Are We On The Verge Of A Massive Stock Market Crash?

Is time finally running out for “the bubble to end all bubbles”?  Over the past year, we have seen stock prices rise to levels that are completely and utterly absurd, and many have pointed out that we are currently in the largest stock market bubble in the entire history of our nation.  Of course this bubble will end the way that all of our other stock market bubbles eventually ended, and recent market activity has a lot of people wondering if the time for that is drawing near.  Signs of trouble have been percolating on Wall Street for weeks, and on Monday we finally witnessed an eruption of full-blown fear.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 725 points, and that represented the worst day for the index since last October.  But one really bad day is not a crisis, and even though many individual stocks have already plunged into bear market territory, we have a long, long way to go before people start using the word “crash”.  In fact, I don’t think that anyone should even think of using the word “crash” until the Dow drops below 30,000. (Read More...)

There Have Been More Than 300 Mass Shootings In The United States So Far In 2021

Did you know that the U.S. has averaged more than one and a half mass shootings a day so far this year?  I know that sounds crazy, but it is true.  Monday will be the 200th day of the year, and according to Wikipedia there have been 327 mass shootings up to this point in 2021.  And actually the information on Wikipedia does not include all of the most recent mass shootings, and so the true number is actually a little higher.  But you can’t really blame Wikipedia, because it is extremely difficult to keep up with all of the mass shootings that are happening these days.  In fact, each one barely even makes a blip in the news before the next one happens.  We have become a nation that is filled with violence from one end to the other, and many believe that what we have experienced so far is just the beginning. (Read More...)

Now They Are Saying That The Republican Party Is The #1 “National Security Threat To The United States Of America”

When one major political party starts labeling the other major political party as a “national security threat”, that should set off major alarm bells because that means that total tyranny is very near.  Needless to say, Democrats and Republicans have always had bitter words for one another, but when you start calling the other side a “national security threat” that is taking things to an entirely different level.  Al-Qaeda was a “national security threat”, and so we invaded Afghanistan.  ISIS was a “national security threat”, and so we bombed them into oblivion.  The full weight of U.S. power is often used to “neutralize” national security threats, and so when a former Department of Homeland Security official went on MSNBC and said that the Republican Party is now a more serious national security threat than either Al-Qaeda or ISIS, that sent chills down the spines of a whole lot of people… (Read More...)

Is America Becoming The Sex Crime Capital Of The Western World?

Many Americans tend to talk derisively about less civilized nations, but the truth is that we have now become a “less civilized nation” that other countries are mocking.  Yesterday, I discussed a number of different signs that the fabric of our society is unraveling all around us, but today I would like to focus specifically on sex crimes.  The average American watches 238 minutes of television a day, and thanks to all of that “programming” the way that our society views sex and sexual activity has been permanently warped.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans have been convicted of sex crimes, child abuse is rampant in our nation, and at this point our major cities are absolutely teeming with sexual predators. (Read More...)

They Warned Us That There Would Be A Collapse Of Civilization In Our Generation, And They Were Right

Even some of our brightest scientific minds are projecting that there is absolutely no positive future for our civilization if we stay on our current course.  Perhaps one of the reasons why our society has become so obsessed with short-term results is because most of us can’t bear to think about the long-term consequences of our actions.  I have a website that focuses on “economic collapse”, but it isn’t just the economy that is headed for catastrophe.  Virtually every aspect of our society is coming apart at the seams all around us, and the era that we are moving into will be more nightmarish than most people would dare to imagine.  But our political leaders continue to insist that everything is going to work out just fine somehow, and most people choose to believe them. (Read More...)

This Is The Worst Inflation Since The 1970s, And The Stage Is Being Set For The Total Collapse Of The U.S. Economy

How does it feel to live in a country with double-digit inflation?  On Tuesday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics told us that the consumer price index has risen 5.4 percent over the past 12 months, and such a high number shocked a lot of people.  But in order to make a fair comparison to the past, we have to account for the fact that the way inflation is calculated has been changed literally dozens of times over the past several decades.  According to John Williams of, if inflation was still calculated the way that it was back in 1990, the official rate of inflation over the past 12 months would be about 9 percent.  And if inflation was still calculated the way that it was back in 1980, the official rate of inflation over the past 12 months would be well into double-digits. (Read More...)

Plague Of Biblical Proportions: A Billion Sea Creatures Have Been Cooked To Death By The Blazing Heat

Did you know that a billion sea creatures were just wiped out on the west coast?  And they did not die pleasantly.  The historic “heat dome” that hit the Northwest like a freight train literally cooked them to death.  Needless to say, this is not normal.  In fact, we have never, ever seen anything like this before.  Weather patterns all over the planet are going absolutely nuts, and this is having a devastating impact on many highly vulnerable ecosystems. (Read More...)

Millions Of Low Paying “Jobs” Are Available, But Most Americans Can’t Afford To Take Them

There are more job openings in the United States than ever before, but the vast majority of the available “jobs” pay so little that most Americans don’t want them.  If working extremely long hours for some employer is not even going to lift you out of poverty, then you are probably better off taking whatever government assistance that you can get until a decent paying job eventually comes along.  For example, if you get a job that pays 10 dollars an hour and you work full-time hours every week, you will earn somewhere around $1,600 a month before taxes.  Needless to say, you can’t survive in most U.S. cities on $1,600 a month these days.  It would have been tough to make it on $1,600 a month before the pandemic, but now we are in a highly inflationary environment.  Housing costs are absolutely skyrocketing, health insurance premiums are at extremely ridiculous levels and food prices have been rising aggressively.  The higher the cost of living gets, the less attractive low paying jobs are going to become. (Read More...)