel the exact same way about their children.

If you would like to learn more about what we are trying to do, please visit MichaelSnyderForCongress.com.  And please do not forget to vote tomorrow.  When future generations of Americans look back on this time, let this be the moment that they remember as the turning point. Let this be the moment when a brave group of citizens stood strong against all the odds and restored our Constitutional Republic.

Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way that you want, but you can only spend it once.

Spend your life for something that really matters.

I know that many people are not accustomed to politicians expressing themselves with so much passion and energy.  But I am not a politician.  I am a husband, a father and a citizen that is fed up with a government that is deeply broken.  We have started a grassroots revolution here in Idaho, and we want to take this revolution to Washington.

But we need your help in order to do that.

It is time for a change, and that change starts on Tuesday, May 15th.

If you do not know where you are supposed to go to vote, you can find out right here.  Over the past year I have put everything that I have got into this race, and I respectfully ask for your vote.

Together we can drain the swamp, and together we can restore our Constitutional Republic.

In Liberty,

Michael Snyder