The Mystery Plague That Is Killing Countless Birds In 9 States And Washington D.C. Has Gotten A Lot Worse

Large numbers of birds are dropping dead from a “mystery disease” throughout much of the eastern half of the country, and scientists still have absolutely no idea why this is happening.  They have tested the dead birds for a whole host of known illnesses, but those tests have not revealed the cause of this plague.  We are being told that a lot of the affected birds appear to develop neurological problems, and many of them go completely blind before they finally die.  The “mystery disease” has spread to more states since I first wrote about this plague, and at this point the list of affected areas includes Washington D.C., Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana.  If authorities are unable to find a solution, will this plague eventually spread across the entire nation? (Read More...)

5 Specific Reasons Why You Should Stockpile Food Right Now

For decades, Americans have not needed to be concerned about food prices.  Yes, prices would always go up by a little bit each year, but in general we have been extremely blessed for a very long time.  Our supermarkets have always been packed with food, and we could always count on the fact that prices would be about the same a month or two down the road.  Unfortunately, things are now changing, and not in a good way.  A massive wave of inflation has hit agricultural commodities, and food producers have felt forced to pass those cost increases along to consumers.  Unfortunately, many experts are anticipating that the price hikes that we are currently witnessing are just the beginning. (Read More...)

Why Is NASA Working So Hard To Learn How To Defend The Earth From Giant Asteroids?

Did you know that NASA is going to send a spacecraft on a suicide mission in an attempt to change the trajectory of a massive space rock?  The good news is that the space rock that NASA will be crashing this spacecraft into is not on a collision course with Earth.  It is only a test.  But why has NASA suddenly become so concerned with figuring out how to defend the Earth from giant asteroids?  Could it be possible that there is something heading toward Earth in the future that they haven’t told us about yet? (Read More...)

Why Would Anyone Want To Raise A Family In The Midst Of The Extreme Violence That Is Happening In Our Major Cities?

Things were bad in the 1970s and 1980s, but what we are witnessing now is truly frightening.  According to the New York Times, homicide rates in large U.S. cities were up by an average of 30 percent in 2020, and they are up another 24 percent so far in 2021.  We have never seen this sort of a surge in such a short period of time in our entire history, and this is one of the reasons why so many Americans have been moving out of our core urban areas in recent months.  At this point, you would have to be insane to actually want to raise a family in many of our largest cities, because nobody is truly safe in this environment.  For example, a one-month-old girl was just shot in the head during “another mass shooting” in the Windy City… (Read More...)

As Americans Party, Our Enemies On The Other Side Of The Globe Are Preparing For Military Confrontation

Here in the middle of 2021, Americans are generally feeling pretty good about things.  The COVID pandemic appears to be subsiding, our sports stadiums are full of fans again, the stock market has been soaring, and all over the country people are in the mood to party.  In fact, July 4th celebrations across the nation are likely to be quite boisterous this year.  But in China the mood is quite different, and the same thing is true in Russia.  In both cases, politicians are talking tough about the United States, and in both cases the military is being prepared for a potential future conflict.  Right now, our relations with China are the worst that they have been in decades, and our relations with Russia have never been this bad in our entire history.  But the vast majority of Americans are completely and utterly clueless about all of this, because most Americans couldn’t care less about what happens on the other side of the globe. (Read More...)

The Bay Area Has Become An Absolute Paradise For Violent Criminals

Over the past couple of decades, northern California has prospered more than any other area in the country.  In fact, the two wealthiest metropolitan areas in the entire nation are located in northern California.  But even though the region is absolutely swimming in cash, crime is completely and totally out of control and violent criminals are having a field day.  We have never seen the sort of crime wave in the Bay Area that we are seeing now, and it seems to be getting worse with each passing month. (Read More...)

Home Prices Just Did Something That They Have Never Done Before

Everyone knew that home prices were going crazy, and now we have some solid numbers that are simply incredible.  Home prices are rising faster than they ever have before, and so if you are shopping for a home in this environment I truly feel sorry for you.  In many parts of the country, average hard working American families have already been completely priced out of the market.  Prior to the pandemic, the largest price bubbles were in major urban areas along both coasts, but now desirable rural and suburban communities all over the nation are red hot.  In some cases, we have seen wild bidding wars that result in buyers paying more than a million dollars over asking price, and this unprecedented frenzy is pushing home prices to dizzying heights. (Read More...)

5 Bizarre New Plagues That Have Made Headlines In The United States Within The Last 30 Days

Everywhere you look, things are getting weird, and I don’t mean that in a good way.  Throughout all of our ups and downs over the decades, one thing that our society could always count on for a certain degree of consistency was nature.  But now nature is going haywire at the same time that the very fabric of our society seems to be unraveling all around us.  In this article, I am going to share with you a number of items that have been brought to my attention over the past month.  On their own, each one of these items is “unusual”, but the fact that so many really strange things are all happening simultaneously is definitely cause for alarm. (Read More...)